Chapter 7: The Second First Day of School

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LPOV (Same night I ended on last chapter, right after he shows Nico and Hazel their rooms)

I felt horrible. These two nice and innocent kids were adopted by a monster. Wait until they find out the truth, that our father is always drunk, very abusive, a master criminal, and worst of all a murderer. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants, even if it means killing his own family. Yeah, my mom didn't die of cancer, she was going to go to the cops and turn him in, when he found out he killed her. Now, he had adopted two new kids, probably to do his stupid crimes while he sits at home threatening them and anyone else in their lives just to control them. He does the same thing with me, he threatens my friends from school, he says if I don't do what he wants, or if I go to the cops, he will torture them and kill them very slowly and painfully. I hate him, and now he has more people he can use. I feel awful for my new brother and sister, but there's nothing I can do.

I had been planning on running away, but I'm not going to leave them at the mercy of a complete and utter psychopath for a father. I'm better than that, so my plans of running are gone, I'm going to do what I can to protect them, their friends and my friends, but I might not be able to.

My dad has been a criminal since way before I was born. My mom had no idea until she heard him talking on the phone with his partners. Then he killed her. He has never been caught, at least as far as I know, and he even has a normal job. He uses his company to deal with getting illegally obtained items in and out of the country, he sells drugs (mostly illegal ones), he sells weapons (all of which are illegal), and he even deals in assassination and thievery. Yet he still finds time to beat, torture, and threaten me, and now, also Nico and Hazel.

Once they discover the truth, they will be in danger, and their friends will be in danger. But there is nothing I can do.

NPOV (Sunday night)

It was about 11:30 right now, and I was getting ready for bed because my second first day of school was tomorrow. Great, another place in my life were I get to be bullied and tortured for my sexuality. I can't wait. I'm so excited. Ha, please. I walked to Hazel's room to tell her goodnight and hear her talking to someone on the phone.

"Yeah, it's actually a really nice house, and my room is probably as big as the dorm from the orphanage, but I don't have to share it with anyone else." I heard her say.

I knocked on the door and waited, when she answered she was video chatting with Sarah.

"Hey Nico, what's up?" Hazel asked when she saw me at the door.

"I just came to say goodnight" I said then looked at the screen of her laptop and saw Sarah staring at me. "Hi Sarah." I said simply. For some reason she blushed and looked away for a second before responding.

"Hey Nico." She said, she was still blushing, and I still didn't understand why.

That's when Hazel responded to what I said a bit ago. "Oh, ok. Goodnight Nico." She said and kissed my cheek.

Before I left I said goodnight to Sarah as well and her face got even redder, if that was even possible. I was still at a loss for why she was blushing so much. I walked back to my room and laid down in my bed and fell asleep once my head hit the pillow. And guess what, nightmares.

They were the same ones I always have, the one about my mom and Bianca, and the one that was somewhat new, where I heard that the guy who had killed my family (minus my dad) was still alive, and not in prison.

I woke up screaming. Hazel and Luke both ran in my room, Hazel went and sat next to my bed and Luke just stood there staring at me.

"Oh my god, s-sorry guys, I d-didn't mean to w-wake you." I stammered.

"Nico, did you have the nightmare again?" Hazel asked.

"Y-yeah, its f-fine, I'll be o-ok in a m-minute." I said. At this point unnoticed that Luke was now standing next to Hazel looking down at me.

"Are you sure? You were screaming like crazy, I'm surprised dad didn't wake up." He said. Although it seemed like he was actually really happy that I hadn't woken up our dad.

I took some deep breaths to try and calm myself down, when I looked at the alarm clock by my bed it said 3:35 am. "Yeah. I'm fine, I just had a nightmare, I have them all the time. Sorry I woke you guys up." I said more calmly this time.

"Ok, well, we should probably go back to sleep, we wake up at six to get ready for school, then we'll walk down to the bus stop." Luke said as he started to leave the room. Hazel stayed for a bit longer, then she left also.

I went back to sleep and luckily didn't have any more nightmares.

__________TIME SKIP TO 6:00 am MONDAY MORNING__________



I slammed my hand on the stop button, I hated mornings, I was a night person, not a morning person. But I knew I had to get up, so I did. I got dressed and went down stairs, Luke and Hazel were already at the table, dad was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's dad?" I asked as I walked over to the pantry and got cereal out, as well as a bowl.

"He leaves for work at five-thirty every morning. He also doesn't usually get back from work until after eleven. He works Monday threw Saturday, last Saturday was the only exception because he had gone to get you guys." Luke said bitterly.

