☔The End Of Something☔

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Summary: After being hunted down for a false crime, you all head out to save Harlan but on the way there one final fight with The Handler and Lila begins along with a few shocking revelations.


"Emily, are you all set up?" I shook my head and continued to sniff, I couldn't control the tears rushing down my face. Today was such a gloomy and cold day, everything felt so peaceful yet so sad, depressing and so so empty. "I don't want to go." I whispered to Mom hoping she'll understand my grief.

I felt Mom lift my chin up and I saw her smile just a little. "Your father and your siblings are waiting for you. Now, wipe away your tears, your father doesn't like to see them." She took out a small handkerchief and wiped the tears away.

Though I know that wouldn't help at all. I grabbed my jackets uniform and began to follow Mom. The rest of my siblings were waiting for me with their umbrellas, mom handed me my own and we each began to walk out.

Today is Ben's funeral. I shivered as soon as we made it outside, the snow wouldn't stop falling. Each of us got closer to Ben's casket until we were all in a circle staring at the middle.

"Your father is ready to give the eulogy, children." Pogo told us.

Father stepped closer and stood right by Mom. I was standing right between Luther and Vanya.

"The world is full of Injustice. Good people die along with the bad. This cost make equation will never change unless evil itself is wiped from existence. Thankfully, there are powerful forces pushing back against The wicked ending in iniquitous, individuals have the strength to pull together against the insurmountable odds to face adversity with unblanking courage, and not to hesitate to sacrifice themselves for another."

I looked over to my left and saw Vanya crying, I was trembling because of the cold and how hard I tried to hide my tears for Dad to not see. We are all reunited here for Ben's funeral, but Five wasn't.

We have no idea where he is he just disappeared. Many days I tried searching for him but it was impossible, I felt myself responsible for his disappearence. Always fighting and telling him awful he always was. Maybe he would've been here with us.

I continue to hear our Father speak, "Unfortunately, none of you are such people. Despite years of training and weeks of preparation you allowed Number Six to die on this mission."

I gripped onto my umbrella's handle tighter and now let the tears flow down my face, I looked back at my siblings to see them upset as well, frustrated, and disappointed that Father would say such things to us, especially here.

"It wasn't our fault." Allison was the only one to speak up.

I learned to never say a word out loud, that way Reginald will never pay attention to me, make it seem like I never existed in his eyes.

Father quickly turned to look at her. "Excuses? I will not hear them. The Umbrella Academy has failed one of their own, the consequences of which are dire. Hold on to this feeling, children. United faster in your hearts so there's never a next time."

"Training will be canceled today out of respect for your brother. We resume tomorrow at 6:00 a.m." Reginald said nothing more and walked away along with mother and Pogo.

We all begin to sob silently, just two days ago I saw Ben reading a book in his room and now he is gone.

"It wasn't anybody's fault." Vanya did as soon as they left.

"How would you know, Vanya? You weren't even on the mission." Diego told her.

Vanya who was next to me began to walk away till she was inside. I remained silent and wiped my tears with my sleeves.

"Nice going asshole." Luther said looking at Diego.

"What? We were all thinking it."

"There was no reason for you to say that." I bitterly told him.

"Oh,so you're thinking, Diego? That's a first." Allison also said.

Diego walked away angrily with Luther following behind. "Dad was right, he should have done more. This didn't have to happen."

Allison also followed them continuing to argue along the way. I stepped closer to the casket and knelt down on the snow, I looked down at my wounded, scarred arms with bandages wrapped up to my elbows.

"If only my powers were more useful." I whispered, I looked up and saw Klaus walking away until he was by himself.

I smiled just a little when I saw him talking to someone, Ben.. I got back to my feet and began to walk back inside.


"Authorities are asking for help on identifying several person's of interest, supposedly connected to Lee Harvey Oswald."

I bit my nails while sitting down and paying close attention to the news along with everyone else, "We are so screwed..how many times can this family screw things up?" I mostly asked myself since this is getting our of hand.

