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"You want me to what?" a white haired boy asked, a hoodie covering his face. "You have to go and bring a new spirit here, to become a Guardian." a big man said, his Russian accent prominent. "Why not have Nyx go?" the boy asked, irritated. "She isn't an official Guardian. And you have more free reign than the other Guardians." the man said, then went back to work. "Left me no choice, did you." the boy muttered to himself, flying away. Neither saw the figure hiding in the shadows, a scowl on their face.

"Hey! Watch it!" the boy exclaimed, dodging a green blast aimed at him. "What are you doing in my town?" a figure questioned, green blasts at the ready in their hands. "I've been sent here to bring you to the North Pole to become a Guardian." the boy said, holding his staff out in front of him. "Why would the Guardians want me to become a Guardian?" the figure questioned, lowering their hands a bit. "Because MiM thinks that the world is in danger again." a voice said, the boy tensing up and the figure bringing their hands back up, blasts glowing brighter.

"Chill out, both of you." the voice said as its owner stepped out of the shadows, a figure dressed in black with white stars, a hood covering their face. "Oh, it's just you Nyx." the boy said, lowering his staff. The other figure brought their hands down. "Why don't we all take our hoods off?" the figure asked, stepping towards the two.

All three of them lifted their hoods off, revealing two white haired boys and a black haired girl with some silver streaks. "Nyx?" the white haired boy with green eyes asked, floating down to her. The other boy also flew down. "Jack, Danny." the girl said, amusement in her black with silver flecked eyes. "What are you doing here anyway?" the white haired blue eyed boy asked, leaning onto his staff a bit. "Can't I just be with friends?" the girl asked, a fake hurt expression on her face. "You never have time to hang out unless you have someone doing your job, which can wait." the green eyed boy said. The girl sighed.

"You're right." the girl said, running a hand through her hair. "Something isn't right with MiM." the girl said after a while. "What do you mean?" Jack asked. "He's been ignoring me, and he wants to make Danny a Guardian, but he's only half dead." Nyx said, and it dawned on the boys that she looked tired and exhausted. "Are you alright Nyx?" Danny asked, putting a hand on Nyx's shoulder. "It's just, MiM is taking a lot out of me." Nyx said, her eyes looking tired. "What do you mean?" Jack asked. Nyx then looked at him.

"He thinks that the world is in danger again, and he thinks that the danger is me." Nyx said, both boys gasping in shock. "But you could never hurt the world." Danny said, tears in his green eyes. "Intentionally anyway." Jack said, clutching his staff tightly. "That's true, because I normally just observe the world, keep it in Balance." Nyx said, sitting down and leaning against a wall. "Then we've got to figure out what's wrong." Jack said and prepared to fly and tell the other Guardians. "You can't tell the other Guardians." Nyx said, breathing heavily. "Why can't he?" Danny asked. "They trust MiM too much. Plus, they're already under the same influence as MiM is." Nyx said, clutching the fabric near her heart. "Nyx!!!!" the two boys shouted, getting over to the girl as she started to fall.  

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