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"I survived eating canned food, cockroaches anything I could get my hands on.." I cringed a bit when he mentioned roaches. The storm had calmed down a bit outside which made it easy for us to listem and for Vanya and I question Five even further. "You don't believe me do you?" Five asked when he saw our faces as he drank his alcohol..

"I mean i-it's hard to process." Vanya stuttered which earned us a cold look from Five who seemed tired of us not getting him. "Exactly what do you dont understand?" He said through gritted teeth.

"To b-be honest almost everything..Why didn't you time travel back?" I whispered and gulped feeling a bit intimidated when he stepped closer to me and scoffed. "Gee, why didn't I think of that? Time travel is crap shit. You think I didn't try everything to get back to my family?"

Five kept his stare on me which made me look away. Vanya thankfully broken the awkward silence. "If you grew old there in the apocalypse how come you still look like a kid."

"I told you already. I must've gotten the equations wrong." He said passing by us and pouring more alcohol on his cup.

"I mean Dad used to say that time travel can mess up your mind." Vanya carefully ssid to not anger him. But I'll admit that is true. "Maybe that's whats happening." I also mutter and look at him tense up and again getting annoyed.

He puts his glass down and angrily walks past us "This was a mistake you're too young, too naive to understand." 

"No no, Five wait." I race to him again and grabbed his sleeved making him stop from opening the door. He glares up at me and slowly I let him go..kinda scared if he might punch me.

"I haven't seen you in a long time..I'm not letting you go again..I don't want to lose you once more." I truthfully tell him. I don't think my heart could take it if he'd left us.

My dark eyes meet his light once. Five doesn't say anything in return and looks away from me before our eyes could meet again. "Y-You know it's getting late. Ypu can stay, tomorrow I have leasons and I need some sleep and you should too." She fixes the couch for him and places some warm blankets on it with a pillow.

"We'll talk tomorrow in the morning I promise." 

I listen to Vanya tell him when I went over on the other side of the small living room and made myself comfortable on the smaller couch. I held my thin blanket together and turned away to not face Five. I don't want this getting more uncomfortable for me. I heard rustling and heard the lights switch off. Quietly I moved a bit and hugged my knees together and glanced back to look at Five. I felt warm..


I had woken up twice in Vanya's apartment, the dreams I had were memories of when I was a kid and my siblings at the Academy. I hated remembering of those days most time, I was a lonely girl and teenager growing up, despite being different I didn't feel at home at the academy where 'normal' didn't exist. I had fans like most of my siblings and would constantly receive letters or gifts, but they never made me feel special only ordinary. Vanya was ordinary, I wanted to be like her and most times I never wanted to go out on missions..Ben would always be there to try and cheer me up.

I remembered all the training we had, the umbrella tattoo our father forced us to have for some odd reason which still stands on my wrist. I remembered everything especially the day Five left and disappeared eithout another word or look.

We heard the familiar bell from Grace and each of us stopped what we were doing and raced over to the table and stood behind our seats just in time when our father appeared looking at cold as ever.

Reginald glanced at us and sat a simple and strict word, "Sit."

I pulled out my chair and sat down on it and fixed my long hair and began to slowly chew my food while my eyes remained down on the plate, afraid to look at our father or any of my siblings. But I glanced around and saw Allison shyly smiling down when Luther looked at her, Ben was reading a book, Vanya was silent staring at her plate, Diego was chewing onto his food like there was no tomorrow, Klaus was doing something below the table and Five glared at our father.

He's been acting weird lately, more cold and distant than previous days. Confused I kept my glance at him to my side. I jumped a little when Five all of the sudden stabbed the knife he had against the wooden table almost hitting my hand if I hadn't taken it off.

This made everyone stare at him. "Number Five-" 

"I have a question-"

"Knowledge is an admiral goal but you know there's no talking during meal times." Reginald said paying him no mind.

"I want to time travel."


"I've been practicing my spacial jumps just like you said. See?" Five said and disappeared from my right and appeared next to Reginald.

