Chapter 2 - Caught!

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A/N: I actually have at Least 3 chapters planned out already but after that I have nothing so expect the slow update in the future.

If anyone's wondering the ASL trio's age are;

Luffy – 11 years old

Ace – 14 years old

Sabo – 14 years old

Warning: ASL's OOCness, grammatical error, misspelled words because I write, I edit, I post.

Without further ado. Enjoy!

EDITED: 04/22/18

This chapter was proofread by the lovely, Royiah.

Sabo's hand rested on the wall of the cave looking back at his younger brother his eyebrows scrunched together, he did not want to leave Luffy by himself. He was worried for Ace but at the same time he was more worried for Luffy. Ace could fend for himself whilst Luffy couldn't, he was bed-ridden and fighting for his life. What if while he was gone, looking for Ace an agent from the World Government found him and killed him there and then? 

 He shut his eyes and shook the image out of his mind. No, that would be impossible. They'd hidden at the most secluded place of this island to recuperate and restock. They were laying low so that the villagers wouldn't suspect them. But with all the stealing they have done especially with the medicinal supplies, suspicion was rampant. Sabo took a deep breath and willed any negative thoughts away from his head. He would find Ace fast and go back to their hiding place to tend to Luffy again.

Sabo had been looking for almost half an hour and he was getting more frustrated and desperate as time passes. Where could Ace possibly go for him to take this long? Sabo couldn't afford to waste time, not with Luffy fighting for his life.

"Damn you, Ace. Where the hell are you?" Sabo questioned as he ran around the town, hiding away from the crowd. He got answer to his question when he heard two by passers talking.

"Hey, did you see that kid a while ago? He was being dragged away by two guys." Said the first one. Sabo's ear perked up. he walked quietly towards them to listen to their conversation.

"A kid? That one who arrived here few weeks ago?" the other man questioned,the first guy nodding. "You mean the one's from the Whitebeard Pirates?" He said. Sabo gasped at the information he heard.Dread and worry filled his body as he continued to listen to the two men.

"Right, that kid is insane. I'm telling you, I heard he actually fought with the two even though he was defeated easily." The first man informed with disbelief as his colleague shook his head at how stupid the kid, probably Ace was. Sabo didn't bother waiting for the two to finish their conversation, spinning on his heel he took off toward the docks. If the Whitebeards had taken Ace that is the most likely place they would have taken him.

Why now of all times did Ace pick such a formidable target like the Whitebeards? He was running in a panic, worried for his brother. When Sabo arrived at the harbor, he spotted the large whale-like ship, said to be the flag ship of the Whitebeards. It was big, probably the biggest ship he had ever seen since they had left Dawn Island.

Without a well thought out plan, Sabo decided to sneak inside. In the four years that they had been on the run Sabo had learned how to be quieter his movements stealthier better for sneaking around their unsuspecting victims. Stealing was the only way they could provide for themselves and Sabo had made sure to become the best he could at it

"Oh...? look at this, someone's trying to sneak onboard. Too bad you've been caught red handed." A masculine voice spoke behind Sabo,stopping himin his tracks. His blood running cold as he turnedtoward the speaker.Sabo saw a tall man with a full face of makeup and a slightly open fan on his lips. Sabo was sure the man was smirking at him behind it.

"Well, fuck." He muttered lowly.


If you said Marco was annoyed that would be an understatement. No, he was beyond annoyed. Reason? Well Thatch had not only let his guard down, he had also let some kid steal the money for the ship's food supply. Far too much money to just let it go. Marco groans as his brother apologized for the umpteenth time. Marco would have forgiven Thatch if he did not look so amused that someone had stolen his money and escaped him easily.

"Thatch, stop apologizing. You don't even mean any of it yoi." Marco said. Thatch only shrugged, chuckling.

"That kid was amazing actually. I didn't even notice his presence until he bumped into me." Thatch said.

"No, you just let your guard down yoi." Marco deadpanned, causing the pompadour man to pout and stop walking. Forcing Marco to stop turning toward his ship brother.

"Wait. That's the kid that stole the money from me." Thatch said pointing at a kid that was currently kneeling on the ground.He was peering into a small pouch eyes wide and mouth slack. Looking closer Marco could see the kid had dark black hair underneath an orange cowboy hat with a happy and frowny face pin on it. The boy was far too young to be stealing. He could pass fourteen to fifteen but Marco suspected the kid was younger. The kid let out a relieved sigh and a shaky laugh, the way his eyes shone at the money as if his life depended on it.Marco hummed walking toward the kid, he wanted to know why. Maybe he can let the kid off easy. When the kid stood up suddenly his eye meeting Marco's. He attempted to run but Marco was faster he grabs the kid's arm.

