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Simpler pic than what I first had

"B, calm down." a male with green and red hair with a mask said nervously as he was cornered by someone that looked just like him, but his hair was unruly. The other boy just chuckled darkly. "I am calm." the boy said, his dark eyes through his mask looking at the smaller boy in front of him. "YUYA!" three voices called out, and then three people, who had the same face as the two boys, appeared in relatively the same outfits.

Then, three new people, who looked like the ones that arrived but with darker hair and eyes, appeared in front of 'B'. "What do you want?!" the one of the ones who appeared in front of Yuya asked, his blue eyes filled with protectiveness of the boy behind him, as with the others.

Just then, a girl with ombre blue hair and a mask that was blue with white jewels in the eyes position, wearing a female version of what the boys were wearing, walked in between them. "Quit fighting each other." the girl said in a soft yet stern voice. "Au," B started, but got cut off with a look from the girl. "You are two sides of the same coin." the girl, Au, said as she stood in front of Yuya and his group protectively. "Now go back into their mind-scapes before I have Pharaoh come and Mind Crush you." Au threatened, causing the four darker ones to sigh and disappear with a dark flash of light.

"Thanks Au. I don't even know how he- they got out." Yuya said, standing up with Yugo's help. "Anyway, even though you four were alone here, doesn't mean that you can call each other by your names. You have code names for a reason." Au berated the boys. "Sorry Au. We were just worried about him." Yugo explained. Au sighed. "It's alright. But I suggest that you all use those names until you get back to your home. Only then will it be safe to call each other by your real names." Au explained, starting to walk away.  

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