☔Drunk Confessions☔

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I gasped and sat up immediately checking my surroundings. I let out a relieved sigh when I noticed I was still at home, but my head began to hurt and I felt Allison grab my hand. "Emily. I'm so glad you woke up, how are you feeling?" My sister asked worriedly.

My eyes wandered around the living room but saw no sight of Vanya. "Where is Vanya? Is she okay?" Quickly I asked her and she stayed silent but nodded a second later.

"Vanya..is fine..she went back home so she could stay safe." I tilted my head. Is she telling the truth? I wanted to talk to her. "What happened to those two in masks?" Slowly I stood up with her help and she handed me some painkillers.

"The big one wouldn't let you go, so Diego tried to cut him but was easily thrown. Luther arrived and took you from the man. Diego took care of you while you were unconcious...but something weird is going on with Luther.." Allison whispered looking down..

Something's wrong with number 1?

Now that's surprising. "Where is Diego?"

Allison told me he was upstairs so I slowly began to walk trying to not trip since my head was still hurting. Up ahead I saw he was staring at Mom who was unresponsive, so he decided to shut her down.

I walked behind him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry.." Diego slowly nodded and stood up straight and gave me a small smile.

"How's your head?"

"I've had worse." I chuckle but still see him upset about Mom. "We're gonna miss having her around. She was always checking up on us after all."

"She was the best. Now mind telling me who those two kids are." My eyes widen and I looked at him pointing at those two kids checking the many books on the wall.

"Mom checked up on them before I turned her off. Who are they and who are those men?" He knows. I bit my lip and contemplated in wether to tell him.

He already found them so why not. "Those are my students.. or were my students. Anyways they probably don't have a place to stay."

Diego kept his eyes on me. "So you're first instinct was to bring him here? Where they could have probably get killed."

"You're the second best in hand to hand combat. I'm sure you could've at last killed one of them. They probably were trying to take me with them now that I think of it.."

I stay deep in thought and arched an eyebrow at him. "You're looking at me weird." "No shit? You knew those two?"

"There were chasing Five and I around at this store! I didn't think much of it until they started shooting."

"You were at that store?!"

"Where is Five? I gotta find him." I told him but Diego held my arm. "Whoa whoa hold on. You gotta stop with this lovey dovey crap with him. I know you loved him when you were kids and you still do..He can take care of himself."

Diego lets go of me so I try to blink the tears away. "You are right, he can take care of himself, and don't ever say that." I warn him. "I don't love him. I'm just worried something might happen."

"That's bullshit and you know it, Em." He whispered. I walked away and call the kids over to follow me. Maybe cooking them something will make me feel better.


"These cookies are delicious, thank you for baking them." The boy said with a timid smile and continued to eat the ones I put on his plate.

"You're welcome. Now will you cooperate and tell me what you are doing here..wait where's the girl?" I suddenly remembered her. The boy shrugged his shoulders.

He reached to grab some more cookies. "Probably went out for some fresh air. Can we bake cookies sometime? Maybe add marshmellows to them?"

I raised an eyebrow and chuckled at his request. "Marshmellow cookies?" "Yeah! I've always liked them. My sister does too but she likes to dip them with peanut butter." Marshmellow and peanut butter. Those are some odd combinations. Five likes those two also.

"How about we head over to Griddy's? I see you're a fan of sweets like I am. We can have every donut there is and also a-"

"Strawberry milkshake?!" He exclaimed with a smile. Can he read minds?! I nodded my head and grabbed some money. "Kid. I'm starting to regret not knowing you before. Why didn't you ever speak to me back then, cause if i'm being honest I don't even remember your name." I chuckle looking down at the boy and saw his blue eyes staring at me.

"That tends to h-happen. Is this Griddy's?" Boy asks when we reach the diner. "I've never been to this place, Mom has always been fond of this donuts." I hear him say.

"Come on then." I take his hand and lead him inside. We sat down by a table and a lady known as Agnes asked for our order.

"We'll have two strawberry milkshakes with every flavored donut you got. Oh and bring some bacon, my son and I are starving." Agnes eyes widen surprised we would be eating that many donuts and bacon.

I looked in front of me and saw the boy also surprised that I called him son. Agnes wrote the order down and glanced at the boy. "Cute kid." She commented and walked away to take another order.


After having a sugar rush we headed back at the academy and I put the kid to sleep since he seemed tired. As soon as I did I left and told Pogo i'd head out to find Five. Turns out the lab he was keeping an eye on was on fire and burned everything, all the information he worked hard to find. Also I some some other bad news, Diego's ex got killed at a motel. I feel bad for him since he's lost two people he loved almost the same day.

"Five?!" I shouted his name and began looking around every corner I could until I felt someone grab my shoulder. Immediately I turned around ready to punch whoever touched me and the man quickly dodged it.

"What the hell?! I could've hit you." I tell my brother Diego who easily dodged my hit and sarcastically smirked.

"Nah I don't think you could've."

I look into his dark eyes and lift an eyebrow, "What is that suppose to mean?" Diego rolls his eyes.

