Chapter 9 ★彡

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Serena grunted in pain as she was thrown against the wall by Miette. The blue haired girl smiled darkly before giving a kick to the side of her arm. Serena tried to suppress her urge to scream.

"Guess there won't be anyone to save you today," Miette said with a mockingly tone in her voice. "First Ash, now Calem. That's what you get for trying to seduce everyone."

The honey blonde only shook her head. Ever since Calem transferred here, for the whole week, he's made multiple attempts to talk to her, but Serena had ignored them all. She made it blatantly obvious that she didn't want to talk with him, but he just didn't take the hint! Now another misunderstanding has been created.

"Why can't you get things through your brain for once?!" Serena snapped back, her arm throbbing from the pain. "Just how am I seducing him? From my point of view, you're the one who doesn't understand what's going on. You're merely acting by based on your assumptions."

"YOU MUST BE SEDUCING HIM! OTHERWISE WHY WOULD HE TRY TO TALK TO YOU FOR NO REASON?!" Miette screamed and stomped the ground in frustration.

Serena remained silent. From all that, she have come to the conclusion that it was useless talking logic with her.

The girl was blinded by jealousy.

The silence caused Miette to smirk in triumph. Thinking that she was right all along, she flipped her hair and shot Serena one last glare before walking away.

"Back off and stay away from Ash and Calem, you attention seeker."

After the blue haired girl disappeared out of sight, Serena pulled her self up and leaned against the wall. Gritting her teeth, she dragged her feet towards the school.

"I should get myself patched up before my mom sees this," she sighed.

As Serena made her way to the infirmary, she thought of all the things that happen to her recently. Her luck had been becoming worse and worse. It's not even been a month and it was already her second time getting hurt by a jealous fangirl.

As she was deep in thought, she crashed right into no other than Calem.

"Oh Serena! What are you doing here at this time? I thought the after school clubs ended..." His voice trailed off. "What happened?" Calem looked concerned as he reached out to her, but Serena pulled back.

"It's nothing," she replied curtly as she walked past him, but Calem grabbed on to her arm, which made her flinch in pain. He immediately let go and stared at her bruised arm.

"Who did this to you?" Serena turned away so he wouldn't continue to look at it. She didn't want him to know anything, or it would just make everything worse. "Is there anything I can do to help-"

"Just leave me alone! Stop talking to me and leave me alone. If you haven't realized, this was your all fault. Just stay away from me and that'll be the most help you can offer!" Serena yelled and Calem stepped back in shock.

Serena didn't bother looking back at him as she spun around and ran out of the school.

Part of her felt bad for snapping at Calem like that. He did nothing wrong after all. But she was just fed up with everything in general. The honey haired girl groaned in irritation. Her arm throbbed with every step she took.

"It can't get any worse that this."

➖➖➖ ('Д' ) ➖➖➖

The ground shimmered under the sunlight as Serena walked aimlessly down the road.

She stopped when she passed a pharmacy store. Looking at her wounds, the honey haired girl decided to go in and get some bandages. She made her way down the first-aid isle and threw a few rolls of bandages in her shopping cart.

"Maybe I'll get some band-aids too," she mumbled to herself as she reached for a box of band-aids, but another hand took it out of the shelf before she could reach it.

Serena spun her head around only to see Ash holding the box of bandages.

"Oh." They said in unison.

"Yo, otaku-chan," Ash waved at her nonchalantly. "You look like you just got into a fight with some street gangs. Finally reached your rebellious stage?"

The honey blonde just stared at him blankly. The boy that casually stood in front of her was basically missing for the past three weeks, with no information what so ever. But there he was, in a pharmacy store looking for bandages? And whats more, after she finally severed all connections with him, she had to be the one that bumps into him. Serena shook her head.


"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked. The raven haired boy held up his hands in defence.

"Whoa otaku-chan, don't tell me you're actually in your rebellious stage?! You would never say something like 'hell'," Ash gasped dramatically. "But to answer your question, I am here to buy band-aids."

"Yeah no kidding," Serena rolled her eyes. She wasn't in the mood to keep a conversation going, but when she sees him, she couldn't help but be curious about where he was for the past few weeks.

"What were you doing not coming to school?"

"Hmmm, just hanging around," Ash replied as he strolled to the cashier. Serena raised an eyebrow. He still wasn't planning on telling her anything.

"Why do you need band-aids? You look fine to me," she asked once more.

"It's not for me, it' for my cat who broke his paw," Ash shrugged.

"Uhm, you don't use band-aids to fix broken bones," Serena sweat dropped.

"Wait you don't?!" Ash tilted his head with a surprised expression, causing Serena to sigh.

"Here, use this instead." She took out a roll of bandage and handed it to him. Ash took it with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"How do you use it? Do you just wrap it around the wound like a mummy?"

"Are you serious?" She gaped at him. "How did you even manage to survive up until now?"

Ash clutched his shirt, acting hurt by her words. Serena shook her head with a sigh. Then it seemed to her that an idea occurred in his head as the raven haired boy looked at her with a mischievous smile.

That never means anything good.

"How about you come to my house and help me?"

"I'm sorry but I am under no obligations to help you," she said almost immediately.

From what she's been through, it's definitely not a good idea to get involved with him again.

But the raven haired boy shrugged and flung her over his should like a sand bag. Serena squealed in surprise.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled as she pounded on his back.