Reginald took a sip of his drink not even looking at Five, "A spacial jump is trivial when compared to the unknown of time travel.." Father began to explain to him some things I didn't understand. Five looked angry though, he looked at Vanya who shook her head to the sides.

Five looked a bit annoyed but tried to stay calm I could tell. He always had a thing for Vanya anyway, a soft spot for her even. "I'm not afraid." He continued telling Father.

"I forbid you to talk about this anymore!" Father angrily told him.

"Cut it out!" I angrily said deciding to open my mouth and talk. "Stop this" I mouthed him getting annoyed by his behavior. If he continues he'll get into even more trouble and he knows it.

Five looked back at me angry and shot me a glare and began to run away from us. "Number Five! You haven't been excused, come back here." This made Vanya worried when we saw him leave. My heart began to beat faster and I had enough. I pushed the seat back and began to chase him.

"Number Eight get back here!" 

This is the first time I've heard Father shout my name. I'm so getting grounded. I ignore his calls and chase after Five and grabbed his sleeve before he could get farther from the academy.

"Let go of me!" Five angrily shouted back glaring at me and trying to get my grip off of him.

"No! Where are you even going? Let's go back inside! Father and Mom will be-"

"There aren't my parents and you don't mean anything to me, Eight." He spat my name and removed my hand off of him. "Reginald is constantly up our asses and forces us to go further with our powers, but never to you. Is there something you two have been hiding from us? You know this is why the rest of us hate you. You're his favorite..." 

I began to cry without realizing it and tried brushing my long hair our so it wouldn't stick to my face. "You don't m-mean that." I whispered and stared at him.

"Just leave me alone. You're just like him." He glared at me one last time and ran away from me before I could catch him Reginald came down the stairs and gripped onto my uniform jacket and dragged me back inside. That was the first time he ever grounded me. Later on that night I had escaped my room to try and find Five but I had no luck.

Grace knew I would do something like this so she followed me and brought me back home when she saw how tired I was. Days turns into weeks and then months. I had given up on finding him. I became a teenager and watched each of my siblings disappear while I stayed living at the Academy.


"Five! Ooof" I stumbled down and fell ontk the floor. "Shit." I mumble rubbing my ass and looked over at the couch to my right. It was neatly done and Five was no longer around. "Damn it, Five." I lifted myself off the floor and saw that I had another blanket on me. I smiled a little at his gesture for putting it on me.

I gotta hurry and find him. I folded the blankets got my shoes on and Vanya stepped out of her room. "Where are you going?"

"Off to find? Five. Our conversation isn't over." I replied and thanked her for let me staying the nighf over. I grabbed my backpack and went off to find him.


Five's pov

I knew it would be hard to explain time travel to these little minds. Vanya and Emily aren't ready, they arent mature enough and are naive to face the real world. If no one will help me stop the apocalypse then I'll have to do it on my own. I arrived at the clinic and held the eyeball I've had through out the apocalypse in my hand.

"Can I help you?" Finally someone came in. I was getting tired of waiting.

I looked down at the ball in my hand and raised it so the man could see. "I need to know who this belongs to." I told the man seriously.

The man looked confused for some reason. "Where did you get that?"

"Why do you care?" The man was even more confused, such an idiot. "I mean, I found it at a playground it must've just popped out." I smile up at him. "I want to return it to it's rightful owner."

"Want me to look for it?" The lady behind the table asked.

"Yeah look for me will you? I answered with another smile but the msn interrupted me. "I'm sorry but patients records are strictly confidential. That means-"

"Yeah I know what it means." He's getting on my nerves.

"But I'll tell you what I can do. I will take the eye off your hands and return it to the owner, I'm sure he or she will be very grateful so if I could just-"

"You're not touching this eye." I warn him

The man doesn't seem to care as he continued "Now you listen here young man-" and before he could continue on I leaned over and grabbed him tightly by the collar of his shirt and pull him to my level.

