Chapter 3 - Whatever It Takes

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A/N: So I already had this chapter earlier but I didn't have the time to post it as I went to the Handshake Event of MNL48 (An AKB48 sister group). Seriously, I haven't get over with that, I'm still giddy and excited. Like when they started performing, Sayaka (one of my oshimen) and my eyes met and she smiled at me. Oh my gosh! I'm melting and I can hear my heart go 'boom' and the song they were performing were Aitakatta, it added to the effect. And when they we're exiting the stage she high five my outstretched hand not once but multiple times while smiling with that very sweet smile of her. Then during the handshake, she really have a firm shake too bad I'm so nervous that I can't hold her hands that firmly and all I can do was smile widely like the idiot I am and told her good luck to the General Election. Have I mention that her smile are so sweet. I understand now the feeling of those people who's always saying that they will never wash their hand ever again after they got hold of their idol. I can still smell her perfume on my hand. Pfftt. I'm starting to sound like a pervert, sorry. I'm just happy. I even met my oshimen in Aidoru Sozai, Yanachii and got a photo opportunity with her. She's so sweet as well. The only regret I have though, is that I didn't got a chance to have a handshake opportunity with the Duran twins because when I got there the cue was cut off and time for the 2nd batch to prepare.

Fangirling aside. Here's the new chapter. I really want to thank Royiah for offering to proofread this fic. they really went their way to fix my bad grammar and spelling mistakes. They even made some suggestion to fill those plot holes that I tend to put due to my impulsiveness. They even fixed chapter 1 and chapter 2. Also credits to her for the brilliant chapter titles. Thank you very much!

Sorry for this long author's note. I really tried not to get talkative here but I'm just happy because SAYAKAAAAAA! Yahhhhh

Now Without Further Ado!

Edited: 04/25/18

I've re-uploaded this chapter due to some missing sentences or paragraphs. If you happen to find some that I overlooked please tell me so that I can edit it again. Thanks.

Sabo shouldn't be here. Sabo. Shouldn't. Be. Here. He was supposed to watch Luffy while Ace looked for a way to save their little brother. Ace blinked for a moment to make sure that he was not hallucinating but when he opened his eyes he could still see his brother being restrained was the last straw. He could feel his flames bubbling inside him as he screamed. Nobody would ever have the right to hold his brother or they will answer to his fire fist.

Rushing toward the tall man that was holding his brother. Ace growls, his body temperature rising as his flames curled around him. "Let go of my brother!" Dodging, the man let go of Sabo, Ace's burning fist flying past him.

"How dare you touch him!" Ace continued to jump at and punch the man, his fire burning the deck of the ship as the mans' fellow crewmates ran away from his fire. Other's putting out the mini fires ondeck. He could hear his brother calls for him, but Ace didn't respond as he continued to attack with his fire.

"Ace that's enough! We have to get away from here." Sabo screamed, snapping Ace from his attack, he was panting hard, his eyes still wide glaring at the crew of the Moby Dick. Right. They needed to get to Luffy and rush him to the underground doctor that they had spoken to. They shouldn't have wasting their time here, not when Luffy is injured unable to help himself. Ace breathes deeply trying to calm down as his thoughts wander to his baby brother.

"You're right. We shouldn't waste our time here." Ace said, releasing his fire. Before they could run a loud booming voice echoed throughout the deck. "What's happening here?"

The shadow of a big man loomed over them. Ace realizing that their chance of escaping together has were currently standing in front of the 'Strongest Man Alive'. Ace turned to Sabo his eyes boring into his brothers. He will not back down on this fight,not when their younger brother's life is on the line. He grabbed the money in his bag. Tossing it to Sabo his eyes drifting to giant man in front of them.

"Sabo take this." Ace said, unwilling to look at his brother.


Sabo froze recognizing the resolve in Ace's eyes. He had seen it many times since they had met. Ace was not going to back down without a fight, even though he knows he could die.

"No. we need to get out of here together. I'm not leaving you here alone." Sabo had to convince Ace to leave with him. "Luffy! Think about what Luffy would feel if he knew you got hurt or worse?" A low blow invoking Luffy's name, but even that didn't work.


Ace shook his head, if they left together there was no guarantee that they could both escape. If they were caught together who would take care of Luffy? Oh shit. Luffy was alone right now, no one was taking care of him. Luffy was vulnerable and he couldn't protect himself. He turned his glare to the pirates who had dragged him here. If anything happens to Luffy, he would murder them.

Ace had to convince Sabo to go back to Luffy. "Don't worry as soon as I am done here I will follow you." He said,not looking at Sabo, maintaining his glare. Ace knew that it was impossible, but he will never run away knowing he could protect his brothers by staying behind.

"Is that the brat you were talking about, Marco?" Whitebeard's said, His eyes falling on and Ace froze at the question and gaze directed at him. Ace couldn't move, something was keeping him from moving and holding him in his at Sabo his gut fell, Sabo was experiencing the same feeling as him.

"Yeah that's him Oyaji." Marco answered, watching the scene in front of him with an unreadable expression.

"Who's the other brat?" The giant mans' eyes now on Sabo. No, Ace wouldn't let that man hurt Sabo. Willing his body to move Ace slid in front of Sabo shielding him from the giant. Those actions earned a grin from the man clearly amused. Causing Ace's already fuming temper to flare.