"Where do you think you're going yoi?" Marco asked in slight amusement at the kid's glare and annoyed expression. Thatch's amused laugh in the background didn't help much. The kid turned to him and he was sure that whatever the kid was going to say died in his mouth when he saw Thatch staring at him.

"W-wha?" The kid stuttered as he tried to free his arm. But the blond pirate only tightened his grip. "Let me go." The kid growled. When Marco didn't let go, the kid's arm turned into flames, causing Marco to release the boy and Thatch to jump back in surprise. Well, a devil fruit user and a logia to boot, this kid was full of surprises. The kid using their shock to his advantage took his opportunity to run away. Marco whistles in amusement and following the kid, not bothering to use his devil fruit power. The kid looks back only for his eyes to widenwhen he saw Marco just a few meters away from him. The kid skids to a stop facing him. The kid raises his fists ready to fight Marco.

"If you don't want to leave me alone then I don't have a choice but to make you leave." The kid screamed, his shoulders bursting into flames. His fist shot forward letting loose acolumn of fire shooting towards Marco. "Hiken!" But the attack was futile in face of Marco's own devil fruit. Letting his blue flames out Marco absorbed the boy's flames.

When the kid saw that he was still standing his lips turned downward. He rushed Marco knowing now that his power is useless to him, using only the brute force of his fists.Marco dodges easily the kid's every kick and punch missing. Marco sighed tired of the boy's attempts, grabbed the kid, raising him by the collar of his shirtto eye level.

"Shit, let go of me. I won't give you the money. It's mine now!" The kid trashed in his hold. Marco only raised an eyebrow.

"If I remember correctly it belonged to us first yoi." Marco said,his amusement clear. Thatch who had been watching on the sideline, walks toward Marco.Looking at the kid, he laughed.

"Hey, Marco I like this kid! He has some guts for a shrimp like him." Thatch said. The kid's face burned a bright red, only making Thatch laugh more. Marco nodded agreeing, he liked the kid. The kid did have guts, not only stealing money frombig shot pirate's like themselves but also fighting them.What caught Marco's attention most though is the flame in his eyes, it's like there's something that pushing him to become stronger.To protect something or someone very important to him. He knew the kid would fit in with their little family on the Moby Dick.

"Don't call me shrimp you, old man!" The kid spat as he tried to kick the two of them.But his legs were too short unable to reach them. It only made the two pirates laugh, well in Marco's case chuckle.

Marco, set the kid downgriping his arm in a firm hold.Now knowing the kid was a logia user he used a little bit of armament haki, making sure the kid wouldn't escape him again. Nodding to Thatch they started walking back to the Moby Dick the kid being dragged as he struggled in Marco grip. The kid's trashing only became more violent as they came closer to the Moby Dick.

"Let me go you bastard! I'll kill you!" The kid screamed. He tried escaping by biting, tugging and scratching but none of them worked. When they arrived at the Moby Dick every one of his brothers turned to look at them. Their eyes filled with questions, probably wondering why he was dragging some nameless screaming kid onboard. Nobody dared to ask him, except for the twelfth division commander.

"Who's that Marco?" Haruta asked, staring at the growling kid. Not answering him Marco attempted to hand the kid to Haruta. The kid slipping from Haruta he immediately ran towards the exit. But Haruta is much faster than the boy given his experience.

"Take care of him while I talk to Oyaji about a possible recruit?" Marco asked. The crew became excited upon hearing of a possible new brother.

"I never agreed to any of this!" The kid growled, his power activating again. Forcing Haruta to back up letting go of the boy.

"No can do, kid. You're going to join us whether you like it or not." Haruta said. waving of his hand, a grin on his face when the initial shock at the kid's power wore off.


Ace could feel his flames burn brighter as his temper worsened. Those old men were crazy, not only did they kidnap him, but they have the nerve to try and recruit him! Ace groans, cursing his luck. If he just known beforehand that the man he decided to rob wasn't local here and a pirate, then he wouldn't have stolen from the man in the first place. To top it off the man is a member of Whitebeard Pirates as well, the crew of the strongest man alive. He really was fucked.

"Damn it! I don't have a time for this, I need to get back. Luffy needs this money." Ace muttered to himself, patting the bag of money inside his small bag. Fortunately for him the pirates didn't take it when they grabbed him.

When there's no eyes looking at him he silently stands up, tiptoeing towards the exit to escape. But before he could escape again a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Where are you going, brat?" A teenager older than him, wearing green clothes asked grinning. Ace scowled, rolling his shoulder, trying to force the hand on his shoulder off.The grip on it was too tight however. The man didn't budge so Ace went to tackle the teenager.When suddenly a rather masculine voice enters his hearing.

"I got hold of a rat." Ace's eyes widened at what he saw. The man was holding his brother, Sabo by the collar of his white dress shirt. Just like what had happened to him earlier with those bastard old men. Sabo was struggling in the man's hold trying to break free. It was then at that moment Ace snapped.

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