Chapter 4 - Getting Help

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A/N: I wanted to apologize for this late update. This shitty author got excited on her grad that she totally forgot what to write for this chapter. Sorry again. Anyways, I'll remind you all that whatever you will read here regarding medical explanation might be inaccurate. I did all the research but doesn't mean I get it right. I'm not a medical student after all.

This chapter was beta-ed by the lovely, Royiah. The title chapter was from her as well.

I own nothing so without further ado!

Marco was currently talking to his Oyaji about the kid that stole money from Thatch and their idea to recruit him when the Moby Dick shook violently. From his captain's room he could hear the shouting of his brothers coming from the deck. Tensing, Marco looked to his Oyaji seeing the concern for his children as they both stood to check on them. Marco stilled as he took in the deck, the wooden flooring held new scorch marks upon it. A few of his brothers are sporting new burns. The raven-haired kid panting heavily. Marco noted that the raven-haired kid was glancing at the other kid with worry, urgency and desperation. Another young blond-haired boy wearing a top hat and what looked like noble clothing behind the raven, his eyes blown wide looking toward himself and Oyaji then back to the raven in the middle of it all.

Turning to his brother Izo, Marco's eyebrow raise in question but didn't get an answer as Oyaji's booming voice reverberated throughout the Moby Dick.

"What's happening here?" Oyaji asked. The two boys flinching before looking at Oyaji with more attention. The bag of money being tossed and the expression of the raven he dragged here Marco could see he was trying to get the blond to escape first but the blond was refusing. 'Who was that kid, anyways? I don't remember seeing him from here earlier.' Marco asked himself. The glare from the raven was sharper now than before but behind that glare Marco could see the panic and worry. He couldn't blame the kid though, he was currently face to face with the 'Strongest Man Alive' and one of the Yonko of the sea, Whitebeard. Just the name of his father brings fear to anyone let alone being in his presence.

"Is that the kid you were talking about, Marco?" Marco looks up at Whitebeard just to see him, staring at the raven-haired kid with scrutinizing eyes. He could feel the slight amount of Haki coming from his father, probably testing the kid's willpower.

"Yeah, Oyaji." Marco answered calmly before turning his gaze to kids.

"Who's the other brat?" Oyaji asked. His father's eyes assessing the blond kid, the raven had moved his body to shield the blond one which earned an amused look from his father and of course from him. Both the kids can even move under his father's Haki. Marco couldn't count how many times he watched pirates that always challenged them cower at this level of Haki his father released but these two didn't even flinch nor show any fear. It just proved how strong willed these two are and he couldn't help but wonder what these two had faced to become fearless at such an age.

"I caught him sneaking here, Oyaji." Izo answered. His father hummed thoughtfully as he stared at the two. It looks like that Whitebeard had taken a liking at the two. Marco glanced toward Thatch sharing their smug faces and pride in finding new recruits.

The two we're so engrossed in their silent conversation that they hadn't noticed that the blond kid had stepped out and started talking to his father. Only snapping back when the thumping of the blonds knees hitting the deck on his hands desperately pleading with Oyaji. The raven behind him tried to make him stop but the blond kid just shrugged his hand off and continued his plea.

They're conversing like their life depends on it, it's not but they don't know that. What he heard next however makes his blood run cold and guilt suddenly weigh upon him, crushing his unfounded pride in taking the raven to begin with.

" younger brother needs it." The blond kid had stuttered. At the mention of a brother, Marco flinched. Damn. He did something terrible. That's why the raven was adamant to escape from them. He understood now the desperation he saw from them. Why did he not notice that there was something wrong? He was so excited to have another brother that he blinded himself to the consequence of his actions. His guilt intensified when he heard the blond kid sobbing violently and mention that his brother was alone right now. All the pirates on deck jumping surprised as the raven screamed in frustration.

When Oyaji asked him if what they had said was true, he couldn't look his father in the eyes. His eyes were glued on the two kids his guilt and shame obvious. He could feel the disappointment radiating from his father Whitebeard. He was the first mate of the Whitebeard Pirates, the eldest son for fuck's sake and yet he let his selfishness and pride get a hold of him. Damn it.

Silence. No one was speaking as his father studied the two kids, the raven glaring at the floor as he tried to stop the tears prickling in his eyes and the blond sobbing on his knees. It only broke when his father called out ordering the 16th Division Commander, himself and Thatch to accompany the two kids to their younger brother. Marco knows the only reason they are being sent is because they started this mess. Marco's shame doubled as their father apologized on both his and Thatch's behalf.

