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"Danny!" a woman called out. Soon, a green skinned boy with white hair and toxic green eyes flew into the room the woman was in. "Yes mommy?" Danny asked, looking at his mother with curiosity. "Help me put Dani to sleep, alright?" the mom asked, to which Danny vigorously nodded his head. The mother placed the green skinned, white haired, toxic green eyed child she was holding into the floating crib, then let Danny tuck her in. Soon, the baby was snugly wrapped in blankets.

"Wuwuby?" Dani asked, her green eyes almost shedding tears. "Mommy?" Danny asked, wanting to know which lullaby they would sing. "Alright then." the mother smiled, then opened her mouth to sing. "Lullaby~ And goodnight~" the mother sang, Danny quickly catching on. "Go to bed now~ and sleep tight~" Danny sang, a smile on his face as he rubbed his sister's face. "Close your eyes~ and start to yawn~" the mother sang, which Dani mimicked by yawning. "Go to sleep until the dawn~" Danny and his mother sang, smiles on both their faces. "Nanana~ Nanana~ Nanananananah~" Danny sang softly, watching as Dani's eyes started to close. "Nanananah~ Nananah~" the mother sang softly, leading her and Danny to the door. "Go to bed now~ and sleep tight~" the mother and Danny sang, closing the door.

"When will daddy be home mommy?" Danny asked his mother, flying and then sitting on the couch in the living room. "Your daddy will be home soon. Now go and change for bed." the mother said as she went over by the door, waiting for her husband.

There was a crash and breaking glass that awoke the two children. Dani started to cry, which actually woke Danny up. He hurried to his sister's room, worried that something may have happened to her. He got to her room and picked her up, calming her down with 'shh' and coos. Then, with Dani still in his arms, he quietly floated towards the living room, only to stop when two pairs of arms kept him from moving. He turned around and saw that it was his parents.

"Mommy, daddy. What's going on?" Danny asked, confused. "Pariah is here." his father said in a hushed whisper, making Danny's eyes go wide. "We need to get you and your sister out of here." his mother said, her and her husband ushering Danny towards the escape pod they had at the back of the house, hidden from sight. "What about you?" Danny asked, tears in his eyes. "We'll follow after you." his father said, strapping him and Dani down securely.

"Danny? Where's mommy and daddy?" Dani asked her brother after she woke up, noticing that she and Danny were in a pod. She heard sniffling coming from Danny, and went over to try and comfort him. "They- They're gone." Danny said softly, wishing that it weren't true. "Are we alone now?" Dani asked, tears forming in her eyes. "Yea. We are." Danny said, Dani's tears broke through her defenses and she started bawling, Danny hugged her as his own tears fell. "We're the last Halpha's." Danny said softly, wishing that it wasn't true.  

A/N: That lullaby is actually what my mom sang to me when I was younger at night.

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