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In a cave, far north where there are few people, lives a dragon. But, those who see him, wouldn't say he was a dragon. He had the lower half of a dragon, and the upper half of a teen male, who some would was was devilishly handsome.

One day, a boy dropped out of the sky right in front of the entrance to the cave. The boy was shaking, and some frost was starting to form on his face and body. The dragon man came out of the cave when he smelled heat, but it changed automatically to that of the cold, and the dragon man had no way to tell if there was heat in the first place, because it was so cold up there.

The dragon man went to see if someone died (which would be the only logical explanation to the switch from heat to cold), and was surprised by what he saw. There was a boy, who looked a lot like his human half, and had frost covering his body and was shivering. Shivering really bad. The dragon man, against the war in his mind of whether he should bring the boy into the cave, brought him in too, at least, protect him from the storm that was going on right now.

Once they were in a huge opening in the cave, did the dragon man set the boy down and lit a fire of green flames. The flames held little warmth, but the boy stopped shivering and the frost started to melt away as well. The water that came from the frost evaporated because of the flames, and the dragon man inhaled the water vapor to regain some strength.

After a while, the boy woke up. The dragon man felt it because he was curled around the boy. "Ugh. What hit me?" the boy asked out loud, still half asleep. "You fell from the sky and landed in front of my cave, you tell me." the dragon man said, causing the boy to go on alert and transform. "Who are you?!" the boy demanded, then started to shiver again. And the frost came back, again. "Calm down and come over here." the dragon man hissed, annoyed at the human.

The boy came back over, and the flames did what they did earlier when he was asleep. After a moment of silence, the boy broke it. "Who are you?" the dragon man chuckled with amusement, causing the boy to look at him with confusion. "Pardon my laughing, but you're the first human to ask me what my name is." the dragon man said, looking down at the human with curiosity. "But I do believe the one who asked should say their name first." the dragon man said, an amused smirk on his face. The human groaned.

"Fine. I'm Danny." the human said, then turned to look at the dragon man. "So, what's your name, Frosty?" Danny asked. "My name was Danny, when I was a human. But now that I'm like this," the dragon man said as he gestured to his body, "I've been called 'The White One'. Honestly though, I just wish that I never let people come here." the dragon man, Danny, said as he sighed. "So, how about I call you Shiro?" Danny, the human, asked, shocking Danny, the dragon man. "Why?" Shiro asked, liking the sound of the name. "Well, it would be confusing if, by chance, another person were to come here and we told them our names, and, well, Shiro means white." Danny said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

Suddenly, a boomerang hit Danny's head. "Ow!" Danny cried out, rubbing the spot where the boomerang hit. Then, a machine-thing landed at the front of the cave, and two teens came out. They both had coats on, and were shivering nonetheless. "Danny?! You there?!" the boy shouted, causing Danny to groan. "I'm fine Tucker! But really?! The boo-merang?!" Danny complained, and stood up.

Danny and Shiro walked to the front of the cave and saw them, both shivering in their coats. Shiro looked at Danny sadly. "Looks like you have to leave." Shiro said sadly, a sad smile on his face. "Yeah. I'll try and visit you when I can, Shiro." Danny said and headed back to his friends, throwing a quick glance over his shoulder.

Once the Specter Speeder was out of sight, Shiro headed back into the cave. He ended up near a wall filled with drawings. He then drew a realistic picture of Danny, and this picture seemed to have some warmth that the other drawings lacked. "Maybe, young Danny, we will see each other sooner than either of us think." Shiro said to himself with a smile then went to sleep, dreaming of the young boy who may have been able to warm his cold heart, just a little.  

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