Hydra _Liquido_

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Hydra team where doing training under the sea as usual.

They had a match against Supa Strikas today.

So they have to be in good shape.

They trained under water for about an hour, and then they got out.

Though Supa Strikas where already on the ground, waiting for Coach del aqua to come and greet them and show them around.

"This is ridiculous!" said Coach as they where waiting for Hydra.

"We been waiting for 10 minutes, coach man" said Rasta trying to calm their coach.

"Told you. Liquido doesn't know what he's doing, dudes." said North.

Though before anybody could complete with the conversation, 3 of the Hydra players came out from the sea.

"Woah" said Klaus and the others.

Though there wasn't coach del aqua with them.

Liquido, Shane Fin and Skipper came walking towards Supa Strikas.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Supa Strikas." Started Liquido.

"What do you want Liquido?!" asked North

Liquido chuckled

"I don't know. I was going to ask you." said Liquido.

Shane Fin and Skipper nodded.

"We are here for the game, man." said Rasta

Liquido rolled his eyes

"I know. But you shouldn't be here dudes." said Shane Fin.

"What do you mean?" asked Coach.

"Didnt you get a message that you should meet coach del aqua in the pitch, dudes?" asked Skipper 

Supa Strikas didnt get any message or what ever they where saying.

"We didnt get any message dudes. Are you messing around?" asked North as he pointed at Liquido.

"Well, you losers wouldn't know what hit you even if the message fell on your head." growled back Liquido.

Shane Fin and Skipper laughed.

"No you didn't-" said Shane Fin.

"Oh yeah?" said North as he pointed his finger at Liquido.

"Yeah" said Liquido as he pushed away North's finger.

Both of them kept looking evilly at each other

"Okay that's enough!" said coach as he pushed both of them away from each other.

North nodded and sighed

Liquido rolled his eyes.

"So, what message are you talking about?" asked coach.

"Coach del aqua sent you a message a few days ago, telling you to meet in the pitch, dudes." said Shane fin

"Yeah." added Skipper.

"Fine, why don't you take us then?" said coach.

"Gnarly" said Shane fin as Liquido and Skipper nodded.

The three kept talking about surfing and winning and what ever.

"These dudes don't know anything about high pressure." said Liquido to Shane Fin and Skipper.

They both nodded.

Supa Strikas heard them.

"Oh yeah?" said North as he walked to Liquido and his pals

"Yeah" said Skipper as Liquido and Shane fin giggled.

"Well-" North was going to argue when Coach del aqua and the rest of their teammates cut him short.

"Well, hello Supa Strikas." said coach del aqua as he shook Coach's hand.

"We have been waiting for you in the pitch. Didnt you get my message?" asked Del aqua

Supa Strikas looked confused

"No We didnt." said Coach.

Del aqua nodded

"Its okay. Just follow me. I will show you around the floating stadium." said Del aqua

"North. Remember." said coach as he looked at North's eyes

North nodded

"Liquido." started Del aqua

"I know dude." interrupted him Liquido.

Del aqua sighed.

All of them walked behind Del aqua as he showed them around.

"Wow." said the guys.

As they arrived in the control room.

Ursula was there as usual taking care of the system.

Though, there was a girl next to her. She was a little bit younger, and had long blonde hair till her waist, red lips, blue eyes, and had pale white skin. She was wearing white trousers and a blue t-shirt. She was incredibly beautiful. 

"Wow." said the guys as they looked at her.

"Oh, this is our new helper. She will help Ursula with some stuff." Said Del aqua as he pointed at the girl who was chewing some gum.

"Hey. Im Kendal. You can call me Ken. No actually don't. That sounds like a boy name.. Anyways, Im the new helper." she said as she shook her hands with Hydra's team.

As she shook her hand with Liquido, she looked at his eyes. 

Wow, she taught.

Liquido looked at her eyes.

Incredible he taught

They both smiled.

And blushed a little.

The guys chuckled and looked confused at both of them.

"Uh.." said coach.

Liquido and Kendal looked away and blushed.

"Okay.." said Del aqua

"Dude" said Shane Fin as he and the others chuckled

"What?" said Liquido as he raised an eyebrow at them.

Kendal giggled a little.

"Your totally in love dude-" North was going to complete but he was cut short by coach.

"Okay we know North." said coach

Kendal and Liquido blushed a little as they looked at each other.


"Anyways..." started del aqua.

"We are about to experience one of the greatest marvels in the world. Ursula?" said del aqua

Ursula nodded 

Though Kendal interrupted.

"Can i try?" asked Kendal as she jumped in front of them.