"Pogo called saying you went to look for little Five. So here I am." I says smiling and showing me one of his knives.

"I could've handled it on your own..also I'm sorry about Patch..I knew she meant a lot to you." I mutter and we fall into an awkward silence. Diego and I have never really talked much but we're trying.

Diego tenses and he blinks a few times. "I don't want anything happening to my sister. That's why I came." He says walking past me and I hurried to his side.

"I had no idea this would happen! He kept heading out to that place every day and now he's missing. Do you think he's okay?....Klaus..I haven't seen Klaus around!"

Diego rolled his eyes and kept walking beside me. "He's probably high somewhere. Our priority is finding number Five."

Luther tagged along with us, I could feel the tension between them but they made some small talks. Turns out Luther was injected with a serum to have a body like an ape not long after we received a call about Five's whereabouts.

The building was about to close so I began checking everywhere and luckily I found Five up ahead sitting on the floor with Dolores by his side and empty bottles.

 "Five! Hey wake up." I knelt down and shook his shoulders.

Nothing. He didn't even grunt. I stood up as Diego and Luther came to my side and we stared down at Five. He must have gotten very drunk, I wonder what people thought when they saw him.

"Look like we found him."


"You've been missing all day! Do you know how worried your brother was?" I shouted at the girl as we walked through a dark alley.

"You should be thanking me that I kept an eye on him." She tells me and glares at my back while she stays close to Luther who is carrying Five.

The three of us began to slowly walk home and with me glancing back at Five every now and then, worried about him since he got this drunk. "You alright sis?" Diego asked as he walked next to me in front of Luther.

"Weren't you the one supposed to have an eye on him?" I point my finger at him, "Don't you dare finish that sentence space boy!" I warn and he looks at me kinda scared. 

Five who was in Luther's arms began to say some nonsense like "I'm going through puberty twice" and "I'm the fourth frickin horsemen...the apocalypse is coming."

"I still can't believe you got yourself drunk." I tell him but that gave him no chance to reply since he leaned back and puked everything he drank.


We all made it back to the place where Diego sometimes stays in. There Luther placed Five on the bed and setting Dolores on a chair next to him, we all stare down at a sleeping Five.

"You know if he weren't that deadly, I'd almost say he looks kinda cute." Diego tells us.

I smile and silently nod my head staring at him sleeping. I could feel the girl glaring at me and wouldn't leave his side either. Do they know each other? She almost looks like his age, well psychically at least.

Luther and Diego stepped out of the room and I went to follow them when Five suddenly woke up and held my wrist.

"Emily, I knew you'd be here to save my ass." Five mutters sheepishly and smiles to himself while trying to sit up.

Before I could go on and tell him what I felt I told the girl to leave but she slowly left and glared at me once more and left outside to wait.

"Five, do you know how worried I got when I heard no news from you and you left without another word? I was upset. I mean I can't believe you got yourself drunk and you once again left me." I quickly tell him and got up pacing back and forth rambling on about him.

Five suddenly shouted my name making me stop and look at him. All of the sudden. Five grabbed my jacket and pulled me close to him ready to kiss me but I quickly pulled away and stared at him surprised by his intention and angry at him.

"This is wrong Five. I mean look at you, you're a kid." I end up chuckling and wiped the tears that escaped from my brown eyes.

"Yeah, no shit? I'm going through puberty twice." He bitterly says back and stares at me intently.

"But you have no idea the shit I'm going through, I care about you. It pains me to live like this, if I could, I would have never gone to the future when that old man warned me. I always felt jealous of your relationship with Dad and when other guys look at you. I would trade everything if I could to be with you.."

My cheeks felt warm and I felt my vision become slightly blurry. "If I hadn't left maybe we could've been together. I'm sorry I told you those awful things back then..and I'm sorry that I left.." Five finished and blinked a few times to not cry.

I sat down next to him and smiled at him lovingly but felt sad inside. I reached for his hand and held it tight, "I love you too Five...but we can't be together. I'm sorry."

I choked on my words when I said that to Five. Especially when I saw his broken expression. Nothing else could stop me from feeling this way, I reached my hands back and quickly ran out of the room and closed the door behind me.

Diego turned to look at me so he came over and gently hugged me. "I'm here for you no matter what." The girl stopped looking at the men up front fighting and turned to look at us.

"Is he awake?!" She asked worried. Which was weird since all i've seen from her are her angry and quick remarks. Her eyes even seemed different when she glanced over at the door but Diego stopped her from entering.

"Don't. He's resting."

She shrugged his hand off and stared at Diego. "Does it look like I care?" She angrily walked passed us and I sighed tiredly.

"Who the hell is she? Maybe a crazy ex?" Luther asked. Diego and I shrugged. Diego stayed behind while Luther and I walked back home and I went back to sleep on my bed. Hoping tomorrow things might get easier.. though I don't think i'll easily sleep.

Especially since Five kinda confessed to me. He was drunk after all so that might've just slipped.

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