Taylor Swift

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This story was requested by   NurBatrisyia1

Thank you for requesting this, and i hope you enjoy it!


(This story is sampled from the episode *Live and Kicking*.) 


The Super League teams where all together as they where waiting to find out who the nominees and winner for the Golden Boot is.

El Matador, Shakes, Riano and Skarra where the nominees for the Golden Boot... But, who is the winner?

"And the winner is..... SHAKES!!" El Matador thought he won, Skarra couldn't believe this, while Riano just clapped.

 Shakes got up and shook hands with the nominees as he walked up to the stage to get his Golden Boot and give a little speech.

As he was saying the speech and the guys where clapping and cheering, he said these following words "Looking forward to an even bigger challenge next season."

A woman in the shadows with a golden ring written TS on it chuckled and whispered "Why wait till next season, Shakes?" ..........

Shakes sat down with Supa Strikas at their table, as El Matador looked kind of mad for not winning the Golden Boot since he thought he deserved it more then Shakes.

Then suddenly a waiter came in with a plate as he walked towards Shakes.

"Mr. Shakes." offered the waiter.

"What's this?" asked Shakes confused as he opened the plate and got a golden envelope.

The waiter did not know either, so he just shrugged and left. 

Shakes opened the envelope and started reading the golden letter as El matador moves closer to Shakes to see what was written...

There was written.. :

(Dear Shakes,

Ms. TS invited you to her private island for a soccer challenge like no other...)

El Matador looked and felt pissed as he said "Oh come on! You get the Golden Boot, AND the fancy Golden Letter?! No fair.." 

El Matador got a ticket as well, but it was not so jolly, as it said that his car has been towed, and El matador ran for his car since Bruno means a lot to him. (Bruno is his lamborghini's name)

Shakes told the guys about this letter he got, and instead of him hanging out with the guys at Rasta's place, he decided he will be going to this island to meat Ms. TS ... Who ever she was ...


Shakes went on a plane and as he was reading a newspaper, as the plane announced that it will land shortly at TS's Island.

Shakes got up and opened the over-head bin to get his bags, but with the bags, he found El Matador. "Hi Shakes." said El matador.

Shakes asked El Matador what he was doing there. The Spaniard replied that his invite might of got lost in the post, so Shakes got angry at him and shut the door and left him there.


Shakes took a lift, with El Matador right next to him and went into this room, where he found the other players from different teams, such as :

 Uber, Skarra, Riano, Chuck T. Chipperson, Meda, Liquido, Miko Chen.

They greeted Shakes but ignored El Matador.

Skarra looked at Shakes and said "Well, well, well.. It's Mr. Golden Boot himself. I see you bought your babysitter, Shakes." ( By babysitter he was referring about El Matador)

The guys all gave a little laugh at Skarra's comment, then El Matador said "HA! The only thing i sit on is chairs! And sometimes the ground when there are no chairs available.." 

The guys ignored poor El Matador.

Shakes decided to ask what the letter was about, the guys felt the same, they where confused and haven't seen anyone since they arrived.

Suddenly a womanly figure in a transparent lift just risen above the ground, in the middle of the players, making them confused and surprised. 

Her ring shined, as she had blonde-brownish hair, blue sparkling eyes, fair skin, and a beautiful face and smile. She was wearing a short black dress that really looked good on her.<3

The guys stared at her beauty for a few moments, and then El Matador suddenly said "Oh look! Its Taylor Swift! She is so beautiful" 

How didn't the guys notice right away that it was Taylor Swift

"Uhm yes. It's me, Taylor" She spoke softly.

El Matador walked next to her and said "Hello beautiful!" as he took out his hand and kissed her own hand.

The guys rolled their eyes.

"I'm sorry about him. You see, he is always like that especially around ladies." said Shakes as he pulled El matador away from her. 

"I was just being nice" said El Matador as he tried to protest.

"Its okay. I get it a lot from fans."  was all she managed to say.

"Okay so, i guess you invited us here?" Liquido broke the awkward silence between them. 

