Technically_Chuck T Chipperson & John J Johnson Junior_

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Toni Vern, the technically coach, and a science freak, was working on a scheme as usual.

"Now, let me see. What can i use against Supa Strikas.?" he asked as he went through some papers that he had. 

"Hmm... this one? I can sabotage Shakes by using the zone." he said as he looked at a plan to use Shakes's zone.

Suddenly there was a knock at Toni Vern's house.

"Toni, what are you doing? Don't tell me your finding another evil scheme to use against Supa Strikas." he said as he put his hand on his head.

Toni Vern lied.

"No.. of course not. Im just reading some stories about...a princess" he said as he pretending to  read about some fairy tails.

"The girl danced as her prince kissed her." he said.

Chuck T Chipperson giggled and said

"Oh come on Toni." he said. He totally believed his couch. He thought that Toni was actually reading some fairy tails.

"Ill leave you a lone i guess." said Chuck as he closed the door behind him and left walking.

"Good riddance.." said Toni as he got back to his business.

Though Chuck kept thinking about the sentence Toni said

"The girl danced as her prince kissed her... that sound nice. I never met a girl in my life that actually liked me. I really want this to happen one day.." he said as he looked at the sealing.

He went with the other guys in the locker room. They noticed that he looked lost.

"Hey, Chuck. its not usual to see you looking so lost." said John as he put his hand on Chuck's shoulder.

"Yeah" the others added.

Chuck rolled his eyes.

"Im ... okay guys." he said, trying not to look in their eyes. John somehow, always knows when he lies....

"Come on tell us!" the guys said.

Chuck had to give in, he knows his teammates wont stop bugging him

"Fine...Toni said The princess danced as her prince kissed her.. and it shook my head all of a sudden! I cant get it out of my head. I never found a true love for me. I always wanted a girl in my life, but i never had an opportunity to have one." he said as he shrugged.

The guys felt sad for him, and said

"Chuck, your still young. You have more chances, your only 25." said John. 

Chuck sighed.

"You don't get it, do you?" he said as he left the locker room.

Okay now the guys needed to do something.

"Guys, i think i have an idea how to help Chuck" said John.

The guys listend as they nodded. Its very weird that John had an idea... very rare... he is usually a bit.. stupid..

"So, remember when he said The princess danced as her prince kissed her?  I guess Chuck wants somebody that loves to dance. Why dont we check some girls that are good at dancing, and we invite them at our stadium, in the half time so she can dance and to a performance, then we push Chuck onto the palk, and then they will chat a bit. And hopefully they will be together.!" he said.

The guys where amazed by his idea.

"How did you think about that so fast?" They all asked John

"I dont know... it just stuck me.." said John

The others rolled their eyes and started to find some dancers that aren't with somebody...

"I found one!" said a player while he looked at the screen and at a short black haired girl. She had light skin, and brown eyes. Her smile explains that she is a nice person. She danced ballet. 

"Okay she looks pretty. Im going to be jealous if she and Chuck get together." said a player. (idk their names that much lol)

"Okay lets jot down some information about her, and ask Chuck if he likes her" said John.

The others nodded.

"Her name is Mindy, she is 22, born on 14th May, gender-female, single, from Russia, speaks 4 languages that are - English, Russian, Spanish and Arabic, ballerina, she likes cats, she won 5 ballerina competitions for Russia." Said John.

They all where amazed on what they heard. She seemed amazing. :O

"Now lets tell Chuck about her." they said

We ran to find Chuck, we saw him sitting down and eating some burgers on the bench.

"Chuck. We found a girl for you" they stated.

Chuck looked confused.

"What are you talking about,?" he asked

We explained to him about the girl, Mindy that we found. 

He smiled and hugged us

"Thanks guys. I would like her. But do you think that she will like me? What gift can i get her.?!" he asked.

The others giggled and said

"Who wouldn't like to be with a profesional soccer player.? And you should buy her something that involves cats..." said John.

He smiled and said

"Yeah thanks." and left to see what he can buy for her.

