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Vanya told me the idea she had when she was walking down the streets and saw a store selling many books and comics. She told me she was going to write an autobiography and wanted me to be featured on it as well. Of course I would never decline her offers but I knew I had to be careful on what things I wanted the book to have..

For example I don't want anyone outside our family to know that Dad favored me over the rest of the siblings or anything that would affect my personal life.

"How about we mention that guy you once dated? Michael?" She asked trying to remember his name while tapping her pen against the coffee table.

"Mikey." I correct her but shake my head refusing to mention him in the book. "I don't want to talk about him. It's not like we had a fight or anything, we just simply decided we weren't meant for each other." I simply tell her.

And watched her begin to type whatever came to her mind. While Vanya was busy with her book, I was busy working as a teacher for the first time. I was assigned to be a teacher to the 2nd graders first and then on I began teaching 4th grade kids.

I'll admit when I was younger I hated kids but the more I grew up the more I saw their innocence and wished that I could've had a life like them. They would play around without a care in the world. I want to give kids the childhood me and my siblings never had.

Vanya and I agreed to make a part 1 and 2 to our autobiography. It didn't sell that much but at least we made money out of it. I was happily teaching music, english and being a bit of a writer.


It was the next morning and I woke up earlier to make sure to wash my dirty clothes and have some breakfast. Mom made me two sunnyside eggs with a slice of bacon. Making a smiley face with those three items. I thanked her and went off to get a shower and quickly get dressed into a stripped sweatshirt, green military jacket, high waisted black jeans and pink doc martens.

Right when I was about to cross the street I heard something behind in the dumpsters and saw that familiar messy hair. "Klaus?"

He jumped up at the sound of his name and turned to look and me and smiled wide as he held half a donut in his hand. "Emily! My little precious sis, what are you doing out in a rainy day like this?"

He's up to something. I ignored his question and pointed at the donut in his hand, "You do know Mom could cook you something if you'd just head inside right?"

Klaus groans and looks behind him, "Quit being up my ass. I'm being dead serious here. She isn't always right!" I'm worried now.

I look at Klaus then behind him. "Is Ben around?"

"Yeah. He just told me that you're being too pushy with me." I give him a look and cross my arms. "Ben would never say that to me, anyways have you seen-"

"Your precious Five? Yeah he climbed out a few minutes ago. Said this way wouldn't get people to question him." I internally groan annoyed and begin to walk away.

"Thanks then..see you later Klaus, Ben." I waved back and began walk down the streets. As I began to walk into an empty alley way I heard footsteps behind me and and I turned around quick grabbed whoever was going to attack me.

"Who the hell are you?" I stopped when I realized it was on of my students and stepped back afraid if someone saw us.

"I thought I told you t-too be quieter and keep your distance." The voice of a boy said nearby and he revealed himself to us both. The girl I had my hands on pushed my hand away and glared up at me.

"I know! But I couldn't help it." I raised my eyebrows surprised by her sudden outburst on the quiet boy who kept his distance and looked at the girl worried.

"You both! You were in my class weren't you? The ones who would sit in the back and barely spoke. Where are your parents?" I asked them getting angry for them slacking off like this.

"What do you care?" The girl said back which made me bite back my tongue. "You shouldn't talk to her like that." The boy whispered and the girl glared back at him.

Both of them were wearing their school uniforms and their dark hair pretty unkept.they didn't even seem to have their backpacks with them. "Were you two stalking me? You are going to be in deep trouble." I glared down at the girl but she paid me no mind.

"You're not the boss of me."

She is making me get angry. I pinched the bridge of my nose and counted to ten. I took a deep breathe and looked at them both. "Alright..if I take you with me will you both behave and explain to me what is happening?" The boy slowly nodded and the girl kept to herself.

"Okay." I whispered and the girl began to follow me and for some reason the boy was hiding behind and had his grip on my jacket. We arrived at the academy and asked Pogo to keep an eye on them while I head out to look for Five.

"Boy. Girl. You better behave." I warned them. The boy nodded and the girl glared at me. I didn't remember her giving me trouble.


He better be here. As I began to walk I saw a van parked in front of the building I went in yesterday and surely Five was there and from the looks of it Luther was there too and Klaus also.

