Chapter 3: And the Roles Reverse

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Because I felt bad about the cliff hanger I immediately started working on chapter 3. However I also felt bad about what happened to Nico in chapter one so I made this chapter. You'll see what I mean in a bit.


There were only two goons this time, thanks to my breaking the other guys nose and scaring him in to not coming back to torture me again. Little did these guys know that as small as I was for my age I'm pretty strong. But I also have a brain unlike Octavian's goons.

"You know what Octavian, I'm done with your shit." I said defiantly.

"Oh, is the faggot gonna fight back aga-" Octavian started to say, but he was interrupted.

Now since I had just gotten out of the shower I was only in my pajama pants, but there was also a soaking wet towel on the counter next to me along with lots of toothpaste, toothbrushes, a couple bars of soap, and many other things. Before Octavian or his goons got a few steps inside the door I was already moving as fast as I could. I picked up the first thing I grabbed which happened to be a bar of soap and chucked it as hard as I could right at Octavian's face. And with the most luck I've ever had it soared right into his mouth when he was in the middle of his sentence.

As he was crouched in the corner, his goons staring at me dumbfounded, I casually pulled my phone and headphones out of my discarded pants pocket and started listen to music, and one of my favorite bands, and favorite songs, which also happened to be kind of perfect in this situation, came on, Centuries by Fall Out Boys. (If you have seen the official music video for this song you will understand why I thought it was perfect. I will put it in the thing above the chapter name that is a spot for photos and videos.)

"You two still want to try me?" I asked Octavian's goons.

That snapped them back to reality and they both ran at me. So I grabbed my wet towel spun it a few times and began using it as a whip.

"Back off or..." CRACK! went the sound of my improvised towel whip on one of the guys stomachs. "I tried to warn you." I said casually, although slightly louder than normal because I had music blaring in my ears.

At this point Octavian has finally stoped coughing and gagging on soap and stands up, the guy I hit with my towel was curled up on the floor crying, they really weren't that tough to be honest, they were like huge, extremely strong babies. Octavian stairs at me like he is deciding how he's going to murder me for throwing soap in his mouth. The last guy was staring at me in astonishment for about a minute then made the smart decision and ran out of the bathroom screaming for his mommy. Octavian, decided he would try to fight me but I just dodged his punches while he tired himself out, then I judo flipped him and walked out of the bathroom soaking went, a huge grin on my face and a wet towel in my hand. I felt so good to finally get the better of Octavian that I didn't even have a nightmare, and to make it even better, if that was possible, I didn't have school tomorrow because it was Saturday, and I was going to be leaving this place for good at five. For once in my life I believed nothing could be any better.

So this was a much shorter, probably much crappier chapter than I've written previously, but I really wanted to have Nico beat the shit out of Octavian after the first chapter. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed. Also, holy shit, I posted 2 updates in a day. That is kind of ridiculous.

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