"No, you listen to me asshole. I've come a long way for this, i've gone through some shit your pea brain wouldn't even comprehend so just give the information and I'll be on my merry way. And if you call me young man one more time I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall." I threaten the stupid man.

He looked away and told the lady to call security. I glared up at him and pushed if away and calmly began walking away out of this shit hole. This didn't go well..I began walking out of the angrily pushed the doors and glared at everyone around me, didn't remember everyone in society being such assholes.

If the old man won't give me information then I'll have to go plan B. I need some help from Emily and Klaus. God if you exist help me with Klaus.


Emily's pov

It had been an hour of looking for Five so I returned to the Academy and thankfully dodged Diego when he wasn't looking and went into my room to get myself a shower and got dressed pretty fast once I was done. I got my long sleeved black and white shirt, short black overalls, with knee high socks and white doc martens. I was brushing my wet dyed hair and doing my usual dark makeup and msking sure to hide my purple bruise when I heard something upstairs.

"Five?" I asked and ran out of my room. He's probably and didn't even bother in looking for me. I walked up the stairs and there he was in his room, staring outside of the window. I crossed my arms and stood by the door.

"As always you never let bother to mention you were here..we promised we would talk. I was worried sick! I was looking everywhere for you." I tell him when he didn't respond. I stuffed my hands down my pockets and slowly stepped closer to him.

"..Sorry I left without saying goodbye." Five looked back at me and muttered those words which very much surprised me. He has never been the one to apologize. I let out a sigh and begin to stutter when he turned to face me and stepped closer.

"No I'm t-the one who should be sorry. I was d-dismissive and w-wasn't in my right mind to f-fully understand what you were trying to tell Vanya and I."

"Maybe you were right to be dismissive you weren't ready after all, but like you said about the old man time travel can bend the mind.." he silently told me, both of us tryinf our best to put our past aside.

"Maybe I'm I dont know..not the right person to be talking about this-" I try telling him.

Five looks at me and then back to his bed,"I think I'm gonna get some rest. It's been a long time since i've had a good sleep." I nod my head and look at him again trying my best to not feel myself getting flustered.

"Is..there anything you need before getting some sleep? Maybe coffee?" I suggest in a whisper. Five stared at me and was about to say something when all ofthe sudden the wardrobe next to me opened and I let out a scream and moved away when I saw Klaus stepping out of it.

"That's so touching all that stuff about family, Dad and time.." Klaus says wearing the strangest outfit i've seen him in and and paying us no mind. Five and I silently watched him walking towards the window.

"Will you shut up?!" Five's emotions quickly changed from being calm to annoyed and angry again. "I thought I told you to put something professional." He said looking at Klaus in disgust by the thing he was wearing.

Klaus scoffed and looked down at Five, "But this is my nicest outfit."

"Whatever, I'll just raid the old mans closet." Five began walking away with Klaus trailing behind him.

"When will I get paid?" He asked trying to stay sober.

"When the job is done."

"What is going on here?" I asked confused by these two suddenly talking and race after them. Klaus chuckles and wraps an arm around, "Our little Five here has the brilliant idea or making me be his daddy."

"That sounds messed up please don't say it like that." I beg Klaus and we stopped when we reached our Father's room. 

"What does he mean?" I try asking Five who's looking for a matching outfit. 

He looks back at Klaus almost wanting to rip his head off. "We agreed that you wouldn't mention this to her." Klaus scoffs and waves his hand and begin to look around the room as always. "I wasn't going to involve you in this but I need all the help I can get. Find something for you to wear also." Five said pointing at my outfit.

"But I just got changed." Five glared at me so I rolled my eyes and left to find myself something from Grace's closet. I removed my clothes and got dressed in a white long sleeve shirt with an expensive looking necklace, a pink skirt and heels And also found a blonde wig.

I looked at myself in the mirror and cringed at my transformation. "Okay. I'm done." I muttered trying to fix my skirt since I wasn't use to wearing them that often and felt weird not wearing my usual clothing style.