I gave Five an angry look and he seemed intimidated and surprised when I found him. I angrily marched toward the vehicle and slid the back open. "Five Hargreeves. I was looking for you everywhere."

Even Luther jumped up when he saw my expression, Klaus was laughing. "How dare you escape through the windoe wothour confronting me. I was worried sick! I told you if you want me to help you, that you should stop with what you are doing!"

"I never told you to follow me here. Klaus did you tell her I was here?!" Five shouts back at Klaus.

"I did. She paid me and you didn't." He said smirking. I looked back at him and pointed at the mannequin. "What the hell is that mannequin doing here?" I ask pointing at the thing.

"That thing is Dolores." Five replied back angrily. He looked at me then back ahead at the building. Luther was annoyed by Klaus, "What are you even doing here?"

"What do I need an excuse to hang out with my family? You think i'm incapable of being serious-"

Five interrupted Klaus before he could finish "Luther's got a point. Get out." We all stayed quiet and I grabbed the back of hus long coat.

"No. You aren't going anywhere." I fought back but Klaus shrugged and wiggled his way out of my grip.

"Fine! Emily is the only one I love out of the family anyway. And you two sound like an old married couple. I'm out of here. Later losers." He yelled pointing at Five and I and closed the car dood. We watched the drunk man walk away.

Neither of us bothering to bring what he said up.I feel bad. No one takes him seriously.

Luther broke the awkward silence and looked to his left, "The hell are you up to, Five?"

"Believe me you wouldn't understand."

"Try me last time I checked I'm still the leader od this family." I scoffed at what Luther said. "Please tell me you are joking."

I said moving closer between them but Luther gave me a serious look but ignored me and returned to look at Five, "You know what your problem is? You think you're better than us. You always have even when we were kids...The truth is you're as messed up as the rest of us. We're all you have and you know it."

Ow. Luther had the balls to tell him that. I stayed silent afraid to say something and looked between them, both of them wanting to rip each others head off.

"I don't think I'm better than you number one. I know I am." Five replied bitterly.

"Hey bitches!!" We heard Klaus shout at us and we watched him run past the van and two police officers chasing after him. Or maybe they were right..he isn't in his right mind right now.

"We'll we're gonna have a family meeting you should come." Luther told Five and stepped out of the car. Whenn he did I crawled up front almost hitting Five with my boots and let out a sigh and smiled at Five wanting to tease him.

"What's with that stupid smile on your face." Five looked away and kept his eyes focused on the building ahead. "Nothing..but really I am willing to help you but everytime I do you abandon and I end up getting hurt. Don't make the same mistakes again, you're starting to act like Dad." That made him look at me with anger in his eyes. I shrugged my shoulder and stepped out of the car. "Once you decide to go back, make sure to at least talk to me and agree on what I said." Five didn't look at me so I closed the door and ran ahead to catch up with Luther.


The rest of us Hargreeves were in the living room re-watching the last video of Dad before he died. We were looking at the tape to see what happened to his monocle and as always I had my distance between myself and Diego.

As usual both him and Luther were arguing about Mom. Luther believed Grace poisoned Dad. "But where is the monocle. I searched for it everywhere."

"That's because I took it." Diego looked at Luther.

"You had the monocle this whole time?" Allison was getting upset at Diego lying to us all.

"Give it to me."

"I threw it away. Look I knew that if you found it on Mom, you'd lose your shit." Diego said already holding one of his knives.

So Vanya stepped between them this time "Calm down. I know Dad wasn't an open book but I do remember one thing he said. Mom was designed to be a caretaker but also as a protector. She was programmed to intervene if someones life was in geopardy."

"Well if her hardware is degrading then we need to turn her off."

"What the fuck Luther?" I whisper glaring at the giant.

"Whoa whoa wait! She's not just a vacuum cleaner you can throw in a closet. She feels things!" Diego was getting angrier and to be honest I couldn't blame him.

"She just stood there, Diego. Watched our Father die." Luther shot back.

"I'm with Luther." Allison agreed.

I stepped next to Vanya and began to laugh. "Why am I not surprised?! As much as I hate Diego right now. I'm on his side. Mom is the only one who looked and took care of us all when we were kids. Maybe she didn't do anything to Dad for a reason."