"How do we make sure that this is not a trap?" The raven asked with eyes full of distrust. Oyaji only let out a booming laugh as he stared at the glaring kid, Whitebeard assuring the raven of his word. The boy only answering with a click of a tongue.

"We need to go. We've wasted too much time here." The kid said as he helped his brother stand. Stopping, the raven turned his gaze landing on himself, Thatch and Oyaji with eyes full of hatred and distrust. Pointing at them and with the coldest voice he ever heard from a kid his age, Marco couldn't stop a shiver raking down his body. "If anything happens to Luffy, I swear to god I will hunt you down even in your grave."


The walk toward the two kid's place was silent. Nobody dared to talk even Thatch who's usually a chatter box was uncharacteristically quiet. Nor did the two brothers speak, they merely strode down the road quietly setting the fast pace. The air was tense as if something bad was coming and Izo couldn't stop feeling uncomfortable. He turned to look at Marco, but the blond man was quiet as well lost in his thought's. Izo's can't help but remember what had happened. When he saw a kid sneaking on their ship, he had thought that the kid was probably trying steal something or prove himself brave to his group of friends, it already happened more than once. But when he saw Marco dragging a brat with them as well, that's when shit hit the fan. As soon as the raven brat caught sight the blond brat he was dragging, he literally burst into fire. The brat then began attacking indiscriminately, good thing that no one was hurt badly.

Only just noticing Izo realized they were already at the two brat's place. He scanned the surrounding with his eyes, noting that it was an abandoned warehouse. 'They are probably homeless or maybe they are not really from here.' Izo thought as he looked at the two brats their eyes blown wide and skin as white as a sheet and then running off yelling "Luffy!" as they entered their apparent home. Izo frowned at their sudden actions speeding up he walks through the entrance, following their line of sight Izo gasped in horror.

The boys were at their brother's side hovering and moving around panicking. The younger brother was pale, his skin wet with sweat and Izo couldn't have foreseen how severe the situation truly is. The younger boy was twitching violently, the coat covering him in a tangled mess. He didn't need to command the doctor and nurses with them as they immediately went to work. Izo turned to his brothers just to see them stare in horror at the younger brat in his makeshift bed. Izo could tell they were blaming themselves just by looking at their faces but there's no time to waste. Izo patting both on their shoulders. He whispered. "Think of that later. We should calm those two brothers down or else our brother and sisters can't do their work." Just as he was finishing Izo and his brother's attention snapped back to boys as the raven screamed leaping at the doctor and nurse trying to help the younger boy


Upon arriving at their hiding place Ace couldn't shake off his uneasiness. He sped up walking to the entrance of their hideout Sabo beside him. Despite being made of fire Ace knows his body had turned to ice. His little brother Luffy is shaking and twitching violently on his makeshift bed. Both he and Sabo rush to his side, hovering over his younger brother. Ace wants to take Luffy's pain away, make him better and grasp Luffy's hand in his but what if he makes it worse?

Still frozen unable to move Ace snaps when he see's the doctor in the white coat go to touch Luffy as the nurse tried to pull Sabo and Ace away. He wouldn't let that man hurt Luffy while he was too weak to defend himself! He wouldn't allow their filthy hands to touch his precious brother, over his dead body. Ace tried to resist them, but his Fire refused to come to him. He quickly resorted to his brute strength, Ace went to punch the face of the nurse but is stopped by arms pulling him backwards.

"Let go of me. Don't touch Luffy." Ace screamed, trying to shrug off the arms that were trying separate him from his little brother.

"..ce. ACE!" Ace stiffened as a stinging pain shoots through his cheek. He turned to his brother Sabo his glare set in that disappointment and stern look that Ace knows means he's messed up badly. Ace ducked his head in shame, it was Sabo who had been holding him back from Luffy, the doctor and nurse.

"Are you calm now?" Sabo asked quietly. Ace look up at Sabo for a moment before letting out a chocked sob as the realization hit him.

", Luffy.. is.. It's" Ace stuttered but before he could finish Sabo cut him off.


"Luffy will be fine. The doctor and nurses are doing their best to save Luffy so stop blaming yourself. None of this is your fault." Sabo said. Sabo already knew that Ace was blaming himself for what happened to Luffy, he feels the same way but that doesn't help their situation if they start blaming themselves. Luffy needs them to be strong and Ace needs Sabo to keep his temper from controlling him.

Sabo knows he must keep it together as breaking down is not an option. No matter how strong Ace may think he is Sabo knows that when it comes to controlling his emotions Ace is the worst of the three at doing so. That's why Sabo is there to remind him to cool off and think.

