Grimm _Vladamir_

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Coach Belmont and Grimm players where discussing a plan to scare Supa Strikas and Invincible United, since they are coming to the Caldron this evening.

"Okay so i was thinking.. how about when the players enter the caldron, the door will shut behind them, we will greet them with some bats. Then after they scream and pee their pants, they will keep walking through the corridor, and as they walk, we will do some scary music. Then as the players are shaking and peeing them selfs, they open the D field only to see the dark. And then we will switch on the lights and they will see us. Doing our scary faces with some scary music in the background.." stated Vladimir.

The guys where impressed

"Amazing.." said Coach Belmont

"They will never know what got them.." said Bones Jones.

"Agreed" added Scully Molder.

"Lets get the plan into action." concluded coach Belmont.

The guys got everything ready in about half an hour. 

Invincible United and Supa Strikas will be coming any time soon.

Though little did Grimm know, a girl, who was lost, was walking by, and decided to go in the Caldron to ask for some help.

Invincible United and Supa Strikas arrived the same time as the girl.

Both teams saw the girl

"Coach, whats a girl doing in front of the Caldron?" asked Shakes.

"I think she needs some help. Maybe she is lost man." added Rasta.

"Yeah whatever, i don't care what she wants." added Skarra as he rolled his eyes.

"Skarra, she does look lost. And she doesn't know what the Caldron is probably. I mean, who in their right mind would go in there just for fun!?" added Vince.

"Its scary in there.." said Klaus

"Hey how about we go ask her if she needs anything?" asked Dooma.

The guys nodded and went over to the girl who was about to enter.

"Hello. Do you want any help?" asked Coach.

The girl looked confused.

"He said, do you need any help?!" repeated El matador shouting a bit and pointing things out.

The girl still looked confused.

"I think she doesn't understand English." stated Shakes.

"I think so, dude." added North.

The girl just waved and opened the door.

"I don't think she knows what the Caldron is.." said Skarra

The guys where right behind her.

As she opened the door and..

She entered the Caldron with the guys right behind her.

The door locked behind them

"Uh.. guys." said Shakes.

The bats came charging at the girl.

She let out a yelp.

The guys saw the bats rushing towards her and went to hide somewhere, since they know every place in the Caldron.

Though the girl didnt know anything about the Caldron so she stayed still.

She was there frozen in the middle as the bats attacked her.

She let out a load yelp.

"Uh Coach!" said Cool joe.

"Ahh Caramba! They are going to kill her!" stated El matador.

The others watched in shock.

"Okay i really think we should do something-" stated Skarra

Grimm heard the yelp though it was of a girl..

"Ill check whats going on..." said Vladimir as he left the room.

The others nodded.

As Vladimir got out of the room, he sees Supa Strikas and Invincible United hiding in a room that it had it's door open.

"Uh whats is going on?" asked Vladimir.

The guys where all too scared to talk, though Dooma wasn't. He been through a lot...

"Well. This girl is getting attacked by bats it seems." said Dooma.

Vladimir was confused. But he had to save her.

"Uh.." said Vladimir as he headed to the bats

He called them out by a whistle.

They all left running away.

The girl, was there still frozen as she had some scratches and was bleeding a bit

Her hair was shocked looking, it was all fizzy like she just got a shock from some electricity.

Her eyes where wide open.

Her body was stiff.

Vladimir was in shock.

She was very beautiful though.

He rushed to her and put his hand on her hearth to see if she still is alive or something.

She was alive.

He let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay so what do we do?!" asked the others as they came walking to Vladimir.

"You mortals. Tell me who she is and why is she here.?" asked Vladimir.

"Well, we saw her walking to the Caldron. We asked her if she is lost or something. But she didnt answer. I don't think she understands English" said Coach.

"Or maybe she is just mute or cant talk." suggested Dooma.

The girl snapped back to normal.

"Uh.. where am i?" she said in Romanian.

Only Vladimir understood her.

"Hi are you okay?" he asked her.

She looked around to see the players looking at her worriedly. and saw Vladimir in front of her.

She was in a shock, but as she saw his face she got a bit more scared. 

"Uh.. help. Who are you and what do you want? And why did a bunch of bats attack me!?" she said half yelling and pointing things out with her hand.

Vladimir regretted his existence at that moment.

