☔New Beginnings☔

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A/N: Ahhh so i'm watching this season for the 2nd time and i've been taking notes on this and such. Many things will be answered and done, Emily and Five will become closer later on and so many things will happen, prepare for the feels. Also I know this book doesn't have a lot of views but thanks to you who have voted and seen read this book. I have so many unique ideas and im here to share them with you. Enjoy and here below is this seasons soundtrack👇

🎻☔🎻TUA S2 Soundtrack🎻☔🎻

Gerard Way-Here Comes The End

Green Day-Last Night on Earth

Grimes-You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone

Kiss-I Was Made For Loving You

Bee Jees-I Started A Joke

Public Image Ltd-The Order Of Death

Sex Pistols-God Save The Queen

The Beatles-Yesterday

Naked Eyes-Always Something There To Remind Me

Elvis Presley-Can't Help Falling In Love

Cutting Crew-I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight

Frank Sinatra-My Way


The end of the world was approaching. We all tightly held hands and just that we were gone...

A portal opened and Klaus screamed and fell first and I screamed and fell in top of him. "Oofff!" Klaus whispered and held his stomach.

I felt my legs grow heavy but I stood up and stared at the portal above us, "Five!" and just like that it closed and I stared up at it surprised and confused. Klaus began to call for them too, "Diego! Allison!"

"No no no!" I shouted when no one else came falling down with us. At least I didn't come here alone.

"Calm down, Emily." I turned around and began to breath heavily. "Ben! Have you seen the others?!" I asked my brother but he shook his head and Klaus began to get up on his own.

"They're gone, like a fart in the wind. It's just you and me again, great." I glared at Klaus and walked out of the alley way and heard a strange camera going on.

 I looked around and was met with strange expressions on people's faces, maybe cause of my pink hair? Why are they all dressed so weird? Klaus began to slowly follow me and I ran up ahead to a phone booth when Ben called out to us. I rsn to his side and Klaus did too.

Klaus picked up a magazine from the trash and examined the face of a man that was on the cover. "He's not my type-"

"The date, you idiot." Ben tells him. I pointed at the top corner of the magazine and the date was the February, 11th, 1960. No no what is happening?!

I walked ahead and began shouting the rest of my siblings names. "Allison!"

None of them responded. I ignored everyone's stare on us, particularly on my part. "Fuck! Why did it have to be Dallas, Texas?! I hate Texas"

"What's so wrong with Texas?" Klaus grabs my shoulders and makes me step out of the streets and safely to sidewalk.

I turn to look at my brother looking very worried at him. "Where do you think they are?!"

"Emily, try to calm your breathing down." Ben who's beside us tries telling me. Klaus rolls his eyes and pats my shoulder and looks down at me.

"Everything will be fine just fine. They'll show up sooner or later." He chuckles worriedly and grab both my shoulders now.

"How about we head over to a diner and grab something to eat?" He says trying to lighten up my mood but I don't feel like leaving this spot.

I shake my head and begin walking back to the alley way and sat down on the ground. "We should leave this spot..Five and the others might arrive."

I lowly whisper to myself and glance back to see my brother. Klaus smiled just a little but shrugs his shoulder and began walking away. Ben looked over at me worriedly but went out with Klaus to make he doesnt do anything stupid.

Please I just want everyone to be back..I'm scared, once again I am scared of being left alone, is this what Vanya felt? If course she felt like this everyday without none of us worrying about her.


"The kids wanted to come and wish you goodnight." I hid behind mom and peeled my head out and saw our father quickly scribbling something down on his notebook.

It was night time and the eight of us were in our pajamas and came to see our dad. Grace convinced us to just try and wish him goodnight for at least once.

We stood quiet and watched out father, not paying any attention to us or even glancing up for a second. I frowned and looked down at my trembling hands.

"Okay! Let's go now, your father is busy." Grace said turning to us and beginning to close the door.

"He's always busy." Allison bitterly said glaring at the older man and Five also giving dad a bad look since he fully knew he wouldn't change.

Together we walked back and headed to our separate rooms. I was under the covers since not long after mom left, that is began to rain heavily with thunder.

I flinched and held my blankets tightly along with my stuffed bear when the sky boomed again and the windows vibrated. Quickly I threw my blankets aside, grabbed my stuffed animal and hid myself inside the wardrobe.