It was around 6:45 when we left to walk to the bus stop. There were other kids walking in the same direction, two of them had left the yellow house next to out house. A girl and a boy, they didn't seem to notice us but I sure noticed them, the boy had blond hair and dazzling blue eyes, he was at least two inches taller than me and his smile practically glowed. The girl had short ginger hair with a stripe of green in it. Her eyes were also blue. I assumed they must be siblings.

Across the street a boy with black hat and an eye patch walked towards us.

"That's Ethan Nakamura, he's one of my friends. Oh, whatever you say to him don't mention the eye patch, he hates talking about it." Luke said.

"Sup Luke, who are these two?" Ethan asked as he got closer.

"These are my new brother and sister, Nico and Hazel, my dad adopted them over the weekend.

"Nice to meet you Nico and Hazel. I'm Ethan." He said as he shook both of our hands. I was a little nervous because I am very antisocial, but I didn't want to be rude.

"Nice to meet you to Ethan." I said as I shook his hand.

We arrived at the bus stop shortly after our introduction to Ethan. And soon after we got to the bus stop the bus arrived and we all got on. I sat next to Hazel in a seat in the center of the bus, Luke and Ethan sat in the seat behind us. It took about ten minutes to get to the school, Luke took Hazel and I to the front office to get our textbooks and schedules.

"Ah, you must be the new students, Nico di Angelo and Hazel Levesque, is that right?" A lady at the front desk said.

"Yep that's us, we need our books and schedules please." Hazel said as I just stood there with my head down, looking at my phone.

"Here you go, that should be everything you need, if you need help with anything just come and ask, or feel free to ask any of the other students. Most are pretty friendly, but some, not so much, just be carful." The office last said as she handed us each a stack of books and a sheet of paper that had our schedules on it. "I am actually going to make a call really quick, hang on for a moment please." She said as she turned around, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, is this Mrs. Brown?" She asked into the phone.


"Can you send Will and Kayla Solace to the front office please?" She asked.


"Ok thank you so much Mrs. Brown." She said then hung up the phone.

"Ok good news, there are a couple students coming down here, they have the exact same schedules as you two so I figured they could show you to your classes, at least for the first day." She told us.

Oh great, now I have to deal with some student showing me around the school all day. I don't need help, I could easily have figured this place out on my own. Humph... Well, nothing I can do about it now, so I sat down on a bench and waited for our guides to show up.

When they did I about died because they were the kids that happened to be my next door neighbors. Great, just absolutely wonderful. Now I have to deal with them here, and now they will probably recognize me on the bus today after school. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

"Hello Will, hello Kayla." The office lady said. She then talked to them for a minute and directed them towards us, and just my luck, the smiling blond boy, who I'm assuming was Will, walked over to me and the girl, who I'm assuming was Kayla, walked over to Hazel.

"Hi, my name is William Solace, you can call me Will, I've been asked to give you a tour of the school and walk you to your classes. What's your name?" He said when he arrived in front of me.

"My name is Nico di Angelo, and I really don't need, or want any help. I also don't want to talk because i don't like people. So let's get this straight, you can walk me to my classes and give me a tour, but we will not speak, do you understand me?" I said, I was really annoyed.

"Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." He said, I glared at him. "Fine, we don't have to talk, follow me." He sounded kind of sad but honestly at the moment I didn't give a schist. I was annoyed that I had to have a tour and follow this guy around to my classes.

__________TIME SKIP TO LAST CLASS OF THE DAY__________


So I had to take a really antisocial, grumpy, and angry new student around to all of his classes today and give him a tour. Honestly, I was kind of hoping we would talk and maybe become friends throughout the day but he kept to his word and didn't speak to me at all. I had thought that because he was new he would want to make at least one friend but I guess not.

We were sitting outside the gym waiting for Coach Hedge to open the door and let us in so we could go get in the locker rooms and change into gym clothes. When Coach arrived we all rushed in to the locker rooms and get changed. That's when something crazy happened.

A freshman with short black hair and blue eyes, I think his name was James, got cornered by three of the biggest bullies in school. Now these were not just any bullies, they were the worst, they are super homophobic and they torture anyone who isn't straight, when school first started they had bullied me, yes I'm gay by the way, and they usually pick a new target every day, I guess James was today's target. Nobody ever stood up to them because they were the toughest, meanest, and strongest kids in school.

"So James we heard you're gay. You're a disgusting creature. You shouldn't even be alive." Sneered on of them.

