Chapter 1

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"And how often do you get these, uh, visions?"

I slouched in my chair, looking anywhere but in the counselor's eyes.

"Look, I know you're doing your job, but really! It's nothing! A bad dream from a childhood memory! That's all!" I insisted. Chloe, my guidance counselor, gave me a look.

"What childhood memory?" She asked. I set my jaw and raised an eyebrow at her.

"I don't feel comfortable telling a complete stranger about my childhood memories, thank you very much. I think I'll be going now." I snapped, getting to my feet. I walked to the door and was about to leave when Chloe called me back.

"Nadia, wait. Listen to me." She said. I rolled my eyes and turned to face her.

"What?" I asked.

"I wanted to warn you that there is a rouge tiger on the outskirts of town." She said.

"You think I don't know that?" I spat. Then I spun on my heel and stormed out of the room. I walked past my brother, Tikal, who got up and matched my pace. I opened the door and was met by a gust of cold air. No where near as cold as I was use to, though. Snow and ice covered the ground, but I walked forward confidently. Tikal didn't say anything at first, but I guess he couldn't help himself.

"So how'd it go?" He asked, trying not to laugh. He had heard everything. I pushed him playfully and he went sliding across the ice, skillfully staying on his feet.

"You know very well how it went." I said smiling. He threw some snow in my face and I shivered as it slid into my jacket.

"I'll get you for that, you know." I laughed, spitting snow out of my mouth. He shrugged and kept walking. We walked the rest of the way home, throwing snow at each other along the way. By the time we got in the house, we were covered in snow and shivering. Katie opened the door and dragged us inside, slamming the door behind us. She began brushing us off as we took off our jackets and wiped our boots dry.

"You two must be freezing! You have barely anything to keep you warm!" She exclaimed.

"Katie, we've been through worse, remember?" Tikal said. Katie put her hand to her head for a second.

"Of course. I always forget." She said. She smiled at us and we hurried off to our room. On the way, Lily stuck her head out of her door.

"You Indians been playing in the snow again?" She sneered.

"We aren't Indians, Lily. We've been over this. Bug off." I moaned, pushing her back into her room. She gave an indignant, "hey!" before I shut the door in her face. I rolled my eyes at Tikal and walked into our room. I sat on my bed and he threw his jacket onto the bed above. Then he walked over to a bird cage covered by a towel and pulled the towel off. Inside, his pet bird, Peck, immediately started whistling a song that sounded suspiciously like Fireflies. Tikal threw him a cracker to shut him up.

"Don't worry, Nadia," Tikal said, glancing at me, "they only live to be around 50." I threw my pillow at him. His smile faltered when there was a clanging noise from outside our window. We scrambled over each other to get to the window. I pulled the curtain away and glanced into the alleyway. I saw a trash can lid and trash spilling out everywhere. At first I thought it was a raccoon, or something, but then I saw it. Teeth sharp as knives, massive paws with claws like sutures. Eyes cold with no remorse. The eyes from my dreams. I'll never forget that scar across his face. The night he got the scar. The night, don't think about it. I ducked my head below the windowsill and tried to slow my breathing. Tikal crouched down beside me.

"Nadia..." He began.

"It's come back for us. I told you it wouldn't make a difference. I told you.... I told you..." I said hurriedly, my breath fast, my heart pounding. Tikal grabbed my arm, led me away from the window, and out of our room. He grabbed both of my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes.

"Nadia, it's okay. He can't touch us in here. It won't be like last time. I promise, it won't be like last time." He said. I felt the tears building in my eyes and a lump forming in my throat. I choked for breath and Tikal pulled me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder and he patted me comfortingly. Katie walked past the hallway, raising her eyebrow at Tikal in a silent question. Tikal mouthed the word, "tiger" and Katie hurried off to call the police. I pulled away from Tikal, wiping my tears away angrily.

