Chapter 17: Returned

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A/N: Some smutty goodness in this chapter and then the war will commence next, I'm so hyped to write this final battle between these two forces. Now, relax and enjoy the chapter.

(Normal pov— Kingdom of Arendelle)

"With the Vikings now on the march, while on their way towards Mercia, then that land is now Danelaw, their numbers will only swell," Queen Anna announced to the countless rulers of each of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, as well as their Frankish allies, "we must march out and meet our enemy on the field of battle."

"I have spies within Danelaw, they have confirmed that the heathen army grows ever closer to our front door," Lord Alwin of Mercia said, he was Anna's age and was known to behave as if he were still sucking his mother's breasts, "I have issued an order for my men at the frontier to retreat and regroup with our combined armies here." The arrogant ruler of Mercia eyed Anna and then inquired. "Where and when do we all make a stand against our enemy? Where and when will we be joined by the Romans your sisters promised they'd gather?"

"That is to be decided—"

"I would like to know," Alwin cut Anna off, "because right now all of England is in chaos and doubt if your sister do not return with the Roman legions, our combined numbers would still not be enough to defeat the Vikings." Looking to the gathered rulers of both England and Paris, Alwin spoke up. "Does each man here truly stand with the Haddock's?"

"We do. Of course, we do!" Count Clovis said firmly.

"As do we!" King Edward of Wessex boomed out, every ruler present confirmed that they stand with Arendelle and the Haddock's, but Alwin continued to spew out doubts. "And of those who are absent?" He challenged. "Those who have hurried back to their halls, despite there must be the talk of war--"

"They are with us, Lord Alwin!" Anna said firmly, trying to reassure the young Merican ruler that all of England is with them, but still Alwin tried rattling the English rulers' hopes. "I'm told Wessex will not have great numbers to support us," turning to King Edward, Alwin raised an eyebrow in question and inquired, "is that not the case King Edward?"

"I scrounged up what men I have at my disposal Lord Alwin," Edward reassured, "if you believe I do not wish to fight, worry not. My father King Alfred the Great dreamed that all of England coming together as one and become one nation! I will honor my father's dream and ensure that this battle will be the last one our nation has to fight."

"Mercia does have a sizeable force, but if this battle does not turn out in our favor, then the Vikings will take my kingdom—"

"It is the same for all of us," Anna reassured while also sensing cowardice and... perhaps betrayal from the young ruler of Mercia, "rest assured, we shall be marching and we shall be marching to fight Lord Alwin—"

"Lord King!"

Alwin snarled out at Anna, but before Anna could shut the pompous ruler of Merica up, another voice spoke up and rebuked Alwin.

"Do not dare believe there's another option Alwin," Queen Elsa boomed out in a firm yet disgusted tone, "everyone in Englan knows that you're a lazy and pathetic boy who believes himself a man! If you believe you can make peace with the Vikings to preserve your kingdom, I suggest you expel such thoughts from your head! The Vikings are people without honor. They will take your land, your silver, and the tin crown from your head." Everyone gathered all hummed in agreement at Elsa's words, and they successfully silenced Alwin.

Anna smiled at Elsa and Sophia, she made her way over towards her two older sisters and embraced them. Anna then allowed Elsa to address their gathered allies, which she did. "All of you hear me. Yes, it is likely that the Vikings will indeed have greater numbers, but this is a war that we can win, that we must win! Though it will take all of us, every man, every sword, and all the guile and wit that my husband Hiccup has instilled," Elsa then gestured outside the palace and continued, "my sister Sophia and I have just returned from Rome, the Pope and Emperor Tiberious have provided us with the Roman legions! And with their numbers, we may yet prevail in the final war between Christianity and paganism!"

"Those who have yet to find the courage and stomach to face the Vikings must join us," Sophia said, "we will find the words to coax them out of fear and then send letters to each and every ealdorman and thegn throughout the kingdoms. This is not a war our people cannot ignore, we must all stand united and together we will vanquish our enemy!"

Grunts of agreement filled the air, Elsa and Sophia's words furthering fanning the flames in their bellies in preparation for the bloody conflict that awaited them. Soon enough, Anna thanked everyone for attending the gathering and dismissed their allies for the night, once their allies left the throne room, Anna let out a heavy sigh and removed the crown from her head and once more embraced both Elsa and Sophia. "You have no idea how good it is to see you," when the three sisters broke their group hug, Anna continued, "now all we're missing is Hiccup."

"We will see him again Anna," Elsa reassured, "I promise you." She pulled Anna in a warm embrace while turning to Sophia and extending an arm out to her; inviting her to join them. Sophia joined her sisters in their warm embrace and the trio all sighed heavily but happily that they were finally reunited. Two of the royal bodyguards suddenly entered the throne room and approached the three sisters, bowed their heads in greetings while one of them spoke up. "A rider is outside the palace," the guard then added, "it's King Haddock." Both Elsa and Anna gasped and raced to the palace gates with Sophia right on their tail.

Once outside, the three sisters saw a man in Viking leather armor and draped in a thick bear fur cloak and a hood that covered the majority of his face. The man then removed his hood revealing Hiccup, both Elsa and Anna laughed in relief and joy at the sight of their husband and raced to help off his horse. Once Hiccup was on solid ground, Elsa cupped both his cheeks and kissed him deeply, causing Hiccup's eyes to widen but they soon fell closed and he returned her kiss while caressing the back of her neck. Hiccup pulled away from Elsa's lips and then turned to Anna and wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her deeply, causing Anna to moan lightly and return Hiccup's kiss. After breaking their kiss, Anna caressed Hiccup's stubbled cheeks and laughed lightly while tears of relief and joy streamed down her cheeks. "Our prayers have been answered," she flashed a beaming smile that caused butterflies to swarm Hiccup's belly, "you're finally home and have returned to our arms."