Klaus and Five stared at me without saying anything for a few seconds when I left my room. Klaus has his mouth open which made Five look up at him angrily and hit his arm, he closed his mouth and smiled "You look stunning!"

Five gave him a look and Klaus shrugged, "What? It isn't incest since we aren't blood related." He said waving the topic off. "Okay okay so let me get this straight, I just go in there and tell them i'm your old Dad correct?"

"Yeah. Something like that." Five looks up at Klaus closely when he doesn't seem to pay mind to both of us. "What's our cover story?"

"What? What are you talking about" Five asks Klaus's ridiculous question.

Klaus begins to explain to him and moves his hands around. "I mean was I really young when I had you, like sixteen and young and terribly misguided." Klaus puts his hands where his heart is and gets all melodramatic.

"And your mother that slut!" He hisses which makes me raise an eyebrow and hand.

"Umm I'm here you know?"

Klaus just ignores me and goes on. "Whoever she was, we met at..the disco okay? Remember that." Five and I exchange looks but don't say anything and just continued listening to his odd story.

"And oh my od the sex was amaziinng." I furrow my eyebrows and seriously begin to question if my brother is okay. Five looks at him with disgust and begins to walk away, "What's with that thing you call a brain?"

I quickly begin to follow him and Klaus chases after us. "Hey! Don't make me put in time out." I hope this goes as planned.


"Like I said to your son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential, without the clients consent I can't help you. There's nothing else I can do."

This man told us behind his desk. I was sitting next to Klaus and Five was standing next to meand glaring at the doctor. Getting through this man wasn't goinf to be easy, but I gotta admit..playing dressup and playing someone was fun!

I caught sight of Klaus staring at the man boredly and wanting to get this over with to get his money. "Well what about my consent?" I grab his hand and put on a fake smile, "Now now dear."

"I'm sorry?"

"Who gave you permission to lay your hands on my son." Klaus says on the verge of tears and points at Five. Klaus could be a great actor if he wanted to..but he can be so dramatic most times.

"What?" The rest of us three ask at the same time.

"I didn't touch your son." The doctor tells him.

"Oh really? Then how did he get that swollen lip then?" Klaus asks sitting up right and standing up. He faces Five and punches him. I gasp out loud completely not expecting that. I stand on my heels and look down at Five since I am a bit more taller than him with these shoes on. How can women use heels? They are so uncomfortable.

"Honey! Are you alright?" I ask raising my voice us so it sounds different and look down at Five and hugged him tight to my chest which makes him push me away slightly to gasp for air and see his pale face turn a bit red.

The doctor looks disturbed by the scene especially when Klaus turns to him again. "I want the name please, now." He says.

"You're crazy." The doctor ssys looking at Klaus and points at me. "And you act and sound like a 60s house wife." I place my hsnd over my chest a bit offended. 

Klaus laughs at what the doctor said about us. "Oh, you have no idea. Peace on Earth? Oh that's so sweet." Klaus says looking at the snow glove he grabbed and suddenly smashed it against his head and groaned in pain. He licked his thumb and reached over to wipe the makeup off I had covering my purple bruise and bean picking on my blonde wig, making it stick up all places, looking like I just got beaten up.

Oh now I know what he's playing. "I'm calling security" Despite bleeding Klaus reached over the phone and answered it. "There's been an assault as mister Bigg's office and we need security NOW." I tried not to laugh when Klaus said that.

"Now here's whats gonna happen, Grant."

"It's Lance..."

"In about sixty seconds security guards are gonna burst through that door and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they are gonna say 'what the hell happened' and you are gonna tell them you beat the shit out of us. You're gonna do great un prison, Grant. Trust me i've been there and you're gonnaa be safe is all i'm gonna say."Klaus fake cries and moves his hips in circles which makes me scoff and I try to not laugh along with Five,

"You sick bastard."

Klaus smiles at that and takes it as a compliment, "Thank you." I bit my lip and looked over to see Five smiling.

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