He hoped that Mindy would like him. and her gift.


After he shopped, he went to the stadium. The game will start in 3 hours. He bought a book about cats and also a cat stuffed toy with a ballerina dress. 

"Hope she likes it." he muttered to himself.

He also made her a card and wrote her a speech.

He just cant believe he is going to this in front of the camera crew, Supa Strikas, the fans and the whole world. What if she rejects? I never met her before! She will think i am weird or something. He thought.

Then he heard somebody running to his room.

"She is here Chuck. I invited her to have a little chat with you to know her better." said John

Chuck didnt believe his ears. He was angry at John for not telling him that she is coming before the performance in the half time.

"Why didnt you tell me, John?!" he asked him in a shock

"Im sorry... i forgot." stated John

Chuck rolled his eyes and forgave him

Chuck put on an outfit, and hid his presents in his locker.

And ran out of the changing room to meet Mindy at the stadium entrence.

She looked very beautiful...

"Hi, im Kcuck. I mean Chuck!" he said as he took out his hand blushing.

She giggled and said

"Im Mindy. nice to meet you Chuck" 

They both smiled at each other.

"Anyways, your here for the performance in the half time right.?" he asked her.

She nodded.

"I got an invite that you needed somebody to perform. I thought it was weird since i never signed up or something, but meh, i accepted. And, also to spend time with you." she said

Chuck looked at her shocked.

"what do you mean?" he asked her blushing and confused.

"Well, your young friend John, said that you wanted to be my friend. So, yeah." she told him

Chuck sighed in relief. He didnt tell her that he had a crush on her or something, and that he just wanted to be friends.

They went to Chuck's car.

"So where you want to go? Are you hungry?" he asked her.

She smiled and said 

"I feel a bit hungry. Is it okay if we go to a restaurant?" she asked him as she winked.

He blushed and nodded.

"So, Mindy. You like L.A so far?!" he asked her after a while

She nodded 

 "Yes! Its beautiful.." she said as she looked out of the window, admiring the view.

"Glad, you like it." replied Chuck.

Mindy didnt know it yet, but she is falling in love with Chuck too..

"Mindy, can you tell me more about you?" he asked her

She smiled and blushed.

"Yes. I was in Brazil with some of my friends. But i had to come here." she said.

"Oh im sorry." he said as he held her hand

She smiled.

"Its not your fault. Anyways im happy i came here." she said smiling

Well it was sort of his fault....

"We are here." he told her as he opened her door.

She got out and saw a fancy restaurant.

"Wow, Chuck. Im flattered" she said as she blushed and held his hand

He smiled and chuckled.

"Anything for my queen," he said as he blushed.

She blushed even more.

"Okay my dear king, show me the way." she said as she giggled.

They both sat at a table.

"Anyways, i was born in Russia. My dad is from Spain. My mum is from Russia, like me. Though, my grandparents are from Morocco." she told him.

He was amazed at the information she gave him

"Wow. How does it feel to be half Spanish and Moroccan? I always heard that Morocco and Spain are very close, and they are very classy." Said Chuck

She giggled

"Yes, they are in fact. I have lived in Morrocco with my grandparents for 3 years. I loved it there! But then i had to move with my dad to Spain, since my grandma passed away. And my grandad didnt have the strength to take care of me.. and my mum passed away, so my only choice was my dad. He is a very handsome man. He is tan and has brown hair." she told him.

He felt sad for her, because of her grandma and her mum also passed away.

"Im sorry. My grandma also passed away when i was young." he said as he stroke her cheek.

She smiled and said

"Im sorry too..." 

They both where about to cry, but then the waitress came and asked them for their order.

"you guys have an order?" she asked them as she was listening to some music from her pods.

"I would like to take some tomato soup. Reminds me of Spain." she replied.

Chuck smiled at her,

"And i want some tomato soup too." he giggled.

"Alright. See ya." she said as she listened to her song, and turned her back at them.

Chuck and Mindy looked weirdly at her

"She is weird." said Mindy

"Don't worry she isn't always like that. She been acting a bit grumpy, since her best friend is a bit sick lately." he told her.

