Chapter 36 - Constantine

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Lazarus, Valentine and Nyx stood at the mouth of an ancient Egyptian styled tomb. Nyx had requested to follow them. She wanted to learn from the best and what better way to do that than to do an Orb trial with two legends? Her usual team had all gone their own way, busy levelling up and honing their Skills. Azazel the warlock and team leader had given them some time off, after which they would gather for another attempt at Lazarus's orb trail.

Well, she could practise and learn first-hand from these experts. Nyx could barely contain her excitement, imagine, hanging out with two Gatekeepers! And the bonus for today is having the opportunity to meet the one and only Red Mage, Constantine.

Lazarus had warned her that the Orb Trials were different from dungeons. They were more dangerous and intense.

"The Orb trials are designed by the gatekeepers, so it reflects them."

"I know."

"The others were all unique. Constantine's should be the worse of the lot. He is the highest level Hero and gatekeeper in Orc Wars."

"The Assassin's Path isn't exactly a walk in the park. You keep adding traps and twists to it." Nyx made a face, "I still haven't passed that one."

He smiled at the compliment.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you to them."

Meeting Valentine was an experience in itself. He was extremely good-looking, impeccably dressed and dashing. He was also charming and friendly. When Lazarus had introduced them, he had gone right up to hug her but instinctively changed his mind when she had backed away reflexively. He had caught her sudden anxiety and instead of hugging her had smiled boyishly at her and taken her hand for a firm handshake. Then he had gone on to joke with Lazarus, giving her time to recover.

Lazarus too had noticed her awkward reaction. He had exchanged a meaningful look with the Thief whilst she was recovering. She had accepted the warm handshake with a relieved smile. At least she was able to tolerate some physical contact. He smoothly glossed over the incident and led the way to the site of Constantine's Trial, setting a pace that discouraged talking.

Nyx had glanced at the assassin gratefully wondering if he had noticed her weakness.

The two Gatekeepers' familiars were also with them. Anya had mind-spoken Tanya explaining the presence of the human girl. She was Lazarus's 'friend' but not a pack mate. She couldn't 'see' them but knew what they were. Tanya had eyed the girl doubtfully before accepting her. As long as she did not make any trouble for them or for her Chosen, Tanya would go along.

"Well?" Valentine glanced at Lazarus.


Valentine gripped his sword in response and Nyx nodded nervously. She would follow their instructions, learning along the way and try to stay alive as long as possible. The Red Mage was the highest ranking Hero in Orc Wars, maintaining his position even after Season One.

"Here we go," Lazarus muttered and raised his voice, calling out to the empty air to invoke the Gatekeeper's presence. "Greetings, Lord Constantine."

A flapping sound was heard as a flash of red streaked towards the group. A moment later, the Red Mage appeared, regally dressed in black and crimson. He gestured and his red falcon landed daintily on a nearby rock. The familiar gripped his perch and cocked his head towards it's master, making clicking inquiring sounds with its beak. Constantine whispered something to it and the magnificent bird settled down.

A grand entrance indeed, fitting for the great warlock. Constantine, Warlock Level 83, smiled in welcome at the group.

"Greetings, old friends and welcome." The Red Mage bowed slightly in courtly fashion.

Both Lazarus and Valentine inclined their heads in response. Their familiars perked their ears, alert and on guard. Both the wolves and the falcon were natural hunters and eyed each other warily. They were here because of their Chosen. They would endure the other species' presence.

"Oh my, is that the real Constantine or his NPC?" Nyx had stepped back in alarm, hiding behind Lazarus when the majestic falcon had swooped down before settling beside Constantine.

"It's him," Lazarus confirmed.

"Yeah, only the real Constantine is over dramatic like that." Valentine laughed and waved at the warlock.

Nyx peeked in awe at the exotic legend.

"Ahh, who is this beautiful mademoiselle I have the honour to meet?" Constantine asked, quirking an eyebrow at the pretty assassin. Valentine grinned and winked at Lazarus. Lazarus suppressed a smile, moving aside to expose Nyx. She squeaked as the Red Warlock reached out to take her hand, firmly planting a kiss on her fingers tips.

"Oh my," she breathed, her eyes glazing over.

"It is my pleasure to meet you," he said rolling his tongue at the word. The warlock locked gazes with the helpless assassin. Time stood still. She forgot to breathe.

Valentine coughed loudly, pulling a grinning Constantine back. "I'm going to tell Kirana on you if you keep this up," the Thief threatened.

"Mercy! Please, do not tell her. She will skin me alive if you do, I swear it!" he said in mock horror. Constantine posed dramatically, making a face. "I cannot die at her hands, I will not!! I absolutely refuse!"

"Cut it out, you guys." Lazarus was smiling at the unfolding drama. Valentine was laughing openly at Constantine's antics. If he did not step in, they would all end up fooling around for the rest of the session without getting anything done. He had to stay focused on his mission. He did not have the luxury of time.

