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"You didn't have to do that." Kyung stopped just few steps away from her house, stopping Jeongha as well. "Of course I did." Jeongha laughed silently, trying not to say too much.

Kyung didn't say anything, Kyung had frankly gotten over it. He was used to the constant abuse. But even in all the years Kyung had shared his family life with Jeongha, the girl just could not-not be sad. The last time Jeongha cried was when Kyung had came all battered up after letting Danoh collapse while the two played.

Kyung cried a lot that day but stopped once his friend balled harder than him. Jeongha was inconsolable that day, Kyung who thought no one would ever understand him had realised Jeongha felt his pain amplified, that's why the two were so close.

So just how Kyung had imagined, ten seconds of silence and Jeongha was crying her heart out, with the occasional whimpers, she yet again was devastated. "I'm fine, stop crying. I'm completely fine. It does't even hurt." Kyung was lying right through his teeth but if he could trick Jeongha he could trick himself too. "Stop lying!" She shouted at him and continued crying in his arms.

"Come on, we're near your house. You have to go now, lets go." Kyung felt horrible not for himself but for Jeongha who seemed to be the only person that cared for him, 'Why me?' He thought as he looked down at her.

"I'm going now." She said through her tears but didn't leave his arms. "I'm pretty sure you're going to have break the hug for that." He reminded, but didn't bother separating either.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter truth be told, I'll just be transported if there is a stage." Jeongha explained, though Kyung didn't understand.



Jeongha's backstage private makeup room was a mess. 'So I lost.' She thought as she massaged her stinging cheek.

"You are pathetic." Jeongha's mother threw another bouquet, "I came second." Stage Jeongha attempted to argue, 'Dumbass' Her mother threw the sharp silver trophy towards Jeongha's back.

'That hurt' Her back was probably bleeding, "Kwons don't come second." Her mother threw another fit. Another bouquet aimed towards Jeongha came flying at her head.




Her mother's assistant patched up Jeongha's wounds. She was dropped off to school to attend her after lunch classes. Jeongha didn't feel pathetic, knowing she had helped Kyung, she didn't regret anything.

She was just going to her class when she saw an angry Kyung screaming at Danoh. Jeongha didn't immediately go towards him, an odd feeling pulling her back.

'Jealousy? Why should I be jeal─' She gasped as the extra, Haru, punched Kyung in the face pulling Danoh away and with him.

Jeongha rushed to Kyung's aid, whose rage had intensified. "Come on, Kyung we should get your wound treated." She tried ushering him up, trying her best to calm him down.

"Leave me alone!" He shouted at her, Jeongha had begun to get used to his outbursts. 'He doesn't mean it.' She rationalised.

She tried again to pull him up, this time successfully. He swatted her away, walking away. "Kyung, come on what happened?" She rushed to him again, "Leave me─" He pushed her away.

This time he pushed a little too hard, causing the girl to topple and fall down the stairs, she would have been horribly injured if Kyung didn't immediately embrace her and taken the fall.

The two landed with Jeongha on top, Kyung huffed in pain. "Oh my god! Kyung." She got up, worried sick. "I'm sorry." He muttered. "I know, it doesn't matter. Get up." The two got up, the rain had stopped and Jeongha didn't realise but she was drenched. Thankfully her coat protected her.

"She didn't come, just because." Kyung mumbled, enough for Jeongha to hear. She clenched her wrists, but unclenched them soon.

"She doesn't know, it's not her fault." Jeongha reasoned with disdain, "It's not your fault either." She pulled him with her, as the two made their way up the stairs.

"Hey Kyung and Jeongha! Why are you soaking wet?" Dohwa stopped the two, "Oh did the author make it rain?" Kyung didn't get to reply as Dohwa continued. "Look around, there's no trace of rain but you're wet. Isn't that weird?" Dohwa laughed as he explained. "Dohwa don't." Jeongha warned.

"No Danoh was there and look Jeongha is also wet." Kyung turned to Jeongha who like him was drenched. "Come on, Danoh and Jeongha are different from you. They have an ego." Dohwa illustrated his point. "Dohwa, stop trying to give Kyung his ego." Jeongha pulled Kyung with him but the boy didn't budge. "You don't even notice when things are weird. You must be uncomfortable now, but just wait a little. You'll be dry in the next scene."

Dohwa didn't bother listening to Jeongha as he went on. Jeongha was finally able to get him away and took the boy away. "You know what Dohwa is talking about, explain." Kyung demanded. "You don't wanna know." She said as she let go of his hand and walked away tired and angry.

Nothing was going her way, everything was wrong yet this was her life. 'When do I get to be happy.' Jeongha had ended up at the library. Now completely dry. The library was empty, so Jeongha just browsed through the books till she came to a familiar book. 'Trumpet Creeper' She flipped through the book, surprised by the contents inside. 

Jeongha felt her head spinning, the similarity between the two books was overwhelming. 'Am I going to die?' She thought, her old self had died. It didn't make sense, yet it did.

Her thoughts came to an end as she blanked out, she fell to the ground with a thud.




When Jeongha woke up she was in the infirmary, Jeongha's head hurt as if someone has bonked her on the head and she had died and come back to life, she got up though she didn't have the energy to do so.

She slowly walked out of the room and found herself staring at a long haired Kyung hitting someone. Oddly, Kyung resembled someone else but it was him, but had returned to his usual self again. 'Is it my imagination?' Jeongha in that short time had lost all memories of the old book.

He was aiming to hit the window, scared Jeongha rushed towards him but Haru had successfully stopped him. "Don't do it. You will hurt yourself." Haru tried reasoning Kyung out of his enraged self.

"Why do you care?" Kyung spat out, with a frown on his face. "Because it will be painful─" Haru looked at Jeongha, their eyes met, "And I feel sorry." He continued, as if aiming the later part towards Jeongha.

'Why do you feel sorry? Did you hurt me Haru?'


Do not be afraid to ask me anything regarding the book because i feel as if the plot is getting to complicated

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