How can everyone sleep with this storm happening? Maybe I can go and check if Klaus is awake, or maybe head over to Ben or Diego?!

Maybe Luther he's the strongest one and isn't afraid of anything..but last time I did he kicked me out..

My lips began to quiver and I began to cry to myself. I desperately held my plushie and jumped up when the door to the wardrobe opened and Five was kneeling down. "I figured you'd be here." He said without any hint of kindness or fear from the storm.

I don't like Five, but I felt happy seeing that he was still awake. "I know you hide yourself in the wardrobe everytime it storms..there's nothing to be scared of.."

Five's blue eyes didn't look away from my brown ones. He held his hand out for me to take and with our hesitation I took it. I didn't care if he hated me, but I felt saved when he visited me that night and kept me company until the rain eased down.


Rain began to pour just like that night when we were kids. I hugged my legs and flinched a bit when the sky roared, the sky was already dark and during all day time and after noon I didn't move an inch.

I didn't care about getting wet this time and ignored the storm around me. "Five..."

He isn't coming is he? Neither are the rest of my family.

"Emily." I shot my head up when I clearly heard Five calling me, but when I did I realized it was Klaus who was calling my name and held an umbrella.

Ben looked at me concerned fully knowing well how I was feeling. I was afraid to admit it but he isn't coming..my vision got blurry and I began to heavily cry and felt my heart get heavy.

I got up from the wet ground and ran over to Klaus and held him tight. Klaus stayed silent and hugged me back and continued to listen at me cry.


Klaus met us some weird lady when he was kicked out of a diner, that's what Ben told when I began asking who's place this was. The place was huge like a mansion and a lady cooked us some dinner and seemed to really like Klaus for some odd reason.

I was placed in the same room as Klaus but on a separate bed. The lady agreed to take me in since we Klaus and I are brothers.

Klaus was lightly snoring in front of me with his mouth slightly open. I had warm clothes and hugged the warm bed sheets to my body, the light sitting on the table between us was still on.

The rain continued outside and no way as I sleep right now. I felt empty inside. "Emily, you gotta at least eat something." He continued pressuring me to eat.

I moved my head to the sides, "I don't feel like eating." I managed to whisper to my brother who was sitting in front of me, on Klaus' bed.

"You have to be strong..we can always go and check that alley tomorrow. How about it, sis?" He smiled and I gave him a small smile in return.

And so that happened..Ben and I went over there first thing in the morning meanwhile Klaus decided to stay and join the lady for breakfast. I stood there and stared at the empty place. Ben concerned kept his eyes on me and took my hand when he saw my disappointed face.


"Okay okay concentrate." I close my eyes and concentrated hard on my task. I felt myself being lifted up from the ground and I opened my eyes and everyone of the party guests applauded.

My breathing got steady and I smiled when i successfully as up in the air. I looked to my side and tried not to laugh at Klaus.

Ben was lifting up Klaus so people would assume he could also levitate. Unlike Klaus, I could do this without Ben's help for some reason I couldn't explain.

I began to chuckle at Ben who seemed to struggle with Klaus' weight, but as soon as I laughed I fell down and hit the floor hard and so did Klaus.

I cried out in pain and held my nose. I can levitate but that doesnt mean I've fully mastered it.

It's been months. I went to that same alley for many days straight and I never saw any of my siblings of Five appear. Who would've thought I would miss him so much? We hated each other growing up and now I couldn't imagine life without him.

I'd trade anything to just see him again. Klaus would tease me when he'd catch me crying and Ben would scold the weirdo.

The crowd applauded and they all rushed over and surrounded Klaus. I looked at them all confused and stepped aside quick when they all praised him...but I truly did this without help...

Klaus was becoming successful day by day. I would show these people my "acts" as they'd call it but for some reason they always preferred Klaus, maybe it's because of his weird charm since I was always acted strict and cold towards them. Something people clearly weren't fond of. Klaus was Klaus and we'll everyone loved his carefree personality.

☔☔☔☔Dallas 1963☔☔☔☔

Three miserable years went by..Klaus had let his hair grow down shoulder length and led his weird ass cult, Children of Destiny.

He reminded me of Charles Manson with that weird ass cult or maybe that other guy who forced people to drink kool aid, or that heavens gate weirdo..