"Don't worry. Its okay. The bats were suppose to be a prank for these guys. We didnt know you where coming. And im Vladimir. You see i look scary since i play for Grimm, its themed as a scary team." said Vladimir as he held her hand.

She felt a bit better.

His voice was scary but amazingly comforting.

She smiled a bit, but then it faded as she saw the scars and the blood from the bats.

It hurt a lot.

She put her hand on her scars and let out a tear.

"Is she okay?" asked the others

"What did she say?" added the others.

"She is hurt." said Vladimir in English.

"Follow me." said Vladimir as he held her hand and led her through the corridor.

the guys followed them two.

He totally forgot about the horror music and the rest of the team and about the prank. 

As he walked through the corridor some creepy music came on.

"Ah whats this?!" the guys said.

Dingaan hid behind Skarra.

"Get off me loser!" said Skarra as he pushed Dingaan away from him

"There is no such thing as a ghost, there is no such thing as a ghost-" kept saying Klaus to himself.

The girl was shocked.

Vladimir, wasn't scared though. Even though he forgot about the plan.

"Uh.. how are you so brave?" she asked him in Romanian.

Vladimir smiled back at her

The players where confused because they don't know what they are both saying

"Guys what are they saying?" asked Dooma.

"Does anybody know Romanian?" asked Big Bo.

All of them shock their heads.

As Vladimir opened the door that led to the health and safety room, he explained to the nurse on what happened in Romanian.

"Oh. I will see if the injuries aren't that serious." said the nurse as she put on some gloves.

The guys didnt know what they where saying.

"This is the moment when you want to learn Romanian.." said Tiger as he itched his head.

"Agreed." added Auto.

The guys kept looking at the nurse and Vladimir and the girl

"Okay so, does this hurt.?" asked the nurse as she put some cloth on her scratch.

She nodded as she closed her eyes in pain.

"This?" asked the nurse as she put the cloth on another scratch.

She shook her head.

"No it doesnt." said the girl

"This?" asked the nurse as she placed the cloth on another scratch.

The girl let out a small yelp.

"Yes that hurts a lot!" said the girl as she took her hand away.

Vladimir felt sad for her.

The guys where sad for her too, but they didnt know what the three were saying.

"Uh.. don't worry-" said Vladimir.

He didnt know her name so he paused.

"Camila. Im Camila." said Camila as she forced out a smile.

Vladimir smiled

"Nice name mortal." he said as he put his hand on her head.

"Thanks, Vladimir" she said as she giggled.

The nurse nodded at Vladimir so he will keep comforting her until she deals with her scratches.

"So, why did you come to the caldron?" he asked her.

"I got lost, so i decided to go in the Caldron and ask somebody to help me" said Camila.

Vladimir smiled.

"I can help. I don't think your from around here though right?" asked Vladimir.

She nodded.

"Thanks. And no im not from here. Im from Serbia." said Camila

The guys only understood the word ^Serbia^ from the sentence.

"What are they saying about Serbia?" asked Dooma

"Who cares?" snapped Skarra

Vladimir's face shined.

"Im from Serbia too!" he said as he giggled a bit.

She giggled back.

"That's nice. Where are you from in Serbia?" she asked him.

He smiled.

He was happy she was interested in him.

To be honest, he likes her.

No he loves her.!

"Im from Belgrade, the capital. You?" said Vladimir

She smiled.

She was happy that he answered. And she is happy that he has interest in her.

To be honest she likes him.

No.. she loves him!

Love at first sight tbh.

"That's so nice. Im from Zlatibor." She told him smiling

"Wow thats a nice place. I went there when i was younger. With my dad." he told her.

She smiled

"That's cool. I lived in Belgrade for 4 years. I was about 10 when i moved there. And came back to Zlatibor when i was 14 years." she told him.

"That's nice. I never lived in Zlatibor, but me and my dad go there for holidays."  said Vladimir.

"Belgrade is a nice place." said Camila.

"Not as nice as you though mortal." said Vladimir.

Camila blushed as he told her that.

The nurse giggled as she heard what Vladimir told Camila.

Vladimir blushed a little and chuckled at her reaction.

The players saw Vladimir and Camila blushing and saw the nurse giggling.

"Uh.. are they like flirting or something?" asked Cool joe.

"I think so." replied Skarra.

"Yeah i mean look at them dudes.. There eyes and their smile explains everything!" said North.

