Chapter 34 - Ambush

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The next few times Jace logged into virtual was to study the cursed saber. He would stay in his Ghost Lord's chambers scrutinizing the intricate design, stroking the powerful weapon until the minimum contractual virtual time was up before logging out.

Sometimes he would sit in the shade of his favourite tree, the beautiful purple, green and blueish leaves rustling in the soft breeze above him. Once in a while, a coloured leaf would float down gently, adding to the rich coloured carpet of leaves around him. The tree did not bear any flowers or fruits as far as he could tell. He would sit quietly, holding the saber recharging his health as he watched Pixel and Anya play. Most times he would simply space out, lost in melancholy thoughts until the wolf or the horse nudged him.

Nyx the stalker would also come around. As he didn't want to talk, she would often sit quietly next to him keeping him silent company. Sometimes she would talk to him and sometimes she would talk to herself or have a one sided conversation with Anya. Although he remained silent, she knew he listened to her. She had caught him almost smiling a few times at her monologues. She wondered if she disturbed him but she could not bear to leave him alone. After all he had taught her so much and helped her level up, the least she could do was not abandon him now. He seemed so lost.

She was worried about him. He was devastated and depressed. She wondered what she could do to help but in the meantime she would be here if he wanted to talk. As long as he didn't chase her away, she would stay by his side. No, she corrected herself, he could try to chase her away, she thought grimly. She could be stubborn too. If only he didn't look so sad.

It was a few days later when they were sitting amiably under his favourite tree when it happened. A shout rose and some players came running towards them.

"Found him!"

"It's really him. It's Lazarus!"

Nyx looked up in alarm. What was happening?

"Quick, catch him before he gets away."

"Here. This way. He's over here!"

Nyx got up and pulled Lazarus. "Laz? Hey, I think we should go. Those people are freaking me out."

Lazarus glanced at her, then at the players who were gathering. He sighed. Not again. He had seen Simtrixx's video and was aware of the frenzy it had caused. He had already fought off several attempts to assassinate him. Unfortunately, they would not listen to him when he tried to explain, so he had given up and killed them.

More were searching him out for the supposed bonuses. He tried to avoid them but couldn't hide from all the players. Hopefully they would learn when they lost XP points for nothing and the word spread. Damn Althea and damn Simtrixx. Since that day, he was being hounded all over the realm. They would not leave him alone.

Lazarus counted, there were five, six ... seven players. He got up and stretched.

"Stay back," he said to Nyx.

She looked at him. "You sure? They are all almost level 50. I can help."

"No worries. I got this. I need to ... work off some energy."

"Okay," she trusted him. He could handle them. She stepped back but stayed alert, just in case.

Lazarus went into battle mode. His grip on the saber's hilt tightened as he waited.

They approached him boldly but stopped just out of range. He stood his ground, just like in the video.

"I'm going to say this only once. Leave me alone or die."

They laughed. He must be crazy if he thought he could bluff them. The gatekeeper may be level 78 but they were all high level players. It was seven to one. The girl behind him didn't count. It was clear she wasn't in the fight. A signal from him and she moved further back giving him space to fight.

Five rushed the gatekeeper swinging swords and axes. Two stayed back to load their bows and shoot.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," the assassin muttered as he raised his deadly weapon.

He met their charge calmly. He really didn't care if he lived or died anymore. If he lived, it would be good. If he died, at least he would feel something other than this mind numbing despair. He didn't need the XP to level if he was going with plan C.

The assassin flicked his saber at the incoming arrows, hitting them in mid-flight. They fell harmlessly to the ground. Then he ran the last few steps to meet the five foes whilst the other two reloaded. Block, turn, jab. Hot red blood squirted from one Hero's chest onto him. Without stopping, he pulled out his weapon to meet the Rogue on his right. Downward slash, his deadly saber easily sliced through the warm body. The next second, it started brightening in death.

Two Barbarians attacked him simultaneously. Quickly, he jumped back to avoid their lethal blows, then counter attacked before they could recover. He yelled a battle cry as he swung his saber striking fiercely at the enemy, his carefully controlled emotions finally escaping. How dare they attack him! He was minding his own business trying to live out the rest of his useless virtual life peacefully. Letting out his pent-up anger and frustrations he struck at them relentlessly, a sudden rage engulfing him. They died instantly.

In his peripheral vision, he noticed the Mage chanting, a ball of light appearing in his hands. He smiled grimly. The electric ball reminded him of Althea's acid globes. He ran at the Mage, jumping in mid-air to get leverage. He slashed savagely at the Hero, ending his life before he could finish the spell. The ball faded. Blood gushed out of the Mage's gaping wound splashing all over the crazed gatekeeper. The fifth Hero died with an astonished expression on his face. "So fast!" he managed to whisper in his dying breath before his body brightened in death.