Ursula nodded

"Gnarly!" she said as she pressed some buttons and chewed her gum.

The door entrance closed as the floating stadium sunk to the sea

"Woah!" said Supa strikas as they where seeing the view of the sea from the windows as they sink to the ground.

Liquido though was distracted by the beautiful Kendal.

So was she.

She looked at Liquido, and Liquido looked at her in the eyes.

Then they looked away as they blushed a little.

"So.. how do you like being the new helper.?" asked Liquido as he came next to Kendal.

Kendal smiled.

"Its gnarly fun!!" she said as her smile widened.

Liquido chuckled

"Cool." he replied.

There was awkward silence between the two of them.

Supa Strikas went to the pitch to train for the game.

"Guys, Liquido and Kendal are totally in love." said El matador.

"I agree man" added Rasta

"They are perfect for each other brothers." stated Cool joe

The others kept chatting about those two.

"okay enough about those love birds. Lets get training." though as their coach kept showing them on the board what to do, the others where distracted.

They kept looking at the whale and the fish above them.

"Wow." they said as they saw them swimming.

It was really cool.

"Guys." said the coach as he got their attention.

In a few minutes Supa strikas where training and playing some soccer.

As Hydra fc where training as well in their other pitch.

Ursula gave Kendal a break since she worked a lot that day.

Kendal went near the guys to see them train.

"Wow, your good guys!" said Kendal as she cheered the guys on.

"You think so?" asked Liquido as he blushed

"Yes" she replied as she giggled

"Well you haven't seen anything yet." he told her as he ran as fast as he can around the pitch and showed off some amazing skills with the ball.

She watched in amazement and couldn't believe her eyes.

Wow he is fast...

And her hearth felt faster for him more then his running.

He was amazing and she really liked him, despite they only met today.

"Omg!" she told him as she ran to him.

"Gnarly dude!" she told him as she hugged him lightly.

He blushed and hugged her.

"Thanks" he told her

His team mates kept laughing at them.

"Dudes. your totally in love." said Shane Fin

"Totally" said Skipper 

"That would be nice.." said Kendal as she ran away from Liquido. 

Why did i say that.? I made it obvious that i love him. What if he doesn't love me back? Its been only a day! God i messed up. I embarrassed myself in front of the whole team... Ahh. Thank god Supa strikas where not there. Thank god coach del aqua was with Ursula.

"What are you doing here, Kendal?" asked Ursula as she saw Kendal running towards her.

"I thought you gave her a break. She needs it." said del aqua.

"She did give me a break but i just decided to come and work again." said Kendal as she looked away from them because she was lying.

Though they knew why.

"No i think you should go near the guys." said Del aqua

Ursula nodded

Kendal sighed

"Fine.." she said as she walked away trembling

"I think we need to give Kendal a chance with Liquido. They would make a good couple. And im sure both of them are in love." said del aqua.

Ursula nodded in agreement.

Ursula and del aqua watched the camera too see what Kendal and Liquido would do.

"Hey, Kendal." said Liquido as he walked to her as he was blushing.

"Hello." she replied

He chuckled.

She giggled.

They didnt know what to say.

It was awkward really...

They looked at each other in the eyes

Then coach del aqua called them for lunch

"Oh its lunch time already..." said Liquido as he looked away from Kendal

"Yeah pity" said Kendal as she looked away from Liquido

"Would you like to join me for lunch?" he asked her.

She smiled and nodded

"Yes." she replied,

he smiled and walked with her to the lunch

"Hey what about us dude!" yelled Shane fin.

Liquido and Kendal ignored them and kept walking to the cafeteria.

There was Supa Strikas there already.

"Okay is this seat good?" he asked her as he sat down

She nodded 

"Yes." she told him as she sat down in front of him

They kept talking about them selves and they knew more about each other.

"Ill get our food okay?" he asked her.

She nodded.

Then North came in front of Kendal.

"Hey. Kendal." said North 

"Yes what can i do?" she asked him raising an eyebrow 

"Well. I know you love Liquido." said North

She blushed

"And he loves you." he said.

She blushed even more.

"So...?" she asked him

"I think-" before North could finish, Liquido came next to him

"Hey what you think your doing?" asked him Liquido.

"I was just seeing if she was okay, dude!" said North as he winked at Kendal

She understood not to mention anything that they talked about to Liquido.

"Hmmm.. fine. Now get lost loser." said Liquido 

"Oh yeah?" asked North as he looked at Liquido angrilly

"Yeah!" replied Liquido

"Uh.." said Kendal as she got up.

Both of them looked at her,

"Am i disturbing?" she asked them

"No of course not." said Liquido as he walked in front of her.

