Chapter 2: Meeting Dad

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When we walked in the door of the orphanage we saw someone standing at the desk talking to the lady there about adoptions. I decided I would listen to a bit of the conversation.

"Hazel, go play with your friends, but first step on my shoelace and drag your foot so I have to tie it. I want to listen to this conversation for a minute but I need an excuse to stay here." I told Hazel with a small smile on my face.

"Ok, you got it Nico!" She responded, and I could tell she was excited.

So she did as I told her and I bent down and began to tie my shoe.

"-opt two children who are able to get along with each other. Do you know of any of them who might fit that requirement, it doesn't matter their genders, I just need them to get along." The man at the desk said.

"Well we have a boy and his half-sister who really get along, although they have both struggled to fit in here, not many of the other kids like them." She said and turned her head some and saw me tying my shoe. "Oh, here is the boy, he and his sister must have just gotten back from school." She said as she looked at me and pointed. "Nico di Angelo can you come over here please, I have someone who wants to meet you. Where is your sister?" She asked as I started walking over to the desk.

"She went off to play with her friends." I responded. "Should I go get her?" I asked when I got to the desk.

"If you could that would be wonderful." She said.

I ran off to find Hazel and the lady went back to talking with the guy at the desk. When I found her she was running around the playground playing tag with her friends.

"Hazel come here!" I yelled when I got to the side of the playground. I waited for her while she said bye to her friends and then ran over to me.

"What's the big deal, you seem almost happy?" She asked playfully. "Did Octavian break his arm or something?

"Unfortunately no, but this might be better than that. The guy that we saw at the desk wants to meet us because he wanted two kids who get along and the lady said that we might be the ones he would want to meet." I said happily. "Lets go before he changes his mind about talking to us!"

"Wait, do you mean we might get adopted?" She asked. "Because if so that's wonderful." She said as we started walking back to the building.

"Yeah, I think we might get adopted." I answered. "I'll race you to the door!" I said and bolted back to the building with Hazel right at my heels screaming at me.

"HEY! NOT FAIR YOU GOT A HEAD START!" And then she tripped me and I stumbled but didn't fall completely but I was unable to make up the time it took to steady myself before she was at the door sticking her tongue out at me.

"You cheated Hazel, that's not fair." I said with a fake hurt expression and tone. Honestly I didn't really care, it was just fun having her around to mess with.

"You're fine. Let's go talk to that guy who might adopt us." She said through a smile.

We walked up to the desk and the guy was still there talking with the front desk lady. When we got to the desk we along with the guy were directed to a room on the opposite wall. The three of us walked in and sat down.

"So, I hear that you two are half siblings. And that you get along well. Are both of those things true?" The guy asked.

"Yeah, this is Hazel my half sister, and my name is Nico. And no we don't get along well, we get along more than well." I answered both questions.

"So what should we call you?" Hazel asked.

"I'm Hermes Castellan (yes, I am making him the guy, I figured this would be a very interesting way to add Luke in which is something I want to do), but you two may as well call me dad because I am planning on adopting you." He said no emotion at all.

"Wait really!" Screamed both Hazel and I.

"Of course, you two seem like good kids, plus I heard what some of the kids bully you guys so I want to get you out of here." Responded Hermes.

And so the three of us talked for a while and got to know each other a little bit more. Hermes said that he would be back tomorrow at five to pick us up so that he could give us some time to say goodbye to friends from school or from the orphanage before we left. He also said that he lives somewhat far away and that we will be going to a different school. Luckily we just started the school year so it won't matter that much.

When we were finally finished talking he went and got the paperwork said bye and left. Then Hazel went to bed because she was tired and I went up to my room to get ready to go to sleep. When I got out of the shower I felt great for about 10 seconds then Octavian and his goons were out of bed ready to beat me up again.


"Well well, look who showed up for his beating. I'm glad, I'll get to get back at you for hurting my friend yesterday." Octavian said with an evil gleam in his eyes.

"Octavian do you really want to do this right now. Can't it wait until morning?" I said while I was thinking about what I should do.

"What are you talking about of course it can't wait till morning. I've got to torture you at least once a day, it's how I have fun." He said with a stupid grin that just made me mad.

And that's when I knew what I was going to do.

Dun dun dun... I'm sorry to leave you guys on a cliff hanger but I just couldn't resist. I know, I know, I'm a horrible person you don't have to tell me. Anyway, thank you all for reading I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to make suggestions on what you want to happen later in the story, if I use some of them I'll give the person or people who suggest them a shout out. Once again thanks for reading, have a wonderful day, or night depending on what time it is when you read this.

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