Stephanie Hapakuka- Riot (c)

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Being in prison wasn't fun or easy by any means but now that a riot had broken out you had no hope for life getting any better. Granted there wouldn't be a regime or a guard trying to make every element of your life hellish but there was no way to overlook that this was a building filled with criminals and now they were free to do whatever they wanted. You were fearful as some of the women were bad enough when guards were there but without any rules or regulations, you feared what they would do to each other or to you. Luckily you didn't have any enemies but that didn't mean any of the women here weren't going to hurt you.

Having seen the start of the breakdown of it all, you rushed straight back to your bunk hoping that you could hold out there until the guards were able to take back control. All you wanted was to do your time and get out of prison, you didn't want to be part of the riot, but no one was going to make an exception for you. Running as fast as your legs could take you, you turned into your bunk, not paying attention and ending up on the floor, hitting your face off the hard flooring.

You let out a groan as you rolled over to see what had brought you down to the ground. Across the floor and entrance of your bunk were random objects of one of your bunkmates. Maybe if there wasn't a riot you would go and shout at them but currently you were just hurting and not looking forward to what the riot held.

The blanket beside you shifted. It was half on the bed of your bunkmate and half hanging down to hide the space that was below it. As it moved it revealed the face of the occupant of that bed Hapakuka.

"Are you okay?" She whispered peering around the bunk and the rest of the room.

"Yeah," you grunted. "Why is all your shit on the floor?"

"I wanted to hide and make it look like someone had already taken anything good from in here so no one would find me," she said innocently. "Do you know what is going on out there?"

You nodded your head as you tried to sit up even though it hurt a fair bit.

"Someone shot a guard, it's a complete mess. I doubt it's going to last long but they've gone crazy," you sighed.

"What guard?" She asked.


Her concern instantly washed away, understanding why anyone would shoot him.

"Mind if I hide in here too?" You questioned.

"Go for it," she said. "Hopefully the guards will get control back soon."

"I hope so."


Written by Charlotte.

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