She smiled

"Okay" she replied

He smiled back

North did a signal to El matador and the others.

Though Kendal and Liquido where too busy talking to each other to notice what was going on.

Hydra and Supa Strikas members came next to each other and whispered about something.

"Ill do it guys!" said El matador

"Okay Gnarly.." said Shane fin

"This is going to be good!" said the guys as they gave the ball to El matador.

El matador backed away from the ball, and ran and shot it and aimed it at the back of Liquido's head.

It hit Liquido on the head and he fell on Kendal.

Kendal was lying on the floor, while Liquido was lying on her.

She let out a little yelp since she didnt know what happened.

The others where all laughing at them.

Liquido got a little bit angry.

But then he looked at Kendal's face

She was all red blushing

Liquido blushed and he was all red too,

"Are you.. okay?" he asked her.

"Yes." she said as she smiled at him

"Your very beautiful" he told her 

She giggled

"Your very handsome.. and a little bit heavy" she said

Liquido smiled awkwardly and sheepishly.

"Oh sorry." he said as he got up form her and handed her his hand

She smiled and held his hand as he pushed her up.

The others where peeing their pants with laughter.

Liquido and Kendal learned what happened as both of them looked back at the two teams.

As Supa Strikas and the rest of Hydra saw Liquido and Kendal's red blushing face they laughed even more.

"Omg dudes!" said Skipper

"Just confess before both of you turn into a tomato!" said Cool joe

"Gnarly dude!" said Shane Fin

Liquido rolled his eyes and chuckled

"This is embarrassing." he told her.

"I know. But its nice too.." she said as she smiled at him

He smiled back

"Im going to the bathroom i will be right back." she told him as she smirked at him

He chuckled stupidly and nodded.

As she left the room, Liquido ran towards the guys.

"Are you serious?! I could of hurt her or something dudes." he told them angrily.

"Oh now your being protective too" said Shakes as he was laughing with the others.

Liquido rolled his eyes.

"Who's idea was this?!" said Liquido.

"Mine." said North as he chuckled

"North!" said Liquido as he got even madder

"Yep dude" said North as he chuckled even more

Liquido rolled his eyes and pulled North by the hand and took him to a table that was away from the guys.

"Well.. how about we do a challenge.?" Liquido asked North.

"Why would i?" asked North 

"So you will pay what you have done? Plus its a cool game... And we can see who really is the best." said Liquido.

"Fine." replied North

Liquido chuckled

"We are going to drive the APD's in the sea, and then back up. Who comes up first is the winner." Said Liquido

"Unless your chicken of course.." added Liquido

North smirked

"Sure. Im up for a challenge. And you will finally see who is the best" replied North

Liquido rolled his eyes.

"Come on then loser." said Liquido.

North followed Liquido towards the APD's.

Kendal though heard what they where saying.

"Oh my god. Should i tell Ursula? No.. Liquido would be mad with me. But i don't know if he loves me.. But if he does, i would make him think otherwise. But if i don't tell Ursula something bad might happen to them and i would probably get fired or something!" said Kendal to herself.

She had a worried look on her face and the others noticed

"You okay dude?" asked Shane Fin

"You look worried man." added Rasta

"Uh im totally fine.." she said as she rushed away to her dorm thinking on what to do.

"I can always pretend i didnt know.." she started saying.

"Yes! that's what i will do" she said to her self as she smiled and make her self something to eat

Then there was a sound of BOOM in the stadium.

The ground shook a bit

And the alarm went on.

"Oh no i hope it wasn't Liquido or North." she said as she ran out of her dorm and ran towards the the pitch.

"Attention, all players and Kendal come to the pitch, Attention, all players and Kendal come to the pitch immediately." said Ursula


"Oh coach is going to be so angry when he finds out what you did!" said Liquido as he pointed at North.

"Face it dude, where both in for a world of hurt" said North as he walked away

"Maybe we should keep it on the DL" said Liquido as he walked away with North.

"Yeah we both keep our trap shut and this may work all right" said North.


"Oh my god. Its al my fault. It was probably one of the dudes that did this! I should of told somebody about them driving the APD's. What if one of them is hurt.!?" said Kendal to herself as she ran to the pitch to see all the players and coaches there looking confused.

"Our starboard core malfunctioned and we have no idea how" started del aqua.

"I do." started Klaus 

Everybody looked at him.

Kandel looked at Liquido and North and she noticed that they looked scared.

"This was obviously the work of Tentacle Tim!" said Klaus as he took out his cereal box.

Liquido took out a breath of relieve.

Cool joe facepalmed him self.

