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AN: I got the picture up!

"Danny, it's getting late" a deep voice said. "I know Phantom. Just, where will we go?" a teen aged boy asked, his voice filled with uncertainty and worry. His toxic green eyes showed the same emotions as his voice did. "We'll camp out like he have been Danny." the deep voice, 'Phantom', replied, and there was a rustle of wings and a tail curled around 'Danny', who didn't object.

Danny sat down, and the tail went near him, the cold white flame giving him some light. "Try not to think about it." Phantom said, his own green eyes looking down at the teen. Danny chuckled, his shaggy, long, snow white hair fell into his face and covered his eyes.

"You know that I can't help it." Danny replied once he stopped laughing. Phantom sighed, his black, white, and very pale, almost icy, blue scales glinted in the minimal light from his tail and the stars. "I know. But while we're here, stuck in this game, at least try and act like your age." Phantom said, sighing. "Haven't acted my age since I got my powers." Danny said, stretching. His black and white, almost silver, hazmat suit moved with him, his white, almost silver, gloves and boots shined in the light.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, then Danny broke it. "How long have we been here for?" Phantom sighed, this had become a routine for them since they got here, trapped in this game like pawns on a chessboard. "Almost a week in here. But out there, it could probably have been a year, a month, or a day. I don't know." Phantom said, knowing that he didn't give the halfa any help. "Well, we'll try to find a way out tomorrow." Danny said as he went over to the dragon's side and started to nod off. "Goodnight Danny." Phantom said as he curled around the teen. "Night Phantom." Danny said, then muttered something after. Something that made a small smile appear on Phantom's muzzle. "My other half"  

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