Chapter 1

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A/N: I want to thank my friend who gave me some insights on what to add here as I feel there are some things that lacking. Anyways this is my first fic in this fandom. I hope you like it. Tell me what you think!!

Warnings: OOC Characters, grammatical errors, misspelled words because I write, I edit and I post.

Disclaimer: One Piece doesn't belong to me nor Monkey D Luffy and Trafalgar D Water Law.


Luffy's POV

"Ne, ne have you heard?" A very enthusiastic voice asked the person beside him who only gave him a short grunt. "That when the love of two lovers were so much powerful nothing can hinder them even death, because someone from above will help you meet again in your next life. Isn't it cool?" He said with shining eyes. The man beside him merely chuckles.
"That's just only an old story, no one clearly proves if it's true." The man said in amazement that his little lover believes in such thing.
"Stingy. Do you have to say that?" The boy asked with a pout. "But, I still believe that it's true that's why I promise you Torao, no matter what may happen I won't ever forget you and I will still choose you in our next life shishishi." The boy said with a wide grin on his face while looking at Torao. Said man stares at the boy with wide eyes, then smiles softly.
"Me too, Luffy-ya. I promise you that I will never forget you and will still choose you." He said making the younger man envelop him in a bear hug.

"Then that's a promise. Shishishi"

"LUFFY WAKE UP!!" A loud knock outside of my room woke me up from that pleasant dream from the past, groaning I stood up and open the door, revealing my big brother's amused face and I pout at him.

"Aaacee..." I whined at him but my big brother only chuckle at me, knowing exactly what I was whining about he likes doing it because he knew that I'm always dreaming about the past

"Come on Luffy there's no time for that. You're going to be late on your first day. You've been working for this to happen right." Ace said to me amusedly and I pout even more at him.

"You're so mean to me Ace." I said to him as I started to prepare and Ace going downstairs to prepare our breakfast. Right, today is my first day at the Shinsekai Medical Hospital and I couldn't afford to be late. I've been working hard to become a nurse. I endured lots of sleepless night and brain wrecking days just to graduate from a medical school even though I knew that I will not make it but, I still did all my best for one reason and that is to find him. Speaking of him my mind wanders back to my dream earlier. Does he remember our promise? What will I do if he doesn't have the memory of his past. Our past. I shook my head. Come on Luffy there's no need to become negative. Of course, he will remember it. It's Torao after all. I took a deep breath and started to change into my white uniform. After changing I went downstairs and head straight to the kitchen where Ace was busy preparing our breakfast. I walked to him and hugged him tightly from behind. In this time, there are people who remember their past life. They say if your bond with people from your past were strong the lady of fate will help you meet again no matter what and I am one of those people who could clearly remember my past life. Ever since I was a child I could clearly remember who I was and what I want to be in the past even all of my nakama I remember them clearly.

"Luffy, you're bothering me." Ace said to me with a chuckle. "Let go of me for a while." I pouted and shook my head. I know I am being clingy with Ace but what can I do? I'm still making up all the time I'm not with my dear brother. As the war of best at the Marineford were still fresh in my mind even though it happened long, long time ago. Ace seems to notice my inner turmoil and chuckled.

"Luffy you're worrying about that again?" He asked, turning off the stove before turning to face me. He patted my head and that makes me nuzzled my head on his chest.

"But Ace..." My voice sounded weak as I remember how he died in my arms and I couldn't do anything because I was so weak.

"Luffy that's all in the past. I am here with you again." Ace said as he rubbed my back. "Stop crying now." He said gently and I didn't notice that I am crying now. He pushes me gently and wipes my tears with the pad of his thumb.

"Ace don't leave me okay." I said in a soft voice my eyes still glistening with tears. Ace frown and hit me on my head and my hand flew to it to rub the sore spot.

"Of course, I won't leave you this time." Ace said with a sigh. "Then and now, you're still a crybaby. I wonder what will happen to you if I'm not around." He said, shaking his head amusedly. "Now then, enough with this. Take a seat as I serve our breakfast." He said with a wave of his hand. I laugh and head to the dining table and wait for Ace to finish as I watch him with a hum.

Ace and I were cousin. My mother and his father were sibling. We first met during one of our family reunion and I will say that it was one that I would never forget. I was 10 years old that time while Ace was 13. He is the same like his past self, he was scowling all through the night but when our eyes met his frowny face turned to shocked face and at that moment I was sure that he too remembered me and the whole night I was clinging to him and he didn't mind any of it. We talk and I told him all of my adventure with my nakama and about my relationship with Torao. Speaking of him I really wanted to see Torao again. I miss him so bad.

"Thinking about Torao again?" Ace suddenly asked making me flinch in my seat and blushed a little bit. He took the seat in front of me after serving the last plate. I hummed at his question.

"A little bit." I said. "Do you think Torao remember me too?" I asked him as I took a bite of the breakfast Ace prepared for me. For a second Ace stared at me, thinking of a right word to say to me.

"I really don't know." He said at last. "But even if he remembers you or not you're still going to pursue him, right?" He said grinning at me and I grinned back at him.

"Of course." I said before chugging the glass of milk beside my plate. After we ate breakfast Ace packed me a lunched box and put it inside my bag as I got ready for work.

"Good luck on your first day." Ace said to me with a pat on my shoulder as he handed my bag to me and in return I hugged him tightly.

"I'm going now. Bye Ace." I said as I bid him goodbye.

Hours of commuting and I arrived at the Shinsekai Medical Hospital. SMH is one of the famous hospital here in town it has the most advance equipments and all the doctors here are very capable. Like I said I've worked hard just to be accepted here because of a gut feeling that he might be here. Who knows.