"And I intend to cherish every moment I have with you and our family before we ride into battle," Hiccup said, he then turned to Sophia and gasped lightly, "I take it you're what Elsa and Anna found out in the unknown?" Sophia bowed her head in confirmation and introduced herself. "I am Princess Sophia, firstborn of Agnarr and Iduna," she then continued, "I was taken by a tribe of Vikings when I was a girl and only recently liberated from the clutches of the heathens by Elsa and Anna." Approaching his sister-in-law, Hiccup took Sophia's hands and smiled warmly at her. "Welcome to our family Sophia," he then kissed her forehead and continued, "I pray that we'll have all the time in the world to get to know one another after we have concluded this war with the Vikings."

"And we will," Elsa reassured, "but for now let's go inside and get you cleaned up." Hiccup nodded in agreement as they all made their way back inside the palace to turn in for the night. Sophia bid her sisters and brother-in-law goodnight, while Elsa and Anna took Hiccup's hands and led him to Rebecca and Gideon's room to find their heirs fast asleep. The sight of his children peacefully asleep warmed Hiccup's heart, he quietly entered their room and kissed each of their foreheads and then quietly closed their door and took his wives hands as they entered their bedroom. Hiccup eagerly stripped off the clothes he had on until he was naked, he made his way to their elegant bathroom and laid eyes on the invention he made years ago which he called a shower. Elsa and Anna removed their clothes as well and joined their naked husband as he eyed the shower, he then drew in a heavy breath and turned to his wives, and inquired. "Who's going to shower first?"

"Why don't we all shower together," Anna suggested, "I think we all deserve to wash away the tiring day we all had."

"Would you behave if we did...?" Elsa asks, withdrawing her arms from Hiccup and Anna's hips to folding them beneath her breasts while giving Elsa a challenging glare. The gesture frames Elsa's ample and naked chest quite nicely, immediately drawing the lusty stares of both Hiccup and Anna. Elsa scowls slightly at this, looking from one to the other as they ogle her so openly.

After hesitating for a moment while admiring Elsa's breasts, Anna nods while slowly, answering, "Um, yeah... of course, I'll behave..." Her eyes never left Elsa's chest, causing the platinum blond to glare at her younger sister kneeling on the bed. Hiccup does his best to hold in a laugh, even though he too is admiring the view of Elsa's breasts

"We should probably bathe separately," Elsa responds, "tomorrow we meet our enemy on the battlefield, we'll need our rest." Anna looks up to her face and frowns, groaning while looking disappointed and annoyed. Elsa merely smiles sweetly at her sister. Anna reaches out and takes Elsa's chin in her hand, leaning in close to stare into her eyes as she says. "Just think of how much better it'll be, waiting until tonight to entangle in bed. Then, we'll have all night together again..."

One of Elsa's eyebrows quirks at this, her smile slowly returning. She considers this, and then sighs in defeat, conceding. "Fine," but she added, "but we're not going to make love all night, as much as I wish we could."

Anna smiles and leans in to give Elsa a brief but tender and loving kiss, drawing a moan from the other woman as she does. When they part, the strawberry blonde is smiling dreamily from ear to ear.

"You know," Hiccup says with a considering tone, drawing the gazes of his two wives to him, "sharing a bath would be the most efficient way for the three of us to get ready for bed if Anna could promise to behave—"

"I promise!" Anna blurts out, interrupting Hiccup before he finishes the last word. Her two lovers look at her with amused smirks. "I'll be good," she assures them with doe eyes, looking contrite.

Elsa considers the woman she loves, silently staring into her eyes. With a sigh, she concedes reluctantly, "I guess I believe you..." Anna smiles eagerly in response. The platinum blond then glances back over to Hiccup. "What about you?" She asks playfully, lifting a brow. "Will you behave, love?"

Laughing softly, Hiccup nods, answering with a relaxed tone. "Of course. I'll be good, Elsa," cocking his head slightly, he inquires, "what about you?"

She snickers at his question, the one who'd been arguing all along that they wouldn't have time to be frisky in the bath. "Of course," she says simply, shrugging.

"Let's go!" Anna enthuses, jumping up from the bed and grabbing Elsa's hand, dragging her over to the bathroom. The platinum blonde laughs, catching one of Hiccup's hand to pull him along with her, just as she's whipped away by a very eager Anna.

Once they're at the bathroom door, Anna lets go and hurries inside, over to the glass-walled shower within. She opens the door and reaches in, turning on the water. Turning back, Anna watches her two lovers as they leisurely stroll deeper into the bathroom, still holding hands. Her eyes rove freely over them, admiring their naked bodies. Both of them return her stare, smiling warmly at her, each taking their time to likewise enjoy the view of her own nude form. As the water pours out inside of the glass box behind her, Anna feels a sudden lump in her throat at the sight of her lovers together. She then quickly pads across the bathroom to rejoin them, wrapping her arms around both of their waists and leaning in to hug them tightly.

"I love you both so much," she says with a heartfelt voice, "I can't imagine a world without either of you." To her relief, Hiccup, and Elsa both quickly close in to press their bodies to hers, likewise wrapping her and the other up in a tight embrace. A shiver runs through Anna's body as she feels so wonderfully enveloped by their warmth and love, all three of them naked and cuddling. She never wants to go back to how things were. She'll never let anything or anyone take this away from her.

"I love you too, honey," Hiccup whispers, finding her lips to briefly kiss her tenderly. Anna moans sweetly, melting against his lips as she reciprocates.

"I love you too, sweetheart," Elsa quickly follows, gently taking hold of Anna's chin, pulling her away from Hiccup's mouth into a warm, fleeting kiss of her own. Hiccup quickly presses his lips to Anna's cheek suddenly made available to him by the motion. After lingering for a few moments, Elsa pulls back to look into her sister's eyes, asking with concern, "are you feeling okay, Anna? I can't imagine the weight you had to carry of ruling alone while we were away." After hearing this, Hiccup stopped kissing Anna's cheek and joins Elsa in watching the strawberry blond.

Smiling from ear to ear, Anna nods resolutely as she hugs them both, squeezing them as tightly as she can before then resting her chin upon Elsa's shoulder and her cheek upon Hiccup's shoulder while squeezing them tightly. "I've never been better," she says sincerely, "when you two are in my arms, I feel invincible." She purred while sighing with utter contentment as she closes her eyes. Hiccup and Elsa look at each other's eyes and smile as their shared lover snuggles in so close to them and makes a soft cooing sound as they press their bodies against hers.