It didn't do much damage, by the way.

"Kidnapping you," Ash grinned as he walked toward the cashier to pay for the towels.

The cashier looked at them with a weird expression and Serena buried her face in her hands while Ash just nodded. The honey blonde eventually gave up on struggling as they came out of the store.

Why can't her life just be normal for once?

➖➖➖ Σ(゚д゚lll)➖➖➖

After awhile of walking (more like being carrying by Ash) the two arrived in front of a house located in a nearby neighbourhood.

Ash placed Serena on the ground and the honey blonde glared at him before stomping towards the door.

Since she's already here, might as well go in.

"Hey otaku-chan, why are you going through the garage?" Ash said.

"Huh?" Serena stopped and stared at him. "What do you mean-"

And then she realized that this wasn't a neighbourhood.

The whole thing was his house.

"Are you serious..." She gaped under her breath.

"Mom's a workaholic," Ash explained curtly as he walked past her. "C'mon, door's this way."

As soon as she got inside, Serena couldn't help but jaw drop at how extravagant and spacious the place was.

"You live here all by yourself?" She said, looking around.

"Currently, yes. She rarely comes home due to all the work she gets," he shrugged.

Serena followed him up the stairs, passing by all the glimmering furnitures and countless rooms.

Ash opened the door to a room that was located at the end of the hallway.

"He's in my room," he said as they walked in. Serena confidentially gaped at how surprisingly clean his room was. There was a cat sitting on his bed. It was bright yellow.

"Uh... Why is he yellow?" Serena took the cat in her arms and started bandaging its paw.

"I was a really creative kid when I was small, so I thought I'd cosplay him like Pikachu from Pokémon..." Ash paused for a moment.

"With permanent spray paint."

"Poor thing." The honey blonde sweat dropped. She finished treating his paw and looked at him in sympathy. "You've been through a lot."

Suddenly it struck her that it was her first time being in a boy's room. The honey haired girl wiped the sweat from her hands.

"Hmm, you're nervous, aren't you?" Ash smiled in amusement.

Serena looked away. She was surprised at how observant he was.

"Hey, about your mom..." She started.

"I'm going to go get something to eat, you want anything?" The raven haired boy asked.

"Um, I'm fine thank you, but..." Before she could ask again Ash had walked out of the room.

Serena pouted as she sat down on the ground beside his bed. The boy was deliberately evading her questions, and she knew it.

What was it so important that he would avoiding talking about it multiple times?

Then from the corner of her eye, a picture frame caught her eye. She got a closer look at it.

It was a family of four. Ash, his mom, and two other people. Ash beamed brightly like a little kid in the picture. The one standing on the top was probably his dad, and the one next to had similar face structure as Ash.

She examined it closely.

Ash has a brother?

The door suddenly opened and Serena quickly sat back down. The sudden movement caused her arm to jerk in pain. She almost forgot that she had an injury herself.

She took out a roll of bandage and started patching herself up, but it was challenging with only one arm.

"Looks like you need help," Ash said as he took the bandages from her hand and started wrapping it around her.

"Oh, thanks..." She froze. "Wait, so you knew how to do treatment?"

Ash causally whistled.

"You pretended not to know just for me to come?" She asked again.

The raven haired boy smiled innocently.

Serena shook her head and stood up. "I'm going home." She huffed as she stomped out the door.

The moment she was out of the room, Serena was completely lost. Every passage looked the same yet every one of them is different. She groaned in annoyance.

"I thought you were leaving?" Ash came beside and chuckled in amusement.

Serena blushed in embarrassment.

Ash smirked at her one more time and led her to the front door.

"But it's sure disappointing," he sighed dramatically just as the honey haired girl was about to leave. "From all the shoujo manga I've read, something romantic was suppose to happen between the boy and the girl when they're in one room. But nothing happened between us, isn't that strange?"

"You just won't give up until you give a remark like that," Serena rolled her eyes. "Keep dreaming."

She realized how relaxed and set back she felt whenever she's with him. It made her feel more like herself, and that elegant composure wasn't all that important when he's around.

"Ash," she said, not turning around.

The raven haired boy cocked his head to the side.

"C-come to school, alright?" She mumbled, her face in a dark shade of pink.

That surprised herself.

Out of everything she would say to him not once she would consider telling him to go to school, when usually she would just stay away from him as much as possible.

Ash's eyes widened slightly. The edge of his mouth curled up.

"Oho? Miss me already?" He said teasingly. Serena started walking towards the exit.

"Otaku-chan~!" She heard him yell behind her. She could imagine him waving at her with a satisfied grin. "See ya tomorrow at school!"

When she made her way out of his house area, the gates closed behind her and the honey blonde secretly smiled.

"Guess it's too late to turn back now."

➖➖➖ ( ̄▽ ̄) ➖➖➖

As soon as the honey haired girl disappeared out of sight, Ash slammed the door shut and sprinted up his room.

He threw himself on the bed and recalled the moment.

"C-come to school, okay?"

"Crap." He smacked his hand onto his face, covering the wide shade of red that had formed on his face.

"That was so cute."

➖➖➖ \(//∇//)\ ➖➖➖

Heheheh here's another
update for you all :')

I'm currently on vacation so I'll write more chapters when I got time yay but the next chapter is going to be v v
satisfying so get reals y'all(^ν^)

Tell me your opinions of this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote!

~Lori 〜(ゝ。

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