Taylor smirked "Yeah i did. I just wanted to have a little chat with you guys. And maybe play some games? I really want to get to know you all" 

"But- but- you said that you on your invitation that we where going to have a soccer challenge like no other!" Said Chuck. 

"Ja, is this a trick?" said Uber as he got a little mad. 

The guys all felt angry towards Taylor, since she basically tricked them, as Shakes wanted to spend time with his teammates.

"I guess. It was the only way i could get you all at one place.. sorry." said Taylor

"Its okay though! I would love to have a chat with you." Said El matador as he scooted next to her. 

Taylor smiled.

"OKAY? No its not OKAY! You tricked us and now you want me to stay here and have a chat with you losers?! FORGET ABOUT IT! Its not happening!" Said Skarra as he waved his arms in the air.

The guys all had enough of Skarra's bad temper. 

Shakes was about to say something but Taylor interrupted since she knew it was going to turn into a fight.

"Right. Lets play a game! Have you ever / never.. But, who ever lies or doesn't want to do the say it has to get a consequence in the end!" She said with enthusiasm. 

"Please, im not playing that baby game." said Uber as he crossed his arms.

The others agreed.

"I will, Taylor." said El Matador.

Everybody ignored him.

"Thats it! Im leaving!" said Skarra as he walked away from them all.

"And how do you expect to leave?" said Taylor as she crossed her arms and pressed her lips.

"I-.. where is the exit?" he said angrily.

"There is no exit until i say so... its my island you see. I make the rules!" she said cheekily.

Skarra rolled his eyes "oh great" he mumbled.

Taylor was in deep taught for a moment. Then she came up with an idea to prevent Skarra from leaving.

"How about a deal? If you obey and participate in these games and chats, i will tell the media and the world that you are a very nice man, and i will also feature you in one of my music videos. Deal?" she said desperately waiting for his answer.

Skarra liked the idea. 

The guys taught it was too much. Plus it wasn't really fair for them.

"You sure Taylor?" asked Miko Chen.

She nodded and winked. 

The wink left them in confusion, but they decided not to think about it.

"Okay. Deal." said Skarra. How could he give up on a brilliant idea like that ? Plus ,Taylor was one of his favourite celebrities. 

She grinned. 

Every body sat down and got ready for the game..

"Ill start. Hmm.. Shakes!" said Taylor as she pointed at the man in red sitting across her. 

Shakes raised an eyebrow.

"Have you ever/never, cheated on something or somebody?" she asked him.

Shakes started going through his memories.

"Pfft... he wouldn't cheat even if his life depends on it! He is useless!" said Skarra as he grinned at Shakes.

Shakes rolled his eyes. 

"I don't think i ever did. Maybe on a test when i was younger but that's all." said Shakes as he smiled at Taylor.

Taylor nodded. 

It was Shake's turn to ask somebody..

"Skarra, i pick you!" he said as he pointed at him.

"Oh great. Come on just say it already" said Skarra crossing his arms

"Have you ever/never  farted loud and tried to keep rhythm.?" Shakes added as he tried not to giggle at his question.

The guys all gave a little chuckle

Skarra rolled his eyes "of course not." 

"Oh really?" asked Shakes.

"I think everybody farted out in public.." said Chuck

"Pfft... i never farted in public!" said El Matador as he played with his hair.

"Right.. i had enough of this game. It's too boring." said Uber

"Yeah can we play something else?!" insisted Liquido

The guys all started to mumble and suggest some games.

"How about we play truth or dare... but with a twist?! The twist is, who ever lies or doesn't do the dare, will have to put El Matador's socks in their mouth and will get punched by Uber" said Shakes waiting for their answer.

"Hmm.... sure." all of them agreed. 

Taylor had a better idea.

"How about, who lies or doesn't do the dare, will let me put makeup on their face, wear a dress and have to sing? Oh and by the way, the dress and makeup will be on until you guys get back home." She insisted.

The guys all nodded.

That would probably be better then getting a punch from Uber and putting El matador's smelly socks in your mouth.. yuck..

"Right... I'll ask El Matador." said Taylor.

"I'll choose dare, mi amor." he replied.

"Okay.. i dare you to take off your glasses and let me hold them." said Taylor with a grin.

