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Secret Trio Yokai, Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan, plus my OCs

"My word." Spectre said softly as she grabbed the note from the raven, the raven flew off immediately after. "What is it?" Phantom asked, the rest coming up behind them. Spectre read through the note before handing it to Phantom. "Oh my." Phantom said, eyes almost popping out of his head. "What is it?" Red asked, impatient.

Suddenly, Phantom smirked. "Phantom, no." Spectre said, slapping the Ghost on the back of his head. "Oh come on, Spectre. Why don't we?" Phantom asked, then he gave her the pouty face. Spectre wasn't amused. "You know that doesn't work on me, Phantom." Spectre said.

"What was in the letter?" Nina asked. Spectre sighed. "The Nura Clan's third head and his advisor want to meet us." Spectre said. "Why are you against it?" Aqua asked, confused. "I'm not against going, it's what we wanted. I'm against Phantom's idea, though." Spectre said, glaring at Phantom. "Do we even want to know?" Nin asked, slightly confused. "No." Spectre said as Phantom was about to open his mouth.

"Why are you ruining my fun?" Phantom asked while pouting. Spectre glared at him. "We are supposed to be the mature ones, you idiot." Spectre said, darkness started to consume her. "Uh, Spectre..." Aqua said. "Spectre! Your fear is showing!" Nina yelled in fear, snapping Spectre out of it. "..............sorry................." Spectre said, then flew up in the air and curled up into a ball. Phantom sighed. "I'll get her." Phantom said then flew up to Spectre, a force field of green keeping him out.

"Spectre, let me in." Phantom said, knocking on the force field lightly. "......................go away......................" Spectre murmured. "No way. If you wanted to be alone, you wouldn't have joined us." Phantom said. The force field weakened slightly, giving Phantom an opening. Phantom flew over to Spectre and sat beside her in the air, not touching her but being close enough to comfort.

"..................I hate being alone. I hate being afraid.................." Spectre mumbled out. "I know you do, Spectre. We all do." Phantom said softly. Spectre curled in on herself more and clutched her arms harder. "I hate being weak." Spectre said. "I know you do." Phantom murmured. "I hate being weak against my own fear." Spectre said, then lifted her head to look at Phantom. There were tears streaming down her face.

"I hate it Phantom. I hate it. And it isn't even my true fear. We don't even know what our true fear is...." Spectre said as she launched herself at Phantom, crying into his yukata. "It'll be alright Spectre. We'll find out what our true fear is together." Phantom whispered into her ear, rubbing his hand along her back. "We, the Twin Phantoms, are supposed to be the light that guides. We guide through the dark and dispel the deceptions." Phantom soothed Spectre, her breathing becoming slower and the crying stopped.

Spectre pulled away and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. "Thanks Phantom. I needed that." Spectre said, giving him a small smile. "That's what I'm here for Spectre." Phantom said as the force field disappeared.

"Phantom! Spectre!" four voices yelled. "Guys!" Phantom and Spectre shouted at the same time, turning invisible to find their friends. They found them, bound up and blindfolded, being taken through darkness. "Let's follow." Phantom whispered to Spectre, earning a nod in return. As soon as the other Yokai went through, the Phantom Twins went through behind.

"We got them Master Rikuo, Mistress Rika." one of the Yokai said, pushing the Dragon Twins and Tengu Twins forward, them landing roughly on the ground.

"There are two missing." Ryota Neko said once the other Yokai left, the assault officers keeping an eye on the Twin sets. "What do you mean Ryota?" Rikuo asked while Rika was meditating. "My shop was attacked by the 'the Twin Phantoms', so there should be two more here." Ryota said.

"Indeed there are." a male voice said, causing everyone but Rika to jump. "Who's there?!" Aotabo demanded. "Two that you shouldn't anger." a female voice said, the room's temperature dropping by a couple degrees. "Hey! Two of us are cold blooded, remember?!" Red screamed. "And the other two are birds!" Nin shouted out. "It's your guys' fault for getting captured so easily." the female voice scolded. "Hey! We were going to come here anyway." Nina said. "She's got a point." Aqua said. "Are you guys really having a conversation right now?" Rikuo asked in disbelief. "Believe it third head!" all of them yelled.

"Please reveal yourselves. We just want to know some things." Rikuo said. There were two sighs before a male and a female appeared in front of the captured Yokai. The bindings and blindfolds came off the others. "Much better." Red said as he flapped his wings.

"So, why'd you capture them?" Spectre asked as she pointed to the others. "In the letter, like I said, was that someone was going to escort you here. I didn't know that they were going to bind and blindfold your companions." Rikuo said.  

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