Hiccup mouths silently to her, "I love you."

Elsa smiles sweetly, staring into his eyes with absolute joy as she likewise wordlessly mouths, "I love you, too." The two of them then rest their heads against Anna's and rest their foreheads together, sighing happily. They shut their eyes and just hold each other tightly, the three of them lingering together for a while in the warmth of each other's nearness and love, the shower still spraying water in patient wait for them, slowly but steadily filling the bathroom with warm, steamy vapors.

Eventually, Elsa starts to pull away, murmuring reluctantly. "We do have a big day tomorrow and we should start washing..." The other two hesitate for only a moment before doing likewise.

"Elsa's right," Hiccup agrees quickly, sounding a little gruff, not wanting her to feel like she's solely responsible for ending the tender moment, "we should go ahead and shower together." He adds, sounding a little playful.

"Remember," Elsa adds as their arms fall back to their sides and she hears Hiccup's suggestive tone of voice, "everybody behave themselves in there. No fooling around..." Her lovers both look at her and nod, both murmuring, 'okay' in crestfallen responses.

Giving Hiccup and Anna a wary glance, Elsa hesitates, then sighs and turns towards the glass stall. She can't help but feel like this shower isn't going to go as planned. Still, her lovers both promised to behave, so she has to take them at her word and give them a chance. She opens the shower door and tests the water, then starts playing with the knob to get the temperature warm enough for the three of them to shower together in the stall, but not so hot that it harms anyone.

Behind her, Anna and Hiccup stand together, waiting. Anna silently gives Hiccup a wicked look and lifts an eyebrow suggestively, smirking mischievously. He watches her with a considering gaze. She silently lifts her hands, making an "O" with the finger and thumb of her one, while repeatedly thrusting the index finger of her other hand into the hole as she gives him a hopeful, questioning look. Hiccup furrows his brow at her, meeting her gaze with a skeptical expression. Anna then folds her hands together in front of her chest, lacing her fingers together while looking pitifully into his eyes, silently mouthing, 'please?'.

Hiccup's shoulders drop in defeat at the way his love is looking at him with such a pleading gaze, feeling his will crumble. He stares into her eyes, hesitating for a moment more, then sighs and nods a few times in defeat. Anna smiles from ear to ear, making an exciting little fist-pump action, causing Hiccup to chuckle, though he keeps it very quiet. She reaches out and strokes his cheek, mouthing, 'thank you' while looking into his eyes. He smirks and nods, smiling widely at her while covering her hand with his and squeezing. Turning his head, he presses his lips into her palm, his eyes staying locked upon hers the whole time. Anna sucks in her breath silently and smiles brilliantly at him, looking extremely excited while Hiccup grins playfully back at her.

Just then, Elsa steps into the shower, announcing."Okay, it's ready." Anna quickly drops her hand from Hiccup's face but captures his right hand to lead him into the shower. He follows behind her as she moves to follow their other lover into the stall. She looks excited, but as Elsa looks over her shoulder at them while the water sluices over her nude body, the strawberry blonde quickly schools her face to avoid any suspicion. She meets the ice queen's gaze with a gentle smile, instead.

The other two join their lover in the expansive, fancy glass box that adjoins one of the bathroom walls, with Hiccup shutting the door behind him. Each glass wall perpendicular to the room wall has a showerhead, the twin sprays each pointing at the other from opposite sides. Elsa's body is already wet by the time they join her, but when her two lovers stand on either side of her, the two respective water streams fall upon them and not her, anymore. As the three of them stand together, with the warm water now falling upon Hiccup's and Anna's naked bodies, the room continues to fill with steam from the increased temperature of the spray.

With her lovers stand on either side of her, Elsa suddenly looks to Hiccup's bandaged wounds. "Oh!" She says worriedly, with a sudden realization." Your bandages are getting wet—!"

"That's no big deal," Hiccup assures her while removing them and tossing them outside their shower, "I tended to my wounds while on the ride back here, as long as I don't reopen them I'll be fine." He says while standing close to the platinum blonde.

Elsa glances at Anna, then looks back at Hiccup, anxiously asking him further. "You're sure the water isn't hurting your wounds?"

Shaking his head, he smiles warmly at her, touched by her worry. "It's fine," he tells her, "I've gotten it wet before, it doesn't do anything at this point." Elsa smiles gently at his reassurance, looking relieved.

As he speaks, Anna glances purposefully at Hiccup while picking up the bar of soap from its shelf above the dial on the wall shared with the room and lathers her hands. While he answers their lover, the strawberry blond starts to rub it over the upper part of Elsa's chest and shoulders, immediately causing a lather of soap and quickly drawing Elsa's attention to her. Anna smiles at her lover as their eyes meet, her hands quickly rubbing the bar of soap down lower over her sister's flawless skin, slipping it between Elsa's breasts to rub the bar between her fleshy orbs.

"Anna," Elsa starts to say, her voice catching as the other woman's wrist rubs over a nipple while she suds up the pale cleavage, "what're you doing?"

"I'm just washing the woman I love," she says innocently, looking back into Elsa's eyes with a warm smile, "what's wrong with that?"

Just then, Hiccup placed his hands on Elsa's body, slowly rubbing her toned belly. Turning her head around the other way to look at her other lover, Elsa meets his gaze just as Anna's hands off the bar of soap to him, her hands plenty lathered to continue washing the woman between them.

"Hiccup," Elsa starts to protest as he lathers up her belly with circular motions, his every cycle bringing the bar of soap lower and lower to her labia.

"I'm just helping out," he assures her, but then Anna's soapy hands start to rub over Elsa's lovely, ample breasts.

The platinum blonde sucks in her breath and whips her head back around to her other partner, furrowing her brow as she accuses her. "You promised to be good, Anna!"

"What?" She asks innocently while her hands rub sudsy bubbles over Elsa's breasts. Looking into Elsa's eyes, Anna protests, "I'm doing nothing but washing your body, sweetheart..." Elsa closes her eyes at the sensations, moaning softly.