The others nodded.

Vladimir understands and talks in english, so he heard what they where saying about them.

He blushed even more and turned back at them and didnt know what to say.

The others saw his red tomato face.

"Oh my god. Just tell her you like her before you turn into a tomato!" said Skarra 

"Yeah come on dude." said North.

The others nodded.

Vladimir didnt care though, he just shook his head and looked back at Camila who was blushing too.

"What did they say?" she asked him.

Vladimir didnt want to tell her.

"Anyways, nurse, how is she doing?" asked Vladimir.

"She is doing fine, but her hearth rate is going on very fast." she told him

Vladimir and Camila both blushed as they heard that.

"Why?" asked Camila.

"Because you like him. and he likes you." replied the nurse.

Vladimir and Camila looked at each other in the eyes and just blushed.

The players where really confused know.

they wanted to know everything they said.

"Okay! Whats going on!?" asked Cool joe and the others as they headed to Vladimir and Camila.

The nurse giggled

"Tell them Vladimir." she said in English.

"Uh.. she is Camila. She comes from Serbia just like me. And, i have a crush on her. And so does she i guess.." said Vladimir in English as he blushed.

The guys where amazed

"Love at first sight.." muttered Klaus.

The others nodded

"And her hearth is beating faster." said the nurse in english as she giggled.

Vladimir chuckled and blushed even more and looked at Camila.

Camila didnt know what they where saying but she knew what they where talking about.

"Did you tell her though?" asked Skarra.

"No" replied Vladimir.

"Tell her then. Im sure she likes you." replied Shakes.

"I agree, both of you are red as tomatos." said Tiger.

"Yeah more then Tiger's hair" said El matador.

the others laughed.

"Fine." said Vladimir as he looked at Camila.

"Camila." he said in Serbian

"Yes.?" she asked as she blushed a bit. 

"I.. as i saw you, i had feeling for you. Its like i knew you from before. Its like i loved and its like i knew you from before. I love you. I wanted to ask you if maybe we can be girl friend and boy friend, and get to know each other more..." said Vladimir as he was playing with his fingers.

Camila's face litterly beamed with joy. She wanted to scream.

She let out a little yelp and hugged him and said

"Yes!" she replied as she cried a bit.

Vladimir chuckled and hugged her back.

The guys watched in awe.

"Omg this is so happy and cute." said Shakes as some tears fell from his eyes

"Caramba. I agree..." said El matador as he recorded it from his phone.

"Okay i have to say it.. this is cute" said Skarra.

The guys all let out a comment.

"Your both good for each other. I mean your perfect for each other." said the nurse in english

Vladimir smiled

"Thanks." he replied.

"What did she say?" asked Camila

"She said we are perfect to each other.." he said as he blushed

"Cant agree more." she replied as she placed a kiss on his cheek.

Vladimir returned the favour.

"Im 20 years old. And im sure from now on, i will enjoy my life with you." said Vladimir.

"Im 21 years old. And im sure too. Maybe one day we will be more then just boy friend and girl friend.." said Camila.

Vladimir smiled.

"I hope so.." he replied

"Me too. But i can see it." said Camila.

"Just imagine us married, and we have our own kids." added Camila.

Vladimir smiled to the image.

He let out a chuckle

And placed Camila on him

She sat on his lap as he kissed her.

She kissed him back.

The guys watched them in awe

"Okay make it stop." said Skarra as he blocked his eyes.

The others giggled

"So what did you say?" asked Shakes

"They said they can see their future together, more then girlfriend and boyfriend." Said the nurse in English.

The others smiled

"I see them together too." said Big bo.

The others nodded in agreement.

"I think i should teach you some English," said Vladimir as he held her hands

"I think so too." she said as she smiled at him.

He giggled and went through his spiky hair with his fingers

"Wow.." she said as she looked at his hair.

He chuckled

"Well.. your hair is much better." he said as he took her long hair and started making a braid

She blushed 

"You know how to do a braid?" she asked him.

"Yes, when i was younger i used to live with my cousins. Two of them were girls. So, i had to do their hair when their parents where asleep or abroad. They always wanted a braid." said Vladimir as he kept doing her braid.

She smiled

"That's cute." she replied.

He blushed as he kept doing her braid.

Her long brown hair is just amazing.