"OH DUDEE! YESSS" Liquido and the guys all started saying comments and getting real hyped.

"NOOOOO! NEVER! I'M LEAVING THIS PLACE!" El matador got up and ran away. 

Taylor pressed a button to shut all the doors.

"No your not.."  she smiled widely.

"I guess since you will not do the dare..... you know what that means" said Riano giggling.

"MAKEOVER!" said the guys as they pushed Taylor over to El Matador, and they let her do the job.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY BEAUTIFUL FACE-" was all El matador could scream from his mouth....


OMG... Guys just imagine El Matador wearing this dress.. rainbow  wig.... and this makeup!! (His glasses are still on btw!)


"Dudee...." said Liquido

"You look-" added Shakes

"FUNNY" chuckled Skarra and the rest of the guys.

"What did you do to me?!" said El matador whining. 

Taylor got a mirror from her bag and handed it to El Matador.

"My poor looks.. my poor face... my beautiful hair!" he said as he over reacted pretending to faint.

"It isn't that bad..." said Miko Chen as the others noded

"Really?" asked El matador, depretly.

"NO just kidding! This is going online!" said Meda as all of them got out their phones.

"Wait.. he needs to sing! How about blank space?" said Taylor as she smiled. 

El matador shook his head, but knew he had no choice...

El Matador began to sing, his voice isn't that bad but it isn't good either.

But nobody cared, they just filmed him. 

"I can make the bad guys good for a weekend, so its going to be forever or its gonna go down in flames, you can tell me when its over if the high was worth the pain.." he started singing along with some voice cracks.

Taylor applauded his singing/

"Well done! that was amazing!" said Taylor.

The guys all chuckled. 


El Matador smiled.

"Viral?! Well, all the credit and money goes to meee!" he waved his arms and grinned.

They all rolled their eyes. 

Then suddenly, a woman from a transparent lift came above the ground. 

She was wearing a black dress with a bun hair, glasses, makeup, and heels with a nice figure and had a golden ring, just like Taylor's but it was written A on the ring. 

"Oh nice of you to join us Ms Altivo!" said Taylor as she giggled and walked next to her.

The guys all gathered next to the ladies.

"Who are you?" they asked this woman, apparently goes by the name; Ms. Altivo. 

"Well. I have been seeing that you have been getting along well with Taylor. And El matador, the audience loved the singing and the looks!" said Ms. Altivo as she smiled at them and clapped her hands.

The guys felt confused.

"audience... what audience?!" gasped Skarra and the others joined in.

"This is actually a show.. the fans would love to see how you all would get along, and especially with Taylor." Said Ms. Altivo as she winked at Taylor.

"So.. all this is a trick?! A show?! A fake?!" said Uber getting angry.

"I would prefer if you call it.. *celebrity reality show* ..." said Taylor as Ms. Altivo nodded.

The guys all got a little mad, but then El Matador started whinning.

"Wait.... SO the WHOLE world saw me like this?! Noooo my reputation will be ruined!!" he said as he fell on his knees, pleading for help.

Everybody just chuckled.

"Well i guess all of you are going to be in my music video. Not just Skarra. You see, thats why i winked at the rest of you." said Taylor.

"What do you mean, Music Video?" asked Chuck.

"Well i will be using this as my music video as a thank you, and i will include El matador's verse as well." she chuckled.

The guys nodded.

Seems fair enough.

Skarra argued a little bit, but then Ms. Altivo managed to calmed him down some how.

"It was nice meeting you Taylor, and Ms. Altivo." they all said as they said their goodbyes and left to their planes.

El matador was dumfounded as he walked at the airport with him looking like this.... 

"LOOK, ITS EL MATADOR!" Screamed a fan.

"and his amazing looks!" screamed a nother.

"Amazing?!" said El matador to him self.

"You look great dude! I LOVED THE SHOW!!" said a nother.


Shakes smiled at El matador. " see you later man. I told you , you look great." said Shakes as he chuckled and walked to his car.

The fans all wanted autographs and started praising El matador. 

"I guess i do look beautiful!" said El matador.

 ********************* ..... And thats how it ended....***********************


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