North Shaw x Fem reader

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This story was requested by NewMarauders87

Thank you for requesting this, and i hope you enjoy it!!


Most of the Supa Strikas were hanging out in the changing room, as they were getting ready and preparing to face Hydra FC. 

North Shaw was on his way to Strika land, but he bumped into a familiar female. She seemed very familiar to him. Oh yes! That was (y/n)! 

You and North Shaw were best of friends since your childhood. You guys always went surfing together, playing soccer and chilling out at all times. But, since you lived in Australia and he lived in South Africa, you guys haven't seen each other in a few years. 

North Shaw ran up towards you, and you were surprised to see him. 

"Hey, (y/n)!" North Shaw said as he approached you.

You smiled and gave him a slight hug as he hugged you back. 

"Hi North. How have you been?" (y/n) asked him as she patted his shoulder lightly.

"I'm good. What are you doing in South Africa? Like... aren't you suppose to be in Australia dudette?"  He asked concerned. 

"Yeah, but i just came here for a visit, to see you. I wanted it to be a surprise and just burst in the match today, but you spotted me." (y/n) giggled. 

 North raised his eyebrows. 

"You came all the way to South Africa just to see me? Geez, thanks." he blushed as he placed his hand out for you to shake it. 

You shake his hand in response.

"No worries. I missed you so much. You have a match today right,? Against Hydra?" (y/n) asked.

North Shaw just remembered about the match, and he was probably running late now. 

"OH DUDE THE MATCH! I TOTALLY FORGOT BRUH!" He shrieked out load. 

You chuckled as he rushed towards the car. You follow him to his car and hop in besides him. 

"May i join the fun?" (y/n) asked him playfully.

He nodded.

"Yeah yeah, now lets go because i'm like so dead if i'm late" He started driving towards the stadium.

As he was driving, you guys chill to some music and start chatting about some memories you guys share from your childhood.

"Remember when i thought you how to swim? I had to throw you in the deep sea!" (y/n) giggled as she starts going through her memories.

"OH yeah! That was gnarly though! If it wasn't for you, i like wouldn't know how to swim or surf today! That would be hell" he said as he smiled at you. 

You smiled back.

(Y/n) and North kept talking and chatting until they got to the stadium. North didn't know but he was probably catching feelings for you. I mean, (y/n) and North shared lots of memories and you two were inseparable and always up for adventures. (Y/n) was the one who thought him how to swim and surf anyways...

When you guys arrived at Strika Land, you rushed to the changing room. Thank god the game didn't start yet. 

As both of you get into the room, you notice the boys staring at you. I mean, of course, what do you expect? You are just a random girl who entered the Supa Strikas changing room along with a super hot Australian Supa Strika. 

"Uh, glad to finally join us North." said coach as he sternly deadlocks at North.

North sheepishly smiles.

"And mind i ask, who are you?" asked Shakes. 

"You North, who is she?" asked the guys.

"yeah, who is this beautiful señorita?" asks El Matador as he walks towards you with that smug smile of his. 

You ignored him and North rolled his eyes at him.

North introduces you to everybody.

"Well dudes, this is my childhood best friend, (y/n). She is from Australia but she came for a visit." Insisted North as he smiled at you.

You smile at the guys.

"Hello. Nice to meet you.." you said being shy and shocked to be in a room filled with Supa Strikas.

They smile as they all greet you nicely. 

"It was nice meeting you, (y/n). I'm sure you will stay to watch the match today." said Rasta. 

You thought for a moment.

Shall i?

Of course i will.. what kind of fool would miss watching Supa Strikas play from the side lines?.. im here anyways.

"Yeah of course! I will do anything to watch you play. It's an honour!" You scream

The guys chuckle as North gives you a light hug.

"You're so cute." said a voice suddenly from behind you all.

You guys turn around to see Liquido.

Oh great. It's not that i don't like the dude, but like, he and North don't really have a fair reputation, don't they!? No they don't....

"Ugh, Liquido!" Said North in an annoyed voice. 

"Hi North. And hi beauty (y/n). You haven't really change. Did you forget me?" Said Liquido as he reaches his hand out. 

"Don't touch her!" insisted North.

You could see the jealousy and rivalry between those two boys. 

"Excuse me Liquido. GET OUT OF HERE!" Screamed coach.

Damn, (y/n) was impressed.

Liquido looks sternly at North and leaves the room.

"So, you know Liquido huh sista?" asked Cool Joe.

"Yeah, he used to be an old friend. But we kind of, stopped being friends after like something happened between us. But we are okay." You said as you don't really want to get into details.

The guys nod

"The dude was a total jerk." adds North as he puts his hand on your shoulder.

You smile as North has your back.

The guys nod as they gossip about Liquido's goofy hair.

The match was about to start. 

"Okay boys. On 1, 2,3 Supa Strikas!" they all joined hands as you stared at them in awe. Wondering what it's like to be a supa strika.

They head out, you following closely behind them.

Supa Strikas line up in the tunnel, as the opposite team is next to them lining up too.

Liquido notices you.

He smirks at you while North looked at him angrily.

You wish the guys good luck

"I don't luck bonita. I'm already lucky." said El matador full of pride.

You giggle at his remark.

You and Coach head out first and went next to the line.

Supa Strikas got out on the field and started playing.

Liquido and North messed up a little, but it wasn't THAT bad...

The game finished 1-1 and there was no hard feelings between both teams// apart from North and Liquido.

"Well, even my grandma could of played better than you!" said North to Liquido.

"Oh yeah?!" said Liquido.

"YEAH!"  North responds in range to Liquido.

"Let's ask (y/n)!" said North, as he raised his eyebrows

Both rushed towards you as you were chatting with the guys.

"Who played the best!?" they both shouted in your face. 

You thought for a moment...

"Uhh.. both of you could of played better. Just stop your fighting and flickering guys.. I mean, on the game it's okay for a little rivalry but come on, this is too much. Don't you think dudes?" (y/n) implies as she gives them a light slap.

The guys look away in shame as they just got slayed by (y/n)

"Oh yes. Put some information in their mind (y/n)" said Klaus. 

You say bye to the guys then you walk out of the stadium in anger as their rivalry was too much.

North talks to Supa Strikas and tells them that he has something important to do... 

North runs up to you.

"Hey (y/n) i know you're like totally angry at me dudette. I get you, i would be too. But Liquido is like...annoying bruh." He starts explaining. 

You raise your eyebrows. 

He breathes in and out.  

"Well we haven't seen each other in a long time. I don't want to make this visit uncomfortable for you bestie. How about we go and relax a bit and forget about what happened? Go to the beach together and surf on some gnarly waves? I promise, i will try to fix my attitude with Liquido the next time we meet..." he said as he made his cute puppy eyes that you could never resist.

You nod in defeat.

"Okay... but promise me you guys will try to get along with each other more." (y/n) adds.

He promises you

You smile

He hold your hand as you both walk up to his car. 

"I bet i could surf on more gnarly waves than you.." (y/n) said.

"Oh yeah?! We will see! Who ever surfs the most and does the gnarliest moves, gets two ice creams and the loser has to pay!" He says with a wide smile on his face.

You smile and agree.

"You're on loser!" you say as you both rush into the car and giggle your way to the beach as you share amazing memories from your past...

Well, i could see something for (y/n) and North... some kind of love? Well, better not start spreading rumours right now! I hope you guys enjoyed this. It isn't my best and It might not be that good, but i honestly have a lot to do lately and i will probably edit my work in the future! I hope you enjoyed this anyways! I had fun doing this! Until then, see you guys and stay safe :))

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