The announcer continued his report, "Vanya Hargreeves for the death or FBI agents. A cuban known only as Diego, he escaped from a sanatarium. A bare-knuckled boxer who goes by alias King Kong."

"Allison Chestnut a negro radical responsible for instigating the recent riots at a diner. Emily Hargreeves known to be sister of Vanya Hargreaves has had a few felonies of breaking and entering and starting up plenty of riots against communists."

I groaned to myself and hit my face. "I didn't break and enter, it was just one time when I very hungry without money and ate a random man's food." I clearly remember the day because it was the first day I run at Dallas and Klaus didn't have any money.

I stared at myself on the screen and one of the protests me and my former bandmates did.

"And finally Klaus a cult leader and known tax invader. The FBI has been on the lookout for this unidentified boy who is suspected to be held hostage."

"Well it is true, I do feel like I'm being held hostage most days." From where I was sitting I glanced back at Five and kind of glared at him.

"What do you mean held hostage?" I asked wanting a proper answer, does he feel like I am that controlling? I hope not.

Every one of us was staring at the screen and each of our photos displayed for the world to see.

"I hate that photo." Diego simply said.

Luther spoke up catching our attention. "Look, the good thing is we restored the timeline and stopped Doomsday."

"Yeah but now we're the most wanted people in the world. The FBI is after us, the Dallas Police the secret service."

"Well where do we go?"

I got up to my feet and began pacing back and forth, now I felt like five when he was going through the seven stages of paradox psychosis. Klaus came back from upstairs suggesting where we could go into hiding.

"Hiding won't solve our problems. The Commission will hunt us down." Five replied.

"They won't stop until we find us. He's right." Diego muttered to himself.

"I'm sorry since when are you an expert on The Commission?" Five sarcastically began to ask Diego.

Diego turned to look us, well to Five. "Since I got back from there, they head hunted me till I was offering a job full time, which I had to turn down

"They head hunted you? The village idiot?"

Oh no there's going to be another fight between them.

"What? am I not allowed to be headhunted, only the almighty Five. Who do you think was the one who found out Vanya caused all of this and stopped it."

Diego walked past me and went straight to Five when stared at him not believing word that came out of his mouth.

"I was on the infinite switch"

You were on the infinite switch?"

"Hell yeah! I made that machine my bitch. Y'all need to recognize I got shit going on that y'all don't even know about."

Allison and Luther joined in the conversation which ended in every one of us discussing our own problems.

"You know what? Let's just leave or board up the windows before anyone else comes in."

"I'm leaving."

We looked back at Vanya who looked worried. "I'm going back to the farm, something is wrong with Harlan."

"Vanya we need to stick together, okay? Now more than ever." Luther told her final being rational.

She looked at us with pleading eyes. "This is why I'm telling you this. Whatever's happening to Harlen I think I'm responsible for it.. he drowned and, umm, somehow I was able to bring him back to life and now it's like we're connected. I know you need my help." Vanya sighed and looked at each of us.

"I need your help. I'm scared and for the first time in my life, I don't want to do it alone. I want my family by my side."

Everybody remained silent, glancing at one another. Vanya's powers are too strong, how are we even going to do this?

Diego was the only one to step forward and uttered an apology. "Look, I'm sorry. We have other priorities right now."

Five also agreed, "Diego's right. For once. We need to make our stand here and now."

I looked back at Five heartbroken that he wouldn't support Vanya. She looked at every single one of us to see if we would help her in any way, I too was surprised and upset that no one said anything back.

Vanya nodded and quickly left. I stepped up front of everyone. "Are we seriously going to disappoint Vanya again? Before each of you went off on your own paths, I helped Vanya with whatever I could. I was the second member of the academy which no one liked.."

I tried to remain calm to not remember all the awful memories I had growing up.

