A 'friendly' chat

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liviL soo sorry for bno chapters yesterday,... so ima going to do three today!!!

Nico: why are you so happy?

Will: Nico... weve talked about this.....

Nico: ya ya ya *acts annoyed and walks off*

Will: *sighs*


Nico's P.O.V

A boy is running threw the forest, carfree, laughing, and happy, his sister chasing him, laughing along with him, and their mother watching them from a proch, drinking lemoande,  then the sky turns a blood shdae of dark red, he starts running, not from happines, but from fear, his sister, falls, as she is taken down to a crevice in the earth with the boys mother, he screams and yells, starting to run back, but his legs betray him as he runs ht opssite way, to a field of death and distruction, he keeps running, tears stream freely down his face, his breath raggerd, and comsumed of sniffles and cries of morning as he runs to the field, a man in a full black robe awaits him, staring at him from underneath, laughing as the boys mother and sister join him, and the boy runs, the death strengthing him, as he jumps away from the field, and into the shadows, his shadow....

Nico awakes up sweating, fully aleart as he looks around, he looks out his widow to see it is night, the cool air makes him shiver as he pulls his knees up to his chest and quietly sobs, rembering his dream, his mother, his sister, gone with his farter. Who else will i lose? he stops crying as he notcie he has bandges around his chest, and he wrinkles his nouise at the fimarlier smell. Did i turn into shadows again? he asks him self as he is met with the face of Piper. he falls off of his bed in freight, and tumbles to the cold hard ground. "Tell.Me.Now" i look at her and allow my death glar to come "What are talkign about?" she looks at me, as if shes studing me "About Will,,, oh and dont deny ti Nico, aprhodite is my mom, and no Jason ddint tell me, i figured it out" i sit there stunned and i fell a hand on my shoulder, i angerly swipe it off, to see the person the hand sit next to me "Nico, i know what your thinking, but, your secrets out, to us atleast, ill make sure nobody else finds out, i promise." I look over my shoulder to see Hazel, as she looks at me with her gold eyes. "Just, leave me alone" i as i start walking out the door, hazel turns me toward her, her face looks as if she is mad as hades, and thats not the easits thing to do, iv learned from expiernce "No, im not leaving you alone bacuse you are your brother and i am your sister, so you better start talkign or Piper will use charmspeak" she looks at Piperher face still mad and piper nods, obisly frigtng "Y-yes i will" Hazel nods and looks back at me "Nico, spill, or well make you" i inwardly groan and look down at my hands not to long  ago, i was with my sister, i was normal i look back at them "Its, Will, hes, not like percy, hes patient, calm and caring, but he can be stuborn and have a temper, and i think i-i like him.." i leave the last part hanging in the air, not looking at them and keep my head down looking at my hands, plae, oliv skin hands i say to myself in my head as i look back up to see hazel put her arm around my shoulder and for piper to be noding as she laevs, leaving the two siblings alone, at peace, with only thei thoughts, And the little boy, found the sun outside of the darkness, a gem putting a arm around him.

Herro guys, like the chapter? hope ya did, ill make two more chapters tonight, and hopefully after this fanifc, ill have another one up anoit Willco, there one of my favorite couples, cause they can be uh *starst ratning* anawyas, answer to lst chapters question...

Werewolfs or Vampires?


Leo Valdezz or Nico di-Angelo.

right your answer in the cmomnets and your opion in there asweel, any other things or ideas about my writing, plese let me know and comment! PEACE LIVI OUT!!!

From the Gamer,


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