"Oh, im sorry to hear that." she told him.

He nodded and smiled at her.

"Your very nice. I love your hair, and those eyes" he said as he looked straight at her eyes.

She blushed.

"Gracias, but my hair is a mess." she said as she placed her hand on her hair.

"No! Its beautiful..." said Chuck.

She giggled and said

"I think your falling in love with me... and so am i." she replied smiling.

Chuck didnt believe his ears...

Though something distracted him

"Hello?.... yeah... wait... Now?!... coming right now! I need to tell Pat" he said as he ended the call

"Whats wrong?" asked him Mindy in a shock as he jumped of his chair.

"Uh.. my sister... she is alone... in her room. and she thinks she is going to give birth, but her husband isn't in L.A, and i have to tell Pat, I need to get her to the hospital!" he said as he ran out of the restaurant.

Mindy ran to him

"Can i come?" she asked him with her puppy eyes

he nodded and grabbed her hand

"Who is Pat?" she asked as they where running.

"She is my other sister. She is at the stadium, expecting me to show up in the game. But our sis needs us!" he said as he got in his car and drove to the stadium as fast as he can.

The game started about 5 minutes ago.

Mindy waited in the car, as Chuck ran to the pitch.

The fans where happy to see him and they cheered, but they didnt know that he is leaving

The referee blew the whistle to pause the game, to let Chuck get into his position.

Though he didnt. He looked that he was in a panic or in a shock.. the others noticed

"Whats wrong Chuck?" they asked him

"Is everything okay, chuck man?" asked rasta,

Chuck haven't any time to explain

"About time, Chuck!" said Toni rushing to him

His head was going to explode

"Enough, i just came for Pat, i need to tell her something! Im not playing for the first half" he said as he pointed at Pat from the fans and told her to come down to the pitch.

"Why Chuck? Who is Pat?" they asked

"Well i don't have time, i will tell you guys in the half time." he said as he saw Pat running towards him

"Whats wrong, Bro?" she asked panting

"Just come, its about Lenny" he said.

She looked shocked.

"Oh no, don't tell me-" she started

He nodded and both of them ran through the tunnel and out of the stadium

The fans and the teams and the coaches where shocked.

John taught for a moment

"Hey, isn't Lenny his sister.?" asked John.

"Yeah, so is Pat. Whats going on?" they asked.

Though the game completed, without Chuck.


"Mindy, sorry we took a long time" said Chuck as he got in the car.

"No worries" she said,

Pat sat at the back of the car, and Chuck drove fast to his house.

"Lenny is staying at my house until her husband come back." said Chuck.

"If he comes back." replied Pat


They arrived at his house.

And ran to her room.

They saw her on the ground... she was in pain.

"Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" he asked her.

She shook her head

"Just.. take me! NOW!" She said as she pulled his hand in pain.

He grabbed her and took her to the car.

"Omg, sis your okay? Is your baby okay?!" asked Pat

Mindy looked at Pat.

"That's not a reasonable question. She looks like she is dying!.." she told Pat.

"Yeah whatever Mindy or what ever your name is" replied Pat rolling her eyes.


They arrived at the hospital in about 10 minutes.

"Can somebody help us?!" asked Mindy.

"Yeh, right now!" yelled Pat.

The nurses came running to their aid.

Chuck explained everything

"Okay, we will take her, you can come in guys." she said.

We all nodded.

After a few pushes or so...

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

"She is so cute.." said Chuck as he held her on him and kissed her.

"I know.. but it was painful.. never again." said Lenny. She looked tired.

Mindy smiled at her,

"What her name.?" she asked her

"I don't know. You can help me though." said Lenny as she held Mindy's hands.

"By the way. Who are you?" asked Pat as she looked at Mindy.

"I am Mindy, the professional Ballerina, And im Chuck's friend.." she said as she blushed.

Chuck blushed too,

"I think your more then friends." stated Pat as she wiggled her eyebrows at Mindy and Chuck.