It was Luffy who usually reassured them, their light, their hope, their anchor but now he was fighting for his life unable to do a thing let alone snap his older brothers out of one of their moods. Sabo will temporarily take his place even though he is at the point of crumbling 's Sabo's turn to reassure Ace.

He pulls Ace toward him into a hug watching frown on his face as the nurse and doctor check up on their little brother. Sabo could feel Ace tremble his hand griping the back of his dress shirt, a choked sob coming from Ace's lips. Sabo wraps his arms around Ace to comfort him, deep inside Sabo knew his gesture towards Ace was his way of not just breaking down alongside his brother.

After what felt like an hour Luffy appeared to stop twitching, Sabo couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing. "What happened to Luffy?" Sabo asked. Ace who was still in his arms jolted letting go of Sabo to stand beside him still holding onto his hand. Sabo was sure Ace was listening just as intently as he was to them.

The nurse looks toward him and spoke. "He went into seizure because of his high fever. when we checked him, we found the bullet wound on his chest. It is likely the cause of his fever as it was already infected." The nurse explained with a gentle voice. Sabo could only stare at the nurse as he felt Ace tighten his hold on his hand, his brothers head hanging staring at the floor. The nurse continued speaking. "Doctor Jodie said that we need to treat your little brother's wound as soon as possible. We need to move him from here to the Moby Dick's infirmary as the equipment needed for the operation are there. Commander Marco has already called in advance to prepare the infirmary. The only thing left to do is ask the both of you permission to transport your brother there." Sabo only stared at the nurse skeptically, thinking of every possibility that may happen if he agreed to it. Sure, it was Sabo who asked for their help. He wanted to agree with the nurse, but Sabo knew Ace didn't trust them completely. Sabo doesn't want to decide on his own ignoring Ace's opinion. It was already an unspoken rule among the brothers to plan and act based on what he and Ace agreed to, and Sabo will always respect that rule just as Ace does.

"Sabo, I'm giving my permission." He heard Ace murmur, Sabo almost sighed in relief. He patted Ace's back gently before nodding at the nurse who was patiently waiting for his answer.

Sabo and Ace both bow speaking in tandem. "Permission granted. Please save our little brother." The nurse gives them a warm smile. "We will, don't worry." She said, turning around to tell the others that they have permission. Without wasting time, the two commanders help lifting Luffy and place him on the stretcher they had brought with them. Carrying it as the other commander, Izo, the one who had captured him earlier, walks toward them.

"We are ready to go." The crossdresser told them. Ace lifted his head from the floor looking at Sabo briefly his hand still holding his brother's, Ace stares at the man in front them, looking away he whispers under his breath before heading toward Luffy and the other's direction, leaving the pirate stunned.



They arrived at the Moby Dick much faster than it had taken them to lead the Whitebeards to Luffy. Luffy was moved into the infirmary the moment they arrive. The eyes of the Pirates follow them, murmurs echoing throughout the large ship some gasping when they see Luffy. But the two brothers don't pay them attention as they follow Luffy into the ship.

When they arrived at the infirmary the nurse stops them from entering. "You can't go inside. Stay here." Ace was ready to protest because he wasn't just going to leave Luffy alone with them. He does not trust them completely yet but the squeeze on his hand stopped him. He looks to Sabo with a frown.

"We better listen to them, Ace. They know what they're doing." Sabo said to his short-tempered brother. Ace let out a defeated breath as he slumped beside Sabo, hands still holding the other. He will let it go for now and think about saving Luffy later if it came to that.

"You're right. Sorry."

"That's good. Like I said from earlier, don't worry. We will save your little brother." The nurse said, smiling. "I'm Christine. You can call me Chris." The nurse introduced herself. Waiting for them to answer in turn. Sabo sighed, answering for both of them when Ace refused to talk.

"I'm Sabo and this is Ace and our little brother's name is Luffy." Sabo replied, pointing at Ace including Luffy. Chris nodded.

"Okay, Sabo-kun, Ace-kun. I will tell you Luffy-kun's condition as soon as I can." And with that Chris re-entered the infirmary. A few seconds later the three commanders exit the infirmary walking toward the two.

"Can you tell us what happened to your little brother to be in that state, yoi?" The blond commander inquired with a somewhat bored tone. Sabo heard Ace click his tongue before whipping his head at the blond man but before he could growl his retort there was a shout from the deck.

"There's a Marine ship approaching the Island!"

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