And her blue eyes.. Wow..

Her light brown fair skin.. 

Just love it.

"you very beautiful." he told her.

"Your very handsome.." she replied

they both giggled.

the others where impressed by Vladimir. How does he know how to do a braid so well?

"Hey. How do you do that braid?" asked Auto.

Vladimir looked back.

"Secret" he replied in english

The others wanted to know though.

"Oh come on!" said Skarra.

The others nodded

"Yeah dude," stated North

Vladimir rolled his eyes

"Fine. I used to live with my aunt and uncle and my cousins after my parents divorced. Neither of them wanted to take care of me. My mum never wanted me and neither did my dad. They said i was a mistake.. so after they took a divorce, my aunt took care of me from that day onwards. I had 3 cousins. 2 of them were girls. So, every time their parents where asleep or abroad they ask me to do their hair for fun. They always wanted a braid. So, i just learned to do it by years. It was fun to be honest." Said Vladimir in english as he kept doing her hair.

The guys felt sorry for Vladimir, but he looked very happy.

"We are sorry if we made you feel sad or something." said Shakes

"Yeah." added Skarra

"No. Its fine. It sound sad, but i don't really get sad or frightened. Its like i don't really have any feelings for being sad or frightened. I guess, i have been trough it so it kind of doesn't effect me.. But i still have feelings for love and happiness." said Vladimir.

"Well we can see that." said Coach.

Vladimir chuckled.

"Okay your braid is done." he said in as he let go of her hair.

She smiled

"Thanks. Your hands are so.. soft." she said as she giggled.

He giggled.

"Yeah. I guess so." he said as he looked at his hands.

Camila held her braid.

She was amazed.

"Oh my god. You should do this everyday!" she said as she kissed him.

He blushed and kissed her back

"Sure." he replied.

Vladimir remembered about the prank.

"Oh, can i tell you something?" he asked her as he wiggled his eyebrows.

She giggled

"yes." she replied

"Okay so-" he explained the plan about the Caldron and in the kitchen.

She giggled 

"I cant wait to see that!" she said as she held his hands.

"Neither can i..." he replied.

"Okay. so what do we tell them?" she asked him.

"Uh.. how about we say, i have some lunch for them in the kitchen. And then we let them go in first. As they enter, the guys will scare them!" said Vladimir.

Camila nodded her head.

"Alright. Plan into action" she said as she hugged him tight.

He hugged her back.

"Okay.. your killing me!" said Camila.

he hugged her lightly

"Sorry.. im used to killing people." he said as he chuckled

She giggled.

Then she thought about what he said.

"Wait.. what?!" she said in a shock

Vladimir laughed.

The guys didnt know what they where saying

"Im joking" he said as he put his hand in her shoulder.

She sighed in relief.

"Good. i thought you really killed people." she said as she giggled and kissed him.

He blushed

"Okay. We have something for you in the kitchen.." said Vladimir to the guys in English.

The guys nodded

"Thank you man." replied Rasta.

Camila and Vladimir laughed.

"They wont know what got them.." said Camila as she held Vladimir's hand and walked behind the guys.

The players, all got to the kitchen and opened the door.

Though the Grimm players, instead of scaring them, fell asleep.

"Uh.." said Vladimir.

He and Camila walked to the coach.

"Hello?" they asked them in Romanian.

The others kept laughing at Grimm.

"Uh! They where suppose to scare them not sleep." said Vladimir in Romanian.

Camila just giggled and placed her head on his shoulder.

He chuckled and held her hands.

"I love you." she told him

"I love you more.." he replied.

They kissed,

"Okay this is gross." said Skarra.

"I wonder what they will do in the future." said Klaus as he giggled

The others looked at Klaus weirdly

"Dude.." said North.

"Why do you keep thinking of these stuff, loser?" asked Skarra 

"UH because its cute." replied Klaus .

They rolled their eyes.

"I think we should wake them up." said Coach as they headed to the Grimm players

"I agree." said Vince as he followed Coach

Supa Strikas and Invincible United followed their coaches.

"Yeah i agree." said Vladimir.

"What are you saying?" she asked Vladimir

"we are going to wake them up." said Vladimir

"Okay" replied Camila.

They went to wake the players up.

"Uh. what?" asked Bones Jones.

"Good morning." said Camila laughing.

