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12/16/16 (Jay's POV)

It's been days since I last talked to Ash. I have been helping Dr. J run the town a bit, but he seems to be doing fine. Since the town opened up a lot of humans have been coming in and out of the town realizing that Dr.J wasn't kidding when he said hybrids on TV long ago when we took down the lab. They also realize that we are people too and not just animals, more like half and half.

I am sitting in a room with Dr.J discussing a top secret item. Ash was also in the room. "Okay guys apparently there has been another case of hybrid tranceformation." Ash sits up in her seat. "The military wants us to go in and find out as much as we can since you guys are small and can run fast." Ash smirks "That's all?" "Well also because you've had experience with getting in and out of the labs. You two will go together-" Ash cuts him off "Wait you're doing this because you want us to bond right? Well le-" "Ash you cut me off I was going to say you two are going together ALONG with Russet, Moon, Mercie, Jace, Xavier, and Cody to help with the drama." Me and Ash's eyes widen when we hear Russet and Jace. "No!" we say in unison. Dr. J smiles knowingly. "You shouldn't just worry about them." he says finally leaving us with the map and a team to get ready.

"Look Jay I don't want things to be awkward on this mission so you take care of your guys and I take care of my friends.Okay?" I shake my head sending me out of my trance "Yea I'll just do that." Once Ash shifted and ran off I ran to my house and called the 'guys' and told them to pack up and why. In about 1 minute they were here.

"The girls are going to take forever let's just wa-" Xavier was saying then was cut off by knocking at the door. When I answered it I saw Ash, Moon, Russet, and Mercie with giant duffle bags and in darker clothes and Ash holding a map. "C'mon guys let's load up Dr.J gave us an R.V." She steps away revealing a huge R.V.

All the guys immediately rush in. The RV had wooden floor and a nice kitchen. "Now there are only 4 beds and a couch so a few people will either have to sleep on cat or dog beds and one person will be driving. We also only have a limited water supply for showers and toilets so we will have to refill it sometimes." Ash runs on about the R.V while the guys claimed there bed (A.N No they did not pee on the beds) There was one huge bed which all the girls would take turns using and that left me to drive. "Alright guys let's go stack up on food and get going." I hear a bunch of cheats and I slid in the driver's seat and start the car.

I pull up the the food store and hand everyone an allowance of $100 and they run into the food store grabbing all the food they want. I got the actual necessary food to survive and went to check out. I saw ash pile on a ton of.....tuna, mayonnaise and one jar of custerd and a box of fish sticks? She looks at me "Okay I know fish custard is a bit weird, but I wanted to try it," I roll my eyes and continue to receive delicious food.

Once we were done with that it was night time. Most of the people have gone to sleep except Ash stayed awake. She moved to the passenger seat to give me directions to where we were going but other that that the R.V was silent. "Hey Jay. Do you have any idea what Dr.J meant when he said that we had to worry about the others besides Jace and Russet?" I think for a moment and then realize "When we left your house the other day Jace admitted to being Russets mate but also Cody, the retarded wolf over there, said he had smelled something really nice, And that's how mates work right?" "Yea like you smell like tuna! And you know how much I love tuna." I look at Ash like 'are-you-serious?' "Okay stop making that face. You don't smell like tuna....more like a river or running water." She says "But that means that Cody has a mate and she is one of my friends."

I start pulling over to a small rent a lot campsite and pay $10 for a night in the R.V on the campsite grounds. I go into the back to see everyone awake. Ash and Moon were eating fish sticks and custard, Jace and Xavier are playing video games, Cody was spinning around in circles sniffing the air, Mercie was shooting rubber arrows at the wall, and Russet was looking at the chaos. Cody stops spinning and runs over to me dizzily "Dude I think I found my mate." he says a little to loudly and everyone stops moving "Jay did you tell him anything?"Ash says. I shake my. While no one was looking Moon starts backing up and going up to the bunk bed with the fish and custard. Ash goes to grab her and pulls her out. Moon had a fish stick in her mouth and custard on her face. The fish stick falls out of her mouth as she speaks "I have some explaining to do don't I.

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