Wilbur and(x?)Quackity [How could you.. ]

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One shot- Quackity blaming Wilbur for not being the father to Tillin as he thought he was the father. [The conversation will not be the same like on the stream but I will try to make it close to this, scenes might be different]


-Yeah tellulah! That's how you do it, good job girl - Wilbur said showing her how to do fishing. It was new thing for her but she was quick learner so it was easy for them.

Wilbur was learning to be a father to her, first he was sceptical of the idea but as he got to know her more he made a great connection with her and tried his best. She herself was a lovely girl that was understanding and just needed some love, she wanted to feel loved and Wilbur always tried to make sure that she will.

-Wait.. Wait here tellulah, just fish and I will be right back -he said as he spotted man, man he knew who was standing right in front of them just a few feet away.

He decided to got close and swim to him.

-Hola! Hola Quackity, how is it been? -he said cheerfully getting closer to him. Quackity seemed quite off today to him but he decided to ask about it later.
-Hola Wilbur, it's been good, you know just.. Doing some things -he said definitely sarcastic at the moment he asked -Where, were you?

-Oh I was away for some days, you know just a little trip with my band.. Is somethin-as he said that he was quickly interrupted by the other man saying:

-Away for some days? Yeah? Oh I'm sorry. That's sad, sad that you weren't there when our son needed you! -he yelled with some laugh as the end. For Quackity this whole situation was hilarious, he knew that if Wilbur were there things would be so much different.

-What..? What are you talking about?

-Oh playing dumb I see. We had a CHILD! Had. That's the right description as he is dead. I was just one day away and people couldn't take care of him properly. -he said while chunkling sarcastically -Maybe they wouldn't have to if YOU were there. Hah?!

-Quackity.. I don't know what are you talking about, I think you have the wrong idea-he tried to reassure him but Quackity was not having it. For him it was Wilburs fault too for Tilins death and he couldn't handle it.

-Wrong idea?! Wilbur you weren't there! You weren't there for our son. He is dead now! -he said almost screaming at the Wilbur who was really confused, but he knew what he needed to do.

-Quackity.. I think I have to show you something, something reallly important -Wilbur said while getting in water again. -But you need to promise me not to scream and don't do anything rash.

-Oh yeah? Show me! Yeah show me what you got there. Of course -he responded being clearly annoyed.

As the conversation goes, both of them went to the fishing station were Tellulah was. Quackity was not expecting what he was just seeing and this made him even more confused now by the whole situation as Wilbur introduced carefully Tallulah to Quackity.

-You.. You have a child? No, that's not possible. What about Tillin? You were his father.

-I don't know about Tillin Quackity but I know that Tallulah is my child, adoprive child maybe but still my child. I'm sorry for your lost -he said placing hand on other mans shoulder.

-No.. I don't understand, who was the other person? No. No, no, no, no.. I need some time alone.. Tellulah, she.. -he looked at her with no words, he wanted to say something more, she reminded him more of his child and Quackity just couldn't handle it right now.

-We can gave you time alone, if you will need us you know.. Just call -Wilbur said   as Quackity started going somewhere else.

More questions popped on his mind, who was the other father? Why weren't he there? Who the fuck is Tallulah? He didn't understand. All of this made him so confused and angry, this all happend too quickly and Quackity was in shock by all this. Tallulah was reminding him of his son again and it just brought back the memories... It was hard for him but he knew that he needed to do. He needed to take revenge for his child, he needed to kill slime.

As time passed by tellulah went to sleep. Wilbur was still awake as he was worried about the earlier situation and Quackity, he knew that he was in so much emotions and it was hard for him but he knew that he also needs to be here for Tallulah. After some time he decided to message Quackity to see how he is doing.

Wilbur:Hey there man, how are you holding there?

Quackity:I don't know, I just live but thanks for asking

Wilbur:No problem mate, if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here.

Quackity:Yeah.. You know that's good that you are messaging me because I need to talk to you, meet me at the fence by the left of your house. I will be there soon

As the conversation ended Wilbur decided to head there. It was really close but he didn't mind as long as his child was safe.

After some time again he spotted the man getting close being more calm as he was before. Wilbur approached him.

-Hey Quackity, you said you needed to talk to me so I'm here

-Yes, yes Wilbur.. I need to talk and show you something, please follow me -Quackity leads the way as the other Follows.

It don't takes a lot of time to get to the right place. It was red cross with flowers and some light.

-You know Wilbur... I really miss him man, really.. -he said standing in front of grave. Wilbur was worried about him and just stood beside him saying:

-I know.. I know you wanted the best for him, but it's over now -he said softly grabbing his hand

Quackity didn't say anything to that but he didn't mind. He was a wrack of the human at this moment as he decided to dig next to the grave and let Wilbur in.
Musician was confused what he was doing but didn't say anything, it was a bit weird to him but he let it go.

-You know.. After some begging admins allowed me to have this, please don't click it! Please, it's the last thing I have. Please be careful, please -he said being almost paranoid for being careful with this.

-I won't, I won't Quackity, calm down -he decided to reassure him again while looking at the bed with an egg which was sleeping. It looked so death but peaceful in the same time.. Just sad.

-That's Tillins grave, I just.. It's important for me, I just.. I can't believe I wasn't there.. -he said sadly looking away from Wilbur stare.

-Quackity.. It isn't your fault you know? It isn't, your fault. -Wilbur said while placing hands on mans shoulders, he needed to make sure he knew that. Quackity looked at him with a sad expression and just hugged him. He needed that and Wilbur saw how important it is to him so he returned the hug.

They stayed like that for a while as Quackity calmed down his emotions. He never realised how much he needed it until now and being in Wilburs embrace made him feel more secure about all this.

-Thank you Wilbur.. Really

After some time they left the grave and decided to head to more calm place. They climbed to the wall not so far from Philza house but they didn't care. It was night and the most people were asleep by that time.

Beautiful stars started to show and the moon was even prettier that night. They both sat at the age of the wall and just stared at the stars for some time.

-You know Wilbur, you're really great friend.. Thank you for all that -he said more calm that he was before, but he needed to speak with him about one more thing.

-No problem man, you are really important for me.. I don't want you to think that its your fault, you couldn't know -he said while closing the space between their hands again slowly, the other didn't mind as their hands closed.

-You know Will.. There's one thing that I need to speak with you about -he looked at him while their eyes meet. -I, Want to take revenge.. I need to take revenge for him, and I need your help

-Quackity I.. -Wilbur for a moment was sceptical but after a second later he was as serious as Quackity was-I will. But under one condition

-What? What is it?

-You don't tell this to tellulah. Tellulah don't know, she doesn't get involved, she doesn't get hurt. I need to keep her safe, you understand -he said in serious tone while squizing his hand a little. Quackity understood the situation and just nodded. He smiled truthfully  for first in a very long time and it just made him happy. He agreed to Wilburs conditions and he was happy that he will help him.

-Thanks. I will remember it -he quickly got up from the age of wall-I will tell you everything soon! We will meet again! -he said while he started heading off. Wilbur wasn't expecting it but he got up too.

-Oh, yeah! Okey, just tell me where and I will be there. -he said while smiling at him, he wanted to say more but quackity got so excited of the idea and just started leaving.

-I will see you soon Wilbur! Thank you for everything! -he said weaving for him leaving him behind and going to his place.

-Yeah... See ya! -that was the only thing he got to say as the other man was already off his vision. He wanted to say more, he wanted to tell him to wait but he couldn't. It wasn't the time, the only thing that he hoped for is that tellulah is going to be safe and quackity.. Quackity is going to be safe too and don't to anything stupid.

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