☔Family Reunions☔

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This is a sort or remake to my Umbrella Academy book (Ordinary World) rewritten. It'll feature newer scenes and longer dialogue between characters, etc.

This will also be Inspired by the anime Spy x Family. Since I thought the whole idea would be very interesting and it isn't far from what I had originally planned on my previous book.

Summary: Emily alongside her family are forced to stop a sudden apocalypse. She and Five never got along but all those feelings must be our aside when Emily is willing to help him fixing the timeline, not to mention that their two future kids will also be lending a hand.


"On the first day of October, 1984, forty-three women around the world simultaneously gave birth. None of the women showed any prior signs of pregnancy. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and playboy adventurer, made it his personal mission to find and adopt as many of these children as possible."

Sir Reginald Hargreeves made his way through the old broken home, there a crowd of people stood, he began pushing all of them to take a good look at the new born, there a young trembling woman with dark, scared yet tired eyes was sitting on a wooden chair and with fear in her eyes as she stared up at the unknown man who has barged into her home unexpectedly. He took hold of his monocle, leaned closer and took a look at a pale baby who wouldn't stop crying..

"M-Mister will you please-" The mother of the young girl who has just given birth exclaimed, fearing the man might hurt or steal the baby from them since he just took hold of the baby and held it. After all the mother was still shaken like her daughter, not believing that her own daughter had given birth when she was just about to take a bath.

Sir Reginald Hargreeves held his finger up to silence the woman and everyone around. His expensive gloves took hold of the baby and gently moved the warm blanket out of the childs face to take a good look at it, the baby instantly stopped crying like he had just chanted something to make it quiet down. The baby cooed and stayed asleep, this made the eccentric billionaire almost smile.

"How much do you want for it?" He coldly asks taking his eyes off the child and staring at the young trembling woman. The woman knew that her family and herself needed the money, they are poor after all and she knows she isn't ready to take care of a baby this young herself. The family looked at each other and nodded at the mans request.

"He got eight of them."



I took my case out and gently held the instrument in my hands before I glanced up and smiled before I started to play on my electric guitar and could see most kids eyes light up as they saw me perfectly playing each chord to the cover song of The Phantom of the Opera. Without failing on any chord I placed my hand down before playing the last note and bowed when the kids in my classroom began to clap and praise me which made me smile and feel special.

"That was amazing Mrs Hargreeves!"

"Can you play us another song?!"

"Now now children calm down." I say trying to calm them, since we had a free hour the kids begged me to play for them and I gladly did because I heard that most in my class are interested in music. At least someone appreciates my work and play.

"Is it hard to learn guitar?" A boy in the back named Nicky asked me. He's one of the nicest boys in the room and one of the few actually listens in my class.

I chuckled to myself as I began to save my guitar back in its case, "I'll admit it can be quite hard but if you out your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." I answer truthfully and now a girl on the other row lifted her hand.

"Will you ever bring your sister in to play with you?" I raised my eyebrows and she smiled to herself, "You are related to Vanya Hargreeves arent you? You two would play wonderfully." She added and smiles wide.

I smile to myself sadly and nodded my head remembering all the memories I had with her. I've been teaching at this school for about a year now, I'll I'm a third grade teacher since I find it the wisest to control these kids with anything.

 "Yes, Vanya is my sister. But unfortunately she's been way to busy with getting into the orchestra."

Vanya and I shared a small band though back in the day. It wasn't anything that great but it was fun while it lasted. The kids continued to ask questions which surprised me, for their young age they really are smart. I'm a fifth grade teacher and most of my kids are 10 to 14. I love them so much and it fills my heart when I get to spend time with them.

Though I will say they make me want to rip my hair sometimes.

Soon enough the bell rang and I waved and hugged each of them once they left my classroom, the school was shutting down early since there was going to be a teacher meeting. I began packing my bags and took my guitar case when I almost knocked over my boss the principal.

"Oh, Mr Matthews! I didn't expect to see you-" the man held his hand up to silent me and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Look, Emily. I'll get to the chase..you're fired."

I tilted my head and stared back at him weirdly. "What do you mean by fired?" I chuckled already beginning to get pissed off at him. Healthier him one of the best teachers at the miserable school, i shudder when I realized I was sounding like my father.

"Parent teacher night is today Miss Hargreeves. And I'm afraid you are not the kids teacher." Huh?? 

"I'm confused you and I both had to talk a year ago. I studied and worked hard enough to become a teacher, and now you're seeing me that I was always a substitute to these kids?"

"Yeah that, and the school is running out of money. You never really helped us with any sort of budget sooo." The principal went on and on. I did the first thing which came to my mind and I punched his face. Of course they were going to know that I was a part of the Umbrella Academy. Some of the teachers and parents must have found out and learned of me kicking and killing a few criminals here and there back then they probably even told a kids that I am bad influence. 

