➳ Still Madly In Love

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Anika sat on the couch sighing. She was left all by herself. He had left home in the morning. She had dropped Shikha her five year old at school and Arihaant at the play school. Anika was on a break from work. Handling two kids and a husband wasn't an easy task. It had been a month since Anika had taken a break from her job. This time not a maternity leave. She had started loving and enjoying being at home. However her husband earned more than enough to run their two generations. So Anika had taken up the other things.

All those things that she had always wished to make a part of her life but had never found the determination or time to. Her newly cultivated skills included, cooking Italian which happened to be her husband's favorite cuisine. Her new hobby was reading. The advanced course in English she had taken up, had gifted her the new hobby. Her new interests included English rom-coms and discovery channel. She had to thank him for the latter. Ever since she was first pregnant Shivaay made it a point to watch discovery channel with her. He argument was that the kids would be geeks. Not that she wanted them to be but well he had an equal say. Surprisingly in a month's time Anika had started enjoying discovery channel. There was so much to learn about the world one lived in.

She sat on the couch dressed in comfortable shorts and tee, aimlessly flipping channels she had no mood for reading or gardening. Neither for discovery channel. She switched off the television thinking of some activity. Maybe she could reorganize her wardrobe. That was boring. Anyway Shivaay always did that once in a month regardless of how well it was kept. She stood up deciding to indulge in some pot painting. She had bought pots and paints last week.

She was halfway to the recreation room, when she heard the doorbell. Yeah that's what her dear husband had named it. It was filled with toys, stationary, games, books, and very comfortable bean bags. There was a guitar too. Which Shivaay had tried learning but he gave up too soon. Impatient man!

Wondering who could it be at this hour she peeped through the peep-hole. She frowned seeing her husband's familiar face. "You forgot something?" She asked opening the door.

"Can a man not come back to his home without any reason?" He asked his eyes traveling all the way down to her feet.

Anika pursed her lips, "very unusual, you see. Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi home before sunset. "

"It is not even noon."

"You get some points for that." She grinned.

"Can I come in?" He asked sarcasm lining his tone.

"Maybe not. " Anika said playfully pushing the door forward to block his way.


"Ticket?" Anika extended her had like her little son did. Shivaay looked at her with disbelief. "Seriously!"

"What?" Anika shrugged. "No ticket. No entry."

Shivaay rolled his eyes and them looked at her with a new twinkle in his eyes. "How about a bribe?"

"So expected of the crooked businessman." Anika spoke with distaste.

"Think of it. Its a rare opportunity to get a bribe from Shivaay Singh Oberoi. " he spoke leaning against the door frame blowing over her face.

"Hmm..well what's the deal?"

"A kiss."

Anika bit her lower lip to keep from smiling. "You're giving a bribe or taking one?" She chuckled.

"Come on, Anika. Let me in." He spoke exasperated of the small talk. She wouldn't buy any thing. Anika nodded in a no.

"Anika, enough. Please."

She nodded in a negative again.

"Anika." He muttered in a warning tone.

"Ticket." Anika spoke mimicking little Arihaant.

"Alright. I am going to break in and the consequences won't be good." He spoke giving her a warning look.

"Really?" She asked amused. In reply, he pushed the door and pulled her closer to his body. Anika gasped. In seconds his arms were around her. Anika was startled. She was prepared to fight him if he tried to escape her guard. But here he was almost hugging her intimately. And then he moved about with her in his hold. In the next half a minute, he had walked backwards inside the house dragging her with him. Shutting the door he pinned her to it. She gasped.

He stared at her. Slowly his finger moved to her waist beneath her tee and pinched her there. "Ouch." She squealed at the unexpected discomfort.

"Ticket huh?" He whispered dipping his head in the crook of her neck. Nibbling at her neck.

"Shivaay!" She gasped at the sudden plunge.

He bit her earlobe. "Dare you play this stupid game on me, ever again."

She struggled to free her hands but they were in his strong grip, pinned on the door. "Shivaay, leave my hands.," she spoke annoyed.

"Ticket." He asked mockingly.

Anika stomped her foot over his.

"Ouch." He groaned immediately freeing her hands. "Ticket." She smirked.

