all the things we cannot say

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i keep growing up wanting to scream,
can we talk about intimacy?
can we talk about vulnerability?
can we talk about love?
but we cannot and that is the truth of it
between me and the world exists a language that transcends words
or glances
or body language.
we look at eachother and we know everything but the details.
can we talk about it?
darling, you look so tragic when you
talk about the weather and the restaurant opening down the road
and how you'd like to try it sometime.
and i can see behind your face,
there is so many things churning
like sea foam and wild horses
and wind against craggy shores,
you are alone there and so am i.
all the things we cannot say to each other connect us like red string.
looking at eachother as if crying out,
can we talk about intimacy?
can we talk about vulnerability?
can we talk about love?
and neither of us can hear.

no one can talk about love.

it can only be felt and we can only look to eachother and hope we are both feeling the same thing.

this thing that transcends words, this opening that is neither a wound nor a door, but is both.
you place your hand over mine but can never reach under my skin,
you ask can we talk?
but we don't have anything to say.

we open our jaws and try to eat eachother like sharks, tear open eachother with clawed hands,
there is always more skin to break.

we cannot be intimate,
be vulnerable,
be loved,
these things without name.

i swallow the thick nothingness in my throat,
all the nameless words i cannot say like phlegm i must choke down.
i offer myself to you in the insufficient way that makes you itch deeper for something you don't know you need,
but between the two of us, we both know the things we don't know we need.

i say it might rain this weekend and oh,
i think i don't have a shift on that day and oh,
that restaurant does seem very good and oh,
you say you are free that day too?

so the nameless words hang like heavy fog in the air,
the conversations that will never reach our lips,
if you're free that afternoon and are hungry,
i know we live on opposite ends but
since we're far from strangers but not quite friends,
i think i can meet you there.

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