Just when I thought I was living a normal life they come up with this. I even don't need a large amount of money for the school to be rebuilt and for the kids to have better books and lunches. "Good riddance then." I angrily told my boss and kicked one of the chairs down and got my belongings to leave this place for good.

I started walking out of the school building until I noticed two of my students sitting right outside on the stairs. "You almost made me trip with that book." I told a girl passing down at one of the many books she had piled up.

The 11-year-old girl said nothing and simply huffed looking away. He always had a bit of an attitude in my class so I didn't pay much mind to her, the boy now he was a different case. It seems like both of them are brothers since they are always close to each other. The both just seems kinder and is the one who pays closer attention in class, the girl just seems to daydream and scribbles on her notebooks.

"Mrs. H. I thought you would be inside creating our tests." The little boy stammered and spoke up a bit more clearly. 

"The principal just fired me.. Surprise!" I sarcastically said and got rid of my kind teacher persona. I can't believe they just fired me without a good reason. Now these kids will feel hopeless without me, or that's what I think. "Anyways stay out of trouble and don't do drugs." I absentmindedly said and started walking around them.

The boys seemed to have wanted to say something but the girl beat him to it. "Hey!" Her words made me stop and look back at her confused. Her expression contorted into something I couldn't make up, it's like she wants to see something but doesn't want to?

"Today is parent-teacher night right?"

So she did over here my conversation? Hmm she seems a lot more clever than she looks. "Correct. Make sure both your parents are here for the night, they'll evaluate your grades and-"

"Can you come with us!" She desperately asked swallowing her pride.

"Kid do you even understand what parent-teacher night means?" I looked at her with a deadpan stare.  The girl simply stared back confused.

"It means our parents must attend." The small boy spoke up once again making the girl look back at him offended.

"I know exactly what that means!"

"Look I don't have time for this just tell your parents to come all right?" Immediately I felt someone grab onto my jacket. Starring back down I noticed it was a little boy grabbing onto me making me feel a bit uncomfortable, since I am not good with kids. It may seem like I am the times but I really am not.

Where do these kids even live anyway?  What if they come from some abusive household and that's why they are acting this way. "Alright I think I understand. Will you take me to where you both live?"

The boy and girl quickly nodded their heads and began to show me where exactly is it that they live.


This day couldn't get anymore worse than it already is. The day was dark and gloomy, I got fired from my job due to parents complaining of my looks and calling me a bad influence, and sir Reginald Hargreeves has passed away. I had my arms crossed over my chest and stared down at his lifeless body lying on his bed.

I breathed in and out slowly, "Pogo, when did this happen?" I glance down and see him staring at my father rather sadly.

"Just a few hours ago miss Emily. You were fast asleep checking your grades before you left, when I went into his room and he was unresponsive. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything." He apologizes. I sigh and patted his shoulder and left him so he'd have some alone time. Right I still haven't told Pogo that they kicked me out of school.

Now this reminds me of one of the many times I got kicked out of school when I insisted on attending. Reginald grew tired of my talking so he made me attend to a private school for a few days, to say the least things didn't go as planned and I ended up fighting with you over a comment they did about me.

Closing the door to his room I stared up ahead without any emotion and slowly fell down to the floor and held my head. He really is gone. I lifted my head up and looked at my mom Grace staring outside the window as it continued to lightly rain. I felt my emotions running through me as I aimlessly wandered around the academy and stopped by to that familar portrait.

"I'm sure you're having a hell of a time, huh?" He always disliked Reginald, most of us did. The academy has been awfully quiet since everyone of my brothers left

Luther is up on the moon on some mission.

Diego comes from time to time.

Allison is having the time of her life living as an actress.

Vanya is a writer and has been doing a rehearsal so she can play the violin on a show.

Klaus is..well himself. Trying to get his life back together from time to time.

Ben is dead.

And Five has disappeared since we were both 15.

My life is just great. "I wonder if news has gotten out about it." I tell myself and turned on the t.v. and indeed news got out about my father's death. Might as well get dressed for the funeral and make sure everyone comes back safe.


I blow dried my pink short hair, applied just regular eyeliner and dressed myself in a black dress long sleeve dress with a leather jacket, ripped tights and my matching black converse. Just when I stepped out I saw Diego pass by me with saying anything and stepping into our fathers bedroom.

"Nice to see you too." I sarcastically tell him when he didn't even bothered in saying hi. He ignored me and began looking into his desk and his bed.

"Have you seen his monocle?" Diego asks instead not meeting my eyes.

"Really? You step into my home and don't even bother in checking how your sister has been doing? I defend myself and he finally stands up straight and looks at me.

"This is my home too, Em. I have every right to be here."

"Hey no need to talk about her like that." Another voice from behind me sees. I look up to see Luther and smiled at him when he side hugged me.

"How've you been sis?"

"A bit better actually." I reply and glared at Diego one last time before stepping out of the room and running into Allison.

"Allison?" I ask in disbelief when I saw her standing a few feet from me. We step closer and hugged each other, "Em, its been a long time." She says smiling at me and we look at one another.