"Who is this mortal?" asked Coach Belmont.

"She is my girlfriend." said Vladimir as he kissed her.

Grimm players where shocked.

"What? When? How? How long where we knocked out by that weird dude!?" asked Rip Staples.

Vladimir and Camila where shocked.

"What the f-" said Vladimir in English.

"What?" asked Supa strikas and Invincible United.

"He said they where knocked out..." said Vladimir.

The guys looked shocked

"What do you mean knocked out?" asked Camila

"As Vladimir, left the kitchen, a man came inside  and just knocked us out with some pan or what ever he had." said Franklyn Stein in English

Supa Strikas and Vladimir where shocked.

"What did he say?" asked Camila

"He said that as soon as i left the kitchen a dude knocked them out with a pan." said Vladimir as he looked at Camila's eyes

"He shouldn't be far from here then!" said Camila.

Grimm nodded

"Well.. lets go and give him a scare" said coach Belmont.

Vladimir and Grimm did an evil smirk.

Camila was freaked out.

"Okay.." she said as she shivered.

"Don't worry beautiful, its that man who we are going to get." said Vladimir.

"I know. Its just that smirk.." said Camila as she put her finger on his mouth.

Vladimir giggled.

"So, what are you going to do?" asked Skarra.

"We are going to find this man and give him a scare that he will never forget." said coach Belmont.

"May we help?" asked Dooma.

Grimm nodded

"Why not.?" said Coach Belmont as he shook hands with Vince and Coach

"Okay so here is the plan." started Vladimir.

"Camila and I, will go and look for this guy. And when we find him, i will send a message to coach Belmont. And, then you Supa strikas, will sing some scary songs that i have for you here. And Invincible United. we know you very well. As the dirty team you are, you will come and kick that dude and basically knock him out. And then, when he wakes up, Grimm fc, will give him the scare of his life.. we just scream at his face when he opens his eyes. And Camila will make sure he leaves." said Vladimir.

"How do you get up with these crazy ideas in seconds?!" asked Coach

"I just doo." said Vladimir as he chuckled

Camila looked lost.

"Uh.." she said.

"Oh sorry. let me explain to you beautiful -" Said Vladimir as he explained to Camila in Romanian.

"Oh okay. Though, why do i have the easiest job? Can i get something more scary and challenging?" she asked him 

"Sure.. before he leaves running outside, why don't you just whistle at the bats to get him? And don't worry, they wont get you this time, but they will get him." said Vladimir as he chuckled

"Its not funny. It hurts. But nice idea." she said as she winked at him.

"I know it hurts." said Vladimir as he held her hands.

"Sure you do.." she said as she smirked at him.

"I love that face.." he said in English as he wiggled his eyebrows.

They both chuckled in an evil way... ;-;

"Okay this is getting too-" before North could finish he got interrupted by Vladimir

"Don't say anything." said Vladimir

North gulped and nodded.

"Good. Now into action." said Vladimir.

The others nodded and did what told.

So, Vladimir and Camila found the man. 

He was in the D field.

"What is he doing?" asked Vladimir

"I don't know, just message Belmont" said Camila

Vladimir messaged his coach.


We found him in the D field. Though he looks very familiar. I think i know him from somewhere. We are going to go talk to him.


Coach Belmont got the message.

He face palm himself.

"Why.." said Coach Belmont

"What?" said the others as they came near him

He showed them the message.

"Uh.. what if he is killing them right now?" said Dingaan.

The others went running to the D field's door.

Only to see Camila and Vladimir looking at someone from in front of the door.

"Uh.. what can you see from the peek?" asked Camila

"A man. I know him from somewhere i swear.." he said as he turned back and saw the guys looking at them.

"What are you guys doing?!" asked Vladimir in English, as he yelled.

The guys where shocked.

Did he just yell when they are trying to be quite as possible so that dude will not hear them?!

"Vladimir!" said the guys,

"Sorry.." he said,

Camila giggled

Though the man rushed out of the D field and came to the entrance.

He kept looking at Vladimir in the eyes

Vladimir kept looking at the dude in the eyes

They did look a like.

They both had the same hair colour and eye colour.

And the same nose.

Though, the other dude was a bit older.

"uh, are you guys related.?" asked Belmont in English.

The guys didnt say anything for a while. They just kept looking at each other.