Klaus as up to some weird shit. I'd call him the fourth rejected Beatle since he became a hippie too.

I do once got rid of my pink hair and dyed it black again and I let it grow down to my shoulders, which felt weird since I always preferred to have shorter hair, it always got it the way in fights.

Oh, I started using my powers less and less now, again. People would call me the "voodoo doll" when young since I can hurt myself without harming myself but inflicting my wounds on the enemy. I can shoot myself without dying..but if I shoot myself in the head then I am dead.

That and I realized I can temporarily use other powers just by touching them or steal them completely if I wanted to, which is what I did to Vanya back then without knowing.

I grew concerned since I never thought anyone could have more than one power, especially someone like me.

I followed Klaus wherever he went but decided to leave his cult when he took all the glory and fame to himself and became a dick to me and Ben. I had to beg him to stay behind and watch over Klaus when I decided to leave that cult.

It's been 1 year and a half since I left and I've never seen Klaus again. That man forgot about me, just like everyone else. To have some money and to distract myself to not do anything stupid, I decided to form a punk band.

Consistinng of me as vocals and guitar and a few other punks I met in this small town. I decided to not leave this place in case my family would arrive.

It was so hard for me to go on living, knowing none of my other siblings made it. So I distracted myself with this amazing band I made. "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?!" I screamed at the mic, threw it and walked out the stage.

The rest of my band following me and we all went for some drinks. People stood outside protesting us to leave and saying punks or any alternative looking people were spawns of Satan himself.

I laughed it off and showed them the middle finger when cameras started to flash at us all. "Would you mind telling us, why are you all doing this?!"

"Is this some kind of protest towards the government and todays actual bands like the Beatles who spread love across the world and not hate?!"

"Is it true that today was your last show?!"

Many reporters began asking us questions and I rolled my eyes at them. "Or course it was! Our manager let us all down, this as never about the money by having fun and showing kids that you only live once..that prick played us like Malcolm Mcclaren did"

"Who?" A reporter looked at me weird and I realized I messed up.Shit! That's right it's the 60's they don't know who Malcolm is or the Sex Pistols, they were formed until the 70's.

"Whatever." I waved them off and followed my band into the bar.

"You're made to feel ugly, and I made ugly beautiful just by persistence." I mutter staring at my drink intently.

I hear someone chuckle beside me and feel them sit down. "What was that?"

"Someone from the greatest punk band said that. Johnny Rotten is fact." I take a swing and drink from my beer.

"Really? I've never heard of them." The person laughs and asks how many drinks I've had.

"Just wait till you hear about Sid vicious." I whisper to myself and turned my head to look at my second guitarist.

Ray. I met her when I was looking for someone to give me a lift when I left Klaus. Brian is our drummer and Pete our bassist player.

It felt wrong but I took many songs from iconic punk bands and sang them as my own. I tiredly rubbed my forehead and heard Ray chuckle and they rested their hand on my back.

"This was nice while it lasted, but life goes on right?" Ray asked looking at me.

I forced a smile on my lips and watched Ray sip on the last bit of her drink. "Maybe we'll see each other again. I'll call you okay?" Ray leaned down and kisses my cheek and I looked back and watched them disappear out of the bar.

"Hey!" I rolled my eyes when someone across the room shouted at me. "We don't need-" Before he could finish I threw my beer bottle at the man and left the building angrily.

Everyone in my band would be leaving town to pursue some other careers, leaving me to myself again.

Tiredly I made it to my very small apartment and walked inside and peeled my dirty clothes off and changed into something else when I took a quick shower, the room was cleaned up and it looked spotless unlike other times. It's gonna be weird living on my own again.

Ray's belongings were long gone now. I felt alone and was thinking of harming myself again back then, but it changed when Ray and I met. Ray was known around town for being a bit mischivious and a troublemaker, every men or women in town would look at them weirdly. 

Five and I can never become a couple since he is the way he is, truth me told I never thought I'd fall in love with someone else other than Five..or that's what  Iwanted to believe.

I hated myself for that. Ray acts so much like him in a sense I'd imagine it was him. I love Ray but they arent my soul mate. I can't hurt them by not fully loving them as I truly should. I rested myself on the couch and stared at the ceiling and felt a tear run down my cheeks, "I really miss everyone."

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