Love saved my life (Shadilver)

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Poor Silver, hiding in his room with the blinds closed, crying himself to sleep each night, confused and alone. He's been like this for mouths, he can't stop thinking about a dark and mysteries male hedgehog, 'He seems so warm, and gentle. But he hates me...he said it him...I'm obnoxious..besides, why would ANYONE care about me? I'm worthless....pathetic....stupid.....thar's only one thing I'm good at....annoying everyone!'  Silver took out his notebook, and started writing a note for the police to find....he was trying to remember how to tie a nous. Suddenly a knock on the door echoed through the house, Silver made his way to the door and opened it, only to freeze like a deer in headlights, and turn bright red, it was the person he was just thinking about! 'What could he want with me?' He wondered. "Could I talk with you for a moment?" The deep, gravely voice of Shadow asked, "Um, s-sure! C-come on in.." Shadow walked though the door and slightly chuckled at the sight of Silver blushing. Silver closed the door and invited Shadow to have a seat on the couch, "No, you go ahead and sit first." "But you're a guest..." "Come on. Pleeeaaase!" Silver gave Shadow a perplexed look but did so anyway, for the first time since Maria died, Shadow had a huge smile plastered on his face, he walked over to Silver, nuzzled his face under Silver's chin, and hugged him while sitting snugly atop his lap (He looks like a man slut). Silver's blush went from a bright red to a deep scarlet, "Please don't do it Silver.." "D-do w-what?" "Silver...I know you where thinking about suicide..I can hear people's thoughts if I choose too..please don't, people care about you...I care about you" "No one cares about me.." Silver pushed Shadow away. Shadow couldn't believe it, after he poured his hart and soul into telling Silver about his feelings for him...he's still getting turned down, "Silver..why do you think that?" "I DON'T THINK THAT! I KNOW THAT I'M JUST A WAIST OF SPACE! EVERYONE IN THE ORPHANAGE WAS RIGHT ABOUT ME! WHO COULD EVER LOVE SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO KILL HIMSELF!" Tears started to stream down Silver's face, as he got an idea. "Shadow.... give me your gun." "NO! I WON'T LET YOU DO IT!" "Shadow.." Silver stared deeply into the ruby eyes of his crush, put a hand on his face, and tried not to cry, "I'm sick of everyone picking on me, I'm tired of being hurt, I want it all to end....I just want to die.." he than hugged the black and red, strong, brave, and bad ass man who he loved and pleaded "Shadow.... please... I want to stop this pain...I can't take it anymore....please... just give me the damn gun." "Absolutely not! I won't let you die!" "Why not!" "Because I love you Silver!" A gasp was released from the small, young, albino and heavy, unsteady breaths followed, "R-r-really?" Shadow wrapped his arms around Silver and slowly rocked back and forth, trying to reassure him that what he was telling him was the truth, "Of course darling, I love you more than anything in the world, to me, you're perfect! I'm sorry for being so mean to you, I had no idea what you where going through. Here, maybe this will help." Shadow began to sing, and hold Silver in a tight but gentle embrace. The song:

Come stop your crying it'll be alright,
Just take my hand,
Hold it tight,
I will protect you from,
All around you,
I will be here don't you cry,
For one so small,
You seem so strong,
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm,
This bond between us,
Can't be broken,
I will be here don't you cry,
Cuz you'll be in my heart,
Yes you'll be in my heart,
From this day on,
Now and forever more,
Why can't they understand the way we feel,
They just don't trust,
What they can't explain,
I know we're different but,
Deep inside us,
We're not that different at all,
Cuz you'll be in my heart,
Yes you'll be in my heart,
From this day on,
Now and forever more,
Don't listen to them,
Cuz what do they know,
We need each other,
To have,
To hold,
They'll see in time,
I know,
When destiny calls you,
You must be strong,
I may not be with you,
But you've got to hold on,
They'll see in time,
I know,
We'll show them,
Together cuz,
You'll be in my heart,
No matter what they say,
You'll be here in my heart,
Oh always,
I'll be with you,
Always and always,
Just look over your shoulder,
Just look over your shoulder,
I'll be there,

Silver's jaw quivered, and a big, warm, smile spread across his face as his heart ached with joy, "Oh my god,*voice cracks* Shadow *sniff* you have no idea how much this means to me...just to know that someone cares about me." He tried not to cry tears of joy as he saw a equally warm smile appear on Shadow's face, and felt there hearts beat as one, "Silver, it's okay to cry, let it out dear." Silver's tears dried then, and he buried his face into Shadow's chest fur. "Silver, I need you to do something for me...." "What is it Shadow?" "If you want me to be your boyfriend, I need you to stay alive, I know you're in pain, I can help you... I can take away the pain, don't listen to the people that hurt you, just listen to the people that care about you, listen to the people that love you, listen to me....continue living, stay alive.. for me." "Shadow....I don't feel the pain when I'm with you." Silver stated as he wrapped his arms around Shadow. "So you'll stay alive? To be my boyfriend?" "Of course my love~" Shadow hugged Silver tightly and had tears of joy forming in his eyes, "Thank you Silver." "You're welcome Shadow~" "I love you Silver~" "I love you more~" Shadow chuckled, lay down with Silver, and fell asleep stroking his quills.

A/N: Damn! That was looooooong!

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