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Five's pov

"Hiya, Five. How's it going?" I hear Dot behind me ask..

"I must have utter silence in order to complete this task." I ignore her and continue doing my job and typing away. I need to get my mind off those kids.

"Hey, a few of us are having lunch, and I was wondering if you..." I glare up ahead and cleared my throat so she'd get the message.

I got up and was about to send a task when the Handler once again appeared. "I'm afraid that's not the procedure." I kept my glare on her. "Five, meet Gloria. Gloria is perhaps the single most vital cog in our machine."

"Look at you deadly little thing." I fought the urge to roll mt eyes. Handler opened the small paper, "Eliminate Karl Weber. Now tell me, why unfortunate Karl?"

She asks I smirk up at her. "Karl Weber is the butcher at the shop where Captain Ernst A. Lehmann aquires his weekly roast. So, if Karl dies, his shop is passed on to his son Otto, who never washes his hands, which is disgusting."

"So he's the one who gives the captain his roast."

"And that gives him food poisoning."

"Which makes him late for work. Which delays the takeoff." Handler smirked and we made it to my office room again. "I'm sure you've all heard that Mr. Five has proven to be as adept with a pen as he was with a sword. Let his effort serve as inspiration to you all."

It was break time so I made sure everyone was out and hurried myself to the restroom. I took the files I was hiding and opened them up, "Shit." I heard footsteps and saw her heels again.

"So, how's your day going?"

"Couldn't be better."

I glanced down and saw her long skirt hit the floor. I looked away. This is so uncomfortable. Handler began to explain her problem with only urinating which made me want to shoot myself and get away from her.

"You know, we value integrity above all else. Trust is essential, and is built over time. But in the event of a breach the Comission will act swiftly and without mercy. An efficieny I'm sure you above all people appreciate, Number Five."

This woman has a close eye on me. Shit. What should I do? I looked up surprised but with a stern face when she looked up to where I was, perv. I forced a smile and agreed with her to have lunch. If Emily were here I am certain she would've tried to punch her for doing such thing.


I kept glancing back and forth at the kids. The Handler had her eyes only on me which made it even difficult to ask the twins a few questions. They seemed too quiet. She must've told them to not make a sound. Both of them whispered to one another and I could see their wrists were slightly red.

She must have handcuffed them before I entered. "Would any of you like dessert? Of course not you both." She fakely laughed and I looked over to see the girl glaring at her.

It's kind of weird how much she resembles me. "It's not like we wanted anything from you." "Shhh shut up or Dad will." I heard the boy whisper and was afraid to look at me.

"You better control your kids temper." The handler joked and we heard footsteps approaching. Both of us stood up and I opened the box and quickly closed it. The kids kept their eyes on me while we both adults spoke. It wasn't long when Dot cams by the office and wanted to speak with the Handler alone.

I made sure to stay hidden and went into the office again and saw that only the kids were there. "Dad!" Both kids shouted. "Shh!" I ran over and got their handcuffs off.

"W-We mean, Five."

"Kid this is just as awkward for me too." Both of them stood up quick and the girl followed behind me and took my hand. I glared back at her but let her hold onto it anyways.

"Both of you stay quiet. What will happen if this goes as planned?" I ask them, both turned to each other and shrugged. "We don't exactly know, but we do know some things, thing is we can't tell you or you might alter the time line." The girl said.

"If so thjngs may change to worse and Mom might never have. Only you know what to do, Dad." The boy whispered and hid behind the girl.

I grabbed both of them and made them hide near me when I heard Dot. "Gloria, the Handler knows that Five is up to something. Get this to Hazel and Cha Cha immediately."

I appeared from behind Gloria and hit her on the head, she fell down and the kids ran ahead and took the letter out. They handed it to me and it read, Protect Harold Jenkins.

Terminate Hazel and Cha-Cha Immediately

Terminate Cha-Cha Immediate Extraction

I wrote fast and glanced up to see the kids guarding the door checking if someone gets in. "Let's go." I began to run with them both after me. They sent one in and I was about to with the other one but the Handler arrived just in time.

"This isn't how we do things here. Where's Gloria?"

"Don't know. Couldn't find her." I shrug and heard Gloris groan. "Shit. I knew we should've dumped her body out." The girl said since they were the ones who moved her.

I reached out and grabbed both of their hands and hid them behind me. "You're a great disappointment to me."

" You can't change what's to come. I truly find it odd that you can't shed this fantasy, You're a first rate pragmatist. You belong here."

"I don't belong anywhere, thanks to you. You made me a killer."

"You were always a killer."

I felt a gun pointed to my back and looked back at the girl. "Run." She whispered and she began to shoot at the Handler. "Come and get it you b-bitch." I peeked out and saw the boy shoot her leg.

The alarms went on and the Handler continued to hunt for me. "You can't keep this up, Five. We both know that even you have a limit. I saved you from a lifetime of being alone. Now you know that someday you'll have a family thanks to me. You owe me."

She spat when we came face to face. She clicked her gun but nothing, the kids were behind me and I showed her the grenade I had. I took the twins hands and felt the other side of the room explode.

We continued to run but they escaoed from mt grasp which made me look at me confused and worried.

"Go! We can handle this."

"We know what to do."

They both said with a sad smile. "We're gonna miss you, Dad. See you real soon..just don't mention this to Mom." They say. I stare at them coldly but leaned forward and wrapped my arms around them. I looked at them one last time and went off to the Present.


Wednesday 8:15...again

Emily's pov

I looked around me and looked at my siblings confused, "Didn't we just talk about this subject?" They looked at me confused too and weird.

"Are you high like Klaus usually is?" Diego joked.

We heard a loud crash and we all jumped up and saw Five. Klaus was laying on the couch and stood up, "Am I still high, or do you see him, too?"

"Five! Where have you been?" I rush to his side with Allison and Luther. He groans and stands up from the ground and took the alcoholic beverage I had in my hands and began to drink it.

"The apocalypse is in three days. The only chance we have to save our world is, well, us."

"The Umbrella Academy."

"Yeah, but with mem obviously. So if ya'll don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed. Who carss if Dad messed us up? Are we gonna let that define us? No. And to give us a fighting change fo see next week, I've come back with a lead. I know who's responsible for the apocalypse."

Five handed me the paper and opened it up with the rest of my siblings next me "This is who we have to stop." I open up and read the name.

"Harold Jenkins?"

"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Diego asks behind me and we look back at Five drinking again.

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