"But I make sure that she had my back with whatever she needed. Like the rest of us when we first met her again, a few days back, I was scared shitless but she's trying her best to be a better person. I'm sure each of us are trying to do the same."

"I'm going with her." I said determined to do at least something in my life that I wouldn't regret which was helping her out.

"Emily-" Five tried to stop me but I shook my head and started to walk away.

"She would be doing the same thing if we were in her position right now." I simply told him off and went straight to the doors.

I made it out in the back alley and open the back of the car door and stopped inside. Vanya looked back to see me surprised.

I sighed and leaned up front. "Doesn't seem like a wrong day to have some fun." Vanya's expression softened when she got the idea that I will join her.

"You're my sister, Vanya. I'll always have your back." I smiled and Vanya returned it and held my hand.

The door to the passenger seat up front opened and in came Klaus. "So. Ben, huh? Gone forever. Isn't he?

"He traded his life for mine while he saved the world in the process. Vanya looked at him and do did I confused at what happened while I was away from them.

Klaus scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Show off..But did he..say anything about...me?"

"He wanted me to tell you that he was too scared to go to the light. It wasn't you that made him stay."

Klaus begins to laugh and I felt sorry for not being able to day goodbye to my brother.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked looking between them feeling like a third wheel.

"Oh, no, I'm coming with you both. Can't let you face the unknown right?" Klaus smiled at Vanya then back at me.

"I'm not leaving you alone again." My heart skipped a beat when I heard Klaus tell me those words. I blinked back the tears since it really was hard being all those years apart from him the only sibling that I knew at the time was here.

""Plus Five would probably kick my ass, again." He muttered making me chuckle.

The two doors and my side opened. Allison and Diego coming in as well. "Got room for two more?" Allison said closing her door.

"What about The Commission?" I teased Diego.

"Well, might as well do some good before we die horribly."

"Whoo-hoo!" Klaus cheered.

The passenger seat door opened up again, Five peeked his head in.

"Five, you don't have to-" Vanya began to say now realizing we were all coming along.

"I know. You owe me one, sis." He turned to Klaus and smiled. "Children ride in the back.'

Klaus eagerly hopped back, all of us being squished now, well me since he sat on top of my lap. Five fought back a laughter and Klaus looked happy as ever.

Vanya turned to us all. "Guys I don't know what to say."

The back of the car opened and inside the last member of our family, Luther entered. But he made the car lower down a bit more to the ground since he was big..and heavy.

"Anyone makes a fat joke, and I'm out of here."

Vanya started the engine and we were off to Sissy's farm to help her son Harlan.


Quickly we made it to the farm, the whole place was completely covered in snow unlike the rest of Dallas. Dark clouds covered the sky with more snow falling onto the white ground. I began to shiver at the extreme cold and buttoned up my coat and adjusted my scarf.

We stepped out of the car and be going to walking to the farm house. A woman which I assumed was Sissy came rushing out with a gun loaded.

"Sissy!" Vanya stepped in front of us so she wouldn't.

"Carl is dead. Harlan dragged him down like a rag doll. Vanya, what the hell did you do to my son?" She sounded desperate for her son to return to normal.

Diego stepped up front ready walking ahead. "We don't have time for this Vanya."

"Don't have time for what?"

"To help your son." Diego told her.

She was still reluctant at our help. "Sissy, I found my family these are my brothers and sisters."

Sissy slowly lower down her rifle instead down at Vanya heartbroken. "Were you lying to me the whole time?"

"Of course not. Look, I didn't know who I was but I do now, and we are not the monsters that they say we are. We did not kill the president, We are not terrorists. We're not here to hurt anyone. I'm the only one who can help Harlan."

Sissy nodded her head and rushed us to follow her where Harlan was. We all ran after her and into the farmhouse, there was a strong wind with energy resonating.

Vanya activates her powers and began getting closer to Sissy's son. Klaus reached down and pulled on my sleeve making me follow him, we looked out and saw The Handler with Lila.