We all giggled.

The baby was taken to be examined, to make sure she is all okay.

"I think i will name her Symphony." she told them smiling.

All of us where amazed and fell in love with that name

"Amazing, sis." replied Chuck

"I cant believe my little sister is a mom." he said as he chuckled

"Oh shush" she said as she rolled her eyes.

Mindy and Pat giggled.

"When is your husband coming home to see Symphony and you?" asked Mindy.

Lenny looked down, and said

"We broke up." she said

Chuck and all of them looked at her surprised.

"Wait, why!? You 2 where good together!" said Pat as she was crying

Lenny started to tear up

"He... didnt love me. He only loved me for being Chuck's sister. and, when i told him i was pregnant, he left me.. I didnt want to tell you guys," Said Lenny as she cried

"That monster!" Said Chuck as he tensed up and got very angry.

They managed to calm him down.

They all felt bad for her and cheered her up a bit

"Wait, that means...your going to be living with me?!" asked Chuck in a shock

"Don't worry bro, i already have my own house, remember?" she asked him

How can he forget.? She only moved with her brother, so she will have somebody to help her with the pregnancy thing. 

he smiled and said

"Are you sure youll be okay on your own? Babies need responsibility.." he asked her

Mindy and Pat looked at her.

She nodded.

"Im sure."

We smiled and hugged her,

Chuck remembered his game..

"Oh no, the game" said Chuck.

Mindy and Pat remembered as well.

"We have to go." said Pat as she stood up.

Lenny looked sad

"I hope you win brother" she told him as she hugged him

"Don't worry sis, ill win for you. And get that monster for leaving you alone" said Chuck as he tensed up.

"Come on Mindy and Pat, we are going to put a half time show and a second half that nobody ever seen. IT WILL BE THE CHIPPERSONS" Said Chuck proud of his last name

"Im not part of your family though.." said Mindy looking sad

"Don't worry dear Mindy, you will be." said Pat as she winked at her.

Huh? What did that have to mean?! Asked Mindy to herself as they got in the car.

"Okay, now we need to get going. Toni will kill me." he said as he gulped.


About 5 minutes they arrived.

The half time didnt began yet. Well, the half time will began in 4 minutes..

Chuck and Pat and Mindy went near Toni.

"Sorry Toni" said Chuck as he was panting.

"Where have you been Chuck?!" he asked him

"He and we will explain in the half time." said Pat as she winked at Chuck and then smiled at Mindy.

Mindy had no idea, she taught she was going to dance some ballet, and not be Chucks girlfriend.

Though Pat knew.


Half time whistle blew

"Chuck!" said his team and Supa Strikas as they ran towards him

"What happened dude.?!" asked North

"Listen dude youll find out soon enough!" snapped Pat at North

"Okay, dudette, don't be so rough about it." said North

"Sorry, she is my sister Pat. She is always like this. And this is Mindy, my best friend." told them Chuck. "Hey, Chuck. What did you say about Lenny? You still didnt answer us!" said John.

The others nodded

"Didnt we say that you will now soon?" asked Mindy.

"Mindy Sanchez, Chuck T Chipperson and Pat Chipperson, please come on the palk." said the camera crew

"Okay so this is the moment you and Mindy will find out.." said Chuck

Mindy looked confused

"Find out what.?" she asked.

"Youll see Mindy," said Pat as she pulled her hand

The camera crews started recording, the fans and his teammates and Supa strikas where looking at him.

"Okay, Chuck. Can you tell us why did you and your sister Pat run out of the stadium earlier?" asked Lina

"Well.. my other sister Lenny, she is, i mean was pregnant, and i had to take her to the hospital since she had to give birth." he told them as he smiled.

The crowed cheered for him

His team and Supa strikas also felt happy for him and clapped at him

"That's nice Chuck. Why was not her husband with her.? and is it a girl or a boy.?" asked Lina

Chuck looked at Pat and at Mindy.

"Lenny divorced with her husband, when she told him she was pregnant. He was with her, because she was my little sister. And if i see that dude again, i am sure i will kick his butt to the other side of the world" said Chuck as he tensed up.

