Tiger x Inyo

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This story was requested by   NurBatrisyia1

Thank you for requesting this, and i hope you enjoy it!!


Cognito FC will be playing against Supa Strikas this afternoon. It is going to be one heck of a game! Cognito has been on fire this season, same goes to Supa Strikas. Its the moment of truth for both teams and the fans.... 

Tiger was very exited and anxious, he doesn't like the fact that he has to face his childhood friend's team.. 

Inyo  and Tiger had been friends ever since. They haven't talked to each other in person in a while. but they do text each other at times. But they don't really want to show people that they have a bond. Actually its more then just a bond.. you see they both like each other.. i mean.. love each other. 


Tiger and the guys where in the dressing room in Strika Land, discussing the game and giving advice and helpful comments to each other. Dancing Rasta was giving the guys some confidence and making sure everybody got the strategy. But Tiger, wasn't listening. In fact, his mind was on something else... Inyo.  

"Okay so Tiger, we need you out there, try to confuse the opponents with your speed." said coach. But he did not get any response from Tiger. Coach and the guys looked at him and Tiger was looking lost. "Uh Tiger?" Said North as he was hoping for an answer 

"Uh hello amigo are you here?!" said El matador as he waved his hands in front of Tiger's face. 

Tiger shacked his head as he got back to reality. 

"Huh?" Tiger said not knowing what just occurred. 

"You blacked out man." said Dancing Rasta as he placed his hand on Tiger's shoulder. 

Tiger placed his hand on his neck and looked to the floor.

"You okay brother?" asked Cool Joe

The others looked at Tiger in concern.

"Yes im fine. im just.. worried for the game.. yeah that's it." he mumbled.

"Dont worry dude, im under pressure as well." said North trying to calm  him down.  

The guys fell for his excuse and it was time for the game to begin. 

As both teams met with each other in the tunnel and shook each others hands, Tiger and Inyo went at the end of the Tunnel and started chatting together for a while.

"Hi Tiger. Are you ready for today's game?" Inyo asked him as they shook hands

"uhm yes I guess." he replied as he blushed a little. "Do remember when we used to play soccer together?" he asked her with a smile.

"Yes, those where fun times we had. Remember when we used to play in the park and sometimes we stay out together till night? Our parents where very worried and angry" she said as she giggled.

Tiger chuckled as he remembered his childhood with Inyo.

"Oh, and do you remember-" he started saying as he tried to maintain his laughter, "When Miko told the teacher you could fly and you wanted to prove yourself, so you jumped from the table and fell on your face?!" he said as both of them started laughing whole heartily. 

After that laugh and chat, the game was just about to begin, so both of them siad their good lucks and byes and left out to the pitch.

"Where were you Tiger?" asked Big Bo.

"Yeah, you did not line up with us." added Klaus.

"Eh nothing. I was just drinking water." he said as he looked on the floor. He doesn't like lying but that's his only thing that came in his mind. 

The guys nodded but where unconvinced.

Inyo and Tiger smiled at each other as the teams walked through the pitch.


The game ended 3-2 for Supa Strikas.

Both teams chatted as they shook each others hands.

This gave the chance for Tiger to talk to Inyo alone.

"Good game Tiger. Your team deserved the win." she said 

"Your team was pretty good as well. Very challenging." he replied.

They both smiled and looked at each other for a while without any conversation....

"Hey Inyo" he started saying as he looked at her eyes.

"Yes Tiger?" she said as she smiled.

"Do you want to... m-meat with each ot-ther, now maybe... at t-the r-restaurant down this s-street?" he said as she blushed while he smiled.

She nodded

"Sure. why not?" she replied

"Ill see you in 15 minutes." she said as they waved to each other and left separate ways to their teams to celebrate.

"Right dudes, we will celebrate this win at Rasta's!" said North as he high fived Block.

"Yes" they all cheered.

"Guys, i can not come.... i just... i am busy. Sorry..." said Tiger slowly. 

They looked at Tiger in disbelief.

"oh come on Tiger! Its fun. Lets groove it together and have some fun!" said Cool joe 

"Ya, its going to be fun!" said Klaus as he did a little dance.

They all nodded and started making some suggestions to persuade Tiger to join them.

"No, im sorry guys. but this is important." said Tiger.

"What is?" said Shakes.

"I-.. i got to go." said Tiger as he rushed out of the stadium and left to his house to get ready.

He changed into his finest clothes...

he started wondering what Inyo will wear.. she will defiantly look stunning.


A few minutes later, he arrived at the restaurant where they agreed to meet. 

"Hello!" She said as she gave him a little push.

This startled him, which made him laugh.

"Hey Inyo .. you look... beautiful and stunning....." he said as he stared at her beautiful looks... he was hypnotized....

She was wearing a beautiful dark long blue dress. She was not wearing any masks or anything and Tiger saw her full face again clear. SHE LOOKED BEAUTIFUL.

She looked something like this (though she had black hair), :  

"I can say the same about you Tiger" she said as she smiled genuinely.  

He looked something like this (though he had red spiky long hair) . : 

He blushed at that comment <3 

"So, shall we enter.?" she asked.

He nodded. "Sure." he smiled and opened the door

"Ladies first" he said 

She smiled and thanked him

They got into the restaurant and sat down next to a window. 

They chatted a little bit about their day and their past and how stuff where going.

Tiger really wanted to ask Inyo if she wants to be his girlfriend but he was very scared. In fact thats why he asked her out.. he wanted to ask her..

"Dont be a chicken, Tiger." he told himself as he took a breath.

Inyo noticed he looked kind of stressed "Are you okay?" she asked him.

He nodded. "yes, dont worry. I just want to ask you something.." he said as he looked at her eyes. 

"I know what you want to ask me Tiger.." she suddenly said.

Tiger was shocked.

"You- you do?" he said as he felt some pressure.

"Yes.. and Tiger, i have feelings for you too.. but im afraid we cant work it out... it wont work out... We have out careers to worry about, and we wont have time.. what about our teams? The media? what will they say about this?"  she said as she looked sad and tried to express her taughts. 

He knew she was right... "I understand." thats all he managed to say.

Tiger felt sad and lost hope.. he felt silly for asking her out. He felt like a bullet just hit him... his hopes and dreams came crushing down... They both have feelings for each other, they know it.... but its just.. impossible..

"Im sorry Tiger." she said as she held his hands in hers.

He smiled. "Its alright, At least we will still contact each other and stuff.." he said, of course he didnt feel alright.. he was hurt. So was Inyo but thats just life.

They ate their food awkwardly, paid the waiter andwith goodbyes, they left seperate ways.


Tiger drove back to his house. He did not have any energy to go and party at Rasta's and defiantly did not feel like it.. He just wanted to rest and forget about what just happened...

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