"Five! It's The Handler." I alerted him. Diego and him came rushing to our side.

"Ah, shit." Diego said behind me.

"Who are they?" Klaus asked.

Allison and Luther also came over and stared at the both women who were far from us. "One's The Handler the other is Diego's girlfriend."

"Lila. That's my ex-girlfriend." Diego cleared it up. You know what doesn't matter they both look angry."

"Yeah, well our brother has that effect on people." Allison also said.

"I'm going to go find out what they want. You guys stay with Vanya and the kid." Five began to tell us.

"I'm coming too." Diego and I both said.

Five give me another disapproving look, wanting to argue for me to not join him, he held it in and said nothing. So, I quickly followed both men outside.

The three of us began to walk over to both women wanting this problem to be solved once and for all. "Don't you love the smell of sweet country air?" The Handler mocked when we were next to them.

"Makes me want to vomit." Lila disgustingly said.

"What do you want?" Five angrily said

"To watch you suffer. Both of you." Lila looked at Five then at me. I tilted my head wanting to know what exactly did I do to anger her.

"And what about me?"

"You're not worth my wrath."

Lila glared at Diego wanting yet another fight with him.

We're here on official business. As head of The Commission, I've decided to eliminate the criminals responsible for the assassination of the former board of directors."

"Are you joking?" I spoke gaining The Handlers attention.

"How cute knowing Five now has a pet following him around." She smirked evilly. I smiled back at her while hiding my anger.

"We didn't kill the board."

"Uh, actually, Diego, that's not entirely accurate."

"You didn't tell them." Handler smirked looking at Diego's surprised face.

Five and I exchanged worried looks. I decided to join him which makes me an accomplice.

Diego leaned in closer to us, "What the hell did you two do?"

"What I had to to get my family home. Until somebody reneged on our deal." Five answered before I could explain.

Somebody wouldn't have her reneged if somebody could have met a simple deadline. Alas."

"You set us up to fail." I chuckled not believing this evil woman.

"You set yourself to fail. You and your brothers and sisters. Kind of the running theme of your little life, isn't it? She laughed.

"Dude, I can't believe you killed the board of directors." Diego continued to say. "You have no idea how messed up the Commission is right now. Didn't know you had it in you, Em."

I scoffed and stared up at Diego, "I did what had to be done too."

"Well, this isn't the way it had to be done. You both did it this time, such a perfect pair.' he scoffed, neither Five or I said anything else about that to him.

Handler smirked and stared at Diego, "Messed up who's saying that?"

"Everybody. Christ even the janitor things it's going to shit."

"That's not all he killed." Lila spoke again. Looking at each of us with hate especially Five and I.

"What are you talking about?'

"Don't play dumb, you prepubescent piece of shit."

"You better quit talking to him like that." I warned her already having enough with her bullshit.

Handler intervened before we continued to discuss, "Enough. The point is all of you are going to die today, hmm?"

"Well, there's seven of us and two of you." Diego smirked.

"You know, you're right. Let's change that." The Handler snapped her fingers and hundreds of her men and woman on her side appeared before us.

"Oh, shit." I whispered staring at each of their weapons.

"What do we do now?" Diego nervously asked while looking at everyone.

Well, we got two choices: fight and die now or run and die later. Either way, we're food for worms."


"Obviously number two." I also whispered growing nervous.

"Wouldn't mind a few more minutes breathing air through the old windbags."

"All right let's get this over with." The Handler said growing tired.

Diego, Five and I began to run as fast as we could without getting shot. We continued running until Five grabbed us and teleported us further ahead, we remained hidden but everyone began to get closed to us.

"Five get us into the house!" I shouted because of the sound of shots being fired close to us.

"What?!" Diego panicked when Five couldn't take us any further.

"Go! I've got you covered!" Diego got up and ran ahead. Diego stopped the bullets while we ran

Five grabbed my hand and continued to run up ahead. We both rushed into the house and got under a table so we wouldn't get shot.

