Chapter Twenty-One

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I wrapped my fingers tighter around the knife I had been issued and peered out from behind the makeshift barricade. Chaos ensued around me and I struggled to maintain my focus as shouts permeated the air. I was surrounded by the blasting of weapons and the damage they created, bearing only a knife and my ability. And so far, only one had been helpful. It wasn't my ability. 

Blood leaked sluggishly from a small wound in my thigh where a bullet grazed passed. I glanced down at it in disgust, wondering what in the world I was doing here. My mind kept trailing back to Maura and Sheal, wondering if they were okay. The government hadn't broken past the blockade the rebels had set up, but I worried it was only a matter of time. 

The soldier beside me shouted and kicked me. That snapped me out of my stupor and transferred the knife to my left hand, stretching my fingers in my right hand. I focused on that energy beneath my surface for a split second then I stood up from behind the barricade and let the fire fly. 

The blast struck a barricade across the way and several government soldiers shouted and leapt back, making them easy targets for the rebel troops. The fire spread, licking up everything in its path. I watched as a government soldier hurtled over a fiery barricade, and then realized that he was exposed. He raised his weapon, but I was faster. I sent a blast of fire towards him. 

Time slowed. His eyes widened as he realized what was happening, and his gun reared back, kicking as he pulled the trigger. My own expression mirrored his as I stumbled back, realizing I was out in the open as well, standing still like a fool. 

Something grabbed the back of my uniform and yanked me to the ground. With a start, I turned and see Axel. "Thanks," I managed, pressing a hand against my earlier wound as it flared up. "I owe you." I knew I should say more, but in the heat of the moment there didn't seem to be time. 

"Don't mention it. Now how about you don't do that again?" Axel cast me a cocky grin and I shook my head in disbelief. 

"Whatever. What are you doing over here anyway?" I asked, looking around when I realized I dropped my knife in the chaos. I located it near the edge of the barricade and grabbed it. 

"Just saving your life, apparently." Axel grinned, and then I noticed the makeshift bandage wrapped around his shoulder and his filthy appearance. 

"What happened to you?" I asked. 

"Just fighting the good fight." He crouched and cracked his knuckles before glancing back up at me. "Ready to fight like an Alium?"

I cringed inwardly at his use of our name. I hadn't heard the word in a while, and it still sounded so weird to include myself in that group. Group of mutant people. I shook my head and shrugged. "I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm not a soldier."

"I saw what you did just a moment ago, and that shows me you have potential. I know you've been training. Now use it!" 

Before I could argue, Axel crept past me and out from behind the barricade. He stood up amidst all the chaos and spread his hands apart in concentration. Then something incredible happened. 

The very ground beneath the government soldier's feet began to shake. Several spots of the cement began to crack and groan, forcing the soldiers to stop shooting and focus on what was beneath their feet. 

I looked over at Axel, seeing his face pinched in concentration. His hands shook in time with the ground, and I could imagine the strength of the earth in his fists. Incredible. 

The soldiers scattered, shouting and yelling as they did their best to avoid falling into the growing chasm Axel was creating. Their guns went off wildly, and I saw several of their soldiers hit because of the chaos on their side.

When I realized I was just standing there, I summoned up a fistful of my own ability and shot several masses of fire towards the soldiers, furthering the chaos. I hit the vest of one of the soldiers, and he failed around, eventually falling into the chasm.

I worked up another fistful of flames, preparing to send some more soldiers into Axel's hole, but then I locked eyes with a soldier across the way. He wasn't stumbling about blindly like his companions. On the contrary, he was calm and collected, and his weapon was aimed at Axel.

He sent me a slow grin, then took aim. I could see his plan in slow motion as he raised his semi automatic weapon.

"Axel!" I shouted, trying to get him to see what was about to happen.

Axel turned to face me, his fists still clenched, but before I could tell him to move, duck, or anything, the bullet slammed into him. It struck him in the stomach, the force of it sending him backwards with a thud.

In that moment, I threw out caution and ran over to him, every few seconds throwing a fist of fire in the enemy's direction as cover. When I reached Axel, I knelt down next to him, taking in the red quickly blossoming on his stomach, through his shirt. He hadn't been wearing a protective vest, I realized with sudden dread.

Axel was gasping and choking, a dribble of blood making it's way down his chin. His eyes flailed, and I forced myself to remain calm. I ripped off my left sleeve, rolling it up and pressing it to his stomach.

"Hold on," I told him. "Just hold on." He locked eyes with me, and I could tell he was fighting. "Focus on your breathing," I ordered, pressing harder against his wound to staunch the bleeding. The fabric was quickly getting soaked.

Axel pressed a weak hand to his neck, shaking his head. He stuttered something, but I couldn't make it out. I leaned down, and then I could barely make out the word.


He was telling me something had been punctured. But that didn't mean he would die, did it? He was just a kid, with his whole life ahead of him. I didn't even know him that well, but I felt responsible for what had happened.

I looked up from Axel to see if there was anyone who could help, but he grabbed my hand. I met his wavering gaze, and I could see him weakening, slipping away. I wasn't a doctor, but I could tell he didn't have much time left.

"Tell... them..." His voice was barely audible, and I leaned in as close as I could to hear him. "I'm... sorr---" the last word slurred, but I knew what he meant, and I knew exactly who 'them' was.

I nodded, reassuring Axel I would watch over Kyle and Celest until his hand went limp and the life left his eyes.

I know I'm so so so so sorry!!!! But... but... *backs away slowly* Don't hate me! I'm sorry I had to! Don't hate me please!!!!!!!

*turns and runs away*

Okay see you next time!



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