She then opens her eyes and her mouth to protest but doesn't have a chance to speak as, just then, Hiccup's hand slips down below her waist and over her pelvis, rubbing the bar of soap lower. Elsa turns her head back to the man she loves and she protests, "Hiccup—!"

"You don't want to be clean down there?" He asks incredulously, sliding his hand back up her belly to hand the bar off to Anna again, who takes it. His soapy hand then slides quickly back down even lower on Elsa's pelvis, his warm fingers coming dangerously close to her crotch as he stares into her eyes, but then diverting at the last moment, his touch resuming a circular pattern as he rubs sudsy bubbles all over her belly, waist, hips, pelvis, upper thighs, and sides. The ice queen swallows heavily as she stares into his warm, loving gaze, struggling with whether to put a stop to this or let her lovers continue, giving them the benefit of the doubt. The fact that it feels so good keeps derailing her train of thought.

"I..." Elsa falters and sucks in her breath when Anna uses the bar of soap to rub over her nipples, which are by now quite hard, her areola tighten after how her lover's palms have repeatedly dragged over them. Looking back at the woman she loves, Elsa breathes out a husky protest, "Anna—"

"We need more soap there," the strawberry blonde argues gently, rubbing the bar all over Elsa's already soapy breasts while teasing, "lots of areas to cover...." She briefly squeezes one of her lover's pale breasts but never stops with the motion of the soap. With one hand, she then slides the bar up and over her lover's shoulder, then starts to wash her upper back, all while her other hand continues to wash those magnificent, ample breasts. Anna's palm keeps rubbing quickly over each nipple in turn, the two women staring into each other's eyes while Elsa continues to debate whether to put a stop to this or not.

Hiccup's hands then slide down to rub his fingers over her crotch. Elsa moans at his touch, reaching forward with her arms and bracing herself against the shower stall wall as the man she loves slowly rubs his fingers back and forth over her labia, his fingers sometimes slipping over the top of her slit. Elsa swallows heavily as her two lovers busily wash her back, her breasts, and now her labia. Hiccup and Anna share a wicked glance across their lover as her head drops while they more overtly start to fondle her, his fingers rubbing around her opening while Anna's palm continues to rub her sister's nipples, then her thumb rubs one of her erect nubs while squeezing those fleshy orbs firmly.

When Elsa looks down at the tile floor they stand upon, she can't help but notice that Hiccup's cock is stiff as a board, thick and swollen, obviously ready to take action. All she has to do is say the word...

As she finds herself thinking about how delicious Hiccup's cock would feel inside of her just now, Anna's handwashing behind her suddenly slides over the curve of her back and starts to rub her backside with broad, firm motions. Elsa sucks in her breath and is about to protest, when suddenly Anna switches to rub the other one of those pink nipples with her thumb, seeming to give up all pretense of "washing."

"Anna, I—" Elsa starts to give voice to her objection, lifting her head to look at the other woman, but then Anna's hand slips all the way down the curve of her backside to join Hiccup in rubbing her labia, from the other side. The platinum blonde cries out as both of her lovers gently rub and caress her tender folds, setting her whole body aquiver. Again, her head drops down as the wondrous sensations assault her and she finds herself looking down at Hiccup's stiff cock with a hungry gaze.

Behind her back, Hiccup and Anna share conspiratory gazes with each other, the strawberry blonde nodding eagerly with a wide smile. He winks back at her while smiling back happily.

Hiccup's expression changes suddenly when Elsa reaches down with her one hand and grabs his thick shaft, squeezing and rubbing his turgid length. His brow furrows and he groans as she plays with his stiff cock, his fingers upon her labia moving to give Anna more room and then gently rubbing Elsa's clit. Anna takes the cue and gently plays with the other woman's opening, then slips a finger inside of her. Elsa cries out at her penetration, and all the while, the strawberry blonde's other hand plays with Elsa's pale, soapy breasts, lovingly stroking her ample, shapely flesh, fingers and palms slipping constantly over the slick surfaces.

Elsa seems to have given up her opposition, she's now whining needily and moaning as her two lovers continue to play with her body. Her hips move slowly while Hiccup fondles her clit and Anna slowly dips a digit inside of her sister, quickly slipping a second digit inside while keeping a steady tempo. Elsa's body rolls with the rhythm that Elsa sets up with each motion of her wrist. All the while, Elsa's pale handgrips and strokes Hiccup's thick cock, her other hand supporting her weight against the wall as she gasps for breath.

"Hiccup... please... take me!" Elsa suddenly whines, sounding particularly needy. Anna smiles from ear to ear as their lover completely capitulates.

Hiccup smirks, answering. "I don't know, Elsa... you said we need to behave." Anna stifles a chortle at his words, with how busy their hands are upon her body, the charade is farcical at best.

"I don't care...!" Elsa growls back, squeezing the tip of his cock to drag a moan out from the back of his throat, while she gasps for breath as her lovers both fondle her clit and Anna rubs and squeezes her breasts, playing freely with each nipple in turn. Anna's eyes grow wide at Elsa's words, while she and Hiccup continue to smile widely at each other. Elsa grips his cock all the more firmly, tugging on it and drawing a husky groan out of the back of his throat, distracting him.

Elsa suddenly turns to face Anna, the sudden movement slipping the strawberry blonde's fingers out of Elsa's sopping folds as she positions her plush, firm backside towards Hiccup. She grips his cock firmly and works on guiding him inside of her.

"I need your cock inside me Hiccup," Elsa whimpers desperately as she takes matters into her own hands, quite literally, "and I need it in me now!" Before Hiccup can protest, she's already impaling herself on his turgid rod, quickly pushing him inside of her and groaning huskily in satisfaction. Anna uses her newly freed hand to grab at Elsa's face, pressing her lips to Elsa's in a hot, fiery kiss. Elsa mewls against her lover's mouth, wrapping an arm around Anna's neck to keep their lips pressed together while she leans back, filling herself up with Hiccup's thick cock. When he pushes forward with his hips, Elsa grabs Anna's shoulders with both hands for support, gripping her tightly while crying all the more loudly into her mouth. Their tongues wrestle violently together. Her lover's hands now both to fondle those lovely, pale breasts, pinching and tugging on her erect nipples while the man they love continues driving his rock-hard cock inside of the woman in the middle.