Nyx stood open mouth at the spectacle. These guys were the most powerful Heroes in Orc Wars ... to actually be in the presence of these three powerful lords, was awesome. She had not expected Lord Constantine to be so charismatic, over dramatic and impossibly sexy. He drew her in without any effort.

Lazarus's amused voice brought her out of her daze. He came close and whispered in her ear, "Breathe, you're turning purple."

"Oh!" She blinked and drew in a deep breath.

The Gatekeepers were all in a league of their own. They had an effortless commanding aura about them. All were handsome and powerful in their own way. Each highlighted the best of their specific class. Constantine was loud and dramatic, Valentine, charismatic and funny, Lazarus was ... her eyes darted to the assassin. Well, he was, quiet and mysterious. He preferred to keep to himself and be in the background but it seemed that everyone deferred to him when it mattered. Why was that? She wondered.

"My Lord Constantine, if you please, your Trial?"

The Red Mage bowed elegantly to the dark clad Assassin gesturing with his hands, "But of course, my good friend. My trial, it is a very dangerous trial, yes? You will take care in there and do well, yes?"

"We will try our best, My Lord."

"You will enter the ancient tomb of the fallen Priestess whose name must not be spoken. Find your way to her embalmed remains and retrieve the amethyst scarab amulet from her body." Constantine lowered his voice dramatically, gesturing with his hands, "Bring this powerful magical amulet to me and I will grant you the use of my Orb."

Valentine grimaced. "Umm, by embalmed remains, you mean she has been mummified, right?"

Constantine nodded solemnly.

"Why mummies?" Valentine groaned. Nyx had also paled at the thought.

"Because they are cool and I like them," Constantine blurted out, then he coughed regaining his composure, "Uhh, I mean, her body must be preserved for her spirit to travel the Underworld to stand before Osiris in the Hall of Final Judgement and onto the Field of Rushes."

Lazarus smiled, his eyes twinkling. "If she was a fallen Priestess, she might not make it to the Field of Rushes. She might not be found worthy by Osiris, you know."

"Yeah, she will probably be found 'not virtuous' in life and her soul thrown to Ammit the Devourer," Valentine quipped.

"Arghhhhh, you guys!! Just get in there and bring me the damn scarab already!"

Lazarus and Valentine burst out laughing at their friend's agitation. Kirana had cued them on her brother's obsession with ancient Egypt.

Nyx smiled in amusement at their light banter, her awe of the gatekeepers reducing slightly as the real player's characters showed through their avatars. The greatest Heroes in the Land indeed. These guys were fun!

Gatekeeper Constantine, Warlock, Level 83, Portal Orb Trial

Accept / Reject

Still smiling broadly, Lazarus stepped up and touched the Accept button.


"Come, my friend. We have honoured guests today," Constantine called his familiar and ported to his trial site.

Xico stretched his wings before taking off, he rose to a good height disappearing into thin air, only to reappear in the skies above his Chosen. He was familiar with the ancient tomb, several Heroes had already tried it and died. He had even been inside the tomb. Constantine was constantly adding and changing things in there. He could not understand his Chosen's obsession with it, it was much better outside in the vast open space where he could fly and stretch his wings.

The red falcon circled lazily over the tomb and landed on a sturdy rock next to Constantine.

"More hopefuls," he stated. "Careful, they have fighting she-wolves."

"It's okay Xico, I know them. They are old friends, very good friends. They mean us no harm," Constantine whispered to his familiar.

"Oh, okay then."

Xico turned his attention to his kind. He eyed the two glowing wolves. They were predators like him and were as loyal to their Chosen as he was to his. Though still not fully grown yet, they were already strong and powerful.

"Well met, furry ones."

Anya cocked her head towards the softly glowing red falcon. "Well met, winged one. Congratulations on being the First (Chosen)."

Xico gave a pleased chirp and raised his head proudly.

"You and your sister too, for being chosen. Congratulations. Now we are three in the Realm."

"We are only sisters in name, not in blood. You will be our brother now."

"You will try my Chosen's Trial?"

"Yes, my human wants to do it," Anya said.

"And mine loves adventure." Tanya made an amused sound in her throat.

"Good luck. It is not that hard. Just watch out for the dead, they still have some life in them."

Tanya growled at Xico. He seemed too pleased with himself.

"Not helping."

The humans were still talking. The falcon tilted his head to Lazarus then back to Anya.

"Your human, what's wrong with him? He is standing wrong."

"You have sharp eyes, brother. He is sick."

The large bird assessed the Hero. "He is still strong. He might make it through the tomb with the others helping or he will die and have to try again," he said practically.

Anya snorted at the bird's logic. "He has me."

Just then, Lazarus reached out to accept the Trial. Constantine smiled in farewell and disappeared.

Xico took off after his Chosen, then circled above the group. "Good luck furry ones! Watch out for the deaaaad!! Hahahaha!"

"Not helping!!" Anya and Tanya growled in unison at Xico.

Note :

Osiris - God and chief judge of the Underworld

Ammit – Devourer of unworthy souls

Field of Rushes – paradise for souls deemed worthy by Orisis

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