Amarendra Devsena Shot - 11

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Amarendra felt restless.With something disturbing his mind.As soon as meeting started.One who called meeting.Didnt turn up.Bhallaldeva wasnt seen making his presence.Amarendra thought to inquire about.His health later.After concluding the meeting.With soldiers and others present.It was for concern.Of safety of Mahishmathi.They were to face.Some danger from neighbouring land.He didnt want to take.Chance giving all his attention there.

Devsena was not at peace.Once she went back to her chamber.Its been while she havent Avanti.her heart knew how she survived.Unknowingly she started to have motherly.Instincts for new born.Who lost her mother.She knew a father like Bhallaaldeva would.Never give her love.He knows being selfish.Last she got to know.He was planning to remarry.Rajmaatha permitted him.Her health was not in condition.Devsena couldn't think to argue.She was also mother.Who failed to see her son's serpent nature.

She fumed in rage.Revenge for treatment Bhallaaldeva did.To her friend and now.She wouldnt let history repeat that.To her baby.She pledged to save baby Avanti at any cost.Catching her breath.She left for his chamber at night.Her helpers saw her.Covered their mouth with fear.Scared to witness what.Night was about to bring.Devsena has taken her sword with her.

The meeting ended with every one taking leave.Katappa looked worried.A thought disturbed him.From time he sensed something.Wrong was to take place.Amarendra noticed worried expression.On his face and went to him.Katappa couldnt keep it to himself.He asked all guards to leave.Once alone Amarendra was walking.With him for his chamber.

A-"Mama why do you.Look stressed.Any problem?"

K-"I do sense.Something wrong.

Baahu dont you think.He should have been here.For meeting when he organized it.Last moment called sick.I dont know.It makes me suspicious."

A-"I understand your concern.But dont worry.I think we can trust Bhalla with.Maahishmathi and its safety.He isnt harmful to us.In any way because he has known.Consequence after Raajmatha forgave him.For mistake he did.Got punished.

He is not my concern now.Its something else."

Katappa raised his eyes.Finding Amarendra in deep thought.He has seen Devsena leaving.In rage and something.She wasnt seen behaving.In that manner with her husband.With people around.What could be reason.For her restless nature.

K-"I think you.Should check on her.

She is not someone.Who would be angry.Over small issue.If you are bound to your kingdom.Then have duty for wife too Baahu.Go and console her.Poor soul has been tormented.After your brother snatched baby from her.She needs you."

Devsena was losing her breath.But keeping her dignity aside and gathering.Strength she had to fight for last symbol of friendship.Avantika left for her.She had to do this.Face the man who once destroyed her.If there wouldnt have been.Her husband who looked up to her wounds.Giving new life and reason.To live she wouldnt have returned.Being herself.She held her sword.Anger on face.Adorned with her venom filled eyes.Which no one had seen.Before in Maahishmathi.

Her feet stopped at entrance.Of Bhallaaldeva's chamber.Thinking twice to enter.She shut her eyes keeping.Faith on herself.She knew why she came for.So she has to do this.She could see Bhallaaldeva on his bed.Who didnt look in bad health.Rather was drinking alcohol.His helper informed him.About arrival of her.After which he started smirking.Enjoying his drink.

Devsena entered after alot of difficulty.She wished to use her sword.Right moment if rules and duties.Wouldnt have stopped her.She was Queen and has to live.Up to words and oath she has taken.She cannot disappoint her it for any cause.In any sense.Bhallaldeva's helper gave her looks.With lust at which she made disgusting face.He was shown exit by his master.

Bh-"Come Devsena.I was expecting you.Only.

Knew you would come.To me at this hour.For need."

Devsena burnt her face.With fuming eyes.Her teeth clenched and.Hands gripped to sword.Bhallaldeva got up.Walking to her.His eyes had evil and look.Full of lust towards her.She felt prick.How he eyed her from top to bottom.Her eyes spat.Disgust and loathe.

D-"I think you.Are drunk over senses.Addressing Queen of Maahishmathi by.Name may cost you a lot of things.dont forget you limits."

Bh-"Limits are not for me.Dont you know.Queen of Maahishmathi.I beg your pardon.What do you expect.Me to fall on your feet.And beg for mercy."

His evil laugh told her alot.He would never budge to change.Being same monster from inside.

D-"If you do that.I can think to.Show some mercy.Maybe you will spared.For life and sent to.Live for sake of living.Far from here where no humans make it."

Bhalla laughed in sarcastic way.Loud enough with his voice.Echoed in chamber.He came a bit close to Devsena.She stepped back.Keeping an eye on his every move.She gave smirk at him.Raising her head.

D-"Dont try to.Cross line of your limit.Fear the consequences.

Shouldnt forget a SenaAdhyaksh(Chief Commander) is not allowed.To come this close to.Queen keeping his limit.And if you cross it.My sword will be ready.That you know well."

Bh-"This is what I admire.About you Devsena.The courage and power you show.In everything.Know how to fight for yourself.I would love to learn.Alot from you.Teach me.After all Iam your first love."

D-"Bhallaldeva.Be in your limits.This may be last warning.

From my side to you.Or else."

Bh-"or else what.You will call your.Worthless dumb husband.Who is whole day busy.To please and protect.His so called kingdom.He wont have time.To look up to what his wife.Expects him to do.I feel pity for you.What a jerk you married.