Hiccup groans huskily as he feels Elsa's tight, slick, hot folds envelop him. He pushes forward with his hips until he bottoms out inside of her, his hips flattening her backside against him. Stilling inside of her, he savors how tight, hot, and slick she feels. Both of them shiver together, Elsa moaning hotly into Anna's mouth while the other woman continues to molest her soapy breasts vigorously. Then Hiccup draws back out, little more than halfway before slowly pushing forward again to fill her up once more. Elsa cries out into Anna's mouth even more as she feels him start to take charge.

"Yes," she whispers between kisses, "take me, Hiccup...take me hard...."

"NO," Anna promptly and firmly responds to Elsa's words, causing the other woman to whine desperately. Pulling back, Anna stares into Hiccup's eyes while grabbing Elsa's chin again. She instructs their male lover, "go slowly, Hiccup." Elsa opens her eyes at this and protests with a whimper, but then Anna silences her with a passionate kiss.

Pulling back to look at her face, Korra assures the other woman with a devious smirk, "I have a plan, dearest lover." Elsa still gives another simpering whine, her brows furrowed in her distress, but then she closes her eyes and sucks in her breath as Hiccup continues to move, rocking his hips slowly back and forth.

"Please, Hiccup," Elsa whimpers, begging, "take me harder..."

Hiccup looks at Anna over Elsa's shoulder with a concerned and questioning expression, but the strawberry blonde slowly shakes her head, staring resolutely into his eyes. Shrugging, he does as he's told and slowly rocks his hips back and forth, sliding his swollen, stiff rod in and out of Elsa's hot, slick, gripping cunt in a tortuously slow manner. The ice queen sucks in her breath with a hiss as she feels him void her and then fill her up again and again, though nowhere near fast enough for her tastes. When she tries to take matters into her own hands and move her body against him more quickly, Hiccup grabs one of her hips with his hands and slows her down with a strong grip. She whines pathetically as he does.

While this goes on, Anna proceeds with both hands to play with both of Elsa's breasts, moving her own body out of the stream of water to let the spray wash the soap off of her. She takes the opportunity to continue fondling the helpless woman, rolling her nipples around and stroking palms and fingers over her ample curves. Once Elsa's breasts are clean and covered by nothing with water, Anna bends down to start suckling on them. Elsa throws her head back at this, crying out hotly as she's tormented so wonderfully.

"Please," she begs again, whining "take me harder..." Still, she tries to move faster on Hiccup's thick cock, but he obeys Anna's command, holding her hip tightly and adjusting as needed to keep each stroke slow and deliberate. He furrows his brow as he meets his other lover's gaze awkwardly over Elsa's shoulder, while Anna continues to suckle on her sister's breasts. Anna smiles lustily at Hiccup, a sight made more lewd with her lips wrapped about one of Elsa's nipples. The platinum blonde is a simpering mess as she's tormented wonderfully ever so slowly.

Anna then winks at Hiccup and moves one of her hands from one of those gorgeous, pale breasts down to between Elsa's legs. Causing the ice queen to gasp as she feels her sister's fingers start to play with her clit and she grabs hold of Anna's shoulders for much-needed support. She moans pitifully as she starts to roll her hips around, grinding against Hiccup's cock since he's not thrusting as fast as she'd like. As she does, the man slowly fucking her likewise moves his hips, doing his best to respond to her movements, making Elsa's moans even louder and more pronounced. Anna continues to suckle on her nipples the whole while, trading one for the other and back again.

Elsa is panting now, gripping Anna's shoulders as her whole body feels like it's on fire. She cries out loudly with the way her sister expertly plays with her clit while she's so full of Hiccup's thick cock, his length slowly sliding in and out of her while they grind against each other. Her heart is racing, and every time Anna sucks on the other nipple, she shrieks, her fingernails digging into Anna's shoulders. The bathroom is full of the sound of the water spraying and Elsa's lusty cries of pleasure. She feels the tension building up inside of her, the warmth building up in her labia as she starts to squirm all the more, her breath and cries coming faster and faster until she screams.

Anna hurriedly covers Elsa's mouth with hers as the other woman shakes violently with the fury of her climax, her legs shaking as her body quivers. Hiccup grunts huskily as he feels her folds clenching and spasming around his cock. He grips her hips all the more firmly but manages to resist the urge to thrust into her with wild and furious abandon and join her in orgasmic release. Instead, he buries his rod inside of her and holds on tight, waiting for her orgasm to end, rolling his hips around, which only seems to drive her deeper into her ecstasy. Anna continues to flick the crooning, platinum blonde's clit with her finger, causing Elsa's whole body to tremble and spasm between her two lovers.

Elsa screams a few more times into Anna's mouth, kissing her frantically as her breath comes in ragged gulps. Sensing when her lover crests her peak and starts to come down from her climax, Anna stills her hand, pressing it firmly for a few moments before withdrawing it completely from her sister's folds to stroke her cheek lovingly. Watching attentively, Hiccup takes his cue and stills his hips.

Elsa's body jerks a few more times before finally, she starts to calm down, her ragged breathing slowing until she breaks the kiss and gasps for breath. She keeps herself impaled upon Hiccup, pressing her ass firmly back against this hips, wriggling as another, smaller wave of pleasure shoots through her, causing her to gasp and clutch onto Anna's shoulders tightly. She rests her forehead against Anna's shoulder, just struggling to catch her breath while hugging her sister, clinging to her for support.

Anna looks back at Hiccup, meeting his gaze with a triumphant smirk. He stares back at her, wide-eyed for a few moments. Then he chuckles, nodding at her. "Wow," he says, "I don't think I ever managed to get Elsa to cum like that..."

Anna laughs softly, answering. "Hey, this was a team effort, my king," she said with absolute sincerity while staring into his eyes, "I couldn't have done it without you." She winks playfully at him while he smiles widely at her, then they both look down in surprise as Elsa briefly laughs at her words. They wait for a moment, but their lover does nothing else except continue panting in her recovery and leaning on Anna for support while keeping Hiccup's cock buried inside of her still slightly twitching folds.

