Invincible United _Skarra_

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"Skarra, it was a clear goal if you just past it to Dingaan!!" growled Vince at Skarra as he got off the pitch to be Substituted by Automatic.

"Oh come on Vince." said Skarra.

"Are you really going to scold me Vince? And what will that loser do?" yelled Skarra at his Uncle.

Vince got angry at him

"That's it! Your out of the team for 3 games!" said Vince.

"Are you kidding Vince?" asked Skarra.

"No im not kidding." he told him,

The referee had to stop the game because of their little fight.

"Is everything okay here.?" Asked the referee

"Yeah just fine." said Vince rolling his eyes.

Those two stopped fighting and Skarra sat down on the bench.

Suddenly, a young girl, with brown hair, who was about 16, wearing the Invincible united jersey  came running into the field.

The referee paused the game.

The players kept looking at the girl, as the body guard tried to catch her.

She dodged them, but then she tripped on Shakes shoes.

The girl fell on the ground with a thud. The body guard reached her, as they carried her out of the pitch.

"Skarra please sign my jersey!" she said as she had a pen in her hand

Skarra noticed the girl. He looked at her face. She was so beautiful. He looked at her for a few seconds and went running to the body guards.

The players and the fans and the coached looked at Skarra shocked.

No player would do that, and they didnt expect it from Skarra! I mean they didnt expect it from nobody!

"Oi, stop!" said Skarra.

The guards turned at Skarra

"Drop the girl" said Skarra.

The guards did as told 

"Thanks you" said the girl as she hugged Skarra.

"No worries. Are you okay?" said Skarra as he hugged the girl

"Yes, thanks." she said.

Okay now everybody was shocked.

"Do you know her Skarra.?" asked Shakes and the others.

"Nope," said Skarra as he was signing her jersey and handed it to her gently.

They all looked at him in shock.

"Thanks Skarra your the best!" she told him as they high fived.

"Oh wait, before you leave, take my number. Give me a call, i can give you my shoes if you want." he told her.

Nobody believed their ears.

"Wait... REALLY?!" she said as she was blushing as red as a tomato.

Skarra giggled and said

"Yes," as he handed her his card.

She cried happy tears as she hugged him again.

He hugged her and then they said their Byes.

As the girl left to her place, the players from both teams looked at Skarra shocked.

Nobody said anything, 

Even the fans... they where shocked. How can Skarra do that. when no player does that..? i mean.... in a semi final game!?

The referee was too shocked and forgot to start the game.

As Skarra walked from the pitch to the bench, he looked around him to see everybody looking at him.

"Uh, what happened to you guys!?" he asked with some anger in his voice.

"You.. are you an alien?" asked Klaus.

Skarra laughed,

"Alien? are you high?" he said as he scolded him.

"Are you Skarra or are you a robot or something?" asked El matador.

"Im Skarra, why do you all ask?" he asked them

"Are you okay Skarra?" asked Dingaan.


They explained about how nice he was, and not even the nicest player would do that.

"I guess, its in me." said Skarra as he ignored them and sat on the bench

Vince looked at his nephew in a shock.

"Are you my nephew?" he asked  him.

Skarra got angry with all the questions and just yelled.

"YES I AM YOUR NEPHEW AND YOU ARE MY UNCLE AND MY COACH! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Yelled Skarra at his uncle as he rolled his eyes and plugged his ears.

Everybody looked at the commotion.

The referee started the game and they began playing.

Invincible United scored a goal and they won the match 1-0.

"Yas!" they all screamed as they ran across the field celebrating.

Skarra got a call.

"What do you want?" he said

"Its me, the fan." said the other voice

Skarra became more calm when he heard her voice

"Oh hi" he said

"can i like... celebrate a bit with you please?" she asked him

Skarra giggled and replied with a yes.

The girl yelled in happiness and came down and celebrated with Skarra and IU.

Supa Strikas watched at them celebrating.

"I think Skarra has a crush on that girl" said Shakes. 

The others nodded in agreement.

"Hey Skarra. You made my dream come true.!" she told him as she smiled.

"No worries, you made my dream come true. I met the girl of my life" he said. oh no it slipped out by mistake!

Supa Strikas and Invincible united looked at Skarra in a shock

The girl blushed and said.


Skarra blushed and said 

"I didnt mean to say that - i know we just met and.. i understand if you don't like me" he started.

Though the girl hugged him and cried and said

"I always loved you Skarra..." 

Skarra blushed and smiled and hugged the girl tightly.

The players didnt belive their ears or their eyes.

"Am i dreaming dudes?" asked North shaw.

"Nope.." said Automatic.

"Wow.. this is cute." said Klaus as he watched in awe.

El matador was recording it all on his phone.

"I am Jessica." she told him as she put out her hand.

"I guess you already know who i am." said Skarra as he shacked her hand

Jessica giggled and replied

"Yep, i have always been a big fan. My brothers will not believe me when i tell them this!" she told him smiling.

"You don't have to tell them. I can come to your house." he told her.

She smiled and held each others hands as they kept talking about each other and stuff as they walked out of the pitch and entered the tunnel. They ignored the other players as they walked away.

"Skarra.?" asked Dooma.

"That dude, is in love. When i say in love, i mean he is in love!" said Cool joe

The others nodded.

Vince came near the guys.

"Is he my nephew.?" he asked them

"I don't know anymore, Vince" replied Coach.

They said as they watched Skarra and Jessica walk through the tunnel.. they just kissed.

The players just where amazed.

Skarra and Jessica left the stadium and drove over town, buying clothes, eating, and having fun.

"I love you Skarra" said Jessica

"I love you more Jessica." said Skarra as he hugged her.

They cuddled together :D

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