A volley of arrows rained down on him. The last two Heroes, Rangers, were trying their luck long ranged. It was too dangerous to go near the gatekeeper. The assassin's saber blurred as he blocked the arrows, brandishing his blade expertly at the sharp missiles. Each was knocked out of the air, broken. When the air was cleared, he glared at them. They saw only madness in his haunted silver eyes.

They were out of range. He smiled grimly at them as he exchanged his bloodied saber for his ebony darklight bow. Their eyes widened in fear. He could reach them now without even taking a step. They knew his skill with this bow. He had made this expensive level 50 darklight weapon extremely popular after using it in Season One. Everyone wanted one, especially those in the Ranger class. It was his trademark.

He nocked an arrow and took aim at the frozen Rangers. Suddenly, a white blur streaked to attack one Hero. He fell screaming in agony as he was ripped to shreds by the huge wolf. Loud ferocious growls escaping from her throat as she protected her Chosen. Anya had caught her Chosen's berserked state of mind.

Her savage response jerked him out of his insane rage. He blinked rapidly, sucking in his breath in shock. What the hell had come over him? Oh my God Anya! She was covered in the Ranger's blood, the red blood bright against her white fur.

She growled targeting the last terrified Ranger, hackles raised. She hunched, muscles bunching under her readying to pounce again.

"Anya!" All he said was her name but she responded immediately to his tone. He had come out of his terrible madness. His temporary insanity now replaced by sadness and regret as he regained his senses. He should have just talked to them, tried to convince them instead of taking out his built-up frustrations and resentment on them. Anya stilled and stopped growling.

Death Blow Experience Points deducted from :-

Nephilimm, Mage Level 49, minus 250,000 XP

Tarnished, Rogue Level 47, minus 250,000 XP

Black Ice, Knight Level 48, minus 250,000 XP

Killjoy, Barbarian Level 49, minus 250,000 XP

Nazzier, Barbarian Level 47, minus 250,000 XP

Death Blow Experience Points awarded to :-

Lazarus, Assassin Level 79, plus 1,250,000 XP (Level up from Level 78)

The XP points from Anya's did Kill did not go to him.

Lazarus faced the last Hero, Arrow, Ranger, Level 48. He had frozen in his tracks, awed at his comrades violent and swift deaths. It had hardly been two minutes.

"Hey Gatekeeper! Stop! I didn't want to come. They said it would be easy like in the video!"

"Leave me alone. Tell everyone there is nothing to be gained by my death." As he spoke, he felt the familiar dreaded tingling along his arm. It was stronger this time. Oh gods, not now.

"No extra free XP points?" the Ranger's eyes darted worriedly to the arrow trained at him. Anya had calmed down but was still alert.


"So you are not a quest? No special Items?"


"You are not lying are you?"

His arm had started trembling. He was having trouble holding the taut bowstring, if that Hero didn't shut up and go away soon, he would end up dead and with less 250,000 XP points like his friends.

"No," Lazarus said through clenched teeth.

"Okay." He held up his hands. "I'm going now. Sorry."

The Hero backed off slowly. The arrow flew at him and thudded at his feet as Lazarus lost control of his arm. The Hero yelped in surprise, turned and ran off helter-skelter, not daring to look back.

Nyx came forward laughing. Her momentary shock at seeing him fight so brutally was replaced by mirth at the poor Ranger's fright. She thought it was intentional on Lazarus's part, a warning to the last Hero. "Ha ha, ha, that will show them."

She did not notice the stricken expression on Lazarus's face or that his right arm now hung useless by his side. She was too busy squinting at the running man.


Incoming message.

Isis : Laz! Are you there?

Lazarus : Yeah. I'm here.

Isis : I've got a lead to your poison. Are you free to talk?

Lazarus : Go ahead, I'm not doing anything important.

In her virtual workroom, Isis frowned. Not doing anything important? Wasn't he supposed to be levelling up? Never mind, maybe he was taking a break. It was a gruelling task running dungeons non-stop. It must be worse in his deteriorating condition. Poor guy, she wouldn't want to be in his shoes despite his fame and popularity.

Isis : It's animal based and is definitely from the orc realm. It seems that there are other realms out there.

Lazarus : Really? Probably future expansion plans for Simtrixx.

Isis : Haha, I didn't think of that. Anyways, it seems there are five stages to this poison. I think you are in stage two now, I'm not entirely sure. Early stage two, I think.

