Chapter 20: Bye Octavian

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I tried my best to ignore Octavian throughout the day, when lunch came around Will and I sat next to each other at the table. The rest of our friends had already been told by Hazel and Kayla that we were a couple, and they didn't hate us for being gay which was a first, at least from my experience. In fact they actually congratulated us.

Lunch was great until Octavian and his new group of big, strong idiots walked over to our table.

"So the antisocial faggot made some friends, you all disgust me, being supportive of these two worthless punks. They shouldn't even be alive because they should have killed themselves a while ago." He snarled at us.

"They are not worthless, they're actually pretty cool. You're the worthless punk." Said Percy bitterly.

"Excuse me?! Who do you think you are?!" Shouted Octavian.

"I'm Percy Jackson, these guys are my friends. I don't like people bullying my friends, if you hurt them in any way I promise you, you'll regret that you were ever born." Said Percy.

All of my friends were glaring at Octavian, when I looked over at him I saw something I don't remember seeing before, fear.

"Walk away while you still can, if you're still here in a minute I will personally break both of your arms." Said Percy.

Octavian started walking away and he ordered his friends to follow him.

"You guys are actually the best." I said.

Then the bell signaled that lunch was over. We all said our goodbyes and split off into groups of people who had the same classes.

__________TIME SKIP TO END OF SCHOOL__________


I didn't see Octavian for the rest of the day, Nico and I were walking to the bus when I heard his voice.

"So you're a worthless fag to?!" He said, Nico must have heard it to because it looked like he got very, very angry with what we just heard.

"Where'd that come from?" He asked with a deadly quiet voice.

"I'm not worthless!" Came the voice of none other than James.

"I'm going to fucking kill Octavian, I just need to find him." Said Nico, still with a deadly quiet voice.

Then Nico started walking towards the voices. We found Octavian and four of his friends cornering James, but what made it worse, Octavian had a knife. He must have snuck it in to the school today.

"Go get security Will, I'm going to buy you some time." Said Nico.

"No, he'll hurt you!" I said

"He's not fast enough to hit me unless I'm already on the ground, I managed to fight back against him and his goons several times back at the orphanage, I'll be fine. Go." Said Nico, I could tell there was no way I was going to change his mind.

"Fine I'll be right back." I said then walked back the way we had come.



"Maybe we should just put a few cuts here and there to show you how worthless you are." Said Octavian

James must have seen me walking closer to them because his eyes widened a little. I mouthed something to him, hopefully he can read lips.

Will went to get security, I'm going to buy some time for them to show up.

I guess he can read lips because he seemed to calm down a bit.

I moved extremely silent, and ended up right behind Octavian, I kicked him really hard in the back of his left knee.

"Ahhhhhh!" He screamed as he collapsed onto the ground, his friends all spun around and stared at me.

"You little faggots! Always sticking up for each other even though you all know that you're worthless!" Shouted Octavian. He was still holding the knife.

Octavian stood up and glared at me, he had completely forgotten about James. James kicked him in the other knee and he stumbled but didn't fall to the floor. He spun around and was about to swing the knife at James when I tripped him.

"You're all insufferable! You all need to die!" He shouted as he elbowed me in my jaw.

Then I saw his friends all grab hold of James, one of them had his arm wrapped around his neck, I could tell he was struggling to breath.

"Let him go Octavian." I said, Octavian started twirling the knife around.

"Oh, looks like I've found a way to get you to do what I tell you." He said, he was grinning like a mad man, which I guess he was. "If you want this little fag to live you'll stand there while I get to beat you up and cut you, if you attempt to fight back I'll give the order for my guy to suffocate the kid."

I looked over at James, he looked terrified.

"Fine." I said.

Octavian smiled, then sliced the knife across my cheek. It cuts my right cheek and my lip, blood starts dripping out of the cut. I don't even react, this seems to make him angry.

"Is that it? A single cut on my cheek?" I asked, laughing a little bit.