"Vladimir?" asked Camila as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

Though the other dude broke the silence

So, from now onwards they will speak in ENGLISH. but Camila wont since she doesn't know.

"You.. are Vladimir?" asked the man in English.

"Yes." he replied.

"I think i know you from somewhere.. Its like i feel something when im next to you." added Vladimir in English putting his hand on his heart.

The others looked at them.

Camila looked confused.

"Uh. I think..." started the man.

"What.?" asked the others.

"Im.. your dad." said the man in English.

Vladimir looked shocked.

the others looked shocked

Vladimir turned angry.. He did his evil smirk

The guys noticed.

"Uh Vladimir." they said.

"Im sorry." said his dad

"Why are you here now? After all these years.. now you are here for me? After you and mum freaking abounded me and said that i was a mistake and you all hated me. And you said i was the reason for you divorce." said Vladimir in an anger as he pointed at his dad.

His dad let out some tears.

The others looked at both of them in pettiness.

"Why are you sorry now?" asked Vladimir.

"There is something that we didnt tell you." said his dad

Vladimir looked at him,

"What is this?" he asked him,

"Your mum forced me to hate you. She told me she will kill me and you, if i even act nice to you. I didnt want that to happen. So, i had to go by her rules. Then.. it all came worse. You where about 7 or 8 when your mum had enough of you and me. And not only that, she found out that she was pregnant, with your sister. You have a sister that you don't know about... She told me about it, and i was sad and happy. Because... i know that she will treat her worse then she will treat you, and plus she was very angry. So she said that she wanted a divorce. Your mum kept you with her. I came and took care of you only once a week" said his dad.

Vladimir was shocked on what he heard.

So where the guys.

They didnt believed their ears.

Camila didnt understand though.

"And, as your mum was about 3 months pregnant with you sister, she couldn't take care of you on her own. and since she hated you, she didnt even ask me to help her out or to take care of you. She just took you to her sister's house when it was night time. The next day i went to your mum's house to check on stuff. And when i get there, there was only your mum. She was happier then usual. It was weird. As i asked her about you, she just laughed and smirked at me evil and said ^I have taken him to my sister's house. And now i can live with you. And with the baby, i will just put her in the streets after she is born^ she said does exect words. I was shocked. I didnt know what to do. I know her sister was kind. So i didnt really worried about you. I was mostly worried about your sister. I really wanted to kill her at that moment. I didnt know what to do." finished his dad.

He started crying.

Vladimir was shocked, he didnt know what to say.

"Uh.. where is my sister know?" asked Vladimir.

"Well.. your mum died after your sister was about two years old. to be honest i was a bit happy. She wasn't a good mum to her. And she was going to sell her when your sister was going to be 4. I mean, she was going to give her daughter for money... i didnt believe it.. thank god she died to be honest. So, i took care of your sister. She still lives with me. I didnt have your aunt's number or anything, so i couldn't see how you where doing. But your sister is fine. So don't worry about her." said his dad as he looked incredibly sad.

Vladimir for once.. cried.

The others where shocked by the story of his life that he didnt even know about..

Camila saw Vladimir was in a shock and that he was crying.

So she just hugged him. She didnt know the reason.

But she knew it wasn't the right time to ask him.

He hugged her back.

"I-" said the guys.

"We don't know what to say-" said Skarra.

Vladimir cheered up though.

Since, he knew his sister was okay. And since his dad was good.

"I remember the times when we went out together. Just you and me. I was happy" started Vladimir as he smiled at his dad and hugged Camila.

"I am sorry... i should of told you this-" said his dad.

Though Vladimir didnt let him finish

"Don't worry i know the truth now. Anyways, where is my sister. Whats her name.? How is she like? how old is she? does she know me?" Vladimir asked a lot of questions.

His dad just laughed

"I bought her with me.." he said as he called for her.

"Patricia." he yelled.

There she was a little girl. She was smiling. She looked a lot like Vladimir.

She had the same hair colour.

The same eye colour.

She had the same face.

Though she was smaller and a girl.

Her hair was till her butt.

It was long and straight.

And she was wearing black jeans and a white top with a black hearth on it.

Vladimir kept looking at her.

"Is she my sister?" he asked his dad

His dad nodded.

Patricia looked confused.

Patricia was mute.. She cant talk, 

Though Vladimir and the others didnt know she was mute. Only her dad knew.