Vanya activator her powers once more making the Earth shake and windows near us break into pieces. Everyone of the enemies flew back stopping the gunshots.

I looked out with Five and saw Vanya floating. The Handler and Vanya were unharmed. Lila levitated just like Vanya, "What the hell?"

Everyone ran back to safety, the entire place was beginning to crumble down. "You okay?!" Five ran over to me and I nodded my head.

"I'm fine! I think Luther needs help."

The both of us ran over to where we do first on the ground. "You alright?!" Five stood before his brother.

"I think I bit my tongue." He moaned.

"Luther, if you swallowed your tongue, you wouldn't be talking you moron. Come on, on your feet." Five and I helped Luther up.

"What the heck was that?" Luther asked when he stood up.

"She must have redirected Vanya's energy wave."

"But how?!" I asked worried. "If she has Vanya's powers then there's no way we can stop her." I grew worried that we wont be able to stop her.

"Emily, watch out!" Five pushed me away when a few bricks began to land on top of us, Luther quickly moved out of the way but they fell on top of Five.

"Five!" I cried out and quickly crawled over trying to get him out.

I sensed someone, Lila. Luther and I looked up and saw her right in front of us.

"Who are you?" Luther asked.

"I'm trying to kill your brother." She bitterly said.

"Well, that's understandable Diego can be a lot to handle."

"I was talking about Five."

I looked up at her since I remained down on my knees. I tossed many bricks aside until I got him out, "Five please wake up." I begged beginning to cry since he wouldn't open his eyes. I held him tight and glared at Lila.

"What the fuck.."

Luther and to punchline but she easily blocked him and held his hand and tossed him out of the window. I let go of Five and rushed over to Lila and began to fight her when I saw that she made Allison stop breathing.

I groaned when she easily hit my chest and side of my stomach. I threw some punches but they seemed to not do anything to her, "Ooh you really think you can stop me?"

She chuckled when she saw that I held onto one of Diego's knives. I quickly slid it across my neck, blood quickly pouring out of me. Lila's neck did the same, she stared down at her chest and saw all her blood.

She grinned and reached up to touch her neck which was slowly closing up it's wounds. I coughed and began to choke on my own blood, I pressed my hand over my neck and felt that the blood wouldn't stop running down my chest.

Normally i would harm myself and my wounds would close up quickly, it's now taking longer for it to heal. I not felt scared.

I got up and began to run back inside. "Where do you think you're going?!" I heard her yell.

I ran past Five who looked alarmed at all the blood I had. "What happened?" He took my shoulders, I couldn't talk so I pointed out that Lila was coming back in.

"Stay right here." Five warned me and rushed over to Lila. In a matter of seconds they began to fight each other.

"Getting a little concerned about your girlfriend are we?" I heard her tease.

"How are you doing this?"

She grinned and grabbed something "Anything that you can do, I do it better." Five scoffed and they both left.

The farmhouse! I winced in pain and began to run back outside. Allison and Luther looking at me concerned when they saw my neck. "Are you okay?!" Allison panicked.

I gave her a thumbs up and pointed at her. "I'm alright thanks to Luther."

"Guys, Emily isn't healing as she should." Vanya pointed out. Diego rushed to my side and examined my wound, I was still bleeding but it slowly began to heal.

"This is bad." He quickly digged into his pockets and and wrapped my neck up in a bandage.

"By the way your ex- girlfriend can blink like Five." Luther said to Diego

"Yeah, that bitch just rumored me so I couldn't breathe. Look she mimicked Emily's powers." Allison said.

That's right but at least it wasn't something serious. I can harm someone by harming myself but leave little to no scars, but if someone were to shoot my head, well that would be the end.

Klaus nodded, "And destroyed, like, half the farm with a shockwave. So unoriginal."

"If she can do whatever she can, she might as well be one of us." Vanya said what I was thinking.