"seriously brother, cut down on the sugar." said Cool joe.

"This does mean we don't have enough electricity to get back to the surface" said coach del aqua

The guys all looked at him shocked

Kendal looked scared.

Her hearth was pounding very fast

"But don't worry the stadium can easily sustain us until the power corer is repaired." added coach del aqua

The others where relieved

"This is a tough first day for you, huh Kendal?" asked Liquido as he shrugged her shoulder

She didnt know what to say. It was her fault probably. But she isn't sure that the APD's caused this problem so she calmed down a bit.

"Yeah." she replied blushing a little.

"But the game is in a few hours" said Shakes.

"So lets play then" said Liquido.

"But what about the fans, How are they going to watch me score all the goals?" asked El matador.

"That's my job. des football 360 camera crew" said a woman.

"Yes" said El matador

Kendal came next to Liquido.

"Good luck for the game."  she told him.

He smiled

"Thanks. Be safe." he told her as he blushed

She blushed as well.

Kendal sat on the bench as she watched the guys play.

The defenders where owning this match.

Hydra attack, Supa Strikas deffend

Though North moved out of his position because Liquido was joking around with him.

So, Hydra scored

"Gnarly!" said Shane fin as he and the guys ran to the camera

"Yes! Gnarly dudes! You rock Liquido!" said Kendal as she jumped up and down.

Liquido smiled at her and thumbs up.

Suddenly some water leaked into the pitch.

The coached called off both of them teams.

Kendal was confused.

But then she looked up and saw some cracks in the staduim

"Oh my god." she said 

So, Kendal gets really scared easily.

She panics a lot about everything 

And makes a fuss.

Though its not her fault. 

She looked shocked.

"Oh no.." she said as some tears came from her eyes.

She got scared and sat on the ground as she stayed there.

She didnt know what to do.

"Your okay?" asked Liquido and the others.

She shook her head and explained that she gets scared and panicked easily even about the smallest things

The guys felt bad for her and they didnt know what to do.

"Uh don't worry. We are going to the APD's right now so we can get back to the surface." Said coach del aqua

She calmed down but then she remembered Liquido and North's racing.

She panicked again but she shrugged it of her.

Liquido looked at North

"We are done for." said North

"Lets just tell them dude. They will find out anyways." said Liquido.

North nodded and both of them followed the guys.

"One of our APD's are missing." said del aqua.

Klaus told them that this was the job of tentical tim though they of course declined it.

"Then if tentacle Tim didnt do all of this, then who did?" said Klaus trying to prove his point.

I stood there, panicked. I don't want to tell them that it was Liquido or North. My hearth was pounding very fast.

Where are those two anyways!?

"Us" we heard a two voices and turned back to see North and Liquido walking towards us.

They where all shocked

Kendal wasn't though. she knew it was one of them anyways....

"We were racing the APD's" started North

"And crushed into the stadium." added Liquido 

Both of them looked scared.

Though the others where all shocked and angry

Especially the coaches. :O

Kendal felt sad for those two.

Especially because she didnt do anything about it before.

She cried a bit.

"Whats wrong?" asked her the guys.

"I.. knew about this before. I heard them talking about this in the cafeteria but i didnt want to say anything about this to anybody. Because i didnt want to Liquido and North to hate me or something and i didnt want to be seen as the ^teachers pet^, and i understand if you don't want me for the job anymore." she said as she cried even more.

The guys where all shocked by what they heard.

Though they felt sad for her.

Liquido just hugged her.

She hugged him back.

"Don't worry. Its okay. Me and North will fix this." said Liquido as he made sure she was okay.

She smiled

"And how do you plan to do that without any electricity?" asked coach looking at Liquido and North.

"Oh we have got one of the biggest power source in the universe." started Liquido.

"Our rivalry." said North.

The others nodded and let them do their business.

Liquido and North headed towards the electricity ball.

"The more we kick the ball, the more power we create." said Liquido as he held the ball.

"Man its going to take some crazy all action footy" said North.

"Its worth a shot." replied Liquido

"Yeah lots and lots and lots of shots." added North.

Both headed towards the pitch and placed the ball in the middle

"maybe its not to late to make a swim for it." said North as the stadium started leaking even more.

"You guys never learn. The real power lies in teamwork." said Rasta as he and the others came walking towards them,

Liquido and North where shocked to see them.

Kandel looked scared.

Liquido hugged her.

She smiled and she felt a bit better.

"I don't feel that scared anymore," she told him

He smiled and chuckled

Both of the teams charge into action.

The teams scored some goals with lots of power.

And after a while, they got as much as electricity they needed to float up!!