Looking back at Hiccup, Anna hesitates, then asks worriedly. "You, uh... you didn't... spill inside her already... did you?"

As he looks back into her eyes, Hiccup lifts his eyebrows high, then smiles from ear to ear, laughing softly. "Aha... so I see you had a selfish motive, here..."

Frowning at her lover, she argues defensively. "Hey, I don't see Elsa complaining..." Her lover brings her hand around pats her cheek while still struggling to recover the ability to speak. Anna looks at her in surprise as Hiccup chortles. The strawberry blonde then looks back at him with irritation, opening her mouth to say something when he beats her to it.

"I'm ready to take you, Anna."

She forgets whatever she was going to say, her eyes growing wide and her smile lighting up with her excitement. She smirks at her husband, answering lustily. "As soon as Elsa can stand on her own two feet, here..."

"I'm ready," their lover suddenly interjects, though she doesn't make a move just yet, her head still resting upon Anna's shoulder as she continues to gasp for breath. The two look at her, then back at each other with skeptical, yet amused faces.

"Just a second," she insists, her breath still heavy. Her lovers both giggle but are otherwise silent as they wait patiently for her. After the space of a few more labored breaths, she finally lifts her head up. Anna opens her mouth but Elsa pulls her close and covers her lips with a hungry kiss while grinding her backside against Hiccup's hips, causing him to groan huskily. She clenches her folds to squeeze his cock that's still buried inside and he groans in pleasure.

Anna moans into her lover's mouth, but as she hears Hiccup's reaction, she breaks the kiss and whines at Elsa irritably. "Hey, it's my turn...!" The other woman smiles at her younger sister, winking as she gives Hiccup's cock one last squeeze with her folds to make him gasp as she slides off of his stiff length, the two of them gasping and shivering in the loss of the other.

"I know, sweetie," Elsa assures her, standing up straight while giving the other woman another hungry kiss, wrapping her arms about her shoulders tightly to press their bodies together, rubbing their breasts together. They kiss passionately, Hiccup walking around to join them, pressing his lips to their cheeks as the two lovers moan contentedly. "I wouldn't steal your turn from you, dearest Anna," she assures the strawberry blonde with a husky whisper before giving her one last, assuring kiss. While she does, her hands slide down Anna's body to start rubbing over her ample breasts, squeezing and rubbing them.

"No sense in wasting soap on these just yet," Elsa tells her lover with a grin as she starts to play with Anna's nipples, looking into her eyes. Anna moans softly, wrapping her arms around Elsa's shoulders, then she gasps once Hiccup finishes sliding his hand down her back and over her backside to start to rub her sopping folds. Anna instantly sticks her backside out, presenting her into him. While the two women watch each other, he leans in and starts to kiss and suckle on Anna's neck and shoulders, his turgid rod pressing against one of her cheeks. The delicious sensations cause her to moan huskily while her eyes half lid. She moves her hips around slowly as his fingers gently part her labia and explores, quickly growing moist with her juices.

"Is she good and wet?" Elsa asks while staring into Anna's eyes, her hands busily rubbing and squeezing her plush, ample breasts while rolling her nipples around. The ice queen then looks over the woman's shoulder to meet the gaze of her other lover. He smiles widely at her, nodding.

"She's very slick and oh so hot," he tells her, his fingers rubbing over Anna's slit as he addresses Elsa, who moans at the description of her lover's pussy. Hiccup slips a finger inside of Anna, who cries out hotly, whining as he slowly eases the digit in while watching Elsa, who then looks at Anna as the woman's face contorts with pleasure. Elsa leans in and presses her lips against Anna's hungrily, the two kissed deeply as Hiccup buries his finger inside of the woman in the middle, wriggling his finger around and making her hips squirm as she squeals into Elsa's mouth. He slowly starts to stroke his digit in and out of her, quickly slipping in a second digit, and soon she's panting against her lover's mouth.

Anna breaks the kiss, but only just enough to whine against Elsa's lips. "Take me, Hiccup..."

He chuckles behind her, insisting. "That's what I'm doing...!" All the while, he continues to slowly stroke his fingers in and out of her hot, tight, drenched slit.

Elsa smiles with wicked delight as she watches Anna become the one who is tormented. The ice queen's gaze moves to meet Hiccup's. The two stare at each other with mischievous smirks, as Elsa starts to focus on playing with Anna's nipples.

Anna grumbles at her lover's answer, insisting. "I need your cock inside of me, Hiccup!" She reaches behind and grabs his stiff cock, squeezing and rubbing it with her hand. "Ravish me, Hiccup!" She breathes, moaning, and closing her eyes. When Elsa grabs her nipples and pinches lightly, she cries out in a high-pitched squeal.

Elsa then demands. "Beg for it, Anna." The other woman opens her eyes wide in disbelief, whimpering in protest as the tables are turned on her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Anna realizes she should have seen this coming, but the waves of pleasure from her lovers' hands quickly drown out the logic. Helplessly, she holds onto Hiccup's stiff rod, but she can't put it in her folds like Elsa had, as he's cock blocking her with his fingers stuffed up inside of her slick hole, which he uses to slowly take her, but not at all the way she wants to be taken.

Moaning in her desperation, she mewls out. "Pl-Please take me, Hiccup!"

Elsa glances back over Anna's shoulder at him and lights up with a wicked smile as Hiccup says. "I don't think that sounded very convincing..."

"Oh, not at all..." Elsa agrees quickly, tsking and shaking her head in mock disappointment, her lips lilted in a lusty, cruel smile. Cupping Anna's face in her one hand, she stares into their lover's eyes, insisting, "I think you can do much better than that, dearest Anna..."

Giving a simpering moan, Anna quickly gives in. "Please take me, Hiccup!" She pleads out, though her eyes never leave Elsa's. "Please?" She mewls, blurring the lines of whom she's asking. "Please ravish me? Pretty please?" The platinum blonde continues to hold her sister's face firmly in her hand, then her other hand slides from Anna's breasts to slip between her legs. Anna let out a gasp as she feels Elsa's fingers playing with her clit, a shiver running through her body while Hiccup's fingers continue to slowly stroke in and out of her aching labia.