"It has huh?" "You should've given me your number to call you once in a while." Allison holds my hand and my smile fades a little.

"I did give it to you back then when we saw each other." Allison closes her eyes remembering and instantly regretting saying that. "I'm so sorry, I've been so busy with works that I-"

I shake my head and force a smile, "Don't worry I understand. I did love your last movie though." I compliment and she smiles.

"Thanks, good to know I have someone watching my stuff. I'll check up the guys and see how things are going." She looks up and I can't tell she'll also have the same problem as me.

"Hey, Em. Love that dress mind lending it to me sometime? Of course you'll do, you've always been nice to me." Klaus said appearing out of no where and hugging me.

I hugged him back and smiled, "It's so nice to see you again." Klaus lovingly stares down at me as he holds my shoulders. "You know I'll always be there for my little sis.. speaking of being there for each other, could you probably lend me 30 bucks?" I laugh and gently slapped his cheek. "No way, Klaus. I'm doing you a favor." With that I left Klaus who pouted his lips and began running upstairs as well.

The front door opened and I made eye contact with Vanya. "Vanya." I whispered her name and ran up to hug her which caught her off guard but she hugged me back.

"I missed you so much." I whisper and looked down at her. Vanya slowly nodded and checked the place around, "Missed you too sis, its a shame we had to reunite like this." She awkwardly says as Pogo step between us and greets her too.

"It's really good to see you again miss Vanya. I'm sure you're father would've been proud to see all of you back again." Pogo says as I listen to their conversation and walked with them to the living room area but stared far from them.

"It's been so long since his disappearance." I hear Vanya say and looking up at that portrait I was looking at earlier. Pogo does as well. "It sure has. I remember you and miss Emily staying up every night hoping he'd come back and you leaving his favorite treat in hopes that he'd return."

I sadly stare at them and just admire them from a far. Once this is over we'll go back to our separate lives and see each other in probably a year or so, its a shame our family has come to this. I really missed all of them and in just a hours they'll be gone again.

Luther called us in for a reunion so every took their seats but far from each other, still making things for most of us awkward. I sat down next to Vanya so she wouldn't feel even more left out, that's when Klaus came in wearing one of Allison's skirt while holding Reginald's ashes in one hand, a goblet filled with wine and smoking a cigarette.

I glared at my brother since he just won't stop being intoxicated. "I went to Dad's room and we haven't found his monocle anywhere. He used to wear it all the time, now we looked through the autopsy and I can confirm he didn't die by natural causes." Luther looks at all of us.

We all stare at him with confused expressions. "What I wanna say is...Emily is the only one who remained living in the academy..she's probably the last one who spoke to dad..."

"What are you trying to say?" Vanya questions.

Luther stays silent not looking at us so I give him a dirty look already putting the pieces together. "Grow up Luther" I angrily tell him off.

"Wow. You did not just assume that." Allison says getting up from her seat.

"Yeah man that's low even for you." Diego agrees.

"That's messed up assuming our sister did that." Klaus also joins in and we all start to leave the living room. Vanya takes my hand and leads me out so I won't slap Luther, "That was not-"

"Sorry can't hear you. I'm off to kill mom." Klaus says with sarcasm and we all part ways again.


"I think we're alone now, There doesn't seem to be anyone around. I think we're alone now,The beating of our hearts is the only sound"

The academy was filled with the melody and I couldn't help but dance as best as I could. I moved my head up and down and got down to my knees and played on my imaginary guitar.

Vanya and I back then formed a band, she of course played the violin and I the electric guitar, so day the least father wasn't pleased so the band went no where when we stopped playing. Still it's nice to have those memories when we were growing up.

I'm kinda glad Reginald adopted us cause if it weren't for them I'd be lost.

Suddenly the flights flickered on and off and we heard a loud boom coming from outside. Vanya and I looked at each other and saw Klaus running past us, "Coming through!"

We followed him and then everyone of us got out and stood close to each other when there was a cold breeze and some sort of portal came from above us.

"Stay back! Could be dangerous." Luther says standing in front of us.

"Yeah? No shit." Diego says right after.

"What the hell is that?!""

"Take that!" Klaus shouted from behind me and ran up to throw a fire extinguisher at it. "What's that even for?!" Allison asked and Klaus threw his arms up.

"I don't know! Got another better idea?!" There was another boom and Klaus ran to hide behind me and held onto my shoulders. We all stared above us and saw someone coming through the portal, the figure then fell and slowly we all got closer and the person slowly stood up and we all stared at him. Not believing this as happening.

Five? Our Number Five is back? 

We all stared at each other then back at him. "Is it just me or are we seeing little Five?" Diego said cautiously hoping this isn't some sick game.

Five looked at us confused then down at himself then us in disbelief. He is in his teenage body once again, "Shit."

I quickly glanced back on my watch and made her food that I wasn't too late to head back to where the kids were. Oh man, this is going to be one long-ass day. 

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