"I caught him sneaking here, Oyaji." The tall man that had caught Sabo answered. The giant man nodded as he stared at the two.

"Let us go!" Sabo shouted from behind Ace.

"Gurararara. Why should I? The brat with you robs from us first and then you sneak onto our ship." Whitebeard asked. Ace flinched, knowing that it was his fault but didn't back down. If they didn't drag him here, then none of this would have happened.

"Shut up. You don't have the right to question us like that!" Ace screamed, readying himself to attack head on again.A gentle pat on his shoulder made him stop. He turned to look at Sabo to see his brother pleading with his eyes. He was planning something.


When Ace began to shift Sabo knew Ace was about to attack impulsively again. Sabo reached out to his brother gaining his attention. This is a battle that both knew they would 's why Sabo, the smartest brother out of the three, thought quickly. He couldn't leave Ace here Luffy would come looking for Ace, bedridden or not.

Sabo wouldn't let that won't let his brothers get hurt. They've been through too much already and he will make sure that they will survive this. They had promised their shitty gramps that they would fight for their lives. That's why Sabo will take this chance no matter how desperate and pathetic it is. With resolve and a plan on his mind he stepped out of Ace's protective shadow.

"Let me handle this." Sabo whispered to Ace. His brother lets him pass but he was still ready to attack any moment if they so much as touch a single hair of on his head. If what Sabo had heard about the Whitebeards are correct they might have a chance to save Luffy. He just needs to play this right so that they could earn the Captain's favor.

"Forgive us, Captain but we really need the money." Sabo said with a bow. He heard Ace gasp behind him, in shock at his actions. "Please let us go." Sabo was now kneeling on his hands and knees.

"Hey Sabo, stand up. You don't have to do this." Ace said as he places his hand on Sabo's shoulder to stand him up, but Sabo shrugged off his hand.

"I said let me handle this. Just trust me." Sabo whispered at Ace again, his mind made up.


Ace backed down. He saw the look in Sabo's eyes. It was full of desperation and just looking at their situation closer it hit him hard. There's no choice but to give up for now and let his brother handle this after all Sabo is the smart and reliable brother.


Whitebeard watched the two brats whispering to each other. He didn't expect the blond brat to kneel and beg, his speech spoke of the two-boy's desperation. He could see it in the eyes of both the blond and of the raven-haired brat. The mix of panic, dread, worry, desperation swirling together in their eyes convincing him. He turned his gaze to his oldest son and first mate. Marco was frowning at the two and could obviously see the brat's sincerity.

After a long silence he finally asked."Why?" The raven-haired brat turned his glare to the deck with a loud click of his tongue. While the blond brat's forehead hit the wooden deck.

" younger brother needs it." The blond brat stuttered."We need the money for his operation. We can't afford to go to the hospital because of some circumstances that I can't tell you. So, we went to an underground doctor, but his fees are way too high for us to afford. That's why... that's why please let us go with the" At the last word Whitebeard could see that the brat was the blond raised his head he was sobbing, tears and snot mixing. "Please... he's alone right now." The brat's sobbing continued.

"DAMN IT!" The pirates on board jumped in surprise when the other brat yelled. The actions from the two brothers were telling, he was sure they were not lying.

"Is that true?" Whitebeard asked first commander didn't answer, staring at the two brats with wide eye's roamed over to his fourth commander only to see him with the same expression.

Whitebeard was disappointed in his sons. This time Marco and Thatch had crossed the line, they should have asked the brat's motive before dragging them here. Yes, they are a pirate's and it is normal for them to do unlawful things, but they are not just any pirates. They are pirates that still value their morals.

"Izo." Whitebeard called his son. "Accompany these two children and look at their younger them if we can do something about it." he ordered. The sixteenth commander saluted and walked away, calling out orders to his division.

The two brats looked at him with confused eyes but the distrust it the raven-haired brat's eyes was clear. "You two as well, Marco. Thatch." His two commanders nodded at him their posture and guilty expressions telling him they knew how badly they had messed up.

Turning back to the boy's whitebeard speaks,"I want to apologize for my son's actions. I know they have crossed the line. That's why as an apology I will help you with your youngest brother." Whitebeard grin widens as their jaws drop.

The raven-haired brat's mouth snaps back, "How do we make sure that this is not a trap?" The fiery brat questioned. Whitebeard laughed loudly.

"I can assure you that it is not. Gurararara." The brat just clicked his tongue.

"We need to go. We've wasted too much time here." The raven-haired brat said, turning away to leave but stopped as he turned his head, looking at Whitebeard then at Marco and Thatch.

"Don't expect me to forgive or trust you. Especially, you two." The brat points at Marco and Thatch. "If anything happens to Luffy, I swear to god I will hunt you down even in your grave."


Sabo couldn't believe that his plan had worked but he can't let his guard down yet. Not until he was sure that Luffy will survive. They lead Izo the feminine guy that caught him,the two commanders that dragged Ace to their ship, a doctor and nurse, to their hide out. Surprisingly it was near the harbor. It was an abandoned warehouse that they found, luckily it was far away from the town.

Arriving at the entrance of their hide out, Sabo could tell that there was something wrong. Looking at Ace confirmed his thoughts, he rushed inside Ace not far behind. What they saw had them freeze in their place, their blood running cold and their worry increase.

"Luffy!" Both screamed as the two ran towards Luffy.

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