He looked at her and before he could get to her. She ran. He ran behind her. She couldn't get much away. When she reached the couch he had git to her and pulled her. She was tittering. Grinning he pushed her over the couch hovering his body over her.

She smiled kissing his cheek. He admired her. Every time she was overwhelmed and couldn't speak her love she'd kiss him on the cheek.

He blew over her face. Her laughter was like the sound of waterfall. Her smile was like sunshine. She was his universe.

She pulled him closer and he quickly met her lips with his. Every time they kissed their tongues mated like it was their first. Shivaay pulled away looking at her. "How long has it been since we last made love?"

"You were busy with your business trips. " she made a face.

"I came back last week. You were the busy bee."he argued.

"Like you were not."

"Okay. Let's not waste time. Let's do something fun. " he gave her a suggestive look.

She widened her eyes.


"No." Anika pouted. They had done that several times before. But after kids, Anika just did not like the idea.

"You can be the Anika you were when you first met me, and I would be that same Shivaay. " he spoke between his kisses on her face.

Anika smiled. "The one who broke your car's windshield?"

"The one I pushed into the pool."he spoke as he nibbled at her collar bone.

"The one you hated?" She giggled pushing him back.

The one I was frustratingly attracted to. He wanted to say, but did not. He simply nodded.

"Get off me you Chipkoo Singh Oberoi." She glared at him. A smile tugged at his lips. He wore his mask of anger. "I don't fantasy being all over you." Lie.

"Then get off me " she hissed raising herself up. Only to have her chest collide with his.

"Why do you think I will do as you please?" He smirked.

Anika looked into his eyes. Those had humor in them. She raised her head closer to his. There was a flash of confusion in his eyes. She punched his rib and as he gasped in shock sitting up she slipped away from him.

He tightened his jaw getting up. In quick steps he got to her and lifted her in his arms. "SSO!" She yelled moving her legs.

"Hell to SSO. I have had enough of this drama. "

"Aww...baby." Anika pulled his cheeks.

"Shut up. " Shivaay tried not smiling at her cute antics.

"I think this is the best roleplay." He spoke laying her on the bed. "Me the husband and you the wife, who just can't have enough of each other. " he spoke dragging down her shorts.

Anika gave a short chuckle working on the button of his shirts. "Just don't make me pregnant again."

He let out a short-lived chuckle. "Why so?"

"Shivaay please. No more kids."

"But I love it when you are preggy. So horny and hot." He spoke kissing all over her now naked shoulders.

"I promise to be that without the pregnancy. No more kids please." She uttered enjoying his touch that still managed to make her go weak in her knees. Enjoying that mouth, that still loved her taste.

"Pinky promise?"

She grabbed his shoulders pulling him down and closer. "Pinky promise." She whispered over his face biting at his neck. He moved his hands down between her legs. Only she could be waiting for him like that.

Not able to restrain his hard member anymore he slid it inside its home. Anika let out a sigh of satisfaction. This was one of the best feeling he had gifted her. As his needs escalated, his thrusts grew harder and Anika found herself among stars.

More than an hour later, Anika found herself lying on the couch watching a light rom-com. She was snuggling into her husband's chest.

"We should do this more often." She spoke with a content smile on her face, referring to their movie times.

"You are already keeping your promise." She heard him say. She blinked looking up at him. To find him smirking at her with mischievous eyes.

"I meant this." She said hugging him, clearing herself.

"How about we do days like this often?" He offered.

"Hmm, not a bad idea."

"You love the idea, Mrs.SSO." he spoke leaving a sloppy kiss on her jaw.

"Shivaay!" She yelled panicking seeing the time.


"Arihaant. You're going to pick him up from preschool, please." She added the last word seeing his cross face.

"Anika, you can go too!"

"Not after that crazy things you did in there." She yelled.

"Okay." He laughed standing up. She threw a cushion his way. He dodged away. "By the way, will you ask me for a ticket again?" He winked.

She smiled shyly hiding her face using another cushion. He shook his head. She could still be shy!

"Mr.SSO?" She called out.

"Yes, Madam?" He answered from the door.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He replied.

"Get the groceries as well!"

He so knew something was coming! He knew her well now. And knew that he was still madly in love!

Hope you all enjoyed it. Do let me know if there are any errors.


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