He made some strange half growl half gargle. Then he punched me in the stomach, all of the air in my lungs was rushed out. I collapsed to the floor. When I hit the ground Octavian starts kicking me and I get in my protective ball form.

"P-please s-stop h-hurting h-him!" Shouted James, he was crying.

"And why would I stop hurting him, he agreed to this so my guy wouldn't kill you." Octavian snarled as he kicked me.

"W-what d-did w-we ever d-do t-to d-deserve this?! J-just b-because w-we're d-different t-than you d-doesn't mean w-we a-aren't h-humans t-to.!" James continued.

I don't know what happened next, I blacked out from the pain, but I remember seeing the school security run down the hall. I also remember Will and James running over to me.

__________TIME SKIP SEVERAL HOURS__________


Nico has been unconscious for several hours now, he has a broken arm and cracked rib. Right now myself James and all of our friends are in the waiting room of the hospital.

Finally a doctor walked up to me.

"He's awake, you may all go see him now." He said.

"Ok thanks." I said to the doctor. "Let's go see Nico guys." I said and led the way to Nico's hospital room.

When we walked in Nico looked over at us and smiled.

"Hey guys." He said. "What happened to Octavian and his friends?"

"They all got arrested, we won't be seeing them for a while." I said smiling. "You are crazy you know that right. According to James you agreed to be attacked by Octavian as long as James didn't get killed, by the way they were all charged with assault and attempted murder."

Nico smiled even more at that.

"Hey Nico, I wanted to say thanks for what you did back there, if you hadn't been there I don't know what would have happened." Said James.

"It was nothing. I had to deal with that kid bullying me before, but he was never that crazy, he only ever hurt me, he never threatened to kill me." Said Nico.

"Hang on! It was nothing?! You were knocked unconscious and had your arm broken and a rib cracked! What do you mean it was nothing?!" I said.

"Relax Will, I'm fine now. I was only doing what was right." He responded.

We all talked for several hours until our parents started to call and people left in small groups. Eventually only Ethan, Kayla, Luke, Hazel, and I were left in the room with Nico. Ethan had his car so we were waiting to find out if Nico would get to leave with us. A doctor walked in.

"Ok, he should be fine, he is just going to be extremely soar on his right side and his arm. There was no other major damage, the cut on his cheek will heal perfectly fine because it wasn't that deep." He said looking at Hazel and Luke. "You will be allowed to go home tonight, and I'll let you know now that you are probably going to have a scar where you got cut." He said addressing Nico this time. "Although that might not be a bad thing, I hear chicks dig scars."

"Oh yeah. Well hopefully my boyfriend 'digs' scars to." Said Nico. A very awkward silence followed.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to assume. I hope I did-" the doctor started to say.

"It's ok, I forgive you." Said Nico. "Now I would like to go home please."

"Of course." The doctor said. "Should we just mail the bill to your house so your parents can pay?" He asked.

"Yeah that's fine." Said Luke.

"Ok let's get going guys, my mom just asked me why I'm not home yet." Said Ethan.

We left and drove back home. I sat in the third row of seats with Will, Hazel and Kayla sat in the second row, and Luke got shotgun.

"Nico, as much as I admire what you did back there, I was worried sick. SO DON'T EVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!" I shouted. Then I kissed him, we were kissing the entire ride and we only pulled apart because we had arrived at our houses.

We all got out and said bye to Ethan. Luke started walking home immediately, Hazel said by to Kayla and Will then followed Luke in our house.

"Bye Nico." Said Kayla before she walked in her house.

"I love you Will, I love you so much." Said Nico before kissing me again.

"Love you to sunshine." I said

"Don't call me that." Nico said in annoyance, although I could see him smiling.

"Fine. Good night death boy." I said then walked in my house.

I watched as Nico went into his house then I went up to my room and got ready for bed.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I finally have gotten rid of Octavian, he is officially out of this fanfic. I also had to add a few feels because what's a Solangelo fanfic without feels.


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