Now that made Luther laugh until he frowned and thought hard along with the rest of us. "No, there's no way she can."

"It's a reasonable conclusion."

"Eh, but there were only seven of us." Klaus said.

But yet again, are there more of us? More people with almost the exact powers as us? There has to be, I mean how can Lila do all of this.

"Maybe we need to consider that there's more."

"I mean dad never told her the whole truth about anything." Allison again said what we're all thinking.

"But, she's not our biological sister right?" Diego sounded scared. We each stared at him concerned.

Luther quickly spoke wanting for this awkwardness to be over. "Okay, so she can mirror our powers, that means anything we throw at her, she can match right."

"Yeah, but she can only mirror one of our powers at a time."


I remained hidden and peeked out to see Lila had thrown a frying pan at Five. She stepped right on his neck applying pressure to it. Lila was distracted so I quickly and quietly rushed over and kicked her hard to ground as hard as I could.

"Don't you dare touch him again." I weakly said still feeling my neck closing up. Five quickly joined my side and we both were ready to fight her.

"This isn't going to be quick. You are going to suffer for what you did."

Five scoffed and continued to glare at this crazy woman. "Lady, I got not idea what your talking about."

"Ronnie and Anita Gill."

"Mean nothing to me."

"1993, East London. You tie them and you shot them in the head." She sounded broken. I glanced over to Five and stared back at him worried to know if this is true.

There was a long silence...

"The flower merchants. They were your parents?"

"Five..did you really do that?" I muttered feeling sick that he actually murdered her parents. "What if they were our children?" I began to get angry.

Five remained silent and listened to Lila, "And they never did anything to anyone. They didn't deserve to die like that.

"All right, you're right. I killed them. But I can't a lot of people over the years. It was all just a job. All right? That was never a personal."

Lila laughed at him. "Never personal, my ass. Yeah, I've killed it's always always personal. This is why I'm going to kill you both."

"That's why you're not cut out to be an assassin. You want to blame someone, blame the Handler she faked the kill order."

"Bullshit. I saw the kill order. AJ Carmichael ordered it and you carried it out." She began to get closer to us, both of us backing out just in case.

"Lila, listen to what I'm telling you, all right? The Handler gave me the kill order. She came on the job which she never done before. You're Commission. You know how execs work, but thay day in London, she was there."

"Now it all makes sense. She never cared about your parents. She was looking for you."

"Why?" Lila backed away from us and began to blink away her tears.

I noticed everyone joined us, including Diego who cautiously walked over to Lila. "Because you're one of us. The handler stole you, Lila. Just like our asshole father took all of us."

"Listen to me Lila you were born October 1st 1989 the same day as the rest of us." Diego was the only one trying to get close to her while the rest of us surrounded her.

She would be attacking us any minute if this gets out of hand. "I got you a job and even introduced you to my mother, you took off on me."

"Because I needed to see the world! She's using you, Lila."

"You're wrong. You're all wrong. She raised me. She loves me." She began to cry.

"He's right. We have to kill her." Five said beginning to carefully step forward.

We all quickly began to step towards him to stop, Diego made him stop. "I got this." He turned to look back at Lila.

"I know what it's like to love dangerous people. Difference is they love me back." He said looking at each of us and back at a trembling Lila.

"The only thing the Handler loves is power. She will turn on you, and deep down I know you know that."

Lila continued to hold a dagger toward Diego. He stepped closer. "I know that we can be your family if you just let us.'

Of course, we all felt sympathy for Lila, she is being used but she never saw that before. "Lila..please listen to Diego, he's telling the truth." I whispered wanting her to truly listen.

Lila looked up at Diego and then to each of us. Before any of us could do anything, The Handler appeared with a gun and started shooting up all. We each fell down completely covered in bullets.

But the last thing before I fell down on a puddle of blood was a sharp pain on my chest and directly between my eyes. I took one last breath and saw my family now dead.

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