See he has no sense of.Duty towards you.You begged to him crying.for help and justice.What did he do.Send you away.Giving priority to something else.Poor wife and Queen.Had to come here at this hour.Walking to me.Prevail justice.Isnt it.An irony Devsena."

D-"A dog like you would never understand.Worth of relationship.Duties and words given to someone.Thats why you are never.Seen as part of royal family.Good that your own mother.disowned you once.If she would have known.Her blood is so undeserving to be."

Bhallaldeva couldnt hear.Taunts from lady and it hurt his ego.He went to catch her hand.Making her widen her eyes.Blasting at him with anger.She pushed him strongly.Making him hit door.Which he closed smirking at her.Devsena for second.Got scared but she knew.He couldnt lay finger at her.

Bh-"Dont worry Maharani Devsena.Tonight you wont leave.Without getting your answers.Every word had to be proved.Given justice.I will do that.You are calling me worthless.Not deserving to be King and.Royal blood.I will show you.What I possess.Will make you.Suffer inch by inch.

Your condition wont be.That extreme but yes.You will lose what you love most.Without losing aything.In real and see.How it happens."

D-"I have been sparing you.For your mother and my husband.This is my fate that.Two people whom I respect.Love are related to you or else."

Bh-"Else what.You would kill me?How would that sound.Before that.In the hours of dark night.Queen of Maahishmathi is found to.Be in chamber of Commander in Chief and.That too alone.Who was supposedly her fiance.

Believe me Devsena.I would love to see.Maharaja Amarendra Baahubali's face.When he sees his wife.Breaking trust he had on you.Thought you were intelligent.Smart enough but how come.You fell on my trap.Tell me Devsena.How did you.Come here all by yourself.Not even once dreading consequence."

D-"I have lived my life.Doing what I believe as justice.I respect my husband and King of Maahishmathi.But according to me.A serpent should be killed.before he spreads his poison.I will make sure you.Get death.I dont fear anything coming my way.Because I have full faith on my love.My husband and bond we share.A pathetic person like you.Can never understand."

Bhallaldeva made sarcastic face.Went to sit on his bed.Looking at Devsena.With red eyes.Glaring at him.He smirked keeping his gaze at her.

Bh-"Still so dumb and naive.Devsena please.This bond and trust all are.Words not in reality they have meaning.If husband finds his wife.With her ex love at night.Alone in his chamber.Whether he is King or pauper.Male ego is shattered.Do you know that."

He went closer to her.Taking in her fragrance.She made a face.Maintaining distance from her.For once she thought.if she was being impulsive.Come here all alone.Without informing her husband.She could have waited for him.Bhallaldeva can go to any extent.

Amaredra couldnt wait any longer.To look for his wife who must be in broken state.He knew he has to give her emotional support.He was more tensed when he couldnt find her in their chamber.Where could she go at this hour.He was afraid.First time Amarendra Baahubali was afraid because.It was Devsena.

D-"Your greed for power and wealth.Have made you come down to this level.You dont realize what to you are saying.To whom.Brother whom you are name calling.He is reason you are still standing on your feet.Imagine your state if he comes to know.What words you are using for his wife.Dont forget Im Queen of Mahishmathi now.Before I couldnt do anything because.My husbands words and affection stopped me.You are witnessing mother today.You dont know what Kunthala Rajkumari Devsena can do."

Bh-"I would love to see.I have been waiting.This much rage.Where was it when you were married.To your lovers brother.You couldnt do thing.If you could have waited for me.Things would have been different now.You didnt had to beg to me for."

D-"I thank my fate.For all it has given me after you ran away.Like a coward.I curse my fate for moment I promised to make you my life partner.I will always be indebted to Rajmata.For giving me husband like Amarendra Bahubali."

Bh-"You loved me.You cant forget that.Remember moments we spent.First meeting Devsena.You still remember them I know.Nothing has changed.We can still be together.Trust me.This husband of yours.I will ruin him.For ever and we can be together.You will be my Queen."

Huge walls of palace was engulfed with silence.Except darting sound of slap.Devsena marked on Bhallaldevs cheek.She was breathing high with anger.Rage written on her face.Her eyes red with tears of humiliation.It took him moment to get over.Insult dawned upon him.His eyes equally raged with anger.His ego couldnt take it this time.

Bh-"How dare you.You woman."

Before he could make her victim of his.Hate and strength overpowering her.They stood still in this tussle.Hearing word from persons mouth.


Amarendra stood in disbelief.His sword fell from his hand.Moment his eyes fell on his wife.Standing with look on face.He dreaded to see.His brother holding her hand.He wasnt expecting to see this.What made Devsena escape breath was to see.Her husband there.Gulping down disappointment.Pain coming to his face.Tear escaped her eyes.When she saw his sword on floor.She was his honor.He vowed to protect her.What she did.By coming here.Will she be able to explain him.


Its been very long.I will request readers to go through.Book from start if you feel lost or confused.Thank you for being so patient.I have missed writing like anything.Your love and my love got me back.Thanks for all your wishes.Im fine now.

I want all my readers to be safe.Stay at home and lets all hope we get through this phase together.As writers we can try best.To write and be with you all.With all hopes Im about to continue all my pending books.Need your support.

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