[f] kuza + ricky

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written by ricky

word count: 998

this is a part two of the hookah smoking oneshot i did a while back. sorry for being inactive lately!

yikes nobody requested this (':


Mike's hand rested on my thigh securely, giving me the occasional squeeze. A bowl of popcorn laid in his lap as I cuddled up to his side, my arms and hands covered by the hoodie I stole from him. On the television, we watched Sweeney Todd for probably the hundredth time. I can't ever get tired of it.

I looked to Mike, then placed a kiss to his cheek. We'd finally moved all my shit into his place, and everything was finally in the spots we wanted. Best of all, we were together full time now. No more back and forth, trying to juggle jobs and setting time aside for dates and struggling to spending the nights together. So much stress was lifted from our shoulders.

I yawned softly and grabbed a piece of popcorn from the bowl, placing it between my teeth before beginning to chew. Half of the bowl was already gone, Mike being the quickest eater I've ever met. I, on the other hand, had only eaten maybe a handful of popcorn in the past fifteen minutes.

"Do you want me to make some more?" Mike asked me quietly, turning his head. "I feel bad, I always eat everything before you even get some."

I gave him a sweet smile, "you're okay, Baby, go ahead and eat. I'll be fine."

He kissed my lips softly, "You're an angel. You know that?"

I shrugged and closed my eyes before resting my head on his shoulder. "I don't see how so. I'm just treating you the way you deserve to be treated."

I felt a kiss be placed to the top of my head. "Yeah, 'cause I'm just such a saint." He muttered quietly. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, "Love you."

"I love you, Dragon Daddy." I chuckled and laced our fingers together before opening my eyes again to watch the movie. I couldn't focus, however. Just thinking about everything made things just a bit cloudy.

I never understood why Mike never accepted my compliments. I mean, I do get it, but I don't at the same time. He's not as depressed as he used to be. He's eating. He actually has a decent body weight now. He's perfect to me. He's taking care of himself, and he deserves all the love I give him. I'm proud of my Mikey.

When Mike and I first met, he was depressed beyond what I had ever seen in a person. He didn't brush his hair, barely showered, even eating seemed like a chore. He weighed less than I did, and I'm six inches shorter than he is. There was just something about him that made me want him to get better. Not sympathy or pity. I never knew what to call that feeling. I now know it was love.

Mike had been on antidepressants before we met. However, I helped him make the decision to be put on a different brand with different strength, which did end up helping him a bit more. They kept him balanced and more stable. I took care of him and nurtured him until he became himself again-the Mike that everyone talked about. The one that loved to sing along to Carnifex and wear his neck out head-banging. The Mike that absolutely adored having parties and seeing friends. My Mikey.

I try to thank Chris as much as possible for introducing me to Mike in the first place. If it weren't for him, I really don't know where Mike and I would be. None of us knew it at the time, but Chris had really set me up with the love of my life. My sweet dragon, my Mike. My love.

I jolted a bit at a kiss to my temple. "You seem distracted. Your favorite part came on, where Sweeney sings to the blades, and you didn't do that really cute thing where you sing along and think I can't hear you." Mike rambled quietly, causing me to blush.

"Never knew you actually noticed that." I chuckled nervously and tucked some hair behind my ear. "Creep."

"Yeah, I'm a creep. Seriously, what's the matter?" He grabbed the remote and paused the movie, then set the empty bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table. "Tell me."

I shrugged, "Just lost in thought." I replied in a whisper. "Nothing bad, I promise." I added when I saw his eyes widen and his irises darken a bit in worry.

"What are you thinking about, then? You never miss that part, Babe."

I kissed him softly. "Us. Just, how far we've come." I answered him truthfully with a gentle smile. "How far you've come. I'm proud of you."

I could tell that meant something to him just by the way he smiled. Gently, yet genuinely. He leaned in and connected our lips, setting one hand on my cheek. His fingers nestled in my hair, rubbing against the shell of my ear. I kissed him sweetly, savoring the moment like it was our last.

"I love you. A lot." He whispered before he let out a yawn. He moved his pillow to the side before pulling me into his lap. He held me close as he laid us down on the couch in a spooning position and tangled our legs together. I'd forgotten we were even watching a movie at this point.

"I love you loads." I whispered back. I yawned too, then closed my eyes and relaxed into his gentle touch. "Mike..?"

"Yeah, Baby?"

I smiled a little and wiggled backward so we were closer. "Wanna know somethin' funny?"

"Always," he snickered.

"Yknow, when we die, I just... I want you to know that..." I giggled and continued, "I'm more than willing to rot in hell with you."

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