She reached her dad.

"Patricia, this is your brother. Vladimir." said his dad

The others where shocked and happy for them

"This is cute." they all said as they let out a tear of happiness.

"Hello." said Vladimir as he looked at her eyes.

Patricia just kept looking at him.

"Huh? I said hello." said Vladimir as he took out his hand

Patricia tried to say something but she cant. She just looked at Vladimir and smiled a bit.

"Is she okay?" asked the others.

His dad looked a bit sad and said

"She is .." he started

How is he going to tell them?!

"She is what.?" asked Vladimir.

"She cant talk. She is mute." said his dad.

Vladimir felt sad for her.

"What do you mean?" he asked his dad.

"I mean, she cant talk back and doesn't really have any reactions. The only way she can communicate s if you learn sigh language, it means you need to communicate with you hands and stuff. But she want do anything back she just .. does what she was told or something.. She can show her feelings though but not all the time." said his dad

The others and Vladimir where shocked.

"I-..." said Vladimir.

"Its not your fault." said his dad.

"Its mum's fault. What did she do to her!? did she like hit her every time she speaks or something?!" asked Vladimir in a worried look as he held his sister's hand.

"I think so..." said his dad 

The guys all felt sad for her.

"Im sorry" said the guys.

Camila didnt know what was going on. but she saw that the girl looked a like.

"Is she your sister,?" she asked him in Romanian.

"Yes." replied Vladimir in Romanian.

He explained to her everything they talked about.

She cried and hugged Vladimir.

"Im sorry for you guys" she said .

"Its okay" replied Vladimir


"Anyways, dad, how old is she and stuff?" asked Vladimir in english

Patricia smiled.

"She is 11 years old. She was born on May 10 2009 Wednesday. And she loves cats, she loves listening to music. But she always gets sad because she cant even talk.. She loves reading, and writing, She is good at drawing though. In fact she drew something for you.." said his dad.

"Really?" asked Vladimir as he smiled.

Patricia smiled back and went through her bag.

"Uh you need help?" asked Vladimir

Patricia looked a bit confused.

Vladimir looked at his dad.

His dad did some moves with his hand.

She nodded and smiled at Vladimir and gave him her bag.

Vladimir saw lots of drawings.

"wow" he said.

He found a drawing that she drew for him.

The others looked at the drawing.

They wanted to cry.

It was him, her, and their dad.

"How did she know how i look like? How does she draw so realistic!?" asked Vladimir 

"She found a picture of you on Instagram." his dad said as he giggled.

Vladimir and the others giggled.

"Thanks." he told her.

She smiled and hugged him.

Vladimir felt something in his heart.. its like.. he felt something he never felt before.

He hugged her back.

The others looked at them in awe

"I love you" said Vladimir

Patricia cant say anything back so instead she smiled even more.

Camila hugged Patricia

"She is so cute and small!" said Camila as she picked Patricia's cheeks.

Vladimir and his dad laughed.

"I think we better get training." said Vladimir as he turned to the guys.

The guys nodded.

"We are sorry for everything that happend" said the guys

"No its not your fault." said his dad

"Yes, so don't worry!" said Vladimir 

The others nodded and went to train. 

Grimm already trained so they decided to chat a bit with Camila and Vladimir's family.

"Wow.. this is the best day of my life." said Vladimir

"I met the love of my life, and met my family" added Vladimir as he kissed Camila.

Camila blushed.

Camila and Vladimir explained how they met.

The guys laughed .

Patricia sat a lone in the corner and drew some drawings

"Patricia come here." said Camila.

Her dad told her to come.

She shook her head and kept drawing.


The next day, in the afternoon they had a game against Supa Strikas and then in the night they had a match against Invincible United.

Camila, Patricia and his dad where in the crowd watching the match.

Supa Strikas won against Grimm. 2-1

Though .

They drew against Invincible United. 2-2

This time, instead of Vladimir doing his famous scary celebration he ran to Camila and his family and hugged them.

His second goal, he dedicated it to his dead mother, even though she was a total beast.

He still loved her. 

Both of them played well, and there wasnt a bad tension between them.

After the game ended, Supa Strikas and Invincible United went back to South Africa. While Grimm went to their houses.

Vladimir is now living with Camila.

His dad and his sister visit them every day.

They are living a good life :)

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