"Five years. For five years he's been after us." I said. Tikal tried to grab my arm but I yanked myself away. "No. Those police don't know what they are dealing with! They'll get themselves killed!" I insisted. Tikal bit his lip. Then he let out a sigh.

"Well what do you propose we do?" He asked. It was my turn to chew my lip. I took a shuddering breath, ran around the house gathering things I'd need, then led him to the front door.

"Nadia! What are you..." He began.

"Shh!" I snapped. I grabbed the door handle with one hand, while reaching into my boot and pulling out my silver dagger with the other. I stepped outside, dagger raised. I looked left, then right, before running across the street. I could hear Tikal behind me. The sun was beginning to set, casting the city into darkness.

"We have to warn the police before they find the tiger." I told Tikal. Just as I said that, police cars raced down the road and skid to a stop in front of our house. Convenient. I slid my dagger up my sleeve before running up to one.

"You can't attack that tiger! You don't know what it's capable off!" I shouted, tugging on the man jacket. He looked at me.

"And you do?" He snapped. I raised my chin.

"Yes actually, I do. And I know that you can't go in there without better weapons!" I insisted. The man hoisted his gun.

"I think we can handle a pussy cat, kid. Don't get involved." He said. Then he walked away.

"Could've used that advice five years ago." I grumbled. I heard snow crunching behind me, but thinking it was Tikal I didn't turn around. But then I saw Tikal talking to one of the officers. I could feel him before I could see him. His hot breath on my neck. The dagger slid down into my hand and I gripped it tight. I slowly turned around and came face to face with my nightmare. The tiger roared in my face and I took a step back, dagger raised. He eyed the dagger warily.

"You remember this, don't you, boy?" I said, slowly backing away. The tiger glanced at the police who all had their attention on the tiger and me. He jumped over my head and in between me and the police. The thing about this tiger, is that he learns on the go. He isn't your normal tiger.

Tiger tiger, burning bright.

I felt the cold metal casing in my pocket. Follow me away from the others, tiger, I thought.

In the forest of the night.

Away from everyone else. Just you and me. I said in my mind. I turned and ran. I heard Tikal shout my name but I didn't stop. I didn't hope to outrun the beast, I just needed to grab the rest of my materials. I ripped a branch off a tree and took out the lighter. I ran deeper into the woods into a clearing far away from town. I stopped running my heart beating a mile a minute. I scrambled to catch the branch on fire. I saw the tiger getting closer to me.

"Come on come on, burn!" I urged the branch, pouring the cooking oil on it I had grabbed earlier. The tiger was about to jump when the branch burst into flames. I waved the branch in his face and he took a step back.

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

"That's right, tiger, I have fire. I'm not going to hurt you, but you have to leave me alone. I did what I did in self defense." I told the tiger. His lip curled and I saw it happen before it did. The tiger jumped and I was pushed to the ground. I felt claws in my skin and warm blood covering my body. I felt the bottle of cooking oil leave my hand as I was knocked to the ground, splashing the tiger. Then I heard the terrible screech as the tiger caught fire. I found the strength to lash out at the tiger with my dagger. I felt the dagger meet cat and he fell on his side. I didn't have the strength to get up. I rolled onto my back and watched as the rain began to fall, putting out the fire that had engulfed the tiger. My gaze went I and out of focus and I was paralyzed with pain. I could feel the rain on my wounds, washing away the blood. As I stared at the lighter in my hand and felt extremely guilty.

What happens after the tiger burns? It dies. I had killed the tiger. Was I happy? Was I relieved? After all I had just rid myself of a long term enemy. But no, I didn't feel good. I felt bad. I felt sad. As I had told my mom so many years ago, tigers aren't supposed to be on fire. But I didn't listen to myself. I looked over at the tiger. It's face was tilted towards me. My hand moved on its own and felt the burnt, tangled, wet, coarse hair and I began to cry. The tiger let out an agonized groan. What had I done?

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