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5 Years Later (Jay's POV)

I wake up in my bed in my house. I look to my side and see Ash sleeping. I rub my face with my hands and feel a cold metal on my hand and stubble on my chin. I had the dream of when we were young and Ash was unsure.

I slowly get out of bed and take one last look at Ash. Her baby bump was visible through the blanket. I smile at the thought that any day now I would be a dad. I walk to the bathroom to take a look at myself. I look like I haven't left the house for days and that is the truth. I was so busy taking care of Ash that I never got the chance to leave. I splash water in my face again and again then look again in the mirror. I then suddenly hear Ash's scream. I rush to the bedroom and see Ash's eyes wide and she holds her stomach. "Jay..." She says "What do we do?" I yell as I pick Ash up. "Take me to a hospital DUH." she screams at me. I roll my eyes

I rush her out of the house and into the car. I start the car and we start driving. Ash screams in pain again. "Okay I am taking you to the hospital. Don't worry. Don't worry." I say. We keep driving until we reach the hospital. I wasn't sure was to do so I just carry Ash in and say "Can I get a nurse? My wife is in labor!" As soon as the words left my mouth a team of nurses pop out of nowhere and take Ash away from me. They put her on a gurney and rushed her to a delivery room (No not a post office) I hold her hand as she screams in pain yet again. "Did you do an ultrasound?" one of the nurses asks. I shake my head. The nurse sighs "Then you're in for a rough ride." my eyes widen "See since you are hybrids...this causes you to produce a...litter." my jaw drops. More than one tiny person? I look at Ash who was sweating. "Don't worry. This will be over soon." I say


A couple hours later


I sat in the room with Ash who was exhausted. I nurse comes in with a girl and two boys. "These ones are yours." the nurse says giving my the girl and Ash the boy. "Names?" Ash says. I think for a moment " Scarlet Kayla Wolf for the girl and Grey Cole and Nathen Daniel Wolf." I say and she smiles. As I hold Scarlet I think of our new family. 

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