Chapter 12: Dangerous Questions

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After I got off the phone with Hazel I slipped on my slippers and went to wake Will up. I got to his door and knocked as hard as I could.

"Will, we are going over to Hazel and Nico's, like now, don't worry about getting changed Hazel said we can go over there in our pajamas." I said as I continued to knock.

I could hear him moving around so I knew he was awake, but he wasn't opening the door.

"Will, I said don't worry about getting changed!" I said a little louder.

"So you expect me to go over there in nothing except boxers?" He asked. "Just give me a second, please."

"Yeah, ok fine, I'll be waiting for you at the door, just hurry up ok. Hazel has me really worried, she called and basically begged me to come over and bring you with me, it sounded like she was crying." I said as I started to walk away from the door.

I walked downstairs and waited for Will, I was standing by the door playing a game on my phone when he came down.

"Ok, I'm ready, let's go." He said as he got to the door.

"Yep, we need to get over there, fast." I said as I opened the door and ran out, towards the Castellan house.



I was sitting downstairs at the table, Luke was sitting next to me and we were waiting for Kayla and Will. When there was a knock on the door I jumped up and ran to open it. When I unlocked it and opened it I saw the concerned faces of Kayla and Will looking at me. Kayla was in pajamas and slippers, Will was wearing a short sleeve shirt and basketball shorts, along with flip flops.

"What's going on Hazel?" Will asked the moment I opened the door.

"I found Nico cutting in his room, he blacked out because of blood loss and I've already called an ambulance, it should be here soon. Luke has stitches in his stomach and needs help moving around but I'm going to the hospital with Nico. I was hoping you guys could help Luke out until I got back. Can you do that for me? Please." I said, I was crying now.

"Why was he cutting? Also, why does Luke have stitches in his stomach and when did he get them because he seemed fine on the way home from the bus stop?" Kayla asked, suspicion clearly showing on her face.

This is a very dangerous set of questions. Think Hazel, think, I've got to come up with a lie and fast. I've got it.

"Nico went up to his room shortly after Luke and my dad got back from the hospital. Luke had been carrying glasses over to the table for dinner and tripped and fell on top of them, they shattered when he landed on them and my dad rushed him to the hospital. Nico made dinner after they left, I think there's still some left over if you want something to eat, we ate and talked, and before we knew it Luke and dad were back, Luke ate some food but dad had to leave to go back to work. Nico went up to his room, I thought he was going to do homework, but it didn't occur to me that he might be cutting again, until I went in my room and heard him crying and muttering things I couldn't understand. I tried to get in his room but it was locked so I had Luke pick the lock and I stopped Nico from causing any more damage to his arm. He had lost a lot of blood but I cleaned him up and then he blacked out, I called an ambulance then called you. And I don't know why Nico was cutting, he's had a very difficult, pain filled life so maybe he was remembering it and couldn't stop himself."I said, I was practically crying my eyes out now. Both Kayla and Will hugged me for a bit, then they slowly let go.

"Oh my god, has Nico's life really been that hard, I know you said it was hard, but I didn't think it would have been hard enough for him to want to hurt himself?" Kayla asked gently.

"Unfortunately, it has been hard enough, he's cut before, but it had been months, maybe over a year since he cut, until tonight of course." I said as I turned and walked over to the table where Luke was still sitting.

"Hey Will, Kayla. Thanks for coming, it means a lot." Luke said when they sat down.

"Do you guys want some of Nico's pasta, it's homemade." I asked as I opened the fridge.

"Sure, also can I have a glass of water please?" Will asked.

"Of course you can. Kayla, do you want anything?" I asked as I warmed up a bowl of pasta and got a glass of water.

"No thank you, I think I'm good for now." She said as I gave Will his pasta and water.

We waited for about ten minutes, then the ambulance arrived and I got in the back with Nico, he was still blacked out, and he was much paler than normal. It broke my heart to see him like this. We arrived at the hospital and the doctors asked me a bunch of questions, all of which I answered with some truth, but mostly lie. They asked me where my dad was, I told them that I had already called him and that he said he would try his best to get here but he was really bogged down at work. The doctors dealt with Nico, they asked me to sign some stuff since I was the only family member able to be here, then they set up a room for me to stay in because I refused to go home.

I called Luke when I was alone in my room.

"Hello Hazel, how's Nico?" Luke said when he answered.

"Hey Luke. Nico is going to be fine, they already told me that he can go to school tomorrow, the only problem is transportation." I replied.

"That shouldn't be a problem, Ethan has a car but he prefers to ride the bus with us, he can pick Kayla, Will and I up in the morning, then we'll come pick you and Nico up and drive to school." He said.

"Oh, ok, that solves that problem. Are Kayla and Will staying at out house tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, we decided that would just make everything easier. Kayla is in your room and Will is in Nico's. I hope you guys don't mind, there was nowhere else for them to sleep. They already got all their stuff from their house and left a note for their parents. I also got all of yours and Nico's school stuff ready so we can bring it when we come get you, so everything is ready." He said cheerfully.

"Good to hear, ok, goodnight Luke." I said as I got ready to go to sleep.

"Night Hazel, see you in the morning." He said then hung up.

Good, everything is fixed, Nico is going to be ok, we have a plan for the morning, everything is perfect. This is a first, so I'm gonna knock on wood so I don't jinx it.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I've got tests from 7:30-11:30 tomorrow so wish me luck, I'm gonna need it because it's my two hardest classes. Anyway, like I said last chapter I am going to update a lot over my winter break so that's good, I am also going to try to start the demigod fanfic over my break, although I'm not going to promise that will happen. I'm still waiting for more character ideas, if you want to get involved in that story, I can work with a name if that's all you want to do, or you can give me descriptions of appearance and personality if you want, also if you want them to be a son or daughter of any specific god or goddess.

Well, that's all, I hope you enjoyed, have a great rest of your day or night.

Thanks for reading!

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