"Chuck, calm down!" said Mindy as she put her arm on his shoulder

"Yeah, bro... chill dude." said Pat

He rolled his eyes.

"And, the baby is a girl. And her name is Symphony. We all love her." he added as he smiled. Mindy also smiled and so did Pat.

"That's cute. So, is today your first time being an uncle? and same goes to you Pat." asked Lina

"Yes, its my first time being an uncle. Which feels nice and i cant believe i have her in my life." he said.

"Uh, yes. I am an aunt" said Pat as she looked weirdly at the camera.

"How old are you Chuck? And how old is Lenny and Pat? And who is exactly Mindy and how old is she?" asked Lina.

Uh, too many questions, but he had to answer if he doesn't want to look bad

"Im 25, my sister Lenny is 22, and my sister Pat is only 15. And Mindy is my best friend for now, and she is 22." said Chuck as he looked over at Mindy to see her blushing

"What do you mean for now?" asked Lina confused.

"Youll all see. Now i think Mindy has to dance. Right Mindy?" asked Pat.

Mindy nodded as Pat and Chuck got off the palk, an let Mindy take over with her amazing ballet moves and skills.

The way she moved... wow!

After she finished everbody clapped. Especially Chuck, and that made her blush.

"It seems like Chuck has to say something now!" said John as he pushed him onto the palk

"Uh.. i forgot the presents in the locker!" said Chuck. 

It was true! he left them in the locker.

"Don't worry! I got them!" said Pat as she ran to them

"Thanks Pat," said Chuck as he hugged her and got on the palk.

He took a deep breath and said

"I hope you enjoyed this ballet with Mindy. I have something to tell her though..." he said he looked her in her eyes.

Mindy's hearth pounded! She turned red, she knew what he will ask her.

Everybody was chatting.

"Is he-" asked El matador

"I think so..." said Shakes.

"ahh!" screamed the fans.

"Wow!" said John

"Oh come on.." said Toni as he sighed.

"Will you be my girl friend.?" he asked Mindy as he went down on his knees.

The whole stadium cheered and screamed. The paparazzi and a the fans took LOTS of photos

"OF COURSE I WILL!" said Mindy as she jumped on Chuck and kissed him.

Chuck blushed and smiled and kissed her back.

"I got something for you." he told her as he gave her a card.

She cried some happy tears. They didnt care if they where on tv, or if the whole world was seeing this.

She opened the card and read it out load so everybody can hear what he wrote

It said -

To my dear Mindy.

I loved you since i met you, i know it was only this afternoon, but you seemed nice. And i think that its time to tell you... that i love you! I want to stay with you for ever. And share our love and have our own family in the future.

Love - Chuck <3

Chuck cried as he heard her reading his card that he gave her.

She cried too and jumped on him and cried.

"i love you too, Chuck. and i would be happy to have our own family." she said as she hugged him very tight.

He hugged her and said

"your amazing. I love you too much" 

He kissed her,

"And i got something else..." he said as he handed her the cat book, and the cat in the ballet

She cried more and more and kissed him. 
"I love them.. but not as much as you" she told him

Chuck giggled.

"Congrats dude!" said Supa strikas and technically as they congratulated them.

Pat started crying.

"Are you okay Pat?" asked John

She nodded and said

"Its just cute, my brother is happy." she said

Then Pat looked at John and kissed him.

He blushed and kissed her back

"It seems Chuck isn't the only Chipperson to make love today" said Lina as she took a video of John and Pat.

They both blushed and went on the palk

Chuck hugged John and his team and thanked them for helping him.

"Aw, no worries Chuck. We wanted you to be happy." they said

"Well John. it seems your like... my brother now.. Since your the boyfriend of my sister." said Chuck

"yep" replied John.

Both teams congratulated John and Chuck's amazing day.

"I love you John" said Pat.

"I love you too, Pat" said John


"I love you Chuck" said Mindy

"I love you so much Mindy" said Chuck.


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