"Oh, come one Emily! I already said I was sorry." Diego shouted exasperated looking at me. He was right he kept on shouting how sorry he was whenever he spotted me around the house but I ignored him.

We all looked at Vanya who got nervous, "I-I"

"She shouldn't get to vote." Diego rolled his eyes and looked away from her.

"I was gonna say I agree with you." She tried defending herself.

"Hey quit treating her like shit, she is our sister wether you like it or not!" I shouted back at Diego. He huffed and looked back at Klaus, "What about you stoner boy?"

Klaus kept to himself and looked up when Diego mentioned him, "Oh, so you need my help now? Oh welcome back to the van Klaus." Diego and Allison gave him an odd look.

"What's it gonna be, Klaus?" Luther stepped closer.

Klaus gave Luther an annoyed look. "I'm with Diego because screw you, and if Ben were here he'd agree with me."

"No, I don't think he would." I end up muttering to myself.

"We win." Diego shrugs his shoulder.

"This isn't over. Five's not here. The whole family has to vote." Allison was getting on my nerves. I know better than anyone that Five would vote for Luther. He's never been fond of Grace.

"Allison, I love you but why are you agreeing on everything Luther is saying?!" Luther didn't say anything but Allison looked like she wanted to stab me with her heels.

"Yeah well if Five were here you'd be on his side." Allison crossed her arms and glared at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask stepping closer but as always Luther steps in front of her.

"We should wait." He whispered and each of them went their seperate ways. Leaving me with Vanya and Diego. We looked back and saw Mom. Has she been listening to us?

"How long were you here?" Diego worriedly asked her. Mom seemed distant and upset.

Grace lifted her head and gave us a smile "You all seem upset, I'll bake some cookies."

Vanya stayed silent and went over to sit by the couch. I began walking past Diego until I felt his grab my wrist gently and I turned to look back, kinda afraid and surprised. "I'm..glad you took my side."

I nodded and looked up at his dark eyes. "Anything for Mom. She's always been there for us." I took a step back when he tried to touch me. I took a deep breathe so Diego took my chin and lifted it up so he could clearly see my bruise. "I'm sorry I punched you. I really am, you know I would never try to hurt you." I gave him a small smile.

"I forgive you..but I don't forgive the way you've been treating Vanya." I whispered looking up at him. Diego wouldn't let go of me until I grabbed both his hands and pushed me away. I felt his eyes on me as I raced back up to my room.


"Stop jumping on my bed! Give me that!" I snatched my guitar from the girl and she glared at me but continued jumping on the bed. The boy on the other hand was sitting on the small couch I had and was reading a book.

"This room is boring. Mine would've been a lot nicer and cleaner." The girl jumped down and continued to look through my things.

"You should stop or she'll get angry." Boy said not even looking up from his reading. Girl pouted and sat still on my bed. "No one in my family must know you two are here. And what trouble did you get yourselves into? Did your parents kick you out?"

"Of course not. My brother snd I just decided to hang out and stalk you." The girl smiles at me and I look at her weird. She reminds me of Five especially with that scary smile.

"Nevermind her. We'll stay quiet." The boy muttered from his spot and I heard a loud bang and heard the sound of a gun firing. They both looked at me and I grabbed the back of their uniforms and a shoved them into my closet.

I knelt down to their level and saw the boys worried expression. "Now you two stay quiet and shut up. I'll be right back." I stood back and closed the door.

Quickly I began to run down the stairs and someone held me back and realized it was Diego. "Stay behind me." I nodded and began to run with him when he wouldn't let go of my hand but I tripped when a bullet hit my shoulder and hit the floor.


I could hear Diego shouting my name when I was picked up from the floor and was held tight against a woman. These two are the ones Five and I encountered!

"This is the little bitch that was with the kid."

"Make sure to knock her out." The male voice answered to the female one. I pushed my head back and heard the woman cry. I did a backflip and made sure to hit the woman as strong as I could to her stomach. I raised my fist and hit her again. Thank god I had ballet classes back then.

I ran towards her and gripped her shoulders and pulled her over my back and we both fell to the floor but before I could get up the man appeared behind me and grabbed me.

I tried moving from his grasp but he hit behind the head and I closed my eyes.

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