Tiger x Childhood Friend

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This story was requested by @vivienne_lim

Thank you for requesting this, and i hope you enjoy it!!


I was sitting next to my dearest friend, Tiger. I am currently staying at his house for some time, since my house is being repaired. We were watching some anime together. Both of us loved watching anime when we where kids, and we still do! Both of us have been friends since our childhood. Even though he is a year older then me, we have lots in common! 

I kept looking at his dazzling black eyes. They sparkled like glitter. I have a secret.. I have a huge crush on Tiger. He is so cute! Especially when we blushes and gives that cheeky smile of his <3

I could see Tiger looking at me, so I pretended to look the other way.. I don't want him to get suspicious ...

"Hey, (y/n). I got a question." He said as he looked at me looking kind of worried. Omg.. my heart was racing. What is he going to ask? Did he notice that i have a crush on him? 

"Y-yes?" I answered.

"Would you like to come with me to Strika Land now? I can introduce you to the guys. I am sure they will like you!" He said as he gave me that cheeky smile that made me melt like cheese..

I was speechless. Is he sure about this!? I am really awkward around people, and i will be meeting the Supa Strikas! This is every girls dream!! <3

"Are you s-sure about t-this?!" i stuttered to find the correct words.

He nodded "Of course. So, would you mind if you came along with me?" 

"YES!" I answered in a weird tone. I did not expect my voice to come out like that..

"Your amazing!" I said as i gave him a hug.

He giggled as i rushed upstairs to change into some sports attire. 

-Tigers' P.O.V-

Damn, (y/n) just hugged me! This made me blush so much. I hope she did not see me blush... She sure is cute! I love her so much.. that smile of hers, her hair, her personality... we have so many stuff in common! She was always here for me when i needed help! 

Tiger get back to your senses! I snapped back to reality.

I keep thinking about her lately.. But i don't want to confess to her about my feelings.. 

"But her laugh..." that came out without me noticing. 

"What laugh? Who?" I heard a squeeky voice behind me.

I turned back to see (y/n) looking at me. 

"Oh nothing! I- , lets go!" I must of looked scary. 

I jumped of the sofa and nearly tripped. 

Just great... 

"Are you okay?!" asked (y/n)

"Yeah.." I replied with a smile.

She smiled back "Thats good. I thought you where going to fall" she said while giggling.

We bought started laughing as we got into my car. 

Strika Land here we come..........

(Y/n P.O.V)

*15 minutes later*

-Both of us just entered the dressing room-

"Hi guys!" Said Tiger as he waved at the guys. They all looked at Tiger, and at me.

"This is my friend, (y/n)"  Tiger pointed at me as he gave me a little smile and a nod. 

"H-Hi!" I replied with a high pitch voice as i gave them a wave.

"Hello(y/n). Im Rasta. I am the captain of Supa Strikas" he said as he offered to shake my hand.

I smiled as i took my hand out and shook our hands.

"You never told me you (y/n) was this pretty!" Said a guy in a ponytail with yellow glasses on.

"uh.. thanks?" I was very unsure how i should reply..

I could see Tiger rolling his eyes. 

"Forget about him dudette, El matador is always like this. I'm North Shaw" He said with a genuine smile. 

"Nice to meet you" i smiled back.

"Hi. Im Shakes. I see you and Tiger are really close... He never really introduced anybody to us before.." said Shakes as he looked at Tiger as he wriggled his eyebrows with a cheeky smile.

I could see Tiger blushing.

I did not know what to say... Omg.. i mean i felt so shy and embarrassed atm...

"Oh yes Tiger!" Some of them said as they patted Tiger on his shoulder.

Tiger just looked down blushing. Then he looked at me, as he gave me a smile.

I blushed as i gave a little smile.

"Guys leave them alone.." Said Rasta as he signalled something with his hands.

The guys understood. My heart felt lighter.. 

"Hey sista'! Do you like listening to music?!" Said a guy with afro hair. 

(Your type of music)

"Damn... thats cool!" He replied as he did a little dance. 

This made me giggle a little.

"Hey! Im Klaus!" This guy seemed very friendly. 

"Hey Klaus." i replied with a smile.

I shook hands with everybody. 


(Tigers P.O.V)

"So what are you and (y/n) exactly?" asked El matador as he broke the silence, making everybody give a giggle.

We both looked at each other awkwardly smiling.

I don't know how she felt, but i really wanted to say a couple... My hearth kept bouncing so fast...

Then , Coach suddenly barged in, making all of us look at him.

"Alright guys, why aren't you- ....Who are you?!" Asked coach surprised

"Uh.." i stuttered.

What am i suppose to say?!

"(y/n). I invited her." I said she walked next to me. 

"Uh hey! Nice to meet you! Sorry if i am disturbing you or something." said (y/n) with her beautiful majestic voice.. damn i love that girl.

"I see.. and no you are not disturbing us." replied Coach as he looked at (y/n). 

She gave him a slight nod.

"Right. Guys, we have to practise for the game against Invincible United tomorrow! So i want your butts on the feild, now!" Said coach as he gave us a stern look.

Jeez coach.. calm down...

I could see everybody rushing out of the room as they rushed to the feild, when (y/n) suddenly pulled my arm and pulled me to the bathroom section.

What was this about? 

"Tiger..." said (y/n) as she looked at me in the eyes so innocently.

No words could come out of my mouth. her face is breath taking....

"We have to talk." she said.

Talk?! About what!? I said to myself..

"Im listening.." is the only thing i could get out of my mouth.


(y/n P.O.V)

How am i going to say this?! Its obvious that both of us have a crush on each other.. 

"Okay so... do you ... like me?!" I asked, nearly peeing my self.  I was so anxious.

He looked surprised and blushed...

"Well.. I-... love.. y-you." He said as he held my hands.

Omg... I COULD NOT believe this!! He JUST SAID he LOVED ME! 

I did not know what to say back! Words could not express how i felt at that moment..

So i just said all that my feelings i have been feeling all this time at that moment..

"IloveyousomuchTiger!Ilovedyousincewewherekidsandiwasgoingtoaskyouifyouwanttobemyboyfriend!!" I said in one breath...

Few i got everything off my chest.

Tiger gave me one of his cheeky smiles and suddenly i could feel his lips on mine..


I kissed him back...

That was... perfect... :)

"So.. I guess we are a thing now eh?" He asked me as he played with his red flaming hair.

"You bet." i replied as i put my head on his shoulder...


Hope you liked this story guys!! 

And thanks once again @vivienne_lim for requesting this! i really enjoyed doing this! :)

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