"Please take me!" Anna begs out in earnest. "I need your cock inside me, Hiccup!" She turns her head to look over her shoulder at him, taking her appeal to him directly. He meets her gaze as she continues in a whiney simper, "Please baby? Ravish me? I need you so bad! Please put your cock inside me? Please, please, please! Ravish me!"

Elsa smiles widely at the lewd display, watching Hiccup's face as he stares back at Anna with a lusty smirk. "I think she's pleaded her case long enough," the ice queen concedes, "indulge her King Hiccup." Elsa purred out while her fingers stroked over Anna's cheek as the woman continues to stare needily at Hiccup, her eyes begging him silently, her hand gripping and slowly stroking his cock while he continues to slowly finger her, her body jerking this way and that in her eager anticipation while her lovers pleasure her with slow and tortuous touches.

Enjoying the moment, Hiccup continues to look back into Anna's eyes, giving her a few more strokes of his fingers and making her wait in silence before he finally pulls his digits out of her slick folds and wraps his hand around hers that grips his cock, then swiftly guides her to put his tip to her opening, slipping inside. Anna moans happily at the sensation, her eyes falling closed and they both release his rod and he quickly pushes deeper inside her, his turgid member stretching her out as he drives deep into her, grabbing her curvy hips. His hips struck her soft, plush backside firmly and Anna lets out a throaty grunt as he swiftly and completely buries himself inside of her hot folds. He rests for only a moment before he starts to rock his hips in fast motions, stroking furiously in and out of Anna's hot, tight, slick folds.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She grunts huskily as her lover pounds into her with strong, steady thrusts, his hips rocking back and forth. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou," she hurriedly murmurs, adding with his next thrust, "yes! You feel so good, baby..."

As she gets pounded into oblivion with those increasingly powerful strokes of his cock deep into her folds, Anna grabs onto Elsa's shoulders, resting her forehead on her sister's shoulder. "Oh yes!" Anna cried out throatily while Hiccup starts to moan and grunt behind her as he repeatedly pounds his cock into Anna. Elsa watches his pleasure contorted face with a wicked smile as she lightly fondles Anna's swaying breasts, the ample, fleshy orbs swinging freely as her body rocks each time his hips bounce against her backside. The ice queen's fingers slide along Anna's nipples and draw a few squeals out of her younger sister's throat.

"Look into my eyes, Hiccup," Elsa tells her lover as he pounds the wail strawberry blonde between them, instantly drawing his attention to her, his eyes locking with hers. She smiles lustily at the man she loves as he pounds into Anna, his hips bucking wildly as he drills inside of Anna. Each thrust draws out a wanton squeal from the woman as she clings to Elsa's shoulders under the increasingly forceful assault. Elsa just stares into Hiccup's eyes as he drives into the woman they both love, his breath coming in heavier gulps, moans coming from the back of his throat as he stares back at her. He grips Anna's hips and pounds even more furiously into her, causing Anna to cry out in sheer delight as she continues to cling to the ice queen.

Elsa just stares into Hiccup's eyes as he pounds into Anna, the copulating couple both breathing heavily and moaning loudly. The platinum's blonde's hands continue to play with Anna's breasts, her fingers rubbing the strawberry blonde's nipples as the woman whines and whimpers while getting used and ravished so furiously, desperately holding onto Elsa's shoulders. The ice queen's lascivious smile lingers as she watches the pleasure on Hiccup's face, her eyes full of love and lust for the man who's pounding into the woman they both love. Anna is now a frantic, panting, whining mess, her breaths coming in heavy gulps as Hiccup takes her so furiously, so frantically. She keeps murmuring. "Take me, take me, take me!" Moving her hips back against him, increasing the fervor of their lovemaking.

Suddenly, Anna starts to cry out even more loudly, her body shivering and trembling as she feels the pressure build-up between her legs. She shrieks in her climax, her folds convulsing around Hiccup's cock as he pounds violently into her. His eyes never leave Elsa's as he starts to cry out along with their loved one, his hands gripping Anna's hips firmly as he swells up inside of her and erupts, spurting rope after rope of hot seed deep inside of her womb, causing Anna to cry out in rapture. "Anna! Elsa! ARGH!" Those three words fell from his lips in a fevered jumble. Elsa stared unblinkingly into Hiccup's eyes, smiling wickedly at him as he releases inside of Anna, looking very satisfied in knowing and feeling the two people she loves so much find so much pleasure together. Her hands eagerly play with Anna's breasts, then she tells Hiccup, simply and earnestly. "I love you, my dear king..."

At her words, he has to close his eyes, his face twisting in ecstasy and the rush of emotion while he keeps thrusting a final few times into Anna, releasing his seed deep inside of Anna and crying out raggedly in the intensity of his release. He finally buries his rod one last time inside of his lover, then opens his eyes to look at Elsa again, replying breathlessly with a trembling voice, "I love you too, my dear queen." His words cause Elsa to smile at him from ear to ear, her hands leaving Anna's breasts to hug to her instead, her eyes still locked upon his. After a few moments, he closes his eyes, overwhelmed by it all.

Anna's cries quietly as she also comes down from her intense release, and she presses her backside back against Hiccup's hips, savoring the feeling of his cock as it spurts that wonderful warmth into her for a few final times. She gasps for air and clings to Elsa's shoulders, resting her head still on her one shoulder.

"Oh my, that was so good," Anna whispers, "it's just as intense as I imagined when you returned to our arms." She added while shivering as her body continues to echo the intense sensations. Hiccup groans as she does, the clenching of her folds around his sensitive cock making him quiver along with her. Elsa smiles while watching Hiccup as her sister that's hanging onto her struggles to recover, just as she had. The ice queen slowly rubs her hands over Anna's back, admiring the contrast of her younger sister's skin, then lifts her gaze to Hiccup, watching him shiver in the aftershocks of his own powerful release, his eyes still tightly closed. She studies him for a moment, pursing her lips in concern before lowering her head to whisper into Anna's ear.

