3. Broken

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A broken home is the ultimate betrayal life can throw any persons way. Parents who thrive to portray the perfect family with their painted on smiles and perfect clothing. Who love their children and would do anything for them. But underneath the facade, is evil. An evil monster who abuses and uses their kids on a daily basis for their own sick, twisted wants and needs.

A impure lust for something you should never fantasize about. Kids scream out for help. Hoping some day, someone will see their pain and let it be known that they are broken. And so far gone into the madness that they're practically drowning. All the riches in the world was at their disposal, their parents would say. They had the best education money could buy and amazing skills that would take them places. But in their parents eyes, it was somehow never enough.

They wanted out. They just wanted to be free from this hell they were completely caged in. Life had dealt them a horrible stack of cards. They felt so trapped by the hands of two people in the world who were supposed to be there to protect them from said evil. One rattle of the chains and they were tightened down even further. No one heard their pained cries and screams for help. Or they just chose not to.

Someday they said, someday they would be heard. The world would know what goes on behind closed doors in some families. Something that should be heard. 

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