Chapter 5: One Last Goodbye

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Please read the stuff at the end, it has some questions for you guys that will help me decide what happens later in the story. I hope you enjoy!


After I brought my boxes down to the dining room I just sat and thought about the nightmare I'd had. The fact that the man who killed my mother and sister was possibly still alive, he had killed two cops who had just been doing their jobs, because he didn't want to go to prison. I wondered what would drive someone to kill so many innocent people. My thoughts were interrupted by Hazel and Sarah, who walked in with Hazel's stuff.

"Are you ready to finally leave this place Nico?" Hazel asked as she and Sarah sat down across from me.

"Yes, I can't wait to see our new home." I responded almost instantly. "How about you?"

"I think it will be really cool, but I'm also kind of sad, I don't want to leave my friends." She said with a trace of tears in her eyes.

"I would say that I was struggling with the same thing, but I'd be lying. I didn't make any friends here. But I'm sure if I had I would be in the same position as you." I said, I wanted to make her feel better but I'm not usually the one doing the comforting, I'm usually the one being comforted. "Besides, I'm sure you will be able to stay in contact with your friends, you have a phone, and most of your friends do too."

"Nico, you are the best brother I could ask for." She said as she walked over to my side of the table and gave me a huge hug. Normally I don't let people get within a foot of me in any direction, but this was Hazel, she was different. I always hug her and allow her to come in my personal bubble, maybe because she's the only family I've got left.



I just sat there completely stunned. Nico never let anyone get close to him. Nobody ever saw or heard him talk. The only times he's talked when I was around were when he was talking to Hazel and I happened to be there. None of the kids, other than Hazel, knew anything about him. The most I know is his name is Nico di Angelo, he's gay, he's antisocial, and he has a ring and a tiny mythomagic figure. I guessed he had to be Italian, partially because of his last name, and partially because he had an accent. But even that's just a guess. He is actually kind of hot, and I admit that I kind of have a crush on him, but he will never like me that way because he's gay. Oh well, he was leaving anyway.



When 5:00 finally arrived, while Hazel said bye to her friends I took our stuff to the entrance hall and sat at one of the benches waiting for Hermes to show up. Hazel joined me a few minutes later with tears falling down her cheeks.

"It's ok Hazel, I know it's hard, but like I said before you can still talk to your friends." I said as I wiped the tears off of her face.

"I know, and you're right, it's just I won't be able to play with them after school anymore, I'm sure I'll get used to it but for now it still hurts." She said sadly.

That's when the front door opened and Hermes walked in. He looked in our direction, smiled, and walked up to the front desk to give the adoption papers to the lady there. When he was done with what he had to do he walked over to us and seemed surprised to see Hazel was crying. I could tell he was about to ask so I made a hand gesture to stop him and mouthed, she'll be fine, don't worry. And he nodded.

"Well kids, I think it's about time we get on the road. I'll grab your boxes and we'll go to my car." He said happily.

"Ok. Thanks for helping with the boxes, and also for adopting us. It means a lot." I said as we started walking out to the car. And Hazel suddenly stopped, both Hermes and I looked at her.

"Can you guys give me a sec?" She asked. That's when I saw Sarah standing by the front desk with puffy eyes, she must have been crying just like Hazel.

She ran back to the desk gave Sarah one more hug then ran back to us and we walked out the door. We got to Hermes' car and Hazel and I got in the back seat while Hermes put our boxes in the trunk.

"Sorry, I just had to say one last goodbye." Hazel said and burst into tears.

"Shh, shh. It's ok Hazel." I said while pulling her close to me and hugging her. "You'll get to talk to her every day, it will be just like she's with us."

"Y-yeah, y-you're r-right. Everything is going to be great." She said as Hermes got in the front seat.

"You both all buckled up back there?" He asked.

"Yep." I said, still hugging Hazel.

And as we pulled out of the parking lot Hazel and I waved to the few kids who had run out the door to see us off. That was our last look at the orphanage we had lived in for so long.

Wow. That was a pretty emotional chapter, at least for Hazel. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was kinda short but I think it was pretty good.

Now I have a couple questions for you. Do you want to see more of Sarah? What characters do you want me to add from the books?

Ok that's all I've got so yeah, have a great rest of your day (or night, doesn't matter which one). Thanks for reading!

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