"Get the ball to the power timer now!" said del aqua.

"Ive got this." said North as he picked up the ball.

"No no ive got this" replied Liquido.

Both of them looked at each other in anger

"Oh just give it to me." said Kandel as she took the ball from Liquido's hands and ran to the power timer

Liquido and the others where impressed

"Wow she is fast." said Tiger.

The others nodded

"Hope she makes it in time.." said Liquido.

Kandel ran as fast as she can to the power timer to place the ball and get back to the surface.

Though the stadium leaked when she got there

Water filled the stadium


They got back up!!!

The camera crew filmed the amazing moment.

Everybody was happy.

Though El matador's hair was flattened and all wet.

Big bo had a squid on his head.

"Tentacle Tim!" Screamed Klaus

All of them looked at Big bo.

"You were right Klaus this stuff is way better then seafood buffet." said Big bo as he burped.

"Hey what do you know? Tentacle Tim does lurk in the darkest depths.. Of the cereal box"  added Big bo as the others laughed

Liquido was worried since Kandel didnt come back to the pitch

"Hey did you see Kandel?" he asked them.

"Havent seen her since she ran to the power timer."  said the guys.

Then she came running back towards them.

She was smiling and charged towards Liquido and hugged him tight

He hugged her back tightly

"I was worried for you" said Liquido as he hit her on her shoulder gently

She giggled

"i was worried for you too" she replied

Both of them blushed

The others laughed.

"Come on tell her.." started North.

The others nodded and pushed Liquido closer to Kandel.

Kendal looked confused. 

"I-.. uh.." he started as he blushed

Kandel giggled

"I know we met today... But i had feelings for you since i first saw you.. Your very beautiful, and energetic, fast, and even though you get scared easily that wont affect me. I love you. So, Kandel, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked her as he looked at her in her eyes.

The others where looking at Kandle to see what she would say.

She smiled widely and some happy tears fell from her eyes.

"Yes dude!" she said as she jumped on him and kissed him.

He was shocked but kissed her back.

The guys congratulated them.

"I love you too Liquido. And i feel the same way for you.." she said as she kissed his cheeks.

He chuckled

And kissed her cheeks back.

"Anyways, im sorry because i didnt tell you coach del aqua about all this. Its basically my fault because they might of got hurt, and it was my job to take care of the stadium and stuff-" said Kandel as she turned to del aqua

Though she was cut off short 

"No. Don't apologize. I understand. And your not fired don't worry. Your still learning.." he told her .

She smiled and thanked him.

"Your so cute." said Liquido as he picked her cheeks

She giggled

"Your so hot" she told him as she put her hand on his chest. Wow

He chuckled

All of them looked at those two in awe.

Though they where cut short again by their coaches 

"North shaw" said Coach

"Liquido" said coach del aqua

Liquido and North walked towards their coach.

"You guys made a serious mess" started coach.

"And you did a pretty good job of cleaning it up" added coach del aqua.

North and Liquido smiled at each other

They high fived each other

"We did it." said Liquido

"We make a pretty good team." added North

Kendal smiled at them

Liquido pulled Kendal close to him and put his hand around her waist.

"So anybody know the final score?" asked Cool joe.

"We totally won." said North as he put his hand on Liquido's shoulder

"Oh please. The game was all ours. You played like a wet cat." said Liquido as he shrugged North's hand of his shoulder

Kendal giggled to Liquido's comment.

Both of them argued and stuff

Though then Kandel came in the middle and said

"Its official. Both of you lost. I am the winner since i took the ball to the power timer on time." she said as she smirked

The others giggled

"Cant argue with that." Said Liquido as he put his hand on her shoulder

North rolled his eyes.

"Guess she is right." said North.

"Of course she is." said Liquido 

Kendal was placed her head on Liquido's chest and hugged him.

He hugged her back.

She was very tired after that busy day she had.

She just closed her eyes and slept

Liquido blushed and smiled.

The guys giggled and watched them in awe as Kendal let out some light snores

"Why don't you take her to bed.?" asked del aqua

"Yeah and sleep with her when your at it." said North

The others chuckled

Liquido rolled his eyes

"Fine. Ill take her to bed. But can i stay with her a bit?" he asked them.

They all chuckled

"What?" he asked as he blushed

"Sure." replied del aqua

"Way to go dude!" said Shane fin 

Liquido sighed.

"You guys act like kids" he said as he held Kendal in his arms and took her to his dorm.

He placed her in the bed as he slept next to her.

"Good night beautiful pearl." he told her as he kissed her forehead.

She smiled and both of them went to bed.


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