Hey Y'all, I've Got (Good) News

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Ok you guys. I know it's been a fat fucking minute since I updated this story. I put it on hiatus because I was losing motivation for it and had motivation to do other things.

But I have good news!

I got motivated for this story again and I know exactly where I want to go with it, and exactly how I'm going to end it. I don't know how long it will be, but I plan on finishing it this year!

My one problem with this is that since I started writing this story my writing has evolved so so much and gotten so so much better.

When I started this story I was honestly just bullshitting my way through it because it was my first attempt at writing something (not school related) EVER. I didn't really ever have an endpoint in mind, I was just trying to get into the writing world by writing a fanfic about my absolute favorite character (from any and all of my fandoms) Nico Di Angelo.

Since my writing style has chamged and my writing in general has gotten so much better than when I first started writing this story (which I loved writing) I want to do it and it's characters justice.

Therefore, my plan for this story is that I will be rewriting everything I already wrote for this story and making it way, way better. I hope that those of you who have read what exists of this story right now will stick with me through the rewrite. I promise you that while a lot of the main points of the story will be the same, the new version will be worlds better, and far more enjoyable to read. There won't be as many plot holes, the dialogue will be more realistic, the characters will all seem more human, and I will be adding a lot to the story which will mean that the chapters will all be longer (probably no shorter than 3000 words since I've been getting chapters between 3000 and 10000 words on most of my other stories).

I have a couple questions for y'all:

1. Are there any characters you want me to focus on more than I did in the original?

2. Are there any characters from the PJO/HOO/TOA universe that you would like me to add to this story when I rewrite it?

3. Would you be interested in having a character contest where y'all would get to "compete" with each other and whoever wins this contest gets to create a character for me to implement into the story?

I've updated this note 3 times now because I keep wanting to add to it lmao.

Anyway, I wanted to give a couple dedications for this new version of Orphaned.
Firstly, I'm dedicating this story to PolkaDotDestroyer because without her book drawing me on to Wattpad I would never have been here in the first place.
Secondly, I'm dedicating this story to Imperfect2442 because they were by far one of the most supportive readers of this book and my other PJO fanfic from the start. Also for being such a supportive friend pretty much since we met here on Wattpad. I love you Reggie ❤️
Lastly, I'm dedicating this story to Athensgeek3  because, just like Reggie, ze was one of my most supportive readers of this book and my other PJO fanfic from the start, and also a very supportive friend since we met on Wattpad. Unfortunately ze seems to have left Wattpad without deleting zeir account, but I still wanna dedicate. I love and miss you Gab ❤️ I hope to see you again soon.

I know y'all have probably all been eagerly awaiting an update for this story, but I'm gonna ask you to just stick this out with me and you'll have a much better time with this story.

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