"Shishishi. But before that I need to go to my superior's office first." I said to myself as I started to enter at the huge building, waving at the guard with a big smile on my face, I head towards the Head Doctor's office. Upon arriving outside of the office, I knocked on the door.

"Come inside." I froze as I heard the voice. It sounds familiar, turning the knob I open the door slowly revealing a woman in her thirties, her long black hair were flowing at her back and those familiar black eyes were staring at me in shock.

"Robin?" I muttered in hopefulness, hoping that she could remember me too.

"Luffy? Is that really you, Luffy?" She asked me with the same motherly tone she always have ever since then.

"You remember me?" I asked in surprise and glad that she remember me.

"Of course, I remember you." She said, standing up, she walks toward me and I lunge myself to hug her which she gladly returns. "I never thought that I would meet you here. When I saw your resume, I thought it's just someone with the same name as yours. But it's you. Luffy I missed you." She said with a quiver in her voice.

"I missed you too, Robin. Nami will be thrilled if I told her that I met you, shishishi." I said with a laugh. Robin pushed me gently to look at me.

"You already met Nami?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes." I exclaimed. "We went to the same university but we're in different department. She was on the Business Department while I was on the Science Department." I said. Then I started to tell her how we met. It was inside the school cafeteria, it was full of people there and as I searched for a vacant place to eat a voice suddenly offered her table and in return I will pay her 100 belli and I was desperate at that time because I was hungry and at the same time I need to review for our midterm, so when I look at the one offering her table I saw Nami grinning at me.

"It's just a coincidence that we met. She said she saw me leaving our building one time and she knew it from that moment that it was me. Man she kept teasing me about the course I'd chosen in college. She said that it's not really me. What do you think Robin" Robin was nodding her head and giggling  as she listens to me. I pouted at her. "You too Robin?" I asked in disbelief but Robin keeps giggling her trademark "Fufufu"

"But Luffy, Nami is right. It's not really you to choose something that will required to use your brain." She added.

"Hey!" I exclaimed in a mock offended voice but my pout turned into a wide grin. Who can I blame? It's not really me if I have a choice I will still choose something that won't require using your brain. But then again i have an ulterior motive. Robin watches me amusingly and in her eyes I can see that she already knows  my reasoning. Robin is indeed very smart and a very perspective person and I'm glad that she became my nakama.

"Oh by the way, I've already met Franky." She said, changing the subject and it makes  my grin even wider. It's so cool I can't believe that I could meet my nakama again. "He's my husband." She added making my eyes widen.

"Really? Wow that's cool." I exclaimed. "Man, I really want to meet him. Brooks too and Ussop, Chopper and also Sanji and Zoro. I wonder where they are." I said with a hum. A longing feeling started to ooze in my chest as the memory of all of us in Thousand Sunny Go having a great adventure together. Robin chuckles at my antics.

"Me too Captain." She said amusingly but there's also a longing in her voice.
"But I'm not your captain anymore." I look at her with a frown. "We're now living on a different time."

"But, you will always be our captain. I'm sure the others thinks the same way." She said with a smile, making me blush. Robin giggles again on my reaction.

"Oh, right before I forgot. Here's your name tag. Always wear it, okay?" She said as she handed me a small rectangular pin with my name engraved on it. I stared at it for a minute marveling on how cool it looks. I excitedly pinned it on my uniform. "Now follow me." She said as she walks out of her office. I follow her, wondering where we are going until we arrived at our destination.

"Are you ready?" She asked me and I feel that there's another meaning on her question. I gulped in nervousness and nodded my head. Opening the door, the people inside greeted Robin.

"Where's Doctor Trafalgar?" Robin asked. At the mention of the familiar name my heart started to beat faster and my hopes started flaring. It couldn't be.

"Yes Ma'am?" A familiar baritone voice answered. I stifle a gasp when I saw whom it belongs to. It's him. He walks towards us with so much poised just like back then. His appearance never changed and I noticed on his fingers that there's still the familiar letters of D.E.A.T.H in each finger. It's him. It really is him. I knew it. I wanted to run at him and hug him and tell him how much I missed him, but I stopped myself when I noticed how he looks at me. Cold and expressionless just like before the alliance between the Heart Pirates and Strawhat Pirates happened. Robin grabs my shoulder as if she was comforting me and for that I was glad as I am on the verge of crying.

"Doctor Trafalgar, this is our new nurse. Monkey D. Luffy and I will be assigning him on your team." Robin said with an authority in her voice. Torao stared at me with those emotionless eyes and I force myself to smile but he only grunted as he turns his eyes to Robin and nodded.

"Understood Ma'am." He answered and Robin nodded, smiling.

"That's good." With that Robin patted my shoulder and as she walks away she whispered something in my ears. "I'm leaving you to him. Good luck Luffy." I nodded my thanks to her because it seems I needed that.

Torao was staring at me with so much intensity which makes me gulps in nervousness.

"H-hi." I started with a stutter and he clicked his tongue in annoyance. I felt a prick inside my chest as Torao looks at me as something troublesome. Never did once in our whole alliance Torao looks at me like that. What changed?

"I am Trafalgar Law. I'm a resident surgeon here and starting from today you are working under me and I won't tolerate any mistake. You hear me?" Law explained coldly.

"Yes. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu." I said with so much enthusiasm to hide the painful feeling in my chest. After that he turned around without any reaction and went back to his place and I felt the familiar stabbing in my chest as my enthusiastic expression morphed into a sad one.

In this time, there are people who remember their past life and I am one of those people. on the other hand they said no matter how stronger your bond is to the other there's still a chance that you may not remember a single thing about your beloved someone nor who are you on the past and it seems Torao are one of those.

"I promise you that I will never forget you and will still choose you."

"Liar." I muttered silently, trying not to cry as I remember what he said to me from the past.

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