The Priestess looked grimly at the various cages in her underground work place. All were carefully labelled and were in different stages of the poison. She had tried countless tests and cures on them. Some slowed down the effects, some were useless but some speeded up the poison. The small animals were in terrible shape. The last cage held the dead and dying.

Lazarus : I'm only Stage two?

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If being this unstable with bursts of pain was stage two, he would rather not know how bad the other stages were. Then he sobered. Stage Two? and it had five stages? That would explain why his maximum Health was suddenly capped at only eighty per cent.

What did it matter? He was not going to do much more anyway. He would just play casually and tidy things up at his city, train Nyx and leave the best of what he could do to her. He had decided on Plan C, to last as long as possible until the pain became unbearable than hand everything over and stop playing. He would put Lazarus to rest.

Isis : Yes. There is one in the orc realm who is infamous for his wide knowledge of poisons. Seek him out. He may have the cure. If not, he will be able to tell you how to make it or get it.

Lazarus massaged his stiff neck. He should be grateful for all her hard work and research on his behalf. Even if he didn't think he would need the information anymore, he asked out of curiosity.

Lazarus : Who is he?

Isis : He is an orc. Sharak, the banished One.

Lazarus : That doesn't sound good. Why was he banished?

Isis : I don't know. You will have to find that out yourself.


Anya was worried. When she asked the horse about her Chosen's deteriorating condition, the irritating creature did not know anything. That human girl was no better.

He was getting worse. She could see it clearly. He was often in the Keep staying still holding that cold thing. When they went out, he was stalked and mob by other humans. It always ended in bloodshed and hot exploding pixels. When he got hurt, he didn't heal as quickly as he usually did. The icky smell in his blood was stronger. Why didn't the others notice?

She decided to talk to him directly.


"Hmmm?" he answered distractedly. As usual his mind was elsewhere. They were in the privacy and safety of the Ghost Lord's chambers.

"I have a question."

He reached out a hand absent-mindedly to scratch her behind her ears. His silver eyes were still unfocused.

"Why do you sit and do nothing? You were after the Orbs before. Are you not getting the last one?"

He sighed resignedly and closed his eyes. "What's the point Anya?"

"I don't understand. Don't you need them anymore?"

"No, I don't need the Orbs anymore," he smiled mockingly at himself. I'm going to let the great legendary pathetic Lazarus die, he thought. Why go through all the trouble and pain when everything reminded him of her? He met her here, in Orc Wars. He shouldn't come in here anymore, then maybe he could move on. Besides, the crazy orc poison was a constant pain now. Every so often, Simtrixx would remind him by making his avatar's body fail miserably. They had gleefully capped his Health at eighty per cent. It only promised to get worse.

"I'm so very tired, I don't think I can go on much longer."

"Why not? Is it because the other humans are hunting you?"


She whined worriedly. "Why don't you want to go on, to continue?"

"I ... don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I will keep the saber awhile longer and use it until the pain becomes unbearable. Lately, it's getting worse. Then I will stop coming here. I will stop playing. I will resign from Simtrixx."

"I won't see you again?" Anya didn't understand why her chosen didn't want to continue fighting. Was it because she had lied?

He turned to smile and pat her on her furry head. "Don't worry Anya, I will release you before I go. I have found a good and an active Ghost Lord for you. You like her don't you? Nyx. I promise you will be able to fulfil your destiny."

Anya lifted her great furry head and whimpered. It was time to tell him the truth. "Chosen, I'm sorry I lied."

The assassin roused slightly, then slumped back despondently. "Lie? Whatever it is, it's okay. No worries." He gave her a mirthless laugh, "Nothing matters anymore."

"But Chosen, you can't release me. We are bonded for life. If you go, I will die here and fade away."

"What?!! What did you say?" he sat up, jolted out of his misery. "B-but you can't die!!"

Lazarus looked at his beautiful white familiar. She had been his wonderful loyal companion who was always by his side when he needed her. Her blue eyes, her beautiful soft white fur, her wicked sense of humour, Lazarus gulped, his hand strayed to his chest where a strange aching pain had suddenly started.

Get hold of yourself, she is just an NPC. Pixels designed by Simtrixx. Still, she had been there for him, he reasoned. You fell neatly into Simtrixx's trap, you idiot. Now it was too late. He smiled at the crazy situation, recognising it for what it was, emotional psychology. He couldn't let her die. He would have to continue playing just like how Simtrixx wanted.

"I wanted to be with you. Now I will die with you," she said sadly. "I'm sorry."

The assassin stared at the majestic wolf. Resolutely, he put away the saber and got up wearily.

"No. You will not die. I will not allow it."

He was exhausted, it was a hopeless battle, the odds were stacked against him but he would have to go on until the end. 

He had to.

Lazarus will have to live. Scrap Plan C.

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