That's when everything went crazy, Nico stood up grabbed his backpack, which had several textbooks in it and walked up behind the three bullies.



I was so done with people being bullied because they weren't straight. I grabbed my backpack and walked up behind the bullies.

"Hey, how about you pick on someone your own size and not a kid that is less than half your height, plus three on one just isn't even fair." I said

The entire room was silent. Normally I don't stick up for anyone but myself but I was pissed. I also never liked to be the center of attention but at this point I didn't care, nobody was doing anything about this so I felt like I had to. The bullies turned around and realized that I was only a little bit bigger than the kid they had originally picked as their target.

"I hope you don't mean yourself, pipsqueak. Because that is a really bad idea." Said one of the bullies who hadn't talked yet.

"I'll have you know that I've dealt with people like you before, and they didn't walk away very happy." I said as I glared up at the one in the center.

"Well, if you think you're so tough, prove it." Said the third guy.

That's when I swung my backpack as hard as I could and hit one of them in the stomach. He fell to his knees and coughed, then fell down on his side. The other two were so stunned that they just stood there with their mouths hanging open.

"Well, are you gonna do anything?" I asked with an evil grin on my face.

They decided that they would do something, one of them tried to punch me but he was slow so I dodged and he punched his friend right in the face. I then tripped him and he fell on top of the guy he had just punched. But the first guy was starting to get up now and he was much faster then his friend. He punched me in the side and I stumbled and fell he grabbed my backpack and was about to bring it down on my chest when James kicked him as hard as he could right in the shin.

"Nice one." I said as I started to get up off the ground.

I looked around the room and saw that everyone else had just stared in awe the entire time. The only other person who had moved was James.

"Thanks for saving me." He said. "If you hadn't been here I would have gotten beat to a pulp. But why did you do it, they are going to want revenge on you because of this, you know that right."

At that point I was very nervous because everyone was staring at me. "Yeah, whatever." I said then ran out of the room into the gym.

__________TIME SKIP TO END OF SCHOOL__________


When gym class was over I ran to the bus loop to try and avoid the people who had stared at me as I saved a freshman from being beaten up. Unfortunately Will had chased me.

"Nico, wait up, what you did on the locker room was amazing!" He shouted at me as I stopped to breathe by a column.

When he stopped next to me I just put my headphones in my ears and turned the volume all the way up. But Will had other ideas he pulled my headphones out and continued to talk.

"Nico, you did something no one has done before, you stood up to those assholes. You said you don't like people, why did you do that?"

"Because I'm tired of people being bullied for being gay. I've been bullied for that since I started living in the orphanage that I lived in for so long. At first I didn't fight back, but eventually I did. I stood up for myself." I answered.

"But you just stood up for some kid you don't even know. It was amazing!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, whatever it's not that big of a deal. Now if you don't mind, I would like to stop talking now and listen to my music in peace." I said quietly.

"Fine. But I just want you to know that what you did was really cool." He said then handed me my headphones and walked away.



I was officially determined to get to know Nico. He seemed broken. All I know is that he lived in an orphanage, was gay, and stood up for himself. But also that he stood up for a kid he didn't even know because he was being bullied just like Nico had been bullied. When my bus arrived I was happily surprised to see Nico get on it. Ok so he must live near me, that's good, it will give me more opportunities to get to know him.

I got on the bus and saw Nico sitting in a seat at the very back of the bus, but he wasn't alone, he was sitting next to the girl who my sister had walked around school with, Kayla was sitting in the seat in front of them and talking to her. There was also a boy I recognized as Luke Castellan, my neighbor. And his friend Ethan Nakamura. I went and sat down next to Kayla. Unfortunately Nico was completely ignoring me and was listening to his music while reading a book.

The bus left and we got to our stop. We all got out and Nico, Luke, Ethan, and the girl I didn't know were all walking the same direction, it also happened to be the direction Kayla and I had to go.

"So, Kayla, who's the new girl, the one you walked around school?" I asked.

"That's Hazel, she's Nico's half-sister, apparently they are living next door. Mr. Castellan adopted them over the weekend." She said.

"Ok, cool. Did you learn anything about Nico from talking to Hazel, because he refused to talk basically all day, the only things I know about him are that he's gay and was bullied where they were previously living." I said.

"All she told me about him is that he has had a very, very hard life." She responded.

Hey guys thanks for reading. I know this was an extremely long chapter compared to previous chapters but whatever, I just started writing and this is what I got. I hope you enjoyed.

Also, finally I'm getting to the Solangelo part finally, it has begun!

Have a great day (or night)!

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