"Anna," she begins, pressing her lips to her skin briefly before continuing, "I know you're still recovering, but we really should go make sure Mako knows how much we love and appreciate him, right now." Taking in a shuddering breath, Anna hesitates for only a moment before nodding repeatedly in fervent agreement. She grinds her backside back against his hips for a moment, squeezing her folds around his now softening shaft to draw a throaty groan from the man, then quickly yet reluctantly pulls off of him, both of them shuddering from the loss.

As soon as she does, she straightens up and turns around, then flings her arms around his neck, grabs the back of his head, and pulls him down to press her lips against his in a hot, passionate, fiery kiss. She smiles against his lips as he grunts in surprise, but she doesn't hesitate for a moment, and soon enough he melts into the kiss, responding in kind, wrapping his arms around her waist. As Anna's tongue wrestles with Hiccup's, Elsa immediately joins them, wrapping her arms about both of her lovers, pressing all of their three bodies together under the stream of heated water while plying soft, warm kisses all over Hiccup's cheek and neck.

Elsa places one of her hands along his back, gently dragging her fingertips along his skin and stroking him, her lips moving slowly up until she whispers into his ear. "We love you so much, Hiccup," she gently blows into his ear and adds, "our world would be incomplete without you. "Hiccup shivers against their bodies, and Elsa then presses her lips to his ear tenderly, hugging him and Anna together with her arms wrapped about his and her bodies, both.

Hiccup is surprised at the sudden swell of emotions that rush through him as the two women he loves suddenly ambush him with such sweet and tender, yet eager and enthusiastic affection. He moans into Anna's mouth, kissing her needily as she only renews the passionate caresses of her lips and tongue against his. She plays with his hair on the back of his head, then moans back into his mouth as she hears Elsa's heartfelt whisper of affection, her tongue and lips caressing his all the more eagerly to show him that she feels exactly as Elsa had indicated they both do.

Hiccup swallows with difficulty as his two wives kiss and caressed him together with their lips and tongues. He draws a shuddering breath after Elsa's whisper professing their love for him. He hugs Anna around her waist, instead of leaning into the both of them, savoring the feel of their naked, luscious curves pressing against his own nude, lithe form. He ravishes Anna's lips with his own, kissing her desperately.

"My turn," Elsa says gently, grabbing his chin and pulling him away from Anna who doesn't resist. The ice queen plants her lips upon his and kisses him just as fervently, her tongue pushing its way into his mouth as Anna's had. She smiles against his lips as she feels his whole body shudder at her loving assault. Anna quickly picks up where Elsa had left off, plying warm and wet kisses to her side of his neck, jaw, and cheek, while the other two kiss so passionately. After doing this for a while, Anna also trails her kisses up until she presses her lips to Hiccup's ear and whispers softly. "We love you, Hiccup."

Said man draws in another trembling breath at her words, his arms around Anna's waist tightening, even more, to press her nude body to theirs. Elsa squeezes them both for all she's worth, hugging their naked bodies together in the stream of hot water that still falls, pressing her body against theirs, while kissing the man she loves with as much passion as she can muster. Both women sense how vulnerable and needy he feels right now, so neither falter for a moment in their respectively sweet and passionate kisses. They start trading him back and forth, one kissing him hungrily and deeply upon the lips, while the other caresses his cheek with her warm lips while whispering into his ear. "We love you." They switch back and forth several times.

Finally, it's more than he can bear and he breaks off the kiss, resting his forehead on Elsa's shoulder, leaning into their bodies as he hugs Anna tightly.

The two women look at each other with concern and Elsa asks gently, her voice laden with concern. "Are you okay, Hiccup?" He nods but doesn't let up in his attempt to get as close to both of them as he can. The two women oblige, hugging him and each other tightly, the two of them taking to kissing each side of his neck, whatever they can reach.

"I love you both so much," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion as he draws in a heavy breath, "meeting you two was the best thing that ever happened to me." His confession caused both his wives to smile warmly.

"We feel the exact same way Hiccup," they also coo in his ears, "I love you too." They both answer in turn without hesitation, continuing to kiss him lovingly, their arms holding the three of them as close as can be managed. Soon enough, the kisses stop and they just hug each other beneath the stream of warm water, both women resting their heads against his, Hiccup breathed heavily as he just savors how much these two amazing women love him and how lucky he is to have them as his wives.

Eventually, he lifts his head and offers them a warm smile, both Elsa and Anna return his smile as they look upon him, but then both look upset as they see his eyes red from tears, both women knew that Hiccup felt like they wouldn't desire as much because the Vikings molested his body in the cruelest ways possible. To reassure him, both women coo out his name and lean in to press their lips to his face, showering him with a seemingly endless stream of kisses. He draws in a shuddering breath, leaning into them and savoring how they hold him so close. He squeezes Anna around the waist and leans towards Elsa. After a little while, the three of them just rest their foreheads together, hugging each other tightly.

"Hiccup, are you okay?" Elsa asks softly, worriedly, opening her eyes and stroking his cheek tenderly with her one hand. He nods, clearing his throat. "I'm fine," he reassures her with a husky voice, though the two women exchange dubious glances. After a brief and wordless exchange between them, neither say anything, realizing this isn't the time to address whatever might be bothering him.

Instead, they both kiss him tenderly, soothing him lovingly, continuing to gently kiss his lips, cheeks, nose, eyes, ears, and neck. They say nothing, just pressing their bodies to his as they let him get his emotions under control, nuzzling him and smiling as he kisses back just as lovingly and affectionately.

After a while, once he's settled down, Elsa gently and reluctantly declares. "We should finish our shower and go to bed, we do have a war to fight at dawn tomorrow," her two lovers look to her as she adds with an amused grin, "we don't want to miss the greatest war in our lifetime because we didn't get enough sleep."

Anna giggles at this, as does Elsa. Hiccup smiles warmly at his two wives, looking happier than he did earlier. The three of them all share one long, lingering three-way kiss, then proceed to wash one another in earnest, without any attempt to start another round of sexual intercourse.

A/N: Alright, hope you guys enjoyed that reunion between